Picture This!!



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    Thank you ladies. I will get there I think my body is just tired of the all the crap its been through lately. It was good to be in church today. 

    BW the Bears won!! That was great!


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Posts: 7,605

    Gentle hugs Nancy....

  • socallisa
    socallisa Posts: 10,184

    I had a routine ultrasound of my liver today...find out results at the end of the month..It used to be I was in a hurry to 

    find out results, now, not so much

    I just love the color of this rose.


  • Ariom
    Ariom Posts: 4,027

    Beautiful Rose, gorgeous color, Lisa! Good luck with the results of the U/S.

  • Nancy C. Glad you felt like going to church. Hope each day you feel improvement and back to your normal self. Go Bears!

    Lisa, I hope your ultra sound comes back with no problems. Beautiful rose.

  • Heard back from my BS today and got clean margins!! Thank you God!! Now I can start Radiation and get on with things. Feeling better today and less tired. 

    Lisa I love the roses. Hope everyone has a great day and for tonight Go Colts. For the next Bears game go Bears (since they are not playing the Colts)

  • socallisa
    socallisa Posts: 10,184


  • Ariom
    Ariom Posts: 4,027

    Great news ncollett!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Posts: 7,605

    Congrats ncollett!

    LOVE the close up of the rose......can smell it from here!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Posts: 10,184


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    Mt Rainier from Sunrise

  • socallisa
    socallisa Posts: 10,184

    That's spectacular😍

  • socallisa
    socallisa Posts: 10,184


    right now next door.

  • oh! My favorite flower!!?

  • socallisa
    socallisa Posts: 10,184

    My sister in law noticed that may be the Swan has babies in her back feathers. ? Photo is not quite sharp enough. 

  • Nancy C, Great news on the clear margins!!

    Lisa, beautiful flowers. I love the swan too. I think there definitely could be babies there. 

    Love the shot of MT. Rainier!

    I finally got away for long weekend in Maine and took some pics. Here are a couple for now.



    Two Lights at Cape Elizabeth below.


    Sunset view from the hotel at Cape Elizabeth using little fuji zoomed to 70mm.



    This last one shows the lighthouse from the first pic on the far right horizon. Used my 300mm for the other shot to get closeup. This last pic is Portland Head but did not have time to go get a better angle on it. DH and dog waiting in car as I messed around with my tripod!!

    I meant far LEFT horizon. I have a big left right problem LOL! DH sometimes says port and starboard as I tend to understand better!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Posts: 4,027

    What a beautiful place lizzysmom. That lighthouse and the house nearby look like a chocolate box pic!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Posts: 10,184

    lyz I just love those pictures. There is just something about a lighthouse! !!😍😍

  • This is picture of the Courtney fire, in Oakhurst, CA. That's a mountain community just up the road, 45 minutes from us. So many people have lost their homes and their pets, but thankfully, no one has lost their lives. The fire is still only 50% contained, but some of the pictures are stunning. So much beauty amongst so much devastation. This is a shot from across the lake. The fire burned down to the lakeshore, and just before engulfing businesses and homes, was blown back up the hill towards the town. There are many shots like this, but this one made the national news.


  • socallisa
    socallisa Posts: 10,184

    It is ironic  that something so devastating can be so beautiful

  • Marple
    Marple Posts: 10,154

    WOW, what an amazing photo.  What a horrible event though.

  • So beautiful and soooo terrifying!

  • Oh my gosh Blessing that is horrible but an awesome picture! I hope you guys will be ok.  Liz I love the Maine pictures! 

    I am going to go to see my cousing this weekend in Phoenix. I cant wait! We are going to go to Vegas for an overnight trip and then to Sedona and I know she has a lot of other things planned. Then my flight back has a 3 hr delay in Salt Lake UT so I am hoping I can maybe get some shots of some mountains.


    Lake Michigan

  • ncollete - yes, we are safe.

    At first, I thought the picture you posted was taken in Phoenix, then I saw "Lake Michigan"...

    Just be prepared.... because of Hurricane Odile, Phoenix has looked just like this in the past few days!!! Scared

    Hope you have a wonderful trip!

  • Nancy C. sounds like you are doing much better and even going to Vegas. Wow. So glad you are bouncing back and yeah for clean margins. I have not felt great but better today. I saw my doctor for the third time trying to figure my GI issues. All my tests have come back normal or negative so now we are going to do an abdominal ultrasound and check the gallbladder. I am praying all this crud will just fizzle out.

    Lizzysmom, beautiful pics of Maine. So glad you got to get a nice little vacation.

    Lisa, I was looking up about baby swans riding on their mom's back. I had no idea. I bet the swans I watched during radiation had been doing that because the time I first saw the babies to the time I took the initial photos wasn't all that much time. I also bet that is the case with the swan here.

    Blessings. what an amazing photo and such a horrible situation. Hope you stay safe.




  • Here is an online photo of a baby swan riding on Mama's back.





  • Spent a day in the mountains (when I took the photo of Mt Rainier)  Here are a few more for you mountaining pleasure.  :)  All of these pictures were taken in Mt Rainier National Park.  I am SOOOO thankful that our parents and grandparents generations had the forethought to preserve such beauty.  I hope all of the National Parks and Forests are kept preserved for all future generations to enjoy.






  • socallisa
    socallisa Posts: 10,184


  • socallisa
    socallisa Posts: 10,184


  • This is a beautiful picture! Where was this taken?  Thanks for sharing! 


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