Gardening, anyone?



  • WenchLori
    WenchLori Member Posts: 1,027

    Thank you Gardennerd, I like the idea of the wooden spoons. They bring back so many childhood memories. Except those days when the spoon was used on one of our butts!

    Jazzy, I love your new planter. Beautiful!

  • gardennerd
    gardennerd Member Posts: 170

    Jazzygirl - nice grouping of succulents. Very pretty.

  • 6feetover
    6feetover Member Posts: 97

    Over the weekend, DH and I hand-dug and tilled a 10'x10'-ish garden plot. I'll be recovering all this week, haha! But it's totally worth it. DH posted a request on Arsebook to borrow a tiller and no one came through. Our little house is a historic property from 1888, so we reasoned that we'd just have to do our garden 1888-style (i.e., with sweat and elbow grease). LOL! We started a bunch of goodies indoors, and they're getting out of control. I can't wait to start planting! I'll post a pic when the plants are in... Happy

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,858

    Glad I haven't planted anything yet. Temps are supposed to get near frost threat levels tonight.

  • WenchLori
    WenchLori Member Posts: 1,027

    imageM0mmy, I'm glad I did the straw bale garden. Now all I have to do is cover the bales with plastic or frost blankets. The heat from the bales will keep my babies nice and warm. It's supposed to be cold here the next few days too so I'll just leave them covered. A lot of rain is on it's way again! Once the temps return to 65 or higher I can take the covers off.

  • Heidibird
    Heidibird Member Posts: 169

    I have been enjoying the pictures and updates. Keep them coming! I am glad you posted more straw bale picture, Wench, because I was going to ask about them. i would love to see the plants' progression. Jazzy, those succulents are gorgeous. I bought a few this year and made a miniature gnome (as opposed to fairy )garden with them, It makes me smile when I walk out the door and see them.

    My garden markers are strips of venitian(sp) blinds that I cut up. They look horrible but give me plenty of room to p

    ut on a name and even the date planted.

    I planted 18 out of my 29 pepper plants last night after coming home from work and cooking dinner. I am exhausted. Ugh. Tonight I will get the rest of them in and then maybe this weekend plant a few spaghetti squash seeds as well as a couple hills of watermelon and cantaloupe. I have a blueberry and a kiwi plant that need to go in the ground. I think I will plant them in my grape area where I only have 2 plants that have survived. Then I have a few flowers that need to go in my bed but I think I want DH to cut down the scraggly back to its root stock rose bush down first.

    No word yet on when my new shed will be in. :-(

    Baby pluots


    Pink lady Apple


    Peach-fruit moths already claiming territoryimage

    Clematis...darn thing is blooming on the back side of the fence so no one can enjoy it from the street :-(


  • WenchLori
    WenchLori Member Posts: 1,027

    Beautiful pictures Heidi. I'll get pictures of my growing veggies when the rain stops... if it ever stops lol

  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Member Posts: 2,703

    Jazzy your succulent arrangement..they are my favourite plants of all !!

    Hiedi ..your fruit trees are looking great !! Your clematis looks very pretty neighbour has two beautiful bougainvilleas that flower constantly nearly all year .They both hang over my fence and give me daily joy , but they have to come into my yard to admire them ☺

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,953

    We have 2 rugosa roses that only bloom on our neighbor's side. I think we should just take them out and put something else there. Or just let the raspberry buses wander down the fence to their spots.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,993

    Thank you everyone for the compliments on the succulent planter. Time for bed but keep the awesome pictures coming!

  • WenchLori
    WenchLori Member Posts: 1,027

    Ho-hum, I hate the cold and rainy weather we're having after a few weeks of perfect weather. I don't even want to get out of bed. I'm sure I'll be complaining about the heat in no time. I used to be able to be out in the Texas heat 9 to 12 hours a day with no problem when I was a stable manager but not anymore. Anyone else notice not being heat tolerant after diagnosis and treatments? Bummer

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,858

    I have noticed that I can't take the heat very well since having treatment. It's gotten so bad that when it's really warm, I try to get all my housework done early so I can hide in the house

  • gardennerd
    gardennerd Member Posts: 170

    We live in the south. I've noticed just getting older that the heat wears on me more. l love the outdoors though, so I just make adjustments to when I can be outside. Early morning is my favorite. Afternoon the bugs are out more.

    Maybe shorter time periods outside might work for you, Mommyof2

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,858

    It usually does unless it gets really humid too

  • ananda8
    ananda8 Member Posts: 1,418

    More rain today.  Between the two rain storms, I managed to pull all the weeds from a large circular planting area around one of my large oaks.  This new storm is doing good things for the new plants.  Of course weeds are coming back to the planting areas I did 3 weeks ago.  We all know that "Gardening is a job forever."

  • WenchLori
    WenchLori Member Posts: 1,027

    Ananda, we've gotten another inch or 2 over the past 24 hours. My yard looks wonderful! The grass is finally overtaking the moss. The moss is nice as I don't have to mow it but I like the look of grass better :-)

  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Member Posts: 2,703

    This last summer really got to me heat wise ..but this year's was particularly long and hot ..I was definately trying to do my gardening early mornings , are towards evening ..and if I had to go out in the day choose the areas in the shade to work in ..

  • WenchLori
    WenchLori Member Posts: 1,027

    I was just thinking that I was glad DH cut that big tree down causing so much shade over my garden but now I'm going to miss its shade while I'm out in the garden. Shade with less vigorous plant/veggie growth or big producing plants? I'll take the later

  • Heidibird
    Heidibird Member Posts: 169

    I had to laugh at the fact that several of us have plants that are being enjoyed on the "wrong" side of the fence.

    I didn't get a chance to plant last night as the wind gusts were 30 to 35 mph. Ugh. Despite the fact that I am fluffy it makes it hard for me to move around in that wind. The plants sure don't like it. It was almost a good thing though as I would have to hoe the garden now as the grass is deciding to come up nicely again with the wonderful rains we have had. DH told me last night he would till it again instead saving me the work. An unexpected rain dumped on us about midnight so I have a feeling the planting will wait again until the weekend.

    I agree that the heat wears me out easier since the treatments. I can't do much in the a.m. as I am at work so I rush to get things done in the evening and still give myself time to relax. I have to know my own limits and I don't want to tire myself out so much that there is no energy for dancing!

    Some of you have mentioned how good your spouses or significant others have been through this journey. Mine is the same way although at times I didn't want to hear "Whatever you want dear." When I was first diagnosed and heard that it made me think he was trying to appease me because I might not be around much longer. Now I know that isn't what he meant but my mind was warped that way in the beginning. I would love to treat my husband to a new zero turn mower but he keeps saying he doesn't need it. I can't reach the peddles on the regular riding mower so the zero turn would allow me to help sometime. Maybe some day.....


  • Bluebird-DE
    Bluebird-DE Member Posts: 1,233

    Still not able to get in garden, too weak. Just finished light radz and was taken off Ibrance since WBC dropped to 1.8. So cannot go out in the cold now.

    In NW Indiana, unseasonably challenging for gardeners. But this would be good weather to pull weeds since cool cold even and rainy. We used the coconut plant hangers from last season and placed birdseed in them and lined them along the deck rail so I can see from office window. Right now there is one piney (boo) and one chippy, two nuthatch, two tufted titmouse, a male and female rose-breasted grosbeak and a few bluejays. Robins on the ground. Chives, thyme and he shi ho (or something like that lol) perennial onions are growing and some hollyhocks all from last year. My garden is waiting for me.

    Was looking at a 4-wheeler scooter today.

    So cold and rainy that very few seeds would sprout in this. Spinach, peas. By March 1st, I used to have the garden half planted and completely planned for the season. Though plans of mice and men, seldom did they get followed. 12 tomatoes only would turn to 20 that had to come home with me and have to fit.

    I have a basket on my cupboard that is full of last year seeds and I think today I will get it out. And last year my garden jumper got coated in tiny burrs so have to scrape them off.

    Here's a pic of last summer's loaded patty pan squash. And I love all the posts and pics, even if I don't share often.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,993

    Not my photo, off FB but still, had to share


  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,858

    Never in a million years did I ever think I would have ever have to mow our lawn. Hubby had always taken care of it ever since we moved into our house. That all changed last year when he had a broken wrist. He taught me how to start the mower and how to use it. The only thing that he did was put the gas in it. Thankfully our lawn isn't massive and I could get it done in 30 minutes.

  • ananda8
    ananda8 Member Posts: 1,418

    Heidi, My husband loves his zero turn mower.  He has serious back problems and this mower cuts an hour off his mow time. He loves it.  Because of his back, mowing is all he can do besides some light tree trimming.  He was dreading our old riding mower.  I'm glad the transmission of the old mower finally gave out so we had an excuse to buy the zero turn. :)

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,858

    We have a push mower and it was really easy to run. Never thought it would have been a great workout, but it was

  • WenchLori
    WenchLori Member Posts: 1,027

    Heidi, I'd love to have a zero turn mower but Sporty runs so quietly and turns really well around the trees. I forgot the turn ratio was much better than our old mower and almost ran into one of the trees.

    One of the biggest things that I hate so much about gardening out here in the boonies. Ticks! I missed one last night and found it just munching away on me this morning! They are so gross!!! I'll call my PCP tomorrow and ask for an antibiotic just in case. He knows the drill very well unfortunately gggrrrrr!

  • gardennerd
    gardennerd Member Posts: 170

    Bluebird - love the patty pan squash pic. How do you cook? I'm only familiar with the crooked neck. I picked up a couple squash plants the other day that are small round like baseballs. I don't remember the name. But I like to experiment, so thought I'd try.

    Jazzygirl - that's a beautiful picture, thanks for sharing. We have a game camera we take pics of deer we feed on a property we have. Hubby no longer hunts (thank goodness) so he jokes about the only shooting he does is with a camera.

    WenchLori - understand about the ticks. Ours are rather seasonal. We live amongst the oaks and feed the wildlife. So its my belief we have them mostly because of all the squirrels. Most of the time we catch them before they take a bite.

  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Member Posts: 2,703

    Jazzy ..Thanks for sharing ..what a beautiful picture ..!! It really is too cute !

  • ananda8
    ananda8 Member Posts: 1,418

    WenchLori, I am with you on ticks.  I've had Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever which is fairly common in the Ozarks.  No fun.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,858

    Rain today, yuck! Hubby won't be able to cut the grass until either tomorrow or Sunday!

  • WenchLori
    WenchLori Member Posts: 1,027

    Bluebird, what a beautiful squash picture. I love baked patty pan squash. Picture perfect!

    Jazzy, such a wonderful picture so much color and a fawn as a symbol of new life. Just beautiful!

    M0mmy, we've been having rain all this past week with more coming today and tomorrow. My rain gauge says we've gotten over 5" so far. The ground is totally saturated and our pond hasn't been this high ever. I'm thankful that there is an outlet drain at the far end for the water to run out into a creek or we wouldn't be able to cross our small bridge to get out. Our Bald Cyprus is in heaven! Sunday is supposed to be sunny but still chilly, then a return to Spring later next week. I wonder how much growth my veggie plants have done since I covered them all up a few days ago? Maybe the rain will let up so I can go take a peek today?

    Ananda, I'm glad you were able to catch the Ricky Mountains Spotted Fever early as it's pretty nasty stuff! So many people die from it every year. :-(

    Gardennerd, the ricks here this year are very tiny. They look like tiny freckles. I had my hubby go over my whole body with a magnifying glass to make sure there wasn't any others. I'll have to start rinsing off after every trip to my garden as that's where I see them the most. I'll have to check into some bug spray that helps with ticks and spray the ground around my bales. There has to be something out there. The mosquito and tick repellent I'm using obviously isn't working.

    I have the dish guy coming this morning. Our DVR failed and we've lost all of our recordings from last year. I asked if there was something they could do for our inconvenience? They said sure, we'll give you HBO and Cinimax for $10 a month for 6 months. I said no thanks, I'm not paying you for my inconvenience! Some people!!