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  • LiveLoveLaugh2020
    LiveLoveLaugh2020 Member Posts: 173

    PMML so sorry you are having to deal with all of this. It's terrible that you don't really have anyone to lean on especially during a time like this.

    Vent all you need. We'll be here to listen and offer support as best we can.

  • jrnj
    jrnj Member Posts: 408

    Pmml, I would get rid of mine if I could but afraid of what you are going through. Daddy’s place is better...... so sorry. My 14 yo boy was the sweetest and now he’s rude and disrespectful mean and everything I do is wrong. It’s a phase, hopefully lol. They will appreciate you some day.

  • jaycee49
    jaycee49 Member Posts: 1,264

    Mine is 35. Appreciate? Tolerate is more like it.

  • alicebastable
    alicebastable Member Posts: 1,962

    Got a string of texts last night from my sister, who at 74 FINALLY got a mammogram. She wanted all kinds of sympathy for how HARD it was for her because she's gained a little weight in her midriff and some got pinched, and she wears GLASSES so they were in the way. When I pointed out that I'm considerably larger than she is, and I also wear glasses, she got snippy. I explained that the techs deal with people of all body sizes and who wear all shapes of glasses, and she got madder because, don't ya know, she's so much more SPECIAL than anyone who's ever had a mammogram. I think she was whining to the wrong person. If she has questionable results, THEN I'll get out my sympathy cap.

  • SuQu31
    SuQu31 Member Posts: 73

    Good Grief, Alice! She said all that to you, after all you've been through? Unbelievable. But yet, believable. My mother was the same way. Whatever happened to you or someone else, it was worse for her. It's not hard to understand why people try to “beat" you by their life being better than yours (although it's just as annoying), but I've never understood why people fight for their mammogram, marriage, heck, even their food to be worse. Mystifying.

  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Member Posts: 4,758

    Or are dumb and won't get a mammogram even after a family member has cancer. My sis-in-law still refuses to get one because she thinks it will hurt because she is big chested. I can't convince her it is not all that bad but she just won't listen.

  • Artista928
    Artista928 Member Posts: 1,458

    Idiots buying up tp like it's never going to come back again. News of elderly crying afraid to go in the madhouse and then not getting what they need is heartbreaking.

    Idiots not helping the elderly and disabled who are obviously struggling to get their supplies.

  • alicebastable
    alicebastable Member Posts: 1,962

    My sister (four years older than I am) and I had an aunt who died from breast cancer, a grandmother who died from uterine cancer, and our mother had breast cancer (but recovered). Plus there's my smorgasbord of cancers. But the sister has whined for years that a mammogram would huuurt. Her chesticles are considerably smaller than mine. I did snap at her once, "They don't hurt as much as having part or all of your breast hacked off!" And this is a woman who thinks she knows more than anyone in the medical field. 🙄

    Gotta admit, I'm kind of enjoying snapping back at her!

  • alicebastable
    alicebastable Member Posts: 1,962


    It's situations like this that show people's true selves. And with social media, they will be permanently shamed.

  • edj3
    edj3 Member Posts: 1,579

    I'm so frustrated and angry with a friend of mine. She has a ton of breast cancer history in her family (mother's had it at least twice, etc.) but wouldn't get a mammogram because she didn't want to know if she had cancer. This has been going on since I've known her, some 10 years now.

    She finally got a mammogram a few weeks ago and was called back for the diagnostic mammos. And is angry because the tech at the first mammogram told her she should have done this 10 years ago. OMG yes she should have! But no, she's so upset about being guilted, as she described it. I told her it's not about guilting, it's about taking CARE of herself so she's around for her two daughters who are the light of her life.

  • ShetlandPony
    ShetlandPony Member Posts: 3,063

    But what good does it do for the tech to scold her about the past which cannot be changed? She obviously has an issue about this. If they make it worse for her she might bolt. She is there now for the mammo. The tech should hold her tongue.

  • peregrinelady
    peregrinelady Member Posts: 416
    I was shocked to hear that women I work with felt the same way even after seeing what I went through. They don’t want to know. On the other hand, some women have told me that they went and got a mammogram because of me.
  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,603

    I agree with Shetland, it is not the tech's job to comment that she should have come 10 years ago. It will probably ensure she won't go in the future. She probably doesn't want to know out of fear of the family history

    I agree given her history she should be checking regularly BUT do not agree with how it was handled by the tech. She will be MORE resistant to testing now.

  • Artista928
    Artista928 Member Posts: 1,458

    @alicebastable The media is now inline with what the WH is saying. Many people who were in the nothing to worry about camp are concerned now. They all say don't panic, don't hoard, etc.

  • edj3
    edj3 Member Posts: 1,579

    I suspect the tech didn't scold her. I think she's probably that fearful and interpreted it that way. While I don't understand sticking your head in the sand and not getting checked, it's her body. But when she talks about wanting to be there for her daughters, well her actions aren't in line with what she's saying.

  • LoriCA
    LoriCA Member Posts: 671

    ctmbsikia thanks for asking about me when you have more than your fair share on your plate! Virtual hugs to you (from a safe distance haha). I've actually been avoiding this thread because life has thrown me a few extra curveballs this past month and I'm trying to stay in a place of peace and positivity. I'm trying hard to not rant and cry and complain, but my husband says I've been yelling in my sleep around 2-3am every night for a couple weeks now, and I told him it's probably all this stress. I've been self-isolated for 3 weeks now because my WBC tanked, which has made all of the problems even more challenging to deal with it and it just seems like it's been one thing after another this month. I'm hoping to see a small rebound in my WBC when I get labs and chemo tomorrow because right now my husband is afraid to even hug me when he comes home at night because he's been around people all day, we live in a hotspot, and I have no immune system.

    I really hope they will prescribe your husband gabapentin or Lyrica for the neuropathy . Nerve pain is no joke, mine will keep me up all night if I don't stay on top of it. It's unbelievably painful. Only pain meds specifically designed to work on nerve pain will help. We increased my dosage again 3 weeks ago, my oncologist laughs at me because I always try to hold off too long on increasing dosage (or agreeing to take any new med), but the increase really helped and I can sleep again. Well, except for the yelling in the middle of the night apparently hahaha!

    As someone who has a lot of experience with opioids and constipation, the best advice I can give is that you have to be proactive about it, don't wait until you're (him) constipated, take it every day without fail before it's a problem. It took trying many different products before I found the one that worked for me. At the time I was on gabapentin, morphine, and fentanyl, plus chemo. I tried everything and combinations of everything. For me only Senekot S would work reliably and it completely resolved the problem. So if one doesn't work after 2 days, try another one. My Dad had constipation so bad from his meds a few months ago that he actually passed out and had to be taken to the hospital to have it taken care of. That's a situation I'd want to avoid at all costs!

    Waves and hugs to everyone else. Don't mean to ignore anyone, just don't have the mental bandwidth right now.

  • farmerlucy
    farmerlucy Member Posts: 596

    OMG. This CV stuff is getting ridiculous. DD is an ER nurse at our local hospital. They have absolutely no tests. None, nada, zero. Only thing they can tell people is to self quarantine. Yet every player on the OKC home and away NBA team, every state senator and every staff, and many famous people weretested. It like a third world country.To top it off they are running out of respiratory swabs. Waaaaaaa

  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Member Posts: 4,758

    Oh brother!!! That is crazy!!! Where in OK are you? A smaller town? Every place with a hospital should have supplies.

  • farmerlucy
    farmerlucy Member Posts: 596

    Norman! Suburb of OKC.

  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Member Posts: 4,758

    Yep you definitely should have them there!!! Crazy!!! We lived in Lawton for years and my mom was in OKC for years before we transplanted here to virus world. Two deaths now in Colorado. 4 cases in our county. We are on lock down at our house at this point since DH is transplant patient.

  • ctmbsikia
    ctmbsikia Member Posts: 776

    Hi Lori ! I'm so sorry you are having such a time yet still reach out to help me! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!


    Husband did much better this last cycle than the prior one. We wrote everything down for almost 2 weeks what he had taken and when. Senekot S is a dream. Feel adding a laxative on the really bad days will help next time. We have an appointment tomorrow, and looking in his portal they do have his next cycle scheduled and ready to go next week. His platelets were @ 54 last week, hope they have also recovered. Will find out tomorrow. WBC is OK. His spirits are OK, not great. He has been out and about (working not around too many people). Just a few days, otherwise he has been home.

    I have been working remotely since Monday. Our daughter came home yesterday. She's a teacher and not working, well she's also remote. On my first remote day, hubs was taking a nap and I never felt so isolated and alone. It about broke me, so I'm glad she's here. I need her. The wifi is holding up with all the devices and Netflix. We have enough food to feed an army, I almost feel guilty. We are not hoarders, but my husband was one of 7 siblings with an alcoholic father so as a kid there was lots of moving, and at times there was no money and no food. He needs to know there is plenty. He worked today (not around people), and collected a check for a job he completed before his last cycle. I'm sure it makes him feel good that he is still providing for the household. His first SSDI check comes in May! LOL.

    What a surreal time to be fighting cancer and now we have a novel virus to deal with!! Maybe we'll be the smart ones in the end as we are already in touch with our own mortality. Cancer, virus, bus, we all need to be at peace that we're not going to be here forever. Many, many prayers to all of you. When they say, and "this too shall pass" I'm like-shit just pass me already!!! Jesus! Whatever you want. Stay here, go to eternal life-see some other loved ones. Doesn't matter to me, anymore!!!!! I know I don't control a f'ng thing in that regard.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,866

    So ticked off! Went to the store for a few essentials and saw people who are obviously healthy and their children wearing face masks! I wanted to walk right up to them and yell “how dare you be so selfish, panic buying those things when people I know who are in the healthcare field are having a hard time getting them for their own protection while dealing with sick people!” On top of it, my allergies have been acting up and every time I cough or sneeze and are covering it like we have been told, and we are out just getting something needed, I get glared at! It happened last night again and I glared right back at the offending and snapped “allergies, deal with it!”

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,603

    Mommyof2, I agree with you about the face masks. I do think that people should now leave the face masks for the health care workers since there is a shortage. My country is experiencing a shortage too. I hate the panic buying but stores seem to be starting to rally. I hope Walmart hires the extra people, not to put them in danger but just to help with getting stocked up at night when not opened so that people will not panic buy. There is no need. Limits will need to placed on how many items people can have too. The online stores should hire more people for shipping as well as they don't have what people are looking for.

    I saw the most karmic video when this asshole who bought up sanitizers and masks was stuck with a huge amount of stock in his garage because he was no longer allowed to sell them. Apparently he will donate them somewhere. He should have also been charged with profiteering as well.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,866

    Stores here are limiting certain things like cleaning products (if you can find them) and paper products to a limit of 2 per purchase.

  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Member Posts: 4,758

    Talked to my Dad in El Paso and there was a limit of 2 packages of hamburger at the military commissary he said. We went shopping and there were people stationed at each end of the aisle to make sure no one bought too much. You were allowed ONE item. Either paper towels, napkins, or toilet paper. You could not get both napkins and paper towels so we got the paper towels since it can double as a napkin if needed. They just cannot get the supplies on the shelves.

  • edj3
    edj3 Member Posts: 1,579

    We made the switch about 10 years ago to cloth napkins and dish cloths where possible instead of paper towel and I'm so glad. Regrettably I have cats who puke and so the paper towel is still a necessity. But not as much as it used to be.

    I've also reluctantly come to the realization that I need to pay attention to the early shopping hour for people with risk factors. I have several so even though I run and I'm fit, that doesn't mean COVID 19 won't lay me low. I've got reactive airway disease, so I need to not play around.

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    people with face masks might be immunocompromised though. You cannot tell if they have asthma or lupus or diabetes or rheumatoid arthritis or had an organ transplant .... or cancer. It's often an invisible issue and far more people are at high-risk for covid than we realize.

    The shortages in the health care system are poor planning and lack of pandemic preparedness. I don't blame people for taking whatever steps they feel they need for their safety. I blame gov't for lack of foresight and leadership.

    I will now wear one outside and if someone started yelling at me I would be yelling back (from 2 m away of course)

  • ShetlandPony
    ShetlandPony Member Posts: 3,063

    Yes, people should not be quick to judge. We stage iv folks often find that people assume we are 100% ok because we “look good”. If my adult kid goes to the store for me they are darn well going to wear a mask, partly to protect me. And don’t assume I hoarded masks. It’s one I was given when my port was accessed (sterile procedure) by a nurse, and I saved it instead of throwing it away.

  • edj3
    edj3 Member Posts: 1,579

    Agree w/ you ShetlandPony--I look fine, I'm fit etc. but yeah you'd never know looking at me that I have reactive airway disease.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,182

    moth and Shetland- Thank you for your comments. I will continue to wear a mask when going out. And if anyone says anything they will get an earful. I am Stage 4 and immunocompromised from the treatments, but I "look good".