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  • Yogatyme
    Yogatyme Member Posts: 1,793

    I cannot believe we have governors who still have not ordered stay at home. A friends family is in Nebraska and her dad (age 81) is hospitalized with covid-19 and the rest of her family is in quarantine. Missouri had a 600% increase in cases in one week.....still no stay at home order by governor. Stupid people in NC whined that our governor was overreacting when he ordered stay at home b/c we only had 900 cases at the time. I think they must have slept through math and science classes. Our neighbors (both in late 60’s) will absolutely NOT stay home. They moved here from FL, so I guess they think they can follow DeSantas lack of action. Our lack of action early on is criminal

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,603

    We have been under isolation with non essential places closed for almost 2 weeks. No word on when things will open.

    In Canada we have so far. We are expecting our peak within the next couple of days. In my province, we are not allowed to gather in more than 5 person groups. It is expected, where possible, only one person go in and shop to limit spread. There is some hoarding but not crazy. Just the usual TP, rubbing alcohol. I did get some Lysol wipes at my grocery store to wipe things down. Never use shopping carts anyway and wear a scarf over nose and mouth. Not going to take surgical type masks away from health care since they would look after me when sick. Though the scarf is not fully effective, it still would be better than nothing and unless it is raining, I am always in sunglasses anyway. I don't wear a mask outside. I believe US is being encourage to wear masks all the time, we are told not to bother, just wash hands. I think that in a store, I would choose the scarf because I can breathe. I have an old mask from my cancer clinic that my SIL gave me.







  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,603

    Our country has been in lockdown for almost two weeks. No border crossings except essential which makes sense. We are waiting to hit our peak sometime within the next couple of weeks. It has not been superbad here yet. First number is number of cases, 2nd one are those who have recovered, third are those who have died. They may be low, but no one should take this lightly, those neighbours of yours are foolish. Number one, if they get it, they will spread it and possibly die.

    Leaders in various states are foolish not to bite the bullet and issue stay at home. Those states will look a lot like italy due to that and spend longer having to isolate.

    If they don't see it is getting bad in NY, Michigan and wherever else, they are blind.




  • peregrinelady
    peregrinelady Member Posts: 416
    I need your opinions. Am I justified to be upset that one of my good friends chose to travel to another state to visit her grandkids when we are under a stay at home order? She had this planned for spring break and was not going to change her plans evidently. I haven’t talked to her about it, just saw the pics on FB. We had one case in our county and the county she went to doesn’t have any so far, but the state does. I think it is ultimate selfishness but I can see her defending herself by saying she didn’t have symptoms and neither did the family she visited. ( Even though we all know you can spread it with no symptoms.) It makes me wonder how many other people traveled over spring break because they didn’t t want to change their plans. This is the same woman whose daughter took her kids on a play date at the park the day after schools were closed. And she is a nurse!
  • ctmbsikia
    ctmbsikia Member Posts: 776

    I think without a federally ordered quarantine which will not happen, it's too hard to enforce, especially in the big cities, people will and are obviously ignoring state and local stay at home orders. Yeah, they're stupid and there is no cure for stupid people. Sometimes it's the smartest folks that lack common sense.

    Afraid we are in for a rough ride everywhere. Even bum F Nebraska! Not that I have anything against that great state!

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Member Posts: 3,534

    Peregrinelady - It is infuriating. I'm in Montreal, and we have multiple outbreaks due to events people couldn't bear to cancel. Having no symptoms is not justification when we know you can be a carrier. It's best to assume everyone has it.

  • peregrinelady
    peregrinelady Member Posts: 416
    I guess it is going to take people dying in our areas for people to get this. Of course, it won’t be the carriers, it will be the people they infected. So frustrating and sad.
  • jaycee49
    jaycee49 Member Posts: 1,264

    Americans and people in other developed countries are spoiled. Entitled. They are used to doing what they want when they want. There are going to be some very hard lessons learned here.

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,068

    Alicebasable: More infectious disease specialists are rethinking the "masks aren't necessary if you are not sick" statement. It may not be necessary, or maybe not all that helpful, but I wouldn't call the suggestion absolute bullshit. If you are a carrier and not know it you are at least protecting those around you when you go shopping. It falls under "and do no harm" .

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,346


    The US is not encouraging people to wear masks at all times. In the last few days there have been discussions, among public health officials and other infectious disease experts about whether people should mask or not. However, in these discussions they are very clear that the average person, should they choose to mask, does not need an N95 mask. They have emphasized that N95 masks must be available for medical personnel, first responders etc. A cloth mask or those typically found in doctors offices are considered sufficient for those who choose to mask. The idea behind this is to prevent you from spreading your germs 🦠, not to protect you from the germs of others (that's what N95's do). The messaging is still very mixed, but if it comforts people to wear a mask and if you are not impinging on the supply of N95's, then you can mask.

    I recently discovered 5 unused, but dusty, N95 masks buried in my garage. The local hospital wouldn't take them but a friend of my younger dd is an EMT with Santa Clara County (high infection rate). She said she had been using the same N95 for days and happily took the 5 I had. My dd dropped them off at her mother's house and her mom was so happy that she cried. Ms.EMT is her only child and I know she is terrified. It really is shocking to now that our county EMT's are so desperate for protective supplies. I also have about 15 of the typical disposable masks leftover from the chemo I never had. I'll hang on to those in case my family needs them. My daughters have virtually locked me in my house! Very sweet and caring and I've been able to sit out on my patio and take neighborhood walks. We just do what we have to do

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,068

    To all: Dr. Scott Gottlieb, former commissioner of the US Food and Drug Administration, wrote in a Twitter post on Sunday that a recommendation from the CDC "for consumers to wear cotton masks (with guidelines on how to fashion these products from household items) can improve safety and reduce spread and not strain the hospital supply chain."

    Also on Twitter, Tom Inglesby, director of Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, wrote in a thread on Sunday that "members of the general public should wear non-medical fabric masks when going out in public in one additional societal effort to slow the spread of the virus down."

    There is also much out there, not on Twitter.......

    Keep safe everyone and if you made a DYI mask maybe post a pic.

  • bennybear
    bennybear Member Posts: 245

    only girl it sucks for sure! I went through this two years ago, and it is always with you. It's ok to be angry, it will get better! But be angry it's okay and healthy as you need to grieve your loss! Hugs!

    Yogatyme, I get it, so many people don't seem to understand. I ended up having surgery three weeks ago for another cancer so feel super vulnerable right now. When I try to go for a walk, so many peopl will not respect the two metre rule that it really frightens me am I am getting very pissed off!

    Stay safe everyone!

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,346

    Elderberry, the problem is that there is still disagreement over whether we should mask or not! Some health care professionals and agencies say we should, others say it’s not necessary. I do wish there’d be a a single clear directive. When I took my walk today, on a normally busy street, I wore a mask for the first time. Though I saw few people out, of the handful I saw only two others were masked.

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Member Posts: 3,534

    It's an optimization issue. There's a pandemic with a high transmission rate even when asymptomatic and a relatively high hospitalization rate. There's a shortage of tests, PPE, and hospital beds. There's no test to determine who now may have immunity. The pandemic is spreading, but without testing, you can't know where it's spread. So we need to assume everyone we encounter is infected and should wear a mask. But there aren't enough masks for everyone. We need the healthcare workers to have their PPE because they are essential to our survival. We have a limited supply of them, and they can't be replaced easily. We should leave medical grade masks for them and rely on homemade ones or Etsy even. I may just use a Buff from my chemo days. The more we cover up, the more others will.

    The rest of us may be carriers. The best thing we can do is limit our exposure to others and also limit our need for medical services. No ladders, no trampolines, no hiking trails even. Don't start a new exercise program if there's a disclaimer to ask your doctor first.

    Gotta dig up those Buffs.

  • alicebastable
    alicebastable Member Posts: 1,962


    Please re-read my post. I did not say that the content of your post was inaccurate. I said that without links and citations, there is no way to know if ANYTHING that's posted is accurate or not. I've had friends sending me stuff all morning about the virus. If it's not originally from WHO, CDC, or on official letterhead of an epidemiologist, I'm not buying it. I spent too many years fact-checking (in a different field) to stop now.

  • ctmbsikia
    ctmbsikia Member Posts: 776

    From the start of this it's been misinformation and good information. You know China is not being 100% truthful. What folks need to remember is this hasn't happened here since 1918. I feel we were caught behind the 8 ball and the US is basically flying by the seat of their pants here. I am not looking to blame anyone, I am looking to survive! Corona has been in existence for awhile, just not this one. It's new. Look how long it took researchers and clinical trials to get us better cancer treatments. We will learn from this and there will be a vaccine. It's called a learning curve. Somehow that all got lost with the flattening of the curve!! Quite possible there will be a new normal in our society. I envision plexiglass partitions and such. And yes, I agree that you should assume someone can be an asymptomatic carrier that is spreading this without knowing. THEY are the ones that should be wearing masks in public. So since we don't know, because not everyone is tested, if you feel safer wearing a mask, then wear the damn mask!

    I also don't always believe MSM (main stream media). Just last week there were at least 2 or 3 NYC hospitals that said they had enough PPE for their staff for 2 weeks. This gives the feds time to get the orders out to them from the stockpile. I also envision that this country has a shitload of stockpile. Part of the problem is people like our President shooting off at the mouth--he simply doesn't understand that on a normal day orders to refill the equipment is maybe 20k or 30K but under a pandemic it is 100K. For him to say someone better check that-it might be going out the back door, was probably the most assinine thing I've ever heard come out of his mouth. I have to forgive him, he has a personality disorder and I would not want to be in his shoes right now. He may save face, he may not. Again, I just want to survive this, keep my job, and get to the new normal. Whatever that is.

    I truly feel for those of you more affected than I. Anyone that is a health care worker, I want to thank you!!! I am staying home (w/hubby) using our common sense to stay safe and well.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,603

    I wear a mask when I am indoors getting groceries or on bus and take it off outdoors. It is too hot for me to leave on the whole time. I still have a hand sanitizer before everyone went crazy for them so I can sanitize them before and after when handling the mask. It is not an N95 mask, simply an old paper mask with wire from cancer clinic that my SIL covered in fabric. I do shop during the first hour a place is open too. Going to Walmart for 700 am tomorrow. Fewer people will be there at that time.

    I agree, the information we all receive can be recommended one day and change the next. As long as medical people have the heavy duty masks available, that is what matters to me. Lots of places in my city are making PPE since they cannot be open. Making sure we don't have a shortage once our peak hits.

  • LoriCA
    LoriCA Member Posts: 671

    It was the WHO who stated in January that there was NO EVIDENCE of human to human transmission. Anyone who was paying attention could tell that there had to be community transmission for China's numbers to grow the way they were growing (and they weren't even the true numbers). If WHO is considered the "expert", I figure that must be what Trump was relying on when he said that we would go from 15 cases to zero after he banned flights from China in January. :/

    I'm grateful that I follow a lot of doctors with medtwitter and have been getting my information from the REAL infectious disease experts around the world ever since this whole fiasco started, so I feel that my (accurate) knowledge level has been ahead of the curve. I listen to the doctors, not the politicians or the news media. My husband kept thinking I was overreacting all February when I kept telling him how bad this was going to hit us. Nobody took it seriously until March.

    Plenty of people to be angry with on both sides of the fence because balls were dropped all over the place, but I'm trying to stay focused on moving forward. I'm on IV chemo and this is not a fun time to be in active treatment, so I'm trying hard to not let myself get caught up in negative energy.

    With regard to masks - I had read an article that said that it was originally thought that COVID-19 was a flu virus, and masks aren't usually recommended for flu viruses (handwashing is the primary recommendation for flu). It wasn't until they were able to dig in to the genomic data that it was discovered that it's actually a SARS-type virus, which masks can help from spreading (the disease is COVID-19 but the virus itself is SARS-CoV-2). Several countries outside of Asia are now requiring people to wear masks, and will fine people for not wearing one. I know that at least one California county issued guidance today about wearing masks in public (Riverside). I watched the LA County daily press conference and they expected to issue guidance any day, which means my county will soon follow. Haven't checked with my friends in the Bay area yet but I'd expect them to issue guidance as well. If LA and the Bay area are doing it, Newsome will soon require for entire state if the pattern holds true. We were the first state to lock down and we'll probably be the first state to require wearing masks haha!

    There are plenty of easy patterns posted on the internet to make homemade masks, either surgical-style with or without pleats or my preferred Fu style mask for a better fit (I have a small face/head, the surgical mask patterns hang down to my neck and leave large gaps at the side of my face). Fabric stores here do curbside delivery (essential service because they have the supplies and are coordinating delivery of masks for HCW), and many have all the mask supplies ready to go. For anyone who wants scientific information on the best materials to use, this study is the one I see cited often (even though it's a flu study). Although it doesn't provide the highest level of filtration, 100% cotton is the recommendation when they factor in breathability. I've seen a few people using vacuum cleaner bags as filters because it has a high level of filtration, but the study notes that it is very difficult to breath through and not recommended. That's what happens when people only look at the pictures (charts) and don't read the entire study. ;)

    Stay well and healthy everyone!

  • runor
    runor Member Posts: 1,615

    Elderberry, all over BC and other provinces, people are mobilizing to sew cotton face masks. There are all sorts of Facebook groups. If you would like some masks, do some Facebook searches and see if you can come up with a group in your area that might provide you with some. Everyone sewing them knows with utter clarity that they are NOT medical grade and offer extremely limited protection. 

    I have made some masks. I was asked to by people who know that I make  things. I am a quilter. I have cotton. Knowing that a home built cotton mask provides little protection, I used a very high quality 400 thread count bed sheet as the lining. The cotton you buy on the bolt at fabric shops does not come anywhere near this thread count. My thinking was that this fabric would add a smidge more protection than the average quilting cotton. It does make the mask somewhat more difficult to breathe through, but it's not like these masks are plastered against your face like a fitted mask. That's the other thing that I find a problem : nose gap. If you are like me and have a big schnoz it looks like you're wearing a tent on your face and air is whistling in and out the big space between your nose and cheek. Well that's kind of useless. So I added a wire over the bridge of the nose as some Facebook groups ask you to do. Not all wires work the same. Twist tie? No. Pipe cleaner? No. These do not hold their shape when you yank the ties tight. I bought a roll of rubber coated garden wire, like what you tie your tomatoes up with. THAT is the bomb!

    As for cleaning your fabric mask...forget the whole panic to sanitize it. It is not a medical grade mask sanitizing it is not required. Hot soapy water (by hand) with a little squirt of hydrogen peroxide if you like will do the job. Drip dry. Wires over the nose will NOT survive washer and dryer!

    Despite having made several for people, I do not wear one. It feels so foreign going to town like that. I'd feel like I have my panties on my head. Just weird. But I do plan on wearing one when I clean the hen house. That is one dusty job! So Elderberry, check your local Facebook pages and you should find your way to mask makers near you. 

  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Member Posts: 4,758

    All I can say about Florida is share this cartoon I saw (my Dad jut moved from there to live closer to family after his wife died).

    1 1_1_1_11d8da322e0d02281cea2cfde2277ad09_0762d063_500.jpg

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Member Posts: 3,534

    Lori - I follow epidemiologists as well. In February, my daughter was making her reservations to travel in March for a conference. My husband thought I was crazy to insist she buy cancellation insurance when we’ve never purchased it before. She was thankful when she canceled her trip.

  • 7of9
    7of9 Member Posts: 474

    i wore my trenchcoat glasses, gloves to grocery store yesterday and all I could think of instead of...Im ok. I'm ok was ....oh No! I can smell that persons perfume or cologne...what the hell was I thinking!? I guess at least my sense of smell is good and loosing it is a symptom...I saw my 73 yr old mother today but wouldnt touch her.

    My husband and I had been getting carryout 1 -2x a week but I'm sorry local restaurants I don't think well do that even this week. Sure hope we pass the peak here in Ohio soon. My husband's company laid off " furloughed " half their workers (I'm already furloughed with benefits thank God) . He is still employed for the time being.

    2 months ago this was looking like a banner year! Wth

  • Member Posts: 1,435

    7of9, I know exactly how you feel. DH and I had been home for close to 2 weeks, so I was feeling confident that we were okay. But then he needed to get a prescription filled, and we had run out of fresh fruit and a bunch of other provisions, so we reluctantly decided to go shopping. The store wasn't too busy and we took all the precautions we could, but there are a lot of idiots who don't understand social distancing. We think we are the only ones in the aisle, and then we turn around and someone is right behind us. So now we start all over, having to go through another 14 days before we can be sure that we didn't get infected. By then we will be out of some necessities again - particularly since we couldn't get everything we needed because the shelves were bare - so the countdown will start all over. Very frustrating! And I'm thinking, is it going to be like this for 3 months? 6 months? When will we be able to breathe easy and not worry about catching this §@#^ thing every time we venture out?

  • Yogatyme
    Yogatyme Member Posts: 1,793

    I swear, what is wrong with people!! All this total disregard for the importance of social distancing and putting themselves and others at risk. My neighbor is an EMT and she is furious about this....sending me daily rant texts. Another family in the neighborhood absolutely will NOT stay home. My armpit where lymph nodes were removed has been swollen (swells every time I get sick) but I have no other sx. So, it begs the question if I am one of those asymptotic people. Because I can’t get tested, DH & I have agreed he will do any supply shopping.....but the reality is, we could both be positive. I have not been further than our deck and talk with neighbors from there.

  • dogmomrunner
    dogmomrunner Member Posts: 502

    I'm going to get my Herceptin infusion today. I haven't been yet since the middle of March and there was not any cases (diagnosed that it) in my area. I don't know exactly how my MO office is handling patients but I plan on wearing a mask. It's more to protect everyone there in case I have it. That's a very vulnerable population.

    I was sick with sinus congestion, cough but no fever or SOB. My MO did not think my symptoms were to the point of getting tested. And I agree with that, the tests we have need to go to our medical front line staff, but the only way to know the extent of the virus is with mass testing. That means everyone.

    I had my year out from diagnosis, diagnostic mammogram/ultrasound yesterday and all the staff wore masks. No other patient in the waiting room or in other areas of the office

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,603

    My cancer clinic was the same last time I was there. Non critical or treatment appointments were cancelled. I have an infusion on april 8 and plan to wear mask. To protect others more than myself.

    Since grocery delivery is backed up, I go shopping for food right at opening. I was at Walmart for some grocery items I can only get from there. The mall is smart, other entrances blocked, you can only get in through Walmart. Walmart also made aisles one way so you don't have carts on both sides to allow for social distancing.I also rode the bus. It is free right now because the driver lets people on the bus. My bus route is normally busy but only two passengers on the bus including me. When I can shop local store, I also go at opening for senior, disabled and immune compromised hour. Way fewer people.

    Our prime minister believes we will be locked down til July most likely. We are just getting into what is thought to be our peak and more cases are reported, though more testing is being done which would account for that figure some. We have been hit hard in nursing homes which is not surprising, but very sad. These poor people having to die alone as family is not allowed in.

  • Member Posts: 1,435

    Mara, my mother is in an Ontario LTC facility. She's in her 90s and has Alzheimer's but is able to function and still knows family. I've been worried about this since the start - the staff there are amazing but how do they keep themselves, and their residents, safe? Her facility has been locked down for almost 3 weeks - no visitors, residents required to stay on site - but of course the staff don't live on the premises so they all come and go. So far there have been no cases at her residence (I check their website daily) but considering how long this is expected to go on, I'm worried that it's just a matter of time before a case enters there and starts to spread. At the other residences that have been affected it seems to happen within a matter of days. One day everything is fine. The next day there is one case. Two days later many residents have died. Scary.

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Member Posts: 3,534

    Saw the article on Texas students chartering a flight to Mexico and now most of them are positive.


  • Yogatyme
    Yogatyme Member Posts: 1,793

    I cannot believe we have had to provide security for Dr Fauci. What the hell is wrong with this country!! Is it any wonder we have issues with containing this virus when we threaten the single most important medical professional.

  • I am in Buffalo NY and the cases are increasing here but not as bad as NYC. My DIL is a nurse anethesis (spelled wrong) at a hospital The have gone to a team of 2, covering 12 hrs of intubations for the whole hospital to cut back on PPE. Really people should mind their own business -- you can't tell by looking at people if they are immune compromised! Jeesh