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  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,603

    Candy, I don't think people would say anything now about your mask. The only people having a problem regarding the masks are the people who tried to sell them at cut throat prices.

    I am not too worried about picking up supplies because I do believe that I am at just as much risk having them delivered versus going to the store. Same rules with both for me, wash, wash and more washing. There was the cutest video showing how it is properly done on the google home page too.

    Just gonna walk outside by myself, go to stores as little as possible and that is it. No parties or get togethers at my place.

  • sweetp6217
    sweetp6217 Member Posts: 120

    Not to trigger anyone, but I always wear a face mask when I am near people. The doctors say it's better than nothing and I am one of those front line workers who can work during these trying times. I do NOT want to get sick and have to leave my coworkers picking up more slack. No offense, but I was not a hoarder since I had a supply when going through chemo, leftover.

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667

    I’m almost 70 and have diabetes and asthma. I happen to have a new cloth mask left behind by my DIL who is Japanese from one of her trips here. She always travels with a couple and does wear them on the plane. Also have some paper masks I bought last year when I was scrapping paint. So you can never tell who has underlying health issues because we don’t look sick and may have already had masks. Hoarding no, taking sensible precautions yes

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,603

    Exactly right. Wearing a mask is perfectly reasonable. Having a quantity left over from a previous time is also perfectly reasonable. Fact is, even if I wanted a mask, I cannot get one to save my life and am not sure my head scarf worn as a neck gaiter would have any effect. If so, I would wear that.

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    Mara, I just read that thick t shirt fabric blocked 50% of the viruses. Not as good as surgical or N95 but better than nothing. I'd say use your wrap over your nose and mouth when you're near people.

    There are also patterns online to sew fabric masks out of several layers if muslin. (I just watched a rereun if MASH and thought, ok not so long ago that was the norm). Some even have a pocket for filter material like disposable vacuum bag paper. I have heard quilting guilds etc are making them. I'm going to see if any of my sewing friends would make me some.

    In the US there's even a movement to make them for healthcare workers as some areas are out of everything.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,603

    I could go out like the below person but think I would die of the heat SillyHeart


  • annc2019
    annc2019 Member Posts: 93

    I also think people need to stop judging people who are wearing masks. Even children have rare diseases, or family members who are sick and elderly. Diseases are not always obvious.I happen to have 2 N95 masks that I bought years ago while painting and wear this when I go out. Also, I have to shop for handicapped family members and elders, so three separate households. Don't assume people are all hoarding if they have a few extra toilet paper rollsin their shopping cart.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,182

    AnnC2019- Good point about the shopping/hoarding thing. I shop for my 93 year old father and handicap sibling. So I buy the limit for 2 households-- mine and theirs. So if the limit is 2 packs of paper towels, for example, I will have 4. I feel like I have to explain myself. Stupid.

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    I miss my mom. We decided we should follow the strict rules here of not being less than 2m close to someone who you are not living with and not visiting other households. She and my dad are in their 70s and also high risk & I'm in active treatment w a 6 cm met in my lung.

    I miss her and she'd spoil me and feed me and look after me the way nobody else here can. They don't do things right :(

    I hate this virus, and also chemo - or my liver mets - are marking me feel physically awful. And I cry all the time

  • Yogatyme
    Yogatyme Member Posts: 1,793

    moth, DH & I are feeling the same about his parents who are 85 & 91. It’s making us feel like we are being negligent but our rational minds tell us we dare not risk trying to visit them in case we are asymptotic but still have the virus. We talk to them daily and are grateful our governor closed restaurants about 3 weeks ago. That’s the only thing that has kept them out of them!

  • dogmomrunner
    dogmomrunner Member Posts: 502

    Moth- I'm so sorry that you can't be with your family. And I'm really sorry that you have to go through chemo at this time. Double the anxiety

    Like Yogatyme, mine are in their 80's and I don't want to risk their health. Luckily mine live in the same neighborhood and if I'm out walking the dog, they'll come out and we'll do a porch chat.

    Unfortunately my parents can't quite get it through their head how serious it is. They went to get their hair cut this past week and my dad keeps going to Walmart for stuff. Mom has dementia so at least she has an excuse. I finally had to threaten that I could not visit them if they kept this up because of my low WBC. We'll see if that's works.

  • Yogatyme
    Yogatyme Member Posts: 1,793

    DogMom, I swear these old folks are as bad as the young ones. My FIL will NOT stay home and it scares us to death.

  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Member Posts: 4,758

    Moth I know your mom would want to be with you too. I am missing my family like crazy too. My mom lives less than a mile a away and is 83. We are trying to figure out how to do video stuff to teach her on the phone so we can at least see her or the grandkids. Our son brings us groceries but won't come inside even and leaves them and hands them . Our DIL is an onco nurse and knows the dangers to both of us. Tears all the time and trying to not be too sad and keep distracted.

  • pajim
    pajim Member Posts: 930

    Interesting that your parents are the same as my Mom. She's going stir crazy already and doesn't see why she needs to stay home. I think she's mostly obeying the rules. Her retirement community has basically gone into lockdown.

    I'm hoping the weather will get good enough that she can take lots of walks. Else I'm worried she'll get into her car and drive [2 days] up to visit me. And she's on Ibrance.

    This must be really hard if you live alone. My DH and I have eachother.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,603

    I live alone myself. I try to stay busy, whether from exercise or watching TV etc. I did see DB and SIL as they took me shopping. Guess they knew I would do it anyway and can't get delivery for almost a week so they wanted to make sure I got to the store. It was good to see them.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,790

    ((((((mara51506)))))) Hang tight. We too are here for you!!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,603

    Thank you moderators!

  • ctmbsikia
    ctmbsikia Member Posts: 776

    Hi everyone! So sorry for those of you who are alone and missing grandkids and family. Sucks! What a freakin' mess. Week #3 for me working from home but grateful still working. It is slow today. Husband completed his 7th chemo cycle last week (by himself I wasn't allowed to be in the treatment room), and he is doing pretty well. Tired and coughing more than usual. Not in much pain. He's handling it with Tylenol and Advil. He is staying home. Scans are scheduled for Apr 6. If disease is stable enough he might get a break and just do the immunotherapy once every 3 weeks. Our fingers are crossed for this!!!! In his portal it is already on the schedule to have the infusion right after his appointment.

    Today, my left breast started hurting. Not awful, just OUCH what the heck. Since my biopsy in January I have not had any pulling, pinching or anything. I guess taking out a piece of the lesion helped it? So just wondering is it growing back already? Or, I probably should wear my heavy duty sports bra during the day? Since I'm home working just wearing the pull over cotton ones. I really didn't expect to get back to this level of annoyance ever again!!! As you can imagine, when this happens I second guess my decision and wish I didn't have the damn thing!!!! Bah

    Stay safe!

  • sweetp6217
    sweetp6217 Member Posts: 120

    Why Wearing a Face Mask Is Encouraged in Asia, but Shunned in the U.S. (

    Once a week, I or someone else gets ridiculed for wearing a surgical or N95 mask. Mind you, we have to use each mask for 2 weeks even though they used to just throw them away at the end of the day (or not wear them at all). Dealing with the public (like walking on eggshells) can be unpredictable. But seriously, how can they not understand that if one of us gets the virus, then we all may have to go home! Bye bye company location for a few weeks. They say, "You're only supposed to wear it if you are sick". My response, "According to the majority, a mask is better than nothing". I'm fairly sure that I am preaching to the choir, so sorry.

    BTW, a week ago, a lady on the local news ranted on (facebook?) about standing in line. She noticed that someone was crowding others, so she politely mentions the social distancing. The response, "I don't believe in that virus, It's fake! And, don't tell me what to do" etc. Polite lady says, "Maybe you should go to China then", Right back, "No, YOU!"

    For goodness sake! I'm a HCP on the front line. I feel for those doctors and nurses that mention that a covid patient gets the test and before hearing the outcome, walks into the PCP's office, shops, meets up with others, you name it. How can we all survive this?????

  • cowgirl13
    cowgirl13 Member Posts: 782

    I'm a lurker here...just have to post that I am pis ed off because now that I have the time to watch videos, documentaries--I can't find Living Proof anywhere to stream for free. It costs $12.95. For those of you who don't know, it is the story of Herceptin and the physician who fought to get it aproved. Herceptin became a game changer for us Triple Positives. Feel a little better now, thanks for listening.

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,068

    To All: It is now being recommended that everyone wear a face covering of some sort. It asked us not to use a N95. If you have a clean one please give it to a health care place. I have part of a box of surgical masks left-over from when I was doing Taxol. I was going to keep them handy in the event either I or my DH got the virus and the sick one would wear them. I am considering making cloth ones that I can launder in hot water. I have a new bandana. The pattern will make me look like a cattle rustler or a stage coach robber. I don't want to squander the suitable fabrics for masks I have squirreled away for my doll making.

    It'll soon be the uncovered faces that will get the attention.

    DogMomRunner: Your hair salons are still open?! Ours were shut down a few weeks ago.

    My rant is stop hoarding whomever you are. Not everyone is buying for an elderly parent or family member who can't shop. I have tried for two weeks to get a bag of frozen peas. Peas!!

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    I’ve been trying for a week or more to get potty pads for Spookie at Publix. They don’t have them at several stores. And she can be picky about what she will use. She’s 10, and is not going to change her ways now. Talk about hoarders!!!!

  • trishyla
    trishyla Member Posts: 698

    Hey Spookiesmom. Have you tried the online pet suppliers like They may have your critter's preferred brand.

    Speaking of four legged friends, ours is almost 16. She only has her bottom teeth left, so soft, easy to chew snacks work best. We normally give her Gerber's Toddler meat sticks. They're healthy, inexpensive and most importantly, little Miss Picky (aka Peaches) loves them. Have tried everywhere (mostly via phone calls and internet searches) over the last two weeks and can't find any.

    Of all the things to hoard, I really do understand this one. If I had a young child at home I'd want to do everything possible to keep their routine intact. Kids have had enough disruption in their lives right now.

    Stay safe everyone. No matter how awful things are right now just remember that this too shall pass.


  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    I heard that Chewys is hiring extra people because they’re swamped with orders. Don’t know how true that is. Pet food and supplies may become the next toilet paper.

  • jelson
    jelson Member Posts: 622

    actually I heard baby chicks are the next toilet paper

  • dogmomrunner
    dogmomrunner Member Posts: 502

    Elderberry- the salons were open last week. Now they are nonessential and closed

  • alicebastable
    alicebastable Member Posts: 1,962


    "It has been recommended" isn't particularly useful without a citation and link to who has said it. There's really good information, and there's absolute horseshit, and it's impossible to know the difference without knowing the source.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    I think she meant the CDC. I’ve seen a few news articles about them re-thinking their stance on masks, but nothing ordered, yet.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178


  • onlygirlof5
    onlygirlof5 Member Posts: 27

    I am angry that because I have a good prognosis, the seriousness of what I just went through is being diminished.

    I had my BOOB CUT OFF for f&jk sake! I am a woman, and this body part is part of what defines me as such.

    I am strong. Yes, dammit, I am. But it doesn't mean that what I just went through didn't pierce me to the core, rattled all things I knew as stable, and left me in a puddle of gooey emotions.

    I am strong but *I* will live with this demon for the rest of MY life. It will always be there, lurking in the background and whispering doubt in my ear. That is my own private little hell.

    I am strong but I am pissed. I just turned 50. My 3 boys are finally grown. I spent 18+ of the past 28 years being a SAHM, setting my education and career aside for what we felt was the best for them. I finally got my own career in motion and am completing my degree. This was supposed to be MY time. But wait, you have cancer.

    Oh and part of that time for me involved my husband. After 27+ years of raising our boys, we were looking forward to our house back to ourselves. But wait, cancer is now part of that picture. And the meds I will take, well that sounds like a real fun time. Phenomenal sex even possible anymore? I am SOOO angry!

    I am strong but I am also vulnerable and absolutely HATE to let that side of me out. I need to be propped up sometimes just to know that someone has my back when I am not so strong.

    I am strong. Before cancer, I went through 6 years of hell with one of my sons. His addictions, legal trouble, and all around assholery behavior. So I guess that makes me stronger?

    "God doesn't give you anything you can't handle. You will get through this just like the other tests, and even stronger than before. I am so proud of you." No I don't want to be strong anymore. Enough!

    I am strong but warrior have chinks in their armour. I will now go and try banging some of them out since the battle isn't over.
