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  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,785

    hapa: By saving your dog from that horrible breeder, he had the best life possible even if it was so brief. He was loved, cherished and felt wanted like every dog should. His life with you negated those horrible years when he was used for breeding and never shown a moments care other than being fed. No socialization, no suitable housing, no attention and finally an opportunity to escape this existence. He was loved and did not die alone. He was a lucky dog to have found you and to have this brief life with you. My heart breaks for you.

  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Member Posts: 4,758

    Awww. Our fur babies are all we have now. My heart breaks for you.


  • ctmbsikia
    ctmbsikia Member Posts: 776

    hapa, sorry about you beloved dog! Sucks.

    Jaycee hope you at least get labs and your Xgeva shot. a

    Blowing off some steam waiting for hubby's CT results. If I don't see them come into the portal today or tonight, he goes to MO office tomorrow morning and we showed him how to face time us when he's in there. We are not allowed to go into the building which I totally understand. When he went for the tests they took his temp and of course he is wearing a mask.

    I hate waiting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Wishing everyone well.

  • jaycee49
    jaycee49 Member Posts: 1,264

    hapa, so incredibly sad about your dog. DH and I got a dog two years ago when I was 69 and stage IV. I have every intention of dying before the dog. This is our first regular inside dog and I would be devastated if we lost him. Just crushed.

    I was at the MO's office for forty minutes. Shortest appointment ever by far. Quick questions on arrival about travel, etc. They don't let you in if you have been out of the state, never mind out of the country. My onc nurse told me about a patient who went to Arizona to pick up a car and was barred from entry and had her chemo put off for two weeks. And she said if they didn't have the sign in and stuff downstairs, she would end up doing more. She was doing her regular running around like a chicken so I get it. I did not have to give them cards or fill out the regular questionnaire. The process was really streamlined. I got the blood work and Xgeva. I didn't even have to wait for blood work results to get the Xgeva, which I usually do. The doctor nixed my idea of coming back in six weeks and again in another six weeks to avoid one visit. (I usually go every four weeks.) He said I really need to get blood work before starting a new cycle of Ibrance. My onc nurse spent ten minutes on the phone with him figuring all this out. Ten minutes she did not have to spare. I love her. So I survived. I wore a face mask and slathered on hand sanitizer between rooms.

  • dogmomrunner
    dogmomrunner Member Posts: 502

    Hapa- you gave that pup the best two years of his life. I know that you were cheated of more years with him but he knew love and that is the most wonderful gift you could have given him. Thank you from another dog rescuer

  • alicebastable
    alicebastable Member Posts: 1,962

    Hapa, I'm so sorry about your sweet pooch. You gave him two wonderful years that he wouldn't have had except for you - and remember, for him it was fourteen years! Just think how much fourteen years of love meant to him.

    I've read that more stupid people are abandoning their dogs now, and foster and adoptive families are needed. When we had to put our sweet Hilts down five years ago, it took me less than a week to realize that while I could never replace him, I could fill the dog-shaped hole in our lives. So we adopted a 7-year-old (also from Arizona!) who needed us as much as we needed a dog. Winslow is nothing like Hilts in looks or personality, which has been a good thing for him and for us. 2018 was also a crappy year for me (my mom died and I had two kinds of cancer), but it's also when our somewhat aloof dog decided he was mine - or I was his, not sure who belongs to who.

    Give yourself a few days to grieve. I cried like a baby even after we got Winslow. But it really helps to have an armful of fur to give your love to.

  • Jettie
    Jettie Member Posts: 63

    well today was my bday for what it was worth... probably the worst bday ever, feel like crap from chemo, not even a card from immediate family or a how you doing from co workers. social distancing sucks. I just want one of those mythical holes to open up and suck me in and disappear. I could rant a little more but i really don't have the energy for it, guess am a little/lot depressed, guess thats due to the isolation and lack of support structures but heyho, it is what it is!

  • LiveLoveLaugh2020
    LiveLoveLaugh2020 Member Posts: 173

    So sorry Jettie. I wish you a happy birthday! Isolation itself stinks, let alone no one reaching out to you on your special day (especially with everything you are going through and at a time like this). I hope things get better for you and you start feeling better soon!

  • alicebastable
    alicebastable Member Posts: 1,962


    Happy almost-belated birthday! I know it sucks to have a birthday during this time. Mine's in January, and the few times over the decades I've bothered to make plans, the weather craps all over it so I can't do anything. Do you have your birthday flagged on FB so your work friends can see it? I unflagged mine, so I didn't have to think about anyone paying attention or not. It was a very freeing thing to do.

  • sweetp6217
    sweetp6217 Member Posts: 120

    Happy Birthday Jetty! Consider yourself virtually hugged.


  • cowgirl13
    cowgirl13 Member Posts: 782

    Hapa, I'm so sorry for your loss. You gave him a wonderful life while he was here and bless you for that.

  • Yogatyme
    Yogatyme Member Posts: 1,793

    Jettie, happy birthday! 🎂. My MIL had a bd last week and DH & I drew her a card.....pretty good for a couple of first graders. 😂. I think many of us will be having limited birthday celebrations this year. All of this sucks.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178


    I hope my story helps. I was pretty sick from chemo, and my birthday was during that time. I wasn’t up for much, but DH was determined So he went to local grocery, got me a chocolate cake. Which I did enjoy. Next day in the news, all chocolate baked goods from there were recalled due to contamination. Yeah, happy bday to me. 😂😂😂

  • Hapa, That is so sad. I agree with Betrayal … You did give him a good life.

  • ctmbsikia
    ctmbsikia Member Posts: 776

    Husband didn't get good news today. I think he sort of knew. He told our daughter that he has had off and on pain in his right side. I was fearing the worst since they didn't release his test results to the portal. We did a 3 way face time with the NP today. Apparently there is a mass in the right helium (sp?) and his liver mets are larger and I think she said there are more of them. So, he is headed to 2nd line chemo treatment with Topotecan. If his platelets recover. They are at 75K today, he will go again next week. MO wants him at 100K or better. He will do a tele visit with us next week and we'll see if he can start on the 20th. 2 to 3 cycles she said before more imaging.

    I can't find much on this. A 2005 study says 57% overall survival of 6 mos and 26% 1 yr. Not good stats. F cancer!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • edj3
    edj3 Member Posts: 1,579

    Oh ctmbsikia, I am so sorry.

  • hapa
    hapa Member Posts: 613

    ctmbsikia - I'm so so sorry to hear this. Take care of yourself, okay?

  • Yogatyme
    Yogatyme Member Posts: 1,793

    ctmbsikia, I am so sorry. Take good care and keep us in the loop.

  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Member Posts: 4,758

    Jettie sorry you had a bad birthday. Happy birthday belated!

  • alicebastable
    alicebastable Member Posts: 1,962


    Sending you and your hubby gentle cyberhugs.

  • LiveLoveLaugh2020
    LiveLoveLaugh2020 Member Posts: 173

    Ctm I am so sorry to hear that. Prayers and thoughts to you and hubby.

  • ctmbsikia
    ctmbsikia Member Posts: 776

    Thank you for all your kind words, prayers, and thoughts. Everyone including his team was hopeful the 1st line would knock it down enough that he could go on maintenance of the immunotherapy drug for a couple of months. So, you feel sort of robbed of time. We have enjoyed many good days since this started in late October. Reading the test results, there is some new stuff, and still some stable stuff-like the bone lesions. It's just so much disease. The good thing is he is still really strong. He hasn't really talked about it. He told a friend last night on the phone. I listen to his conversations, that way I know what he's feeling. Trying to remain hopeful that this next chemo will get us a few more months without killing his QOL. Still staying in the moment because I'm just not ready to think about what's coming.

    Have a Happy Easter!

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    ctmbsikia, finger crossed for an awesome response to the next treatment for your dh

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    I'm so angry. I had to get to pee twice at night and I've got that niggling sharp pain that signals a bladder inf.

    But it's in that early stage where maybe it will go away?

    I just had one at end of March and I'm trying to prevent them because I think I know the cause but I guess I didn't do a good enough job.

    And because I'm in a clinical trial everything is complicated about me having abx. Or even needing abx -I'm supposed to have a certain level of health to be in the trial. And I do not want to have to drive to do a urine sample. and I don't know who to call on good Friday. And now I'm just pathetically whining.

    Also trials and cancer aside, I wish women in Canada coukd get bladder antibiotic meds OTC from pharmacy at least once per year.

  • Yogatyme
    Yogatyme Member Posts: 1,793

    Moth, my sister has frequent bladder infections and has found pushing lots of cranberry juice can ward it off if she starts as soon as she gets sx. I hope you can get this taken care of. Such a pain.....always feeling like you have to pee!! Good luck.

  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Member Posts: 4,758

    I'm mad because I was dumb enough to open my rollover 401K statement. BIG MISTAKE!!!!!!!


  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    yogatyme thx for that reminder. It was dh's weekly grocery shop today and he bought me some. Fingers crossed it works

  • GG27
    GG27 Member Posts: 1,308


    I've been on 2 lines lately that have given me that "horrible" UTI feeling and they've run a full urinalysis and nothing. I tried the unsweetened cranberry juice in soda water and it has done the trick. good luck, i hope it's nothing more than irritation from the meds. gg

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667

    BC, I know the feeling! I took a hard hit in February, and that was after getting new windows and doors. Haven’t gotten March's yet. I'm just hoping it isn't as bad.

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    GG - I keep thinking my head is working and then I forget things. Bladder lining is a type of epithelial tissue. it gets so abused by the chemo just like our mouths and skin and guts. I have been drinking cranberry juice and it seems better so I think it was just a false alarm.

    i'm so anxious everything sets me off