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  • ctmbsikia
    ctmbsikia Member Posts: 776

    Forgot to mention I believe the sewer gas odor I’ve been experiencing off and on for months has been resolved. The plumber was here last week and put a new wax ring seal on my toilet and they have also done some work out back on the tank (a new pump). Best gift ever! This has greatly reduced my nervousness and would explain my feeling normal! Or as close as I can get to it. I will cherish this feeling everyday until the next challenge presents itself.

  • ctmbsikia, it sounds like you had a lovely Christmas, surrounded by friends and family - even if from a distance or in spirit - and received the perfect gift!

  • jelson
    jelson Member Posts: 622

    Ctmbsikia - your daughter has a smile like a movie star. Hope she and your family stay healthy and her boyfriend recovers quickly and so glad that your sewer smell problems are very likely resolved.

  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Member Posts: 4,758

    ctmbsikia, I am so glad you had your house issue fixed!!! What a blessing to end the year that has been so hard.

    Your daughter is so beautiful!!! I know you are a proud mama!

  • alicebastable
    alicebastable Member Posts: 1,962


    The stench problem is gone? Finally, a bright spot in your awful year. I hope it's a sign of a calm 2021 for you and your family.

  • ctmbsikia
    ctmbsikia Member Posts: 776

    Happy New Year to everyone!!! Thank you for helping and supporting me through. It sure was an awful year for so many!

    Daughter came home on the 30th, had my son and his gf, my sister in law over and we did seafood dinner and we did our gifts. We had lots of fun. I over did it with the wine and champagne so thinking of staying dry this month.

    With my husband gone I need to stay buckled down financially. Really need to see if I can survive on just my salary. It's MRI time as soon as I get my new insurance card to schedule it. I still owe $$ for the one I had last January. Has anyone just given up having these tests solely because of money? How long do I have to have these high risk annual MRIs? Obviously I'll do it this year as I am prepared to pay up from last year, and it's starting all over again this year! I hope 2022 will be different and the amount of testing and appointments will lessen. I mentioned before my anxiety picks up when they come near. I feel like a 12 year old trying to pass the bar exam. I just want to be done, or at least be annual. I guess maybe I feel because I'm fine, this is excessive? I really don't know. I just get anxious. Hope they don't require mask wearing while in the machine? Anyone know? I will ask when I call. Moral: Don't get diagnosed in Dec!! It's been killer for me.

    Anyway, been reading a little bit about grief lately, seems I'm accepting and not "moving on", just moving "forward" with that acceptance that he's gone and not coming back, at least not here, but our paths will cross again one day.

  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Member Posts: 4,758

    I had to get an MRI on my head and they let me take my mask off to do it when I did because the tech is not in the room when it goes. Maybe the health system will work with you on payments on the balance. I know have to meet a deductible to meet but if if there is an issue I've found just asking they are often helpful with that. Hope it goes well.

  • ctmbsikia
    ctmbsikia Member Posts: 776

    Thanks bc. Even just pulling down and on my chin will work. How is your daughter doing?

    I received my refund already (via Vrbo not the insurance co) for my cancelled trip at Christmas. I was expecting I'd have to jump through a few hoops first, what a relief. Now that there's more money in the bank, I will look over these billings again for accuracy and see if I can manage to just pay it be done. Just to have it start all over again! #Sigh

  • ctmbsikia
    ctmbsikia Member Posts: 776

    Hi, me again. Day 2 of fretting over money and appointments has begun. I feel so stupid and insecure to the point I'm telling myself this is just ridiculous. Stop it! I received another collection notice in the mail yesterday, stuff I owe from 2018. There's also a charge from Jan 2019 which I looked back through and I wasn't anywhere on that date, even if I was there's no EOB for it. I set it aside for now. I have 30-45 days to respond. I stayed right on top of hubby's stuff, and it's all done. Maybe I'm looking for an end? Is there one? What if I just didn't call to schedule or show up at an appointment? That'd be dumb I know, but the thought crosses my mind several times a day. I don't know how to make it go away.

    I hope once my new card comes and I get through these next few things, I'll be fine. I also just thought I have a liaison person available to me although I'm not one to ask for help. I've gotten screwed before. They may only help with current stuff and not old stuff if it wasn't "their" insurance. I'll figure it out, thanks for listening.

  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Member Posts: 4,758

    I know I often was told it was "on the way" but could get a temp card I could print and use while waiting. Might be worth checking out if can get one online in the meantime. Good luck!

    Old medical bills like from over a year ago is crazy. I think that I heard someone is trying to make it where they can't go back and issue "surprise billing" like that. I sure hope they do!

  • gamb
    gamb Member Posts: 571

    Ctm, most insurances have a due by date, I would check the 2018 bill , if billed late by provider or rebilled past insurance due date, you shouldn't be responsible, Medicare is 18months the provider has to bill, if he doesn't then it's usually adjusted.

  • ctmbsikia
    ctmbsikia Member Posts: 776

    Gamb-that happened on 3 of my husbands claims. They had all the info but no one hit the submit button to the insurance company, so when I called after receiving a final notice, (which was really my 1st notice!) they tried to submit then and it was denied because it was past the time.

    2018 was a huge year for me with claims. I had Atena back then and I printed out the whole year and spent some time matching up everything. It's not like you just get one account number assigned to you and it's a running list, right? It's not. I'm looking at it in 30 minute or so pieces to refresh and make sense of what I paid back that it is accounted for, and the amount left is correct. If I spend too much time with it, I want to throw it all out the window! They are offering a reduced amount, so I really want to try to do that as it is the most savings, rather than doing installments.

    OK, so I bit the bullet this morning. Pulled the calendar up and got on the phone. Dentist on Monday (will NOT let them talk me into anything until later in the year-not using up all my benefit up in 1 or 2 months time!). MRI (breast) on the 15th. I do have to wear a mask in the machine. UGH! I will find a nice cotton one. Pretty sure I can do it!? The gal said they would probably have them there as well. Lab the following week, and see the MO at the end of this month. Not so worried now, unless the BS calls me after the MRI. Hopefully not, and I should see results around the 20th or so.

    This better all be routine/maintenance for me! I just have to show up. Thank you all again for listening, I'll shut up now.

  • nopink2019
    nopink2019 Member Posts: 384

    Caveat, I pay bills I owe, but I won't pay things I don't owe. Accountant for years and I know the ropes of systems & corporate accounting. My experience handling my mother's bills for years and now mine, medical billng systems keep accts receivables open forever, whether their error or you not paying Even after you've contacted them that if they'd billed ins on time, the bill would have been paid. In January, they mass mail statements for all accts not paid. Sometimes they sell to collection agencies at 3¢ on the $. But you can still get stmt from hospital years later. I get one for my mother that never billed insurance until a year after she died! I dump them in the trash. Dont' let this dominate this STEAM ROOM FOR ANGER. More pressing issues to deal with, like living.

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667

    Ctm, rant away. That’s why sas started this thread. Nothing worse than receiving a medical bill two/three years after the fact. Arg! Been there, done that to the point I started stapling my statement of benefits to my bill with the date paid and check number and file all medical bills by year. You can go further and batch them by doctor/practice to make is easier to find the bills needed to compare.

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 389

    ctm - Feel free to vent - that's why we are here. Medical bills can be a major source of stress during cancer treatment and we need to blow off steam.

  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Member Posts: 4,758

    Rant that DH had to drive 72 miles to go to a doctor appointment today (in construction by the way) and then the doc says "sorry" we could have done this on the phone! Really???? And they wondered why his BP was high when he got there and he called and I told him about the craziness going on in the country right now and driving in construction and they had a cow it was high! Of course t was high!!! Have some sense!!!

  • movingsoccermom
    movingsoccermom Member Posts: 164

    Thankful for a space to allow a sheer scream!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tumors are progressing all over my lungs, impinging on a bronchial stem, and invading bronchial space. Furious, devastated and scared.


  • ddfair
    ddfair Member Posts: 65

    I am so sorry to hear this moving soccer mom. Scream away. You have every right.


  • cm2020
    cm2020 Member Posts: 530

    movingsoccermon....I am so very sorry. Sending you lots of hugs. Scream away. I will scream for you as well. It is supremely unfair.

  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Member Posts: 4,758

    I am so so sorry. Scream. Cancer is awful. Thoughts and prayers are with you.

  • 2019whatayear
    2019whatayear Member Posts: 468

    So sorry, moving, scream away xoxo


    I hate how freaked out I get about any medical stuff now. I have a colonoscopy scheduled for this week and it is so triggering for me. Its a routine test. I've not had any issues, I don't have a history of gi issues, I had a CT scan and a Pet scan in June so if there was something noticeable going on it would have shown up-- but no matter what just knowing I have to go for the Colonoscopy on Friday sets off a cascade of worry and what ifs- UGH

    And of course this particular medical test has the unpleasant prep as well. Insult to injury.

  • cm2020
    cm2020 Member Posts: 530

    2019whatayear.....I understand how you feel. Once you are diagnosed with something awful, it just makes it all the more real that you could be diagnosed with MORE awful stuff. Sending you calming thoughts and may you have a clean polyp free colon.

  • ctmbsikia
    ctmbsikia Member Posts: 776

    moving, I too am so sorry! Will you be changing treatment course now? Sending a huge cyber hug Hug

    It is helpful to me to see others have this dread of medical stuff like me. Good luck 2019 on the colonoscopy. I actually cried after leaving the dentist on Monday. It was release of tension of me having to advocate for myself. They were understanding when I told them I know I need stuff done but it's only January and I don't want to be using my benefit up right away. What if? Right? Just clean me up and I'll see you in 6. If I have an issue, I'll call. Whew. If I didn't say anything I would certainly be moving right along with fixing a broken tooth and eventually replacing my old metal fillings to something new. It can wait a bit. Going for my MRI on Friday. I just want to get it over with. I am keeping my mind quiet at the moment though.

    Sent a large check out in the mail today, 2018 is paid. Over and done.

  • alicebastable
    alicebastable Member Posts: 1,962

    I got somewhat freaked out when I had my first cancer (endometrial) in 2008. I also had my first skin cancer about a month later, and my reaction to that was more feeling offended, like having toilet paper on my shoe of life. When I was told I had breast cancer in 2018, my reaction was pretty calm, with a bit of "You've got to be kidding." Then at my follow-up appointment after the lumpectomy, I was told I had kidney cancer. I think I laughed a little hysterically at that point, and said something silly like "Well, okey dokey then!" If I get another one (it feels more WHEN than IF), I'll probably need a straightjacket.

  • edj3
    edj3 Member Posts: 1,579

    Right? I've had two different types of cancer so if I get a third, I'm going to get the little ribbons and start a row across the back of my car. I'm not really superstitious but there's a pattern to my health issues:

    • 2017: cancer
    • 2018: fracture
    • 2019: cancer
    • 2020: fracture
    • 2021: ??
  • alicebastable
    alicebastable Member Posts: 1,962

    edj3, my only pattern so far is 2 cancers in a month or so, ten years apart, so I'm HOPING I'm okay until 2028. But there have been other surgeries in between, including the pesky (and messy!) recurring skin one, so I don't know what the overall pattern is.

    You'd better just hunker down in a bubble wrap nest this year!

  • ctmbsikia
    ctmbsikia Member Posts: 776

    Broke down a little after my MRI. I was comfortable, it's just all that darn noise, and well everything, had to let it out!

    Glad I took the day off, although I'm checking email and on the computer. Need to go do something else!

    Dumb question, I have to go for labs next week, wasn't thinking I may get a bruise from the iv, do I offer my left arm instead? I had a reaction once before on that side, so I always request using my right. Maybe since it's been a long while it will be fine. Hope you all have a good weekend, and holiday if you're lucky enough to be off!

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    No dumb questions, here, you know! :) Sorry you had a little breakdown after your MRI. I think you're entitled!

    I still use only my left arm for draws, BPs and infusions. My mast was 12 years ago, with 3 nodes removed. Maybe I don't need to be cautious still, but I am.

    Do whatever makes you comfortable, or less worried.


  • BevJen
    BevJen Member Posts: 2,341

    re which arm to use -- yesterday I had a triplet -- a nuclear bone scan (requiring an injection, but they put in an iv line instead); a lab draw; and then I needed an injection for an MRI. I only use my R arm because I had so many lymph nodes out on my L.

    Because lot of stuff didn't go well yesterday, I got stuck multiple times -- the IV wouldn't work for the MRI, the lab person wouldn't use the IV line to pull the bloods, and man, I felt like a pincushion. But the nurse at the MRI appointment told me NOT to use the L arm and test fate -- even though I'm many years out from my original surgery.

    I did learn a little trick, though, when I had a CT in December. There are a lot of little tiny veins in your arm. If they can't use the big one (like at the elbow) they can use a heating pad, a heated blanket, or the like to make your other veins become more visible. Also, they might have to use a smaller needle or canula to get into those smaller veins. Ask for a butterfly needle. But I wouldn't use the other arm.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Good advice, BevJen. I always get the heating pad before my Zometa infusion. So far, my veins are good. When I have a nuc med scan and a CT w/without contrast on the same day, I ask the nurse who is giving me the nuc med injection if she can leave the IV line in. She's happy to do that, and the CT tech is happy to see it there.

    I had one instance where I needed repeat labs after my Zometa infusion. I asked the infusion nurse if she could leave the line in so that I could have my blood drawn right after the infusion. She said that she couldn't do that, but that she could draw my blood BEFORE the infusion. One stick, two procedures. Worked for me! :)