II know the wait is hard. Will keep good thoughts sunshinegal.
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Wishing for good results from your biopsy sunshinegal.
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One day I would love to work Mon-Thurs. Friday's are slow!!
Got the results of my dexa and lung scans. Dexa: Spine score is worse, but my hip score is better at -2.4 just above the osteoporosis score of -2.5. It was -2.7 two years ago. 10 yr fracture risk is at 18% and hip fracture at 3.1%.
LungRads is a 2, yay! and every year it seems they write more incidental findings. This is first time I've seen radiation and post surgery changes noted. Should I be concerned at all? I have no clue what this means. Always my left side too. I have a 2mm stable nodule on the left lung as well.
Incidental Pulmonary Findings:
Subpleural radiation changes in the anterior left upper lobe.
Findings of chronic bronchitis. Mild scattered subsegmental atelectasis.
Other Positive Incidental Findings:
Coronary artery calcifications are present. Postsurgical changes in the left breast.
Hope you all have the best weekend you can!
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Not so much steamed as puzzled. I saw my PCP Thursday and had my regular lab work. The nurse called with my results yesterday (they always do this so they can answer any questions). I was expecting my A1c to have gone up because I've been living on junk food, desserts, candy, you name it. Nope, it came down to 6.8, the lowest it's been in quite a while, at least .5 down from six months ago. Seems like when I try to eat the right foods, it sneaks up. Oh well, chocolate is on the shopping list!
Due to numb fingers and right arm pain, she's also sending me for an MRI and ESI (epidural steroid injection) on the 27th. Sounds uncomfortable, but worth it if I can sleep better and not drop everything.
And she also told me that the surprise SECOND aneurysm that was on my CT from June is barely an aneurysm, so nothing to worry about for a long time. I guess I can reassess my EFF EVERYTHING attitude I've had for several months now that I've just got one.🙄
Oh, and one friend is in the hospital with a large growth in her abdomen, and another hasn't been heard from since posting that she was caught on a stretch of closed highway while heading to Colorado during the wind storm earlier in the week, and another friends father was found dead in his apartment this week. I feel like I'm jinxing people.
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ctm I did a search on ubsegmental atelectasis. and sounds like it means you have reduced lung capacity for whatever reason. Sounds like you have bronchitis which could account for some of it perhaps. Hopefully all your docs get the results and they can get you the best care possible. Have a good restful Sunday.
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You're NOT jinxing people!! Things happen - to you and everyone. Stay you, stay positive!
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Thanks, Mods. It's just the guilt of getting sort of good health news for myself while my friends are going through crap.
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Oh Alice you are not a jinx! I hope your friend is ok. That windsotrm was horrible!!!! We got off lucky at our house and only had minimal damage. Parts of town were wthout power until probably tomorrow even sometime. We did not lose a tree or have one fall our house like some people. One lady lost her whole house and it damaged beyond repair at this point. Sad, sad, sad. I sure hope anyone traveling through here is ok.
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I went to a small luncheon today given by my old boss and his wife. (There were 6 of us) This woman who I use to work with started asking me about my SIL death. Mind you when I 1st got there everyone expressed their sympathy. (They all knew her because she came to our dental office). She started by saying covid can be controlled by not watching the news because covid is fake. THEN she said my SIL should not have been put on a ventilator. WTF!!! I excused myself and went to bathroom to cry. When I came back my boss's wife was saying to her that covid is real. She said in a small voice "I know". She is one of these people that thinks she has a medical degree and if it's on the internet it must be true. Hope I never see that bitch again. I obviously did not want to create a scene by punching her. But I sure as hell felt like it. I probably should have not even gone.
I read this novel called " Leave the world behind" the other night. This passage stayed with me. " You never know when a time is the last time, because if you did you could never go on with life".
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Wow Kidi1919 I am so sorry you had to interact with such an insensitive, ignorant person. I truly cannot explain her behavior to you it is just bizarre.
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kidi1919 so sorry you had to encounter an idiot when you should be clebrating time together, unfortunately the bigger the group of people the more likely you are to meet these nincompoops. Be proud of yourself for behaving in such a dignified and thoughtful manner,( I would have wanted to punch her too!)
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Kid, damn, that quote hit me hard, now I’m crying in my coffee. (Lol, sniff)
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KIDI - What a horrible person. You showed great restraint.
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illimae, didn't mean to make you cry!
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Kidi, I'm so sorry. What an unbelievable thing to have said to you. I think I would have been so stunned, I wouldn't have known what to say. I would have definitely cried in the bathroom, too.
That quote really got to me, too. I think there's a song something like, "I wish I had known that the last time would be the last time". We never know, do we?
I wish a peaceful day for everyone.
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KIDI919, That would have been a perfectly justified punching.
My road trip friend is fine and visiting her family in the NW. I'm a little irked that she didn't follow up after posting on FB about being in that horrible windstorm. I even posted a few messages directly on her status page that we wanted to hear from her. But she just posted a cheerful "Hey, look at the bit of snow at their house" with a picture of her car. 🙄 Dingbat.
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AliceB: a "Hi, I am okay" would have been nice. I am sure you had visions of her car and body being dug out of snow weeks later.
KID1919: I am constantly stunned by peoples' stupidity and thoughtlessness. And what she said was cruel. Punching her would have felt good.
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KID I am so sorry you had to deal with such an insensitive a**hole! People can be so stupid and thoughtless.
Your quote really resonates with me. And like Mae, it does bring some sadness. But it also encourages me to enjoy everything I do.
Wishing you better days
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I cannot imagine someone in this day and age having the nerve to say something like that out in public. I know there are morons in the country who still think it is not "real" or an issue and ard we all know we are all tired of it. Meanwhile anyone at risk is a prisoner in the house staring out the windows. They think they are the only people that matter.
Wouldn't it be nice if there a place for those who want to get good medical care and follow rules and get treated well could live and are good compliant patients? We all know how much it matters to be nice everyone. Too bad the everyone else cant' get on board.
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KID, I keep lists. Lots of them. One of them is "Stupid Things People Say." You know, like "Oh, my mom died of breast cancer," during a conversation with the recently diagnosed. "Femara made my sister lose her mind," is another.
The words of this selfish, stupid, insensitive woman you used to work with, even though they weren't said specifically to me, just got added to this list. How dare she.
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Kid, I’m good, the moment passed. Just before I read your post I was talking to DH about something next winter, without a thought about cancer and not being here, so when I read the quote, it was like a rubber band snapping me back. When those moments happen, I stop to consider how I feel physically right now, if I’m good, I don’t dwell and quickly move past it.
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Oh illimae, I'm glad you are feeling well. My MIL always says we only have this day cause no one knows the future, She drives me crazy sometimes but she's right.
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Thank you everyone for your support regarding that stupid, ignorant ugh person. I know sometimes I speak without thinking but she consistently says/does things like that. Glad I don't have to work with her anymore.
Everyone have a safe and peaceful holiday. DIL wants to see her family on boxing day in Canada, but I think the rules may be changing again. At least here in NY.
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At least the people in charge up there are paying attention to it and taking it seriously out there. Not like they are here in where I live Every day on the news there are so many deaths and so many in the hospitals who are not still not vaccinated at all. Meanwhile we are trapped in our house since DH is very immune suppressed from transplant and we are vaccinated and boosted. Do to go see people. Visit on the computer or phone calls withe grandkids and kids. Feel like sometimes I will never be able to live outside my house again and not die from something else.
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It's been years since I've had bronchitis. I hate that it just lingers on and on. Still on the fence about calling for some cough medicine or just toughing it out. It is much better this week than the last 2. Almost fully functional, just a bit tired and have the coughing. Not really wheezing or anything like that. Been wearing my mask in public of course. Trying to do the store in small trips instead of 1 big one to keep from getting winded.
Wishing you all a happy holiday and good health!
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ctm try a little honey in tea which is to help calm your cough too.
Had an email from my uncle today that my cousin is getting a CT scan today to check for lung cancer. Smokes and won't quit. I know my uncle (who is 86 or so now I think) is scared to death. I know my cousin is the "baby" of the group and imagine mid 50'at this point. Young to be dealing with this.
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My BIRADS-4c biopsy results were just released electronically:
DIAGNOSIS: Acute and chronic inflammation, histiocytes, and foreign body giant cells.
A comment in the report says it's consistent with fat necrosis.
Knock me over with a feather, I was SURE this was going to be more cancer! Merry Christmas to me!
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YAY!!!!!! Merry Christmas to you!!!!! So glad it's good news! Thanks for sharing. <<high five>>
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From one Sunshine to another, that's wonderful news! Have a very Chistmas!
Sunshine99 (AKA, Carol)
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Merry Christmas sunshine! What peace of mind you have now and can enjoy the next few days again. Glad to hear!