CRAZY TOWN WAITING ROOM - TESTS coming up? All Stages Welcome.



  • JAN69
    JAN69 Posts: 731
    edited May 2016

    Katy, Tea is brewing, muffins in the oven, meet you on the porch. Anyone want to join us?

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Posts: 3,008
    edited May 2016

    I am up for tea, muffins and a new breezy porch swing.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,463
    edited May 2016

    My podiatrist said that for most people, the higher-end OTC orthotics (Superfeet and Aetrex) work as well as the 4x the price custom-cast Rx ones. Unless you have extreme arch anomalies, true Morton's neuroma or severely advanced bunions, go for the Superfeet--get them at a dedicated runners' supply store (NOT a shopping-mall sneaker shop). They even come in different shapes for different shoes (runners, walkers, casual, dressy, even ski boots).

    Well, CrazyTown just got a little crazier. Bob called at noon to tell me some idiot turned left into him while he (Bob) was going straight ahead and had the right of way at an uncontrolled intersection, He swears he's not hurt, but you know men. The car is severely damaged but he was able to drive it to his office lot 2 blocks away where it'll be towed and a rental (paid for by the moron's insurer) will be delivered. He is fretting that his car will be declared a total, and he loves that thing. The newer Fusion hybrids aren't quite as good, have trickier infotainment systems and cost more, and he gets sciatica in a Prius. I hope he has the sense to have an orthopedist colleague check him out, as injuries can take a couple of days to manifest. At least the impact wasn't enough to set off the airbags. Hope the other guy gets ticketed.

    Picking up Gordy tonight at ORD. His ETA is 8:30, but he's taking that "toy" airline (Spirit) again, and heaven knows when he'll actually land. Last year it was 3 hrs late (in good weather), and by tonight it'll be raining

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Posts: 4,671
    edited May 2016

    I have had foot issues for way long so gonna do the fancy ones, i have not been able to walk more than 10 minutes without foot pain and tingling in feet, resisted these but time to give these a try but thanks for the thought

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Posts: 4,671
    edited May 2016

    it is likely related to the spine issues

  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Posts: 2,703
    edited May 2016

    Sandy.. Sorry to hear Bob had a bingle, but so glad he's O.K..!!

    Jan.. I'd love to join you and Katy and Molly on the porch for tea and muffins :-)

  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,463
    edited May 2016

    Actually, your feet may even be contributing to the spine issues! When I started wearing shoes with either Rx, quality OTC, or even really good removable orthotics that come with the shoes (Finn Comfort and Alegria), I got backaches far less often. I even found shearling Aetrex orthotics (with both arch support and metatarsal cushions) for my UGGs!

    Bob called again--the other guy’s adjuster won’t be out to look at the car until Thursday, and insists on using the North Side-based tow service that almost every insurer calls. (His office is SW, near Midway, we’re NE, near Evanston). He called Enterprise (was given a phone authorization to use any of their Chicago facilities) and is waiting to see if they can deliver a car before he has to leave his office to make hospital rounds. If not, his office nurse will drive him to an Enterprise on her way home.

    Between that and Gordy’s unpredictable flight from NOLA, looks like a late-night dinner....grilled indoors (more storms en route).

  • pennsygal
    pennsygal Posts: 264
    edited May 2016

    Rleepac - those do sound like autoimmune symptoms - I'm glad you're getting in to see the rheumatologist.

    Just got U/S results back - I have a small (4mm) "stone versus polyp" in my gallbladder. Apparently it's small, so they just recheck in six months. Never a dull moment.....

  • Jackbirdie
    Jackbirdie Posts: 1,617
    edited May 2016

    Pennsy- good news. Yay! (This falling under the heading ofnow being grateful for things we used to be concerned about..... I had my gallbladder out about 3 years ago. Looking back, I thought it was a big deal and I was scared. How naive I was.)

  • JAN69
    JAN69 Posts: 731
    edited May 2016

    Oh Goody! We're gathering a nice group for tea and muffins. Lucy, stop by and pick up Beppy on your way. Someone please bring some nice relaxing background music. I'll bring some soft cozy quilts in case the breeze gets a little cool.

    Sore feet. So sorry for those who suffer. Good luck with inserts.

    Penny, A stone is better than a polyp? Recheck in 6 months sounds good!

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Posts: 4,671
    edited May 2016

    sandy, that is what my foot doc thought also so a couple bucks for these gems is worth it! Wish me luck

  • shorfi
    shorfi Posts: 437
    edited May 2016 happy you are good. Doing the happy dance 💃🏾💃🏾

  • lcm123
    lcm123 Posts: 66
    edited May 2016

    Hey, y'all. I hope everyone is able to enjoy this lovely spring day. I am fighting to keep the windows open, because I like the fresh air better than the air conditioner. At night, I allow my son to shut all the windows and turn on the air for a few hours, then open them back up to sleep with fresh air. Only a couple of weeks before it is air conditioning 24/7. But, for now, the things that are flowering are sending unbelievable fragrances through the windows. God's aromatherapy.

    Jan, I am praying for good results on your sister's report, and for you.

    Queen, the Inn looks lovely, and I see we can bring our kittens, too.

    Katy, the flowers are so pretty. My husband, the other day, brought me a vase of his purple iris and snot flowers. It was so pretty. I don't think it's nice to call them snot flowers, but when you cut them, there it is. My mother said that is what they are. They look so pretty, all purple, like a wild iris or something. It looks like a Van Gogh painting in our back yard.

    octo, world traveler, love the pictures. And Gabe the bear.

    I am very sorry about your friend, the onco nurse, Sandy.

    Di2012, I think you more than qualify for crazy town. And hugs to you.

    Beppy, I am praying for you. I am glad you are feeling strong. You are a kind lady.

    Queen, it was you who said that about the kittens that they 'pounce on all our invisible air sprites that plague us in the dark and silent hours of the morning'. I like that.

    Reading about all the eye stuff reminds me of back in May three years ago. My husband had just gone into the operating room for his first cataract surgery. I got a text from my sister that our Mama had passed away that morning. I went to the surgeon a few hours later and got diagnosed. The next May, my husband got a detached retina. He wanted to wait until his eye doctor visit until September. What a dingdong. He would've gone blind. Then, last May, he got almost completely paralyzed with something I had never heard of called Transverse Myelitis. He is almost 100 percent better, now. Just his heel area, where it started is still numb. Now, here it is another May. Maybe this May will be like the beautiful Mays of the past where it is just springtime and nothing else? I hope so. I have not even said anything to my husband or son about it being May. Of course they know, but I don't think they are thinking about it being ***MAY***. I think I will just keep it secret.

    Val, funny about the eyebrows. All my hair everywhere fell off of me. I had to draw on eyebrows so I wouldn't frighten myself in the mirror. Even when it was surgery time, and they said no makeup, I drew on those eyebrows, anyway.

    We used to do the May Day baskets, too, when we were little.

    Tomorrow I head to the PS for a follow up after my reconstruction/tram revision/chemo port removal. It is so nice to have my boobs be somewhat even for the first time in a long time. I don't know if they settle any after awhile or not. I wonder if the PS ever gets tired of a patient after a few years.

    Hugs to everyone,


  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Posts: 2,020
    edited May 2016

    Shorfi: following your saga sympathetically. Let us know when (not if!) you find a PCP with more sense?

    Katy: spring's def. here in SW Michigan. Meaning it's swinging from thunderstorms triggered by cold fronts to Goldilocks sunny warmth back to chilly enough that the cats crawl into my lap to warm their pawses.

    Lisa: yes, kittens (all pets!) welcome at the inn. The 'driving away night demons' is partly based on my husband's experience with sleep paralysis with our then-cat on his chest; he was reassured by the fact that the cat was NOT reacting in any way to his waking dream. But also because I find kittens take themselves so seriously; watching them wind up their pounce with an earnest butt-wiggle to deal with an extremely dangerous ant? Diverting, just enough to let me pry my mind out of the downward spiral, though I know others have other ways of doing that.

  • lcm123
    lcm123 Posts: 66
    edited May 2016

    I know. Our cats are like that for me, too. Haha, that "earnest butt wiggle".

  • JAN69
    JAN69 Posts: 731
    edited May 2016

    Icm, Thanks for thinking of me and my sister. I get my results tomorrow 3:15, California time. In the meantime, swinging seriously on the porch swing.

  • cubbie2015
    cubbie2015 Posts: 773
    edited May 2016

    Joining you guys on the porch for tea and muffins. Thanks to everyone for being in my pocket today. MO says estrogen is still too high to start AI, but it is coming down. The good news is that I don't have to go back for two months this time. Hopefully by then the ovaries will be finished shutting down.

    Funthing, my MO measures LH, FSH, and estradiol in determing this. I'm not sure exactly what numbers he's shooting for, but he said I'm at 5 right now. Looking at my blood test results, he must be referring to the FSH. I suppose I should read up on how all this works, but I'm too busy at work these days, and burned out on cancer research. SickTired

    In the meantime, my cholesterol is a little high, so I need to work on my diet and exercise. MO is going to see if my insurance company would cover a consult with a dietician.

    Pennsy, glad it's only a stone, and not one that requires immediate action.

    JAN, fingers crossed for good news for both you and your sister.

    Sandy, I hope Bob is OK. I agree, sometimes you don't feel the effects of an impact like that until the next day.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,463
    edited May 2016

    Bob is fine, but that's the only good news. The other driver is 85, speaks only Polish and was driving on an expired license--yet did not get ticketed!!! This guy is 'insured" (and I use the term loosely) by Unique, which has the distinction of racking up the worst complaint record in IL. (An NBC5 investigative report in 2013 said it was the second worst, but it can now proclaim "We're number one!" Scatalogically speaking, that's one number short). It's a substandard company that charges otherwise uninsurable high-risk drivers (e. g., non-Anglophone octogenarians who drive 13-year-old beaters on expired licenses and turn left into oncoming traffic without signaling) unconscionably high premiums while refusing to pay claims of both their own insureds and of drivers hit by their own insureds. They have an F rating for complaints from the BBB (but an A for paying their BBB accreditation fees on time). The silver lining is that we have GEICO and a $250 deductible, and GEICO is stuck taking them to court for subrogation. Of course, that means our collision premiums will go up. And the car may be a total, since it's a 2011

  • PoppyK
    PoppyK Posts: 1,275
    edited May 2016

    Just checking in and waving hi to all you Crazies!

    Sandy, Sorry about the car, they glad to hear your husband is OK.

    I broke my ankle last Thursday, so I'm supposed to stay off my feet for three weeks. I don't see how that's going to happen.

    So much for being more active!

    Also I found a round in my armpit on the bad girl side. It doesn't hurt, but it's there. Guess I'm getting on board the Crazy Town Express!

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Posts: 2,700
    edited May 2016

    Yikes! Sorry Poppy! How'dya do that?? We can sit on the porch with Jan, take it easy, stuff will wait. Chi, That insurance company is whacked!!! How are they getting away with that....dickheads.

    hey to Shorfi, cubbie, lily, funthing, everybody. I have been reading like crazy, trying to catch up, ok, I am, now I've just got to keep it that way.

    I've been wondering lately, how the heck did I ever have time for a full time job?!? And I am STILL 3,4, years behind on EVERYTHING!!! Good night, gotta swing a hammer again tomorrow, and hey, Katy & Ducky.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Posts: 9,645
    edited May 2016
    Tomboy.........Hi Sweetie, how are you...........miss you........feeling like crap.......all I want to do is replace the lower 1/2 of my I have my right heel killing me..........I had plantar fasciitis many years ago, and it is a bitch.........this feels like the same thing...........does this crap ever end..........

    Another in Philly they seem to be on "overkill" regarding cancer....every other commercial is about some type of cancer or some hospital bragging that they are the best place to go for treatment..........What's with that!!!!!!!!!!!!.........or am I being over sensitive.........

    Out front of my house they are ripping up the street to replace all the pipes about a mess.......yesterday I had to go to pick up my grandson at school.....they were almost to the front of my house......I went out, said to the anohter hour I need to take my car out of the go pick up my grandson at you have 2 choices...since there is no place to put my car on the street, and it appears you are going to be in front of my driveway in the next either stop ahead of my driveway, or find a way for me to get to the school......THE CHOICE IS YOURS.................UGH.......

    Weather hear sucks........ok, I'm done............yes I am cranky today....LOL
  • shorfi
    shorfi Posts: 437
    edited May 2016

    Queen...You bet...I did manage to find another PCP yesterday afternoon. He was someone I knew many years ago as a resident. We will be seeing him on June 20th as first-time patients. He spends an hour with each new amazing is that!!!

    Tomboy...Hi and waving at you.

    Ok,,,the intense itching has stopped, but I am mean as a skunk to my husband. I am not talking to him...only one word answers. Do you think this could be another side effect? Good thing I work alone at my job. I intend to stay put together and only taking breaks to go to restroom. This is not a nice feeling. Doesn't help that the weather here is crazy. I am sitting here at work with a portable heater under my desk...smh (shaking my head).

    Ducky I agree with you about those commercials. EVERY COMMERCIAL IS ABOUT CANCER and I am tired of hearing it. Or like you, perhaps I am just sensitive since not taking the Lexapo anymore. Can't wait until this phase is over.

    Yep, I am cranky too.

  • pennsygal
    pennsygal Posts: 264
    edited May 2016
  • Molly50
    Molly50 Posts: 3,008
    edited May 2016

    Hi Tomboy! PoppyK, how did you break your ankle? I wish I could come help you. I am praying that the round thing under your arm is nothing. Jan, however are you? Beppy, always thinking of you. Sandy, glad Bob is okay. Duckyb, you have every right to have a grumpy day. I hope the grandson cheered you up. We had two incidents within hours of each other that I thought we were going to lose Wyatt. That child is remarkable in his determination to stick around. We have the lung problems under control but these were seizures that caused his O2 saturation to drop quickly and stay down for about 10 minutes. I swear I have PTSD.

  • Jackbirdie
    Jackbirdie Posts: 1,617
    edited May 2016

    Poppy so very sorry about your ankle! And whatever that is under your arm! Sending you a big hug.

    Sandy glad Bob is ok. Hoping the best for the car.

    (((Shorfi))) I hope you level out soon. Glad to hear about your new PCP. Sounds very promising.

    Hugs to all today. Ducky, Molly, Lisa, Pennsy (I hate those walks too) , Cubbie, QMC, Iris, Funthing, Tomboy, Beppy, Gogo, JAN,and anyone else just reading and being quiet right now. It's raining softly here, going to have a quiet day.

  • shorfi
    shorfi Posts: 437
    edited May 2016

    Just a brief MO called and said under no circumstances should I have stop taking Lexapro cold turkey. So she advised me to start again taking a lower dose every day for one month and the next refill will be every other day. She was so upset...Devil

  • SlowDeepBreaths
    SlowDeepBreaths Posts: 6,702
    edited May 2016

    Sending love and hugs to all that need them today.

    Maybe a group hug is in order?!


    Edited to add: I apologize for being so behind. Our thread moves so fast. :)

  • SlowDeepBreaths
    SlowDeepBreaths Posts: 6,702
    edited May 2016

    Great article pennysgal.

    I'd love to join you all on the swing for tea and muffins!!

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Posts: 4,671
    edited May 2016

    shorfi. Glad your doc got back to you

    Best of luck doc sounds like she is rational

  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,463
    edited May 2016

    Poppy, sorry about your ankle? But only 3 weeks non-weightbearing? That joint takes the brunt of the weight of that entire side of your body. My ex-singing partner broke hers, and was not allowed to bear weight on it for 10 weeks! Maybe it’ll be 3 days of bed-or-chair rest, followed by either crutches, a non-wheeled walker, or (as my friend used) a knee scooter. Let that bone knit!

    Ducky, I hear you. If a space alien were to land on Earth and watch a day of TV, it would conclude that we Americans all desperately need new luxury cars, harangue our doctors to prescribe stuff for diseases we didn’t know we had, and have cancer. Here in Chicago it’s as if we’re watching a playground fight: “Our oncologists can beat up your oncologists."