CRAZY TOWN WAITING ROOM - TESTS coming up? All Stages Welcome.



  • PoppyK
    PoppyK Posts: 1,275
    edited July 2016

    Molly, Glad to hear your sister is doing well after her surgery. I hope her recovery is uneventful, with minimum pain. I'll be in your pocket on Friday.

    I'll be in Slow's pocket on Thursday, then jump into Molly's pocket on Friday!

    One year since CT was founded, but I've been here much longer than a year!

  • robinlk
    robinlk Posts: 363
    edited July 2016

    Good thing the CT train is free! A lot of pockets to travel to. Heart

  • cubbie2015
    cubbie2015 Posts: 773
    edited July 2016

    Still crazy after all this year! I can't believe CrazyTown is only a year old.

    Molly, glad to hear your sister is doing well. In your pocket for surgery on Friday.

    All this food talk is driving me crazy, I'm fasting for yet another set of monthly lab tests tomorrow.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,463
    edited July 2016

    YES!!!! I just saw the trailer for Florence Foster Jenkins, starring Meryl Streep! I’ll never forget the first time, 33 years ago, when I heard my voice teacher play me the Queen of the Night’s aria from “The Magic Flute,” on the LP The Glory (???) of the Human Voice. I laughed so hard that in retrospect, I think that may have been the first thing that triggered my asthma.

  • octogirl
    octogirl Posts: 2,434
    edited July 2016

    Glad your sister is doing well Mollie and in your pocket Friday for sure!

    A year? Wow....I just had my surgery a year ago. Hard to believe. Beppy, we love you!


  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Posts: 9,891
    edited July 2016

    Morning all and hugs those that need them!

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Posts: 5,978
    edited July 2016

    Lots of pocket jumping this week! Is that considered exercise ?

    I have an idea - make a little pocket and place the names of the people that I need to think about and pray for..... If I do it I will make a picture for you all to share..

  • SlowDeepBreaths
    SlowDeepBreaths Posts: 6,702
    edited July 2016

    Hi Crazies!!

    I'm so behind on posting. I didn't even realize we had a one year birthday of our thread. Thank you to all the ladies that post here. You're all extended family to me and I feel so fortunate to have you all in my life. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of every crazy.

    I see we have many pockets to fill this week and next. I promise to catch up tonight with all of you.

    My port placement knocked my shoulder out for several days. I told every person that would listen on my team that my shoulder pops out of its socket from an old injury. I begged them all to be careful when placing the port. All seemed well for the first two days and then all of a sudden, I couldn't move my arm without excruciating pain. It felt like my arm was attached by a thread. We sent a message to the surgeon and he said it's probably the trauma from manipulating the shoulder during the placement (DUH!) Thankfully, after a few days of drugging myself into a slumber, it finally felt like it had gone back in to its socket. What a relief.

    I get to finish my trip that was cut short this Thursday. My DH and I are driving to Oregon to meet our beautiful Jackbirdie. I've been on the run from chemo but I think my run is coming to an end on the 27th. I know my new MO is losing patience with me and wanted me to start chemo months ago. It's been a difficult decision for me to go down this road again. Chemo never made much sense to me but I'm starting to accept that it may be my only option. It seems my lungs have been busy in nodule making mode.

    It's still my goal to meet as many crazies as possible even while doing treatment. I'm forever grateful to all of you. BBL tonight!!

    Love to all....quiet crazies too!!

    P.S. Here is a picture from my lunch with Jan69 and PoppyK. Jan is just like she is online....kind, caring and loving. I'm so thankful I got special time with her. Plus, you all know how awesome Poppy is too. Life with great friends is an awesome life, even with everything we all go through with this disease.


    Jan69, Me and PoppyK.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Posts: 4,671
    edited July 2016

    so glad to hear from you and great to have faces now to match with names

  • shorfi
    shorfi Posts: 437
    edited July 2016

    Molly...I'm so happy things went well for your sister and will be thinking of you on Friday...wishing you well Smile

    Beppy...In your pocket as well for Thursday. Luv ya!!!

    Iris...How are your legs feeling these days?

    Val...Hi...waving at you!!!

    Ducky...Hi are you? Hope you are chillaxing.

    Jan and Poppy...Don't you just love Beppy. She is so sweet Heart

  • wendiwithani
    wendiwithani Posts: 27
    edited July 2016

    Hi, everyone. I am having a bone scan tomorrow at 1:30 pm PCT to check out some bone pains I have been having in my ribs. I could use some extra thoughts, prayers and positive vibes. :)

  • shorfi
    shorfi Posts: 437
    edited July 2016

    Don't worry...I got you in my thoughts and in your pocket as well holding on tightly to your hand.

  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Posts: 2,020
    edited July 2016

    Gmafoley: that actual pocket sounds a lovely idea. Please do post a picture!

    SlowDeep: glad to see you back, and what is it with doctors who don't beeping listen to what you're saying! (There's a couple of doctors locally who've still got scorch marks from when I snapped and told them what I thought.)

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Posts: 4,671
    edited July 2016

    hi ladies, sort took yesterday and today off from gym stuff, decided to visit urgent care to check on dumb foot, they xrayed the dumb foot and it is not broken but arthritis flare

    So ice and wrapped and sort of resting

    Must say it was first time in urgent care and it was good experience

    Next door neighbor stopped by last night to ask me what was going on, nice to have neighbors ask but think he thinks I a, over reacting to stuff, like wish that was the case

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Posts: 3,008
    edited July 2016

    Wendi, welcome and in your pocket. I have my extra, extra large pocket ready for Friday. Love you all. Beautiful picture of Jan, Beppy and Poppy.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Posts: 9,891
    edited July 2016

    Holy Crow!!!! I just looked at my calendar and realized that next Thursday my hubby and I will have lived in our home for a decade! The weekend we moved in was terribly hot. Went throughout several cases of water and multiple shirt changes.

  • cubbie2015
    cubbie2015 Posts: 773
    edited July 2016

    Beppy, what a great photo. I'm glad to hear you are going to visit Jackbirdie. You guys should have a great time together. In your pocket for the 27th, hoping everything goes smoothly.

    Wendi, welcome and in your pocket for tomorrow! Check in with us when you can. I was going to say that tests are so stressful, but then everything about cancer is stressful.

    Iris, I hope your foot feels better soon. I'm glad to hear it isn't broken, anyway.

    Queenie, picturing doctors with burned spots on their white coats after your lectures, LOL!

    Sandy, I had to look up that opera singer (maybe I should put that in quotes) you posted about last night. I don't know how I never heard of her. I have to admire her determination, or maybe just her audacity. I had to listen to Diana Damrau perform the same aria afterward for contrast. Wow!

  • SlowDeepBreaths
    SlowDeepBreaths Posts: 6,702
    edited July 2016

    Evening Crazies,

    Shorfi, Congratulations on your new car. I love the new car scent. I can just picture you zipping around the neighborhood! How fun! Foxy Lady sounds like an excellent name. "It doesn't matter if you are poor or or white...educated or not...the fact that you are a woman makes you a high risk for breast cancer." I couldn't agree more.....stinkin' cancer. I also wondered what Ducky was thinking about in that picture!!

    Ducky, I want to join the Bobby fan club too!! I loved the story about the painting. You and I walk at the same pace. I love my DH, but he is almost always 20 steps ahead of me.

    Smurfette, I'm so sorry I missed your birthday. Happy Belated Birthday, Smurfette!!

    Here is your smurfette cake....


    your balloons.....


    and your birthday flowers!!


    I hope your day was wonderful!!

    You're not alone in your thoughts wondering if it's your last birthday. I think it's all part of the PTSD we all suffer from. Sending extra big hugs your way. As time goes on, it does get better for most. Your granddaughter is a beauty. What a wonderful smile she has. My Italian family would've had a wonderful time pinching those cheeks. Crazy Italians.

    Cubbie, That's not the first time that I've heard that about beer and longevity. I never cared for the taste of beer but maybe I should learn to like it. I've also heard red wine was another secret to longevity. I may need to adjust my diet! haha I'm very sorry to hear about your friend. :(

    Sandy, I'm also sorry to hear about your friends too. My body has changed also. I always had a flat tummy and now I look like a barrel with legs. I can totally relate about the infection paranoia. After my flesh eating bacteria diagnosis, I felt like a lunatic. I would wake in the middle of the night sure it was back. In fact, that's when I developed my first Crazy Town test kit.- flashlight, mirror, etc. I know I carried much of that paranoia into my BC diagnosis.

    GMA, I loved the pictures of the grands. I'm glad you got to see them this summer. Also, the cheer up picture was adorable. "Lots of pocket jumping this week! Is that considered exercise ?" HECK YEAH! I like the way you think!

    Iris, I'm going to have to try some of that yogurt making. It sounds simple and I'm not sure why I've never tried. I'm doing a happy dance for good mammo results for you!! What's up with your team? Do they have a plan in place yet?

    Twinnie, I agree!! We need some of those happy pills that GMA is pushing!! haha I'm sorry you had some sleepless nights. Why is it our worries typically hit us when we should be sleeping? The beach sounds like excellent medicine.

    Octo, I just read your post about your clothes being smaller. I've noticed that too when I went shopping. I wonder if the clothing manufacturers are just trying to make us feel better by using smaller numbers? Now I'm not as excited as I was when I tried on clothes!! haha My mom used to swear that her tummy was big because she had a stomach tumor. When I read your post, it reminded me of her. I'm very happy about your clear mammo. A big happy dance for you!! I hope Femara is nicer to you this time around. I just saw the picture of your grandson. He is an absolute cutie pie. I love his big eyes, long eyelashes and curly hair.

    JAN69, "Loose-pant cancer." hahahahahahahahahaha That gave me a good chuckle. Did you ever find your pants? I had such a fun day meeting you. I can't wait to do it again!

    Pennsy, I know you have a mammo coming up in Aug. Please let us know when so we can jump in your pocket. I hope your toe is feeling better.

    Tomboy, I thoroughly enjoyed your post about the books you were reading. What an amazing comparison. It's no wonder I love you so much. So beautifully written. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I may try your ice cream diet. It sounds very satisfying.

    Esmerelda50 (Essy), I don't remember seeing you in Crazy Town before. Welcome to our little town!!


    I apologize for being late to your arrival. Please pull up a chair and get comfy. The women (and one man that I know of here) are all wonderful. We would love to have you join us at our next get together!! I'm always so thrilled when a quiet crazy posts. You're never alone in Crazy Town!

    Rainy, My DD is a crazy Harry Potter fan. She traveled to London just to see the Warner Bros. studio tour and traveled to Florida to see Harry Potter World in Orlando. I would love to visit China someday and see the Terracotta Warriors. Not likely though considering I don't fly. I hope the heat isn't melting you today.

    Molly, We will all be crowded in your pocket on the 22nd. Sending you all our best MOJO. Just remember you're one step closer to being finished!! Big hugs to you!! I was so happy to read that your sister is doing well. Give that sweet boy of yours a hug from the crazies.

    Poppy, Yes, we have been living in Crazy Town long before it was officially established! hahaha I couldn't ask for better cohorts. :)

    Robin, Good for you for starting that new program. Sending my very best wishes to you. I'm very happy to hear you're hopeful. We must never lose our hope. Gentle hugs to you!! We are all right here by your side. I'm sorry I missed your pocket party yesterday. Ooops, just realized you didn't see the MO on Friday. Just for the give back just by posting your experience. You just never know when someone else will face the same challenges as you. Thank you for sharing with us.

    Eggroll! Very good to see you posting. I'm sorry I missed your pocket party on Friday. How did the mammo go? Please let us know when you get a chance. In the meantime, I'm sending good MOJO in your direction.

    M0mmy, Big hugs to the hugger. I'm very happy to hear your DH is all healed. Doing a happy dance for both of you! Be careful with that weeding. Happy Houseaversary! Here's to many more happy years.

    Daisylover, Thank you for posting the information about Sandy's memorial. I wish I could go. You were such a wonderful friend to her and I'm so glad you got to spend so much time with her. She enjoyed your visits so much. She showed me the flip flops when I was there!! I miss her everyday and still can't believe she has left the building. I know what she would say to us though. "Go out and buy yourself something nice." "Do something nice for yourself." I have several voicemail messages from her. When I miss her voice, I play them. Gentle hugs to you dear friend. I hope it gets easier with time for us and all who loved her.

    Val, Great to see you posting. We are all right by your side during rads. You're almost half way there!! Wooohoooo!! I hope your SE's are minimal.

    Wendiwithandi, Welcome to our crazy town!!


    Please pull up a chair and make yourself comfy. Some like to hang out in the tree house too. We will all be in your pocket tomorrow for your bone scan. Please let us all know how it goes when you can.

    QM, Good for you for telling the doctors. I'm not very shy about speaking up either. Thanks for the welcome back!! By the're doing a great job!!

    Katy, If you're reading....Have I mentioned how excited I am to see you?!! hahaha Three days to go!! DH is making homemade chocolate chip cookies for the trip.

    Sorry this is so long. You've all been a gabby bunch of crazies. I think I'm finally caught up!! I hope I didn't miss any newbies? If so, just let me know and I'll give you the welcome you deserve. Thank you ALL for the pocket party.

    Love to all....quiet crazies too!!

  • SlowDeepBreaths
    SlowDeepBreaths Posts: 6,702
    edited July 2016


  • PoppyK
    PoppyK Posts: 1,275
    edited July 2016

    Great to hear from you, Beppy. Tell Katy that I think about her all the time!

    Wendi, Welcome to Crazy Town. I'll be in your pocket tomorrow. I noticed that you're in Corona. I'm in Riverside and used to live in Corona!

    I see my MO on Thursday for another follow up appointment. Blah!

    Here's a beautiful sunset from my DH's and two of my boy's trip to Louisiana.


  • Smurfette26
    Smurfette26 Posts: 269
    edited July 2016

    Thanks so much for my Birthday flowers, balloons and that adorable cake. xx

    Gorgeous pics Poppy.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Posts: 9,891
    edited July 2016


    Thanks for the house anniversary greetings! Weeding is all done and with the temps going back up into the 90s tomorrow I decided to do all the laundry today.

    Hugs to all who need them!

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Posts: 9,645
    edited July 2016
    Hi ladies........I have something I would like to pass by all of you..
    I have been on a statin drug since my heart attack back in 2007...not a severe one, but a heart attack just the same......(this could be long, but please read to the end).
    I tried several statin drugs but all gave me horrible aches and pains until finally I was put on one called Provachol (generic Pravastatin) daughter was out to dinner with a friend who was a certified nutritionist and she told her about my HA.....she also shared what they did for me (no surgery, no blockage, small branch artery so no stent, use medicine) daughter also told her about the aches and pains
    She suggested daughter said "she is taking it".......she asked "how man mgs) the time it was 50mg in a multi vitamin.............she said "she should be taking at least 200mg...a day.

    Tryin'g to cut this short...anyway I did start to t take it, and it helped everything with me I got careless taking it and after a bit the pain came back.......well here's the final end to the story

    You all know I stopped Letrozole after 4 years (brutal SE's)..........I have had horrible knee pain, trigger finger, foot neuropathy, etc...................last week I started taking the. COq10 again......200mg in the morning......200 at aches and pains have gotten so much better.....I am in awe that this is here is my suggestion to any of you ladies who are on an AI with side effects.............

    Try can only help (even if your pain doesn't go away) can not overdose.....anyone can and should take it for cell repair, and anyone who is on a statin up on it, and see the enormous benefits it has......

    If anything changes and I find out it's just a couple of "good weeks".......I will let you know....this is only a suggestion, but I think I am on to something.........the knee feels feet are not hurting as much.....I am still off balance/dizzy at times, but without the pain I can walk better which helps with that too........

    Sorry this is so long, but wanted you all to know about my experience with COq10...I should have never stopped taking is a tad high in price, but it is worth it.......Many times you will see it on sale buy one get one free........I just got it for $52.00 for 2 bottles of 80 softgels...a very good up on it.its worth the read.

    Thanks for reading this, and sorry it is so long.....
  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Posts: 9,645
    edited July 2016

    Anyone wanting to ask me about anthing particular about COq10 send me a PM..........hugs

  • pennsygal
    pennsygal Posts: 264
    edited July 2016

    Ducky - thank you for posting this. I have never had back pain in my life, but thanks to Femara, now I do! Can I ask what brand you are taking and where you got it?


  • wendiwithani
    wendiwithani Posts: 27
    edited July 2016

    Thank you all so much for the warm wishes...made me tear up a little this morning.

    Poppy, I can't believe you're so close to me! :) I have lived in Corona for four years and am in Riverside all the time. I work in Perris.

  • JAN69
    JAN69 Posts: 731
    edited July 2016

    Good Morning fellow Crazies, I'll try to catch up with everyone, but I know I'll miss some posts. Joining the anniversary party at CrazyTown coffee/tea/tree house. What a warm place to meet up with good friends. I've been lucky to have met our mayor and Poppy. What wonderful friends!!! Eager to meet more of you.

    Molly, I hope your sister is continuing to do well and all goes well for you Friday. Joining the Pocket Party.

    Hi Poppy, How did DH and DSS camping trip go? Love you! Good luck with your doctor appointment. Need a hand to hold?

    Octo, I heard you are in Oregon with Katy. Lucky girl!

    Grandma Foley, I'm curious about to pocket idea. Sounds perfect

    Shorfi, Yes, I just love our Beppy and Poppy is such a sweetie, too. Did I hear you have a new car?

    Welcome to Wendi, Glad to meet you. Actually getting to meet you might become a reality. I travel to your area frequently.

    Ducky, My husband (multiple heart attack survivor) takes the CoQ10 at his PCP's suggestion. So glad it is helping you.

    Welcome to Essy, So glad you found us.

    Sorry this is so long. I fall behind posting far too often, but you are all on my mind frequently.

    My stress of the day: new cooktop installation yesterday. The tile and other structure had to be trimmed to fit the shape of the new cooktop. I held a shop vac next to the cutting thingy, but my kitchen is covered with tile dust. I think I'll have to take everything out of cupboards and wash all the contents. Cleaning lady is in kitchen at this moment and I'm hiding in the den. Guess I'd better go out there and see how bad it really is.

    Safe travels, Beppy. Give those gals a hug for me. Maybe see you next week.

    Hugs to all, Jan

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Posts: 4,671
    edited July 2016

    hey, folks pretty chatty today or since I last posted

    Anyhow, footie is feeling better now, amazing how a nice shower makes everything feel better. Course I am giving footie some rest today although did hit the gym for bike time

    My team on my back crud, we'll got appt with nuerologist coming up, then new mri then back to nuerosurgeon, then who knows what so gonna take it slow. Then also my annual physical with pcd so will be picking,her brain for thoughts

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Posts: 9,891
    edited July 2016

    Just kicking back now that my housework is done. Going to plow through a favorite romance paperback soon

  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,463
    edited July 2016

    Hanging in the Sky Priority lounge at ORD, waiting for the call to board our 3pm flight. Will don my compression at 2. TSA was insanely fast--the bomb-sniffing dogs made all the diff. Only hiccup was the artificial knees, but the circular scanner took care of that. Didn't have to remove shoes or anything from my bags. Taking only this iPad--the MBAir takes up too much room and insists on downloading all my e-mails since the last trip. If I set it not to do so, they disappear from my home computer! Anyway, hoping this gives me a chance to catch up on sleep & reading, not spending time online which keeps me up way too late. We booked 3 tours for Rome (Vatican, Forum/Colosseum/Caesar Augustus' home, Villa Borghese). Still on the fence about hiring car & driver for Tuscany--most of the tours from our hotel don't include transport to the tour meeting point, and I hate the idea of having to depend on someone else rather than coming & going on our own schedule. Thumb still triggering badly--surgeon said to give it a week, and today makes a week. Ugh.

    Will check in from Rome! In everyone's pockets for tests, surgeries, etc