CRAZY TOWN WAITING ROOM - TESTS coming up? All Stages Welcome.



  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Posts: 4,671
    edited July 2016

    seems like a good day for many,

    Me ice cream helps all

  • di2012
    di2012 Posts: 871
    edited July 2016


    GREAT NEWS it is always a relief when the colonoscopy comes out good....although diverticulitis is NO PICNIC! (I have had it for over 16 years). Sher....glad to read you have a BENIGN cyst. Molly sounds like you are having an allergic reaction to tape....there are very few tapes I can use....Tagaderm is my worst and I will be red and inflamed for up to 6 weeks with only 24 hour use! Slow, thank you for asking, I just finish PT and hurting more than ever in my knee, see the ortho PA on Thurs, my severe sepsis keeps giving and giving.....(this leg /knee hit the floor in an extreme hurry to get to my commode only a 2 steps from my hospital bed) I also put off the PT after getting out of the hospital for a while because I did not want to burden my husband driving me to my appointments. For some reason I keep losing this forum as one of my favorites. .....I keep losing my mind/memory thanks to severe sepsis....although I am improving but I still find things in odd places. (food meant for the refrigerator, found in the microwave) Hugs to everyone, Di

  • Italychick
    Italychick Posts: 527
    edited July 2016

    by far this forum is one of the most polite, respectful ones I have seen, this one and the lumpectomy lounge. It is on my favorite list with no intentions of going away. I have seen other forums get completely out of control before the moderators step in, personal bashing, attacks, etc. Ducky, nothing you said offended me at all!

    Congratulations to everybody who has had positive news!

    Slow/Beppy,don't be shy here. I know you are going through some personal crises right now, I am definitely here to listen to you. Much love and hugs! But only if you want to share....

  • cubbie2015
    cubbie2015 Posts: 773
    edited July 2016

    I think Keiko is the cutest teddy bear ever, and I'm not even a big bear fan.

    Just got back from the MO and I have been given my first three month appointment! I'm so excited! Isn't that pathetic? I remember someone else on the boards described running out of her MOs office after a good checkup so fast she left flaming footprints in the lobby. 😄

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Posts: 4,671
    edited July 2016

    cubbie, hip hip hooray for a good report

  • cubbie2015
    cubbie2015 Posts: 773
    edited July 2016

    Thanks, Iris! I forgot to add, I've lost five pounds so far on my diet and my cholesterol is down 60 points. Looks like all that oatmeal is paying off.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Posts: 9,645
    edited July 2016

    Ok, Cubbie.....share that diet............LO

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Posts: 5,978
    edited July 2016

    I hate when life happens... Ended up going into the doctors yesterday - I got bit by a spider and maybe her babies that invaded our bed. 5 bites on the neck and 2 bites, a day apart from each other, on my LE arm.. here are pictures of the 2 on my arm.. Doc took time to show me the difference between a severe allergic response and cellulitis. Sent me home with antibiotics to take in the case it turned and became infected. I think this part of LE is worse than sleeves.. Not being able to wear sleeves and waiting and hoping it doesn't make an instant turn to cellulitis. (I hold fluid in my elbow, where I have had a surgery years ago and it is swelling at the moment.)


  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Posts: 9,645
    edited July 2016

    GMA......all I can say is WOW......I sure hope your going to be ok........damn........looks nasty......take care of yourself....and take those antibiotics......keep us in the loop.......

  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,463
    edited July 2016

    Gma, hope that's only inflammation from allergic reaction--would an antihistamine help?

    Sorry if I offended anyone with my own ideological remarks.

    Second day here in Borgo alle Vigne Resort in Tuscany. Two flat screen TVs in the condo, and all they get in English is CNN--badly, at that. Had a terrific dinner last night, walking tour of Terraciola this morning (many local food samples). Made a Caprese salad for lunch with gorgeous local tomatoes and basil. Heading out for a wine tour in a few minutes. My LE isn't bad, but my feet have been blistering like crazy. I am singlehandedly keeping the Compeed bandage company in business. Still can't figure out how to get phone pix into iCloud--my mobile devices keep rejecting passwords that worked back home, and because I didn't bring my laptop I can't retrieve various passwords here using Safari Preferences. Will have to post a travelogue once I get home

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Posts: 4,671
    edited July 2016

    cubbie, wow and wow on getting your cholesterol down

    I need your secret, keep working at it but hard to get it below 200 for me

  • Valstim52
    Valstim52 Posts: 833
    edited July 2016

    GMA, sorry for your discomfort...

    Yay Cubbie.

    Duckie you didnt offend me at all. I love this thread

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Posts: 9,645
    edited July 2016

    Val......thank you........I would never hurt anyone on this adopted daughter takes pride in this great thread that she along with Tomoy started.......peace is our motto..........................hugs

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Posts: 5,978
    edited July 2016

    ChiSandy I am on antihistamines because of all my other allergies and I have been using the benedryl cream on them too. I hate when the doc says "I leave it up to you. Just circle it when you get home and if it gets redder, start taking the antibiotic." This is what it looked like after being up an hour this morning.. Still looks light red on the outside circle but the little one is growing outside its circle.


  • robinlk
    robinlk Posts: 363
    edited July 2016

    Oh GMA that looks like a real pain in the a__!<<<---- Arm works well to fill in the blank, but I am pretty sure Tomboy and her heat induced Tourette's has much saucier terms!

    Welcome to the new neighbor's here in CT!

    Congrats to those who have had good results recently! What a relief!

    Soooo...after my 1st group meeting I really did not feel it was the right fit. At my second group meeting, I wanted to give it a chance, when they handed out the trauma impact sheet, then stated this particular group was not really set up for any PTSD issues. I knew it was the wrong fit.

    I left there and drove directly to CTCA. It felt so right, I cannot even describe it. I need my doctors all in one place, and all on the same page. I need a cohesive team, not one that is spread all over the valley. I need a human being to call me when I am due for a scan oran appointment. I needed someone to acknowledge that Tamoxifen was not the right med for me, and be willing to help me find some other treatments going forward.

    I have started PiYo, and clean eating. Including a chocolate shake a day! I am feeling more energy and PiYo has actually helped with my Plantar fasciitis. All the stretching has been helpful for my hips and lower back too. I needed to be reminded to stand up for myself. It took a major meltdown, but I would not be feeling so optimistic had it not occurred.

    Love to you all!!

  • shorfi
    shorfi Posts: 437
    edited July 2016

    Hey are too sweet to offend least you didn't offend me at all.

    Glad you are having a great time with your family down the shore. I was trying to get down to the shore in Ocean City, MD., but the prices are too expensive...$398/night???...not for Ocean City.

    Robin...You are so right...oh what a relief it is!!!

    Molly...Any better today?

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Posts: 2,700
    edited July 2016

    So Robin, are you still off the tamoxifen? I have been off it for a month. I am not that worried yet, because after I had been on it for a while, I complained about it so much to my docs, that they gave me a three month break from it, and they did not seem worried about it. It has a huge long half-life, with the added benefit of decreasing breast density. I am not sure I WILL go back on it. Or anything.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Posts: 4,671
    edited July 2016

    Wow on the 398,per Night! Guess I will do the little day trips to the coast....Thinking tomorrow may be good

    Getting tired ofthe heat

  • robinlk
    robinlk Posts: 363
    edited July 2016

    Tomboy, yes, I am still off tamoxifen. CTCA is willing to work with me to find an alternative. Starting to feel better, and things are starting to feel "right."

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Posts: 3,008
    edited July 2016

    Hi shorfi, yes doing better. I successfully changed my own dressing today. My mom has end stage Alzheimers. We got a call this morning from my step father that she's getting really close. My daughter took me over there and my brother picked up my sister who is recovering from her pbmx. My son came later. I was shocked how bad she looks. It won't be much longer. We spent some time reminiscing with my step father. I think it helped him feel better. So if I am quiet you know why.

  • SlowDeepBreaths
    SlowDeepBreaths Posts: 6,702
    edited July 2016

    Hi Crazies,

    Ducky, I'm sorry someone turned in your post. In my heart, I don't believe it was any of our regular posters. We all express our opinions on many issues. There is no meanness here. I think we all respect each other and realize that we have differing opinions, different lives and none of us are exactly the same. That's what makes us interesting. This has been an exceptionally angry election year which is why I've chosen to stay far away from any political discussion. Even amongst my own family, there are so many differing opinions. So please don't worry. We all know you and your generous heart.

    Poppy, I hope you get better soon. I'm sorry to hear you're in one of those dang rabbit holes. I'm throwing in the rope to pull you out. All of us are holding on to the other end. Hopefully, we can pull you back into the light!

    QM, How are you feeling? Doing anything fun over the summer?

    Rainy, How's the heat there? It's been crazy hot here too. I just hate running our air because the bill gets so high. Mint chocolate chip girls unite!!!

    Molly, I'm glad your wound is a bit better. I'm very sorry to hear about your mom. That's heartbreaking news. Love you dear friend. Remember, I'm just a phone call away.

    Iris, We've been on water restriction for over a year. When we go over our tier one allotment, the prices increase considerably. I save every drop of water I can to water our plants. I'm very happy to hear that your appointment helped with all the stress.

    Sher, I'm doing a happy dance for your great news!! We are always here to listen and we are always up for a pocket party. :)

    Shorfi, A big happy dance for you too!! I just love good news. Not that diverticulitis is good news, but it is certainly better than the alternative. I'm glad Keiko was able to give you some comfort.

    Cubbie, I'm so glad to hear the Gyno appointment went well. I'm doing another happy dance to celebrate your extended visit with the MO. YAY! Also, congratulations on the five pound loss and cholesterol reduction! Woooohoooo!!!

    Di, I'm sorry you're going through so much. Sepsis is such a difficult thing to contend with on a daily basis. You're not alone in losing your mind. I often pour the juice on my cereal and the milk in my glass. I've also stored the milk in the cabinet instead of the fridge. Hugs to you!!

    Italy, I'm in agreement with you on some of the other threads. When I first came to BCO, everyone was always fighting about something. I never could understand how women could treat each other that way in the face of this disease. I'm glad you're here with us. Thank you for your kind words and support. I shared an update below.

    GMA, Good grief!! Those bites looks nasty. I hope the antibiotics kick in soon!! Sending healing thoughts your way.

    Sandy, Take care of those blisters. I remember you had that same problem on one of your former trips.

    Robin, Oftentimes meltdowns help move us forward. I'm happy to hear you found a good team! It's wonderful to read the renewed hope in your words! Keep it up sister! Gentle hugs to you.

    I'm finding it difficult to move forward with chemo and sort out quantity vs. quality of life. I'm embarrassed to say, I cancelled my chemo appointment once again. I'm running out of money and trips to take, so I think I need to sort this through pretty soon. I do know that time is of the essence, but I'm having a difficult time getting on the chemo train again. I've asked for an appointment with my MO and I'm still waiting to hear back. I've got a list of questions to ask (thanks Katy). In the meantime, my port is almost healed. I wish we all had the ability to see into the future. It would make decisions so much easier. You've all been such a wonderful lifeline for me. A simple thank you never seems like enough.

    I hope you're all having a wonderful day, free from pain and worry.

    Love to all....quiet crazies too.

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Posts: 3,008
    edited July 2016

    ((((Beppy)))) I can't imagine how you are feeling. I am praying for clarity for you. Thanks for your generous offer to talk. I may take you up on it. Duckyb, I don't think any regular members of this thread would report you. I am sorry it happened. Your post was not offensive at all nor was Sandy's. I am trying to stay away from election stuff this time. Too upsetting.

  • Italychick
    Italychick Posts: 527
    edited July 2016

    Slow, whatever you decide, I'm in your pocket. I've been reading about Gezmar on the inspire website and it sounds like that treatment isn't as harsh. And remember, you can stop whenever you want. Or not do it at all. I'm behind whatever you do a thousand percent. Hugs, hugs and more hugs. You are my touchstone on this forum with all your kind words.

    Not much I can say, just be here for you, whatever you need. Xoxo

  • di2012
    di2012 Posts: 871
    edited July 2016

    GMA...hope your bites are calming down!.....or I have to drive down I-5 with a case of bug/spider spray!

    Molly I am very sorry for your is never a a good time to get that phone mom will be 98 Sept 8 and she also had Alzheimers, when I call she doesn't know me, makes me sad.......on New Years eve I grabbed her hand and put it on my Left foob...meaning she is always in my heart, she smile and then laughed.

    Slow, to your are loved by ALL of US! BIG BIG HUGS to you.!

    Ducky I want to be at the shore......I also want to find my cousin in Cape May....all I know is she lives on the "point" on higher ground...She is 81 I think. Did you hang out there in the 40's and 50's....they use to go to dances with live band over the beach in "convention hall" I don't know her married name now, her last name (maiden name) was Vandegrift, the it was Bazarte, and now I don't know.

    Hugs, Di

  • PoppyK
    PoppyK Posts: 1,275
    edited July 2016

    I am so happy for all of those who are enjoying good test results! We must celebrate these!

    Robin, I'm glad you found a group and hope it helps you. When my son was severely depressed, it took 6 therapists/groups until we found the right one. And once we found the right place for him, it was helpful for a while, but he became resistant to the therapy once he had to face uncomfortable issues. Depressed and PTSD patients can have such a difficult time getting the help they need. ((Hugs))

    Ducky and Sandy, I'm not upset or offended by your posts. Maybe the mods just search certain phrases or names to check for political posts? I have no idea, but doubt a citizen of CT would report our shenanigans!

    Tomboy, Love you!

    Anyone who hasn't met Tomboy in person.... she is amazing and just the same in person as here on the board.

    Molly, ((Hugs)) I'm so sorry about your mother. I'm glad you got to go for a visit. You and your siblings must be such a great source of support for your step-father.

    Beppy, I hope you get answers soon. Of course, I will be supporting you whatever course you chose!

    I think there are several reasons I'm staying in the rabbit hole. Part of it is feeling uncomfortable and tired on good days, and then getting knocked on my ass by this virus my DH and kids brought home. I'm tired of feeling like crap. My friends here on the board always notice when I disappear from sight, but my friends in "real life" seem quite oblivious. It makes me sad that friends don't seem to care that I'm not around. I want to not care, but it still hurts. I've been thinking about what my MO said during last week's appointment. I think she was trying to make a point to my DH and me. She mentioned in a few different ways, that when someone is depressed or suffering PTSD, they don't often go to the doctor and state that they are depressed. Instead, the patient states they are tired, have no energy, can't sleep, memory issues, gaining weight and so on. It usually is up to the doctor to directly ask the patient about depression and suggest a therapist. A week later, I figured out that she was trying to tell me. My DH was even more clueless than I was. The therapist that helped my son told me that if I ever needed help, she would help me get into their program. They have a program for adults facing a serious illness. I'm wondering if I should contact her. I've been out of active treatment for over a year, and just don't seem to be doing as well as I would want to.

    Also, I'm really pissed off that one of my son's friends (a 13 year old girl who had surgery and chemo for ovarian cancer fall of 2014) has two tumors wrapped around her one remaining ovary. She's in pain, undergoing testing and waiting for a plan. F Cancer!

    Back to the rabbit hole.

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Posts: 2,700
    edited July 2016

    ((((Poppy))) Jeeez, a 13 year old??! That is fu'p. What is going on with our environment, that's got to be what's going on. I also get you on the part about you should be feeling better by now part too. I think it takes a couple years. Because you look fine! And you look strong! But only you know what it feels like. I am not sure I have any friends at all, in real life, except for Beppy. And I am not even at her house, or yours, or Molly's, even, and Molly is really close. And that is only my fault, because I am not much fun right now, and I don't leave the house much, and the few women I know, I am sure they are sick of 'my story', the casual neighbors. Bad me. I keep wanting to want to do more, but it really takes a lot of effort for me to shake myself out of it too. But , this year I actually think my energy has finally increased -- and now there is so much to do! like, all the housecleaning I didn't do...

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Posts: 2,700
    edited July 2016

    But wait. Your MO said that? It's just funny, (NOT), because what she said about all those symptoms of depression? Those also happen to be symptoms of chemo. That's a bunch of bull shit, sorry, pawning it off on depression. why are they so reluctant to say that TREATMENT causes fatigue, or sleeplessness, no energy, gaining weight!! DUH!! Seems to me, it's not the patients that are 'reluctant', it's the doctors reluctant to blame chemo! I want all MO's to get cancer! Fuck! I am so pissed at their guesses.

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Posts: 2,700
    edited July 2016

    okay, well, maybe I don't want them to get cancer, no. But, I would like them all to have to get a healthy dose of chemo or two before they could be licensed. So they would know EXACTLY what we were talking about. It seems that having to deal with not just the cancer , but the people attached to the cancers, would depress the heck out of them!! But no! They seem pretty bright eyed and bushy tailed, sweeping quickly into and out of rooms with such pronouncements! Many of them, anyway.

  • rainnyc
    rainnyc Posts: 801
    edited July 2016

    Good morning, crazies... Oh yes, it is hot. Supposed to go down to the high 80s starting tomorrow. It has been in the 90s all week. We had an ice cream emergency last night and I had to run out for some. Only vanilla would do--it was just too hot to make a decision.

    Beppy, we all know how hard these decisions are. We are here for you. In spades. Keep us posted.

    Molly, how sad about your mom. Hoping for a peaceful passage for her and for all of you who love her.

    Robin, meltdowns can be very productive! Glad things are looking up....

    Poppy, I'd agree with Tomboy that it's hard to get a fix on where the symptoms are coming from--psychological effects of what we go through or side effects from the drugs. Regardless, I hope you get some relief soon. That is a terrible story about your son's friend. As awful as cancer is for any of us, it always is horrifying to hear about it in children. One of the chemo nurses where I get my Herceptin was for several years an in-patient nurse on a children's floor at Sloan-Kettering. She's a cheerful, upbeat person, but after a while, she had to step back from it.

    Tomboy, I agree that sometimes our docs seem a little clueless about side effects. I've always found the chemo nurses to be the ones who really get it and have practical solutions.

    I'd agree with Beppy that it could not have been one of the regulars here who reported Ducky's post. First because we love Ducky, and second because anyone who knows her also knows that if anything bad happened to her, we'd have her large family on the warpath (and some of those guys are big!), and half of Philadelphia and south Jersey, and for pete's sake the pilot's union!! Would you even dare? And yes it has been a terrible election year, full of anger and divisiveness.

    I can't remember if I've mentioned the book I've been reading. Sometimes I find it helpful to go back into the past for clarity. Many years ago, when my workplace was exceptionally antagonistic, I spent several weeks reading a wonderful translation of the Iliad. There was something about those poetic accounts of a war that took place three millennia ago that I found quite soothing. So this summer I have been reading a fascinating book, The Quartet by Joseph Ellis, who specializes in American Revolutionary history. It's his account of how Washington, Hamilton, Madison, and John Jay manipulated their peers into a constitutional convention, recognizing that if they did not do this, the confederation of states would fall apart and likely be at the mercy of the European countries. It's full of manipulation and back room deals, at a time before the internet, telephones, television. It's elegantly written and utterly absorbing.

    I have just had a simple, yet brilliant idea (if I do say so myself). Frozen blueberries? It occurs to me that if I wash and dry 'em carefully, they'll freeze and be a tiny, low-calorie popsicle.

    Stay cool, crazies. I hope you west coast ladies are safe from the fires.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Posts: 9,645
    edited July 2016

    Rainy..thanks for the started my day off great.......