CRAZY TOWN WAITING ROOM - TESTS coming up? All Stages Welcome.



  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,858
    edited August 2015


  • suladog
    suladog Member Posts: 837
    edited August 2015


    possums look like pigs and it's not even happy hour yet! At least out here in California.

    We had to interrupt our work briefly because...wasps! During lunch we kept seeing them, but not where they were going. Anyway..oh we found out where they were going into a freaking huge nest hanging below our master bedroom. The wasp guy just arrived and I am hiding in our office because...WASPS! My husband just told me the that there are two nests...both will be removed..or "gotten" as the wasp guy says. I don't know if he's wearing a bee costume or anything I just saw a ladder go up. Nothing but excitement at our house!

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited August 2015

    Sula, I had a wasp nest for a couple of years that was In the middle of a small plant

    finally called the exterminator and was surprised that he broke it up and killed it while wearing no protection

    he gave me a one year guarantee and when the seemed to come back, he came and did his thing again

    brave man~~

    all gone now so good luck with yours as it sure made me crazy!

  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Member Posts: 2,703
    edited August 2015

    Sula. Ha..I think I've solved the problem.. Our possums look different here to yours :-) Australian ones are more like gentle little creatures :-)


  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited August 2015

    ooo, but the US ones are nasty looking to me

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited August 2015

    Lucy. Nice gentle little creatures!!! You must be joking. Here they are nasty pests. Would you like them back? For our U.S. Crazies Possums were introduced to NZ from Aus and they have loved it here and are now noxious pests that destroy our native bush and can pass TB to our dairy herds. 


  • gaia0132
    gaia0132 Member Posts: 308
    edited August 2015

    Ladies I have to confess the possum stuff is creeping me out.....

    Sula the wasp situation sounds intense. I grew up in the country and EVERY year we dealt with nests; in the attic, in the eaves, in the garage, in our favorite trees. My brother, who was/is allergic was actually attacked by a swarm when we were young. Horrifying.

    Well I guess it's nice to be horrified by something other than the beast for a bit.

  • suladog
    suladog Member Posts: 837
    edited August 2015

    Ok, more possum stuff I promise. They can be nasty as we found out when a family of them decded to make nests in the down cushions of some very nice deck furniture. You see it was covered in Winter and when my husband went to take the canvas off for summer....mama and babies!!!! Much teeth, much screaming on our part. BY the time the pest guy got to the house..they were gone!!!

    Wasps are gone too..Proud, hope these guys stay gone.

    Gaia, And yeah, wouldn't it be great if a guy in a haz-mat suit can knock cancer off us with a stick and a spoon...oh, wait....


    they look totally different..and Lucy they're more like little mini kangaroos, big sad eyes.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited August 2015

    ok, on a lovely evening (or at least here in NJ), no wild life at all, well cept th multitude of white tailed rabbits but they are cool and sort of fun to see how close they will let you get to them. Bout 3 feet is usual!

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited August 2015

    Rabbits are peats here as well. Like the possums they just love our country. We have only one native mammal and that's a bat which is never seen. The rabbits became pests so ferrets  were brought in to deal with them and now they are pests and attack our native birds many of which nest on the ground. 

    Back to crazy town. This crazy must get moving. 

  • rainnyc
    rainnyc Member Posts: 801
    edited August 2015

    Since I let some of the mint go to seed, we've had lots of bees and the occasional wasp. Since they're invariably bellying up to the (floral) bar, they ignore me and I do the same.

    The squirrels, however, are relentless. They've eaten some of my cucumbers and many of my cherry tomatoes. Evil little creatures.

    Very hot today, but a nice breeze coming through. Pediatrician says ds, who grew 4 inches in the last year and clearly has a few to go (his dad is 6'5"), is underweight and needs calorically dense food. So of course, IT'S MY FAULT for getting BC. (I know it's not, but that's where the Crazy Town thoughts went first.) Off to make some calorically dense supper!

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,858
    edited August 2015

    Had an injured possum on my front porch back about 4 or 5 years ago. Went to get the mail and the mail carrier told me not to open the front door because it was there. So I had to call the animal control division for my town. They came and confirmed by just looking at it that it had been injured. Because of state wildlife laws here they could not remove it from my property while it was alive, they had a police officer from the town come and shoot it so they could legally remove it.

  • suladog
    suladog Member Posts: 837
    edited August 2015

    Hey, fellow citizens of Crazy Town,

    off to my herceptin treatment in a couple of hours..hopefully my MUGA results will be ok and we can move forward.

    I will be online during herceptin so I'll be prowling around seeing what everyone is up to

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited August 2015

    hoping for a good treatment and may you be home soon

  • Jackbirdie
    Jackbirdie Member Posts: 1,617
    edited August 2015

    Sula -in your pocket today.


  • suladog
    suladog Member Posts: 837
    edited August 2015

    We writers will do anything for a day away from the computer


  • Jackbirdie
    Jackbirdie Member Posts: 1,617
    edited August 2015

    Monkey appears to be having a problem coming up with the right words in your absence. Perhaps you failed to tell him the required pretzel sitting position?

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited August 2015

    actually ,he looks like me when my computer froze the other day for the umpteenth time

  • gaia0132
    gaia0132 Member Posts: 308
    edited August 2015

    Just scheduled the MUGA for next Thursday. Now I get to have a week of Crazy Town worries about potentially 'failing the test' and not being able to receive the treatment. Fun times!

    Have an easeful treatment Sula.

    Slow how are you doing? Still sending you hugs.

    Katy what's blooming in the garden?

    Rain I think you are off on your trip! Look forward to connecting in BK when you return

    I'm sure to be racing around CT this week.

    See you all soon!

  • suladog
    suladog Member Posts: 837
    edited August 2015


    ha knee cancer has moved around to my calf, so I am doing more stretching and not twisting my legs around writing,our office is so fun!

  • ells37
    ells37 Member Posts: 5
    edited August 2015

    What a wonderful, supportive group you all are. I love this thread. So sorry to those of you who have said goodbye to furbabies recently. I hope it's ok that I join you here for a bit. I don't have a dx, just a mutation, but my Mom is currently in treatment (chemo before surgery). I used to vacation in Crazy Town about every 6 months, just for about a week while waiting for screenings and scans. Since Mom recently had her second BC diagnosis (hormone negative this time and HER2+), I seem to have taken up residence here. 6 month screenings last week with an "all clear" phonecall on Monday. Instead of cheering and moving on as I should have done, I got copies of my reports to obsess over. (Apparently I'm an emotional cutter who can't leave well enough alone...)

    "No evidence of malignancy, but given this patient's genetic makeup and due to the extensive number of densities, a small malignancy would not be able to be excluded." Seriously Doc? I read it again and then laughed (because I live in crazy town). What the h*ll am I even doing this for?! So now my left breast hurts all the time and I'm 100% positive it's all in my head. The only positive about all of this self obsessing is that it distracts me from the horrible worry of losing Mom. Thanks for listening all, and good luck to everyone with tests, scans, meds, treatments ect this week.

  • SlowDeepBreaths
    SlowDeepBreaths Member Posts: 6,702
    edited August 2015

    Hi Crazies,

    I can barely keep up with all of you!!! I can see this is going to be another book so I can catch up!

    Katy, tear duct cancer....hahahahahaha....that was so funny. I've had tear duct cancer for days now. Jack looks so comfy. Some dogs just have the life, don't they?

    PTS, Thanks for telling everyone about the cream. Tomboy actually bought some for me, and brought it when she came to my house. I love's very soothing.

    Sula, I just got a visual with your legs sticking up in the air in your office. Too funny!!! I'm hoping you can get your Herceptin today!! The possum photo was....ummmm.....entertaining??? haha You always give me a good chuckle!! Love the article!! Thanks for sharing it. Wasps sound awful!! Hope you got them under control. A few summers ago we had bees in our chimney. They wanted a crazy amount of money to get them out. So my DH smoked them out himself. It was during the middle of the summer and it was so hot out. I'm sure the neighbors thought we were mad when they saw the smoke coming out of our chimney!!! hahaha....we haven't seen any since. I DID get your stick and spoon joke!!! hehe

    Mommato3, Welcome to our thread!!! Sorry I wasn't around to welcome you. I'm really glad you found us!! Those kids just keep coming back for more food!! hahaha I'm really starting to think that chemo does something to our hips!!! It seems like so many of us have the same complaint. I ended up in the ER with my hip and got the same result as you....clear scan. They told me I had sacroiliitis. Whatever the heck that is!! Sorry to hear about your dog. They are like our family and it is just awful when they leave us.

    LUCY!! Doing the happy dance for you!!!! Yep....that looks just like me when I dance.


    I'm so very happy to see this news. I know how nervous you were to have those tests!! Wooooo Hooooooo!!! I bet your Lolly had a wonderful life with you as her Mommy. It is very difficult to let them go. I agree....animals and small children have it made!! No worries and not a care in the world.

    Tomboy, Gentle hugs to you!! You didn't tell me you had a PCP appointment!!! I'm so sorry I wasn't around for that!! I bet you didn't text me because of Baylee??? I'm sorry....I wish I had known. It's your ritual to text during tests!!!!! Here I am off feeling all sorry for myself. My dad used to say when we lose someone and grieve, we are just feeling sorry for ourselves. I guess maybe he is right, but he sure did feel sorry for himself when my mom passed. I always told him to practice what he preached. haha....He really was a fun man, and became my best pal in my adult years. We are ALL entitled to melt downs.!!! I am glad you have a doctor that actually listens. And it's probably good you got a good much better than holding it in.

    Italy, Your grandbabies are beautiful!!! So precious. I'm happy you get such joy from them. Kids are just the best...especially when you can spoil them and hand them back!! haha When my nephews were here it looked like my house had exploded with toys. I just left it that way for the whole time they were here!! No time to think about going to Crazy Town!! It really doesn't surprise me that your EF went up while doing Herceptin. You really are a chemo rock star!!!

    Ducky, Love seeing pics of your family. But what I love most of all is the pure love and pride you have for all of them. My dad used to say to my mom, "Look at the mess we created."hahaha I had ONE boy and you already know what his name is.....MICHAEL!! So GREAT to see our Grayson upright. She has many Aunts cheering her along.

    rose, That is awesome news!!! I'm doing a lot of happy dances today. 69% is a great number!!

    gaia, You post as often or as little as you see fit. Just know we are all here when you need us. I'm sure it will take awhile to absorb it all. Hugs to you!! Your acupuncturist sounds like a wise women/man. Thanks for sharing your picture!! What a pretty lady with a wonderful smile!!! I would also like to learn more about laser surgery. Very interesting.

    Alyson, I'm so sorry to hear about Barbabas. What a good looking boy. It's awful the decisions we have to make at the end of their lives. I'm sure he was so loved by you and your family.

    Rain, I'm with you. I can't wait to have grandchildren. I don't see it happening in the near future, but I'm always hopeful. I keep telling my kids to forget what I taught you and just start popping out some kids!!! I get the same thing with my doctors. It's circlespeak!!! That's my new word. It's no wonder we leave their offices with our mouths open and a glazed over look in our eyes!! As moms, we feel guilty about EVERYTHING. I think it's a prerequisite for being a mom. It's just not natural unless we are feeling guilty about something that pertains to our kids. Be kind to yourself.

    Erento.....YAY!!! Down 17!!! How is your skin holding up so far??? Please keep us updated on your CT scan results. Hope all turns out great!!!

    M0mmy!! Good to see you back here. I wondered what happened to you. Sorry you spent some time in Crazy Town.Isn't is funny that CT can stand for CT scan or Crazy Town???? There are NO coincidences!!! haha

    ells, Of course you can join us. I'm sorry you're going through so much with your mom, and worrying about your own health. Sending best wishes that all turns out well with your testing. Being a caregiver and worrying about your mom is a whole different form of Crazy Town!! Not an easy job at all. Can't be easy having the BRCA gene and not knowing. Hugs to you!!

    I've been in Crazy Town so much these past few days, I'm thinking about running for mayor. Shouldn't there be a mansion that goes with that job??? Anyone that has had to put their dog to sleep will understand how truly awful that visit becomes when the reality hits you. It's one of the worst decisions I've ever had to make. Thank you all for your very kind words. I'm not sure what I would do without my fellow crazies!! I adore you all!!

    Had my PCP appointment today. MORE tests ordered and MORE referrals for me to see other doctors. WHATEVER!

    Hope you all have a peaceful, pain free day. It's Friday!! Yipeeeee!! Great big hugs to all....lurkers too!!

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,858
    edited August 2015

    Got away from Crazy Town today, went to a fair in New York.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited August 2015

    Must get up and do something. 


  • Jackbirdie
    Jackbirdie Member Posts: 1,617
    edited August 2015

    Ells- Welcome! I'm between appts so just a quick Check in. Hope all my crazies are circling the outskirts of town today.

    And Beppy, I think in CTown, mayor is an appointed, not elected position. I say you should be appointed! Hear hear!

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited August 2015

    does the mayor need to be the craziest ?

  • Jackbirdie
    Jackbirdie Member Posts: 1,617
    edited August 2015

    Actually I think the mayor needs to keep aSPREADSHEET!


  • rosesrx
    rosesrx Member Posts: 264
    edited August 2015

    The mayor may have their own tent with 3 rings. I'll even throw in a funny car.

  • Jackbirdie
    Jackbirdie Member Posts: 1,617
    edited August 2015


  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Member Posts: 2,703
    edited August 2015

    Mommy.. What fun.. How was the fair.?

    Katy.. I'll second that motion to appoint Slow ! :-)

    Allyson. That coffee looks good.! Every morning hubby brings me a coffee ( and a tamoxifen! ) to have in bed.!!! 😃

    Slow.. Ugh.. More referrals? WHATEVER !! . What a great dancer you are.. and I never realised what a wonderful figure you have. :-)

    Gaia.. Thinking of you with the MUGA test. It is awful waiting for the tests!

    Ells37.. Sorry about you mum. I hope you never have to deal with this disease yourself. hope Crazy Town here helps you.!!