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CRAZY TOWN WAITING ROOM - TESTS coming up? All Stages Welcome.



  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,866
    edited February 2017

    Stuck in CT this week. Nothing to do with my health but with our car.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited February 2017

    Cubbie, great that your bp is doing better on your med. I find if I do some yoga breathing me like or even just wait a half hour after arriving at docs, my bp numbers are better. Mine jumps up and down lots. I just ran up to,onco office to get 2 weeks of samples of the nasty affinitor. It will take a while to get approved and she had only given me 7 days of stuff I started the med not realizing how long this would take.

    Mommy, sorry for car issues, hate that

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2017

    ENT visit went well (especially because I didn’t have to get weighed or strip).WinkingGood news is that I did not damage my vocal cords—no nodules, polyps, bruises or blisters—but they’re still slightly swollen. The doc played back the video—the cords closed completely when I vocalized in chest voice and at the very top of my range, but in middle voice they “fluttered,” with some small gaps. He said it should take another couple of weeks for the swelling to resolve, but if it hasn’t by then I should get voice therapy. My teacher says it’d be redundant—some of his students who took it report that the therapist had them do the same exercises he has us do (which confirms his teaching methods are sound). But I often have to miss lessons due to my teacher’s unanticipated schedule conflicts and quirky internet connections (we do our lessons on Skype because he lives in Wicker [no]Park on a block with only permit parking, which is nonetheless always full, and one or the other of us often has colds we don’t want to pass along); Since Medicare pays for 12 therapy sessions, that’d guarantee me at least one lesson per week.

  • PoppyK
    PoppyK Member Posts: 1,275
    edited February 2017

    Hi Everyone,

    I have a bad respiratory infection, so surgery is cancelled for Monday. I am not upset about it either.

    Had my pre op appointment yesterday, so was able to go to Disneyland on Wednesday. The parade went by very fast!!! Hung out with my son and his girl, which was nice. We were late back to the buses, so we got yelled at BIG TIME by the band director.Loopy

    My husband is coordinating a big Casino Night fundraiser for the band this weekend. So much to do... all while I feel awful. At least I don't have to worry about surgery on Monday.

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008
    edited February 2017

    (((Poppy))) Glad you went to Disneyland. I hope you feel better soon.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited February 2017

    poppy, sorry you are sick but glad you got to Disney

    Chicken soup time for you, then again hot tea, lemon, honey and a shot of Brandy works for me

  • cubbie2015
    cubbie2015 Member Posts: 773
    edited February 2017

    Poppy, glad you got to go on the Disneyland trip. Did getting yelled at by the band director make you feel like a kid again? Happy

    Iris, glad to hear your MO can help you out while you get the approval.

    Sandy, that must be interesting to be able to see your vocal cords in action.

    My blood pressure was down in a normal range at yesterday's appointment. I told the doctor I can get even lower results at home, so he was satisfied with staying on the current drug. He is still hopeful this medication is only temporary, but I suspect there is more to it than stress, and it will probably be long term. He wants to see me back in three weeks so I can meet the new NP and get rechecked. I also had him take a look at my sore elbow. He thinks I irritated the ulnar nerve moving a bunch of boxes at work, since it started then. So now I have a elbow brace to wear for a while.

  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Member Posts: 2,703
    edited February 2017

    Poppy ..Glad you made your trip to Disney .

    Cubbie ..That is great news about your blood pressure ..Mine has a mind of its own ..I just hate having it taken at the doctors ...!!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2017

    Actually, it was the third time since ’02 that I’ve had my cords ‘scoped. The proper name for them is “vocal folds.” Have no idea why “cords” became the usual name—perhaps it was before the invention of the laryngoscope, when voice teachers would analogize the vibrating folds to vibrating violin or guitar strings, hence the “cords.” What they look like is very, very different.

    Imagine blowing up a balloon but instead of tying it closed, just pinching it closed between your thumbs & forefingers. Then, looking straight down at the balloon, “play” it by stretching the opening so that it makes noise. The way the rolled rim of the opening looks as it vibrates is the way your vocal folds look on the screen when ‘scoped. When the balloon is silent, the edges of the rim are slack above your fingers—and when you are silent, your vocal folds are also open & slack. When you pull on the balloon rim to let air escape up & out and make noise, the edges of the rim look closed…but they are vibrating thousands of times a second. So, too, are a pair of healthy vocal folds when you bring air up & out of your lungs to sing or speak.

    They are folds of muscle, hence the proper term “vocal folds."

  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Member Posts: 2,703
    edited February 2017

    Gosh ..It's so quiet here !!!!..Have you all gone to a party without me. ???? 😎

  • robinlk
    robinlk Member Posts: 363
    edited February 2017

    I think the lattes kicked in! imageimage

  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Member Posts: 2,020
    edited February 2017

    Nah: using up all my crazy on courses at the community college. Oddly, it's the computer science class I'm enjoying most--second in a sequence of four leading up to basic Cisco certification. The first was an almost mistake: I hadn't realized it was the first in a sequence, but realized around Thanksgiving that it was fun. So color me a geek, I came back for more!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2017

    Just got a FB message from a pen-collecting friend dx’ed a few years ago with colon cancer & then two yrs. later with “spots" on her liver (periodically scanned rather than biopsied). She had a completely clear colonoscopy today (not even a polyp) and her liver mets (if they’re even mets) are unchanged. She’s now on an every-3-yrs checkup schedule.

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008
    edited February 2017

    Hi craziesLoopy Sandy, great news about your friend. QMC, I love that you are a geek. I am here but quiet. Just exhausted and depressed. Love you all.

    Duckyb, Jan, Tomboy, 7of9 etc missing you!!

  • JAN69
    JAN69 Member Posts: 731
    edited February 2017

    Molly, I've been thinking about you and your headache. I met with a neurologist at UCLA last Monday for my long standing headaches. This doctor zeroed right in on a dx and treatment plan. Just getting into the treatment plan with no relief yet, but I am feeling so hopeful that at last I have some hope. I'm still going through all sorts of testing for a "ground glass" nodule in my lung. Scary stuff.

    Poppy, thinking about you too. Hope you feel better and are able to follow through with the biopsy.

    Octo, hoping your worries are calming down.

    Tomboy? where are you

    And missing Beppy.


  • octogirl
    octogirl Member Posts: 2,434
    edited February 2017

    Hi Crazies:

    Thanks for thinking of me Jan. family issues quieted down somewhat, but now work is insane. Just got back from an overnight trip to San Diego (at least the weather was nice there) and then day after tomorrow I leave for a week in Boston for work (at least I get to see my son who lives there even if weather won't be as nice as San Diego). Retirement can't come soon enough! Anyway, Jan, I've been worried that you might have had flooding (and/or snow), but maybe you are too far up the mountain for the floods?. I've heard that lots of trees have come down up in your area and in Mariposa, which has added to flooding issues (debris blocking drainage). At least we are much, much too far south of the Oroville Dam to be in any danger from it, but I do feel for the folks up there.

    (((Molly))). Sorry you are depressed. Wish I could help.

    Poppy, glad you got to Disney!

    Love to all from me too


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2017

    Well, the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away: a couple of hours after hearing one of my friends is in remission from colon cancer, I learned that a longtime friend and under-the-radar fixture of the Chicago folk scene, Mick Scott (nee Herbert Scarpelli), passed away today at 71 of chronic kidney failure from diabetes. (Type 1, I think). He came up in the late ‘60s & early ‘70s with Steve Goodman, John Prine, Tom Dundee, Fred Holstein and (for the short period of time he based himself in Chicago rather than his native NS) Stan Rogers. All gone, but their music is forever. Mick never got famous, but his song “Last One of the Night People” was recorded by Aliotta, Haynes & Jeremiah on their Lake Shore Drive album. (He never recorded it himself, but we’re all scrambling trying to find decent-quality recordings of him singing it at benefits & festivals). He joked that the royalties from it enabled him to move into a better class of cardboard box. And he was the consummate sideman for all of us, whether on guitar or mandolin.

  • rainnyc
    rainnyc Member Posts: 801
    edited February 2017

    Hi crazies,

    Jan, hope the outcome of the testing is less scary.

    ChiSandy, sorry to hear about your musical friend. The music indeed lives on....says she who's been listening to Leonard Cohen nonstop since the election (and his death).

    Molly, sending peace and hugs and good wishes for you and your boy.

    Poppy, so glad you got to hear your boy in Disneyland. Hope you've recovered!

    Octo, enjoy your trip to Boston....hope work settles down or at least is an ever-present reminder of the delights of retirement.

    I've been busy with work and it seems the gods of fairness in all things have seen fit to reward me with all the viruses I didn't get last year while in chemo-surgery-rads. Thus far this winter, two colds and a tummy flu. Enough! Meanwhile, my sister and I have been putting supports in place for my mother, who now has a diagnosis of Alzheimers. Hoping we can keep her stable in her home, where she very much wants to stay, with caregivers coming in a few days a week and me or one of my siblings taking turns on the weekends. We'll see; it's uncharted territory. And a disease that's as savage in its own way--if not more so--than cancer, I'd say.

    Oh yeah, and waiting to see what happens with the ACA--now that's Crazytown.

    And waiting to see where the kid gets into college. About six more weeks before we find out.

    Hi to all crazies, those who speak up and those who, at this moment, do not.

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008
    edited February 2017

    (((Jan))) I hope you get some good news about the lung nodule. I am glad you found help for the headaches. I haven't called MO yet. Every headache so far has been tied to the rainny weather. Since we've had days and days of rain it's probably why I keep getting them. Depression has been my companion for years but lately I've been really down. My boy has been through the wringer and it's wearing us all down.

    PoppyK, I hope you are doing better. Octogirl, glad you are not affected by the dam. Enjoy Boston. Rainny, I have a lot of experience with Alzheimers if you want to talk. My oldest sister died from early onset at age 56 and my mom is end stage after nearly 14 years of this horrible disease.

    My exchange surgery is tentatively scheduled for March 21st. I am looking forward to having these Damn TE's out.

    Love you all. Sorry if I missed anyone.

    Happy Valentines day. Heart

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited February 2017

    Morning folks, been trying to get used to the new meds and the routine to take it. Found info on the boards to hide the pill in yogurt and that seems to be working as no mouth sores yet. Had horrible tummy Pain yesterday, I was in my psychologist office talking when a spasm hit and he could tell by my face. This psychologist is someone I went to many years ago and had tried to go back to him last fall but my legs got so weaing k before the hydrocephelus surgery that I canceled as i did not think I could walk up the stairs to his office. Made it yesterday. He has interesting take on stuff, I was nervous about telling people and he says I really do not have to tell anyone unless I want to. Guess I needed him to tell me that. So life is stressful, trying to understand the insurance stuff, guess this places me in the catastrophic area of medicare.

    I keep wondering if I should get a second opinion on treatment. Likely will wait till next onco appt on March 2 to decide as i would want copies of the liver scan and stuff

    Thanks to all the crazies here and wish only the best

  • octogirl
    octogirl Member Posts: 2,434
    edited February 2017

    Iris, the psychologist sounds helpful, glad you made it to see him! I think you should wait until you talk with MO to think about a second opinion on treatment. Hear what he has to say rather than causing stress before that...

    Now I am a bit in Crazytown! Woke up in the middle of the night with tummy pain myself and feel really miserable. Running a fever, so it is likely either food poisoning or an infection of some type. I feel sicker than I did during chemo!

    Going to spend today on the couch and try and drink fluids and rest in the hopes I don't need to cancel my trip to Boston. :-(

    Hugs to all;


  • Italychick
    Italychick Member Posts: 527
    edited February 2017

    Not sure if it helps, but I had horrible tummy pains Sunday and Sunday night. It has passed, but my stomach area was shaking and burning and cramping. It only lasted for about 24 hours. My hubby had it too, and my daughter, so I think maybe something is going around?

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2017

    Norovirus is sweeping the country, especially CA

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited February 2017

    good idea about waiting till I see my onco to consider2nd opinion

    Went to gym this morning, I can walk slowly on treadmill but the stationary bike starts to cause pain in tummy. But also managed to get to grocery store. Seems my buddy across the street is doing a bunch of pretty serious tests á he can pee. Gonna make more chicken soup for him and me!

    Man of but I am beat

  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Member Posts: 2,703
    edited February 2017

    Sany ..Ugh .. Norovirus is awful ..We had it sweep though the nursing home I used to work in a couple of times !

    Rainny ..Sorry about your Mum ..My mum nursed my grandmother at home who had Alzheimers for years ..My ended up dying suddenly in her 50s with an annuerism , and my granny passed away 17 days after Mum ..Sorry you've been feeling ill while going through these issues with your mum .

    Molly ..Hugs ..So sorry Wyatt hasn't been well ..I can certainly understand how that would make you feel so low ..Wish there was something I could say or do to help ..You are the very best mum ever , and never forget it .I hope your headaches are better.

    Oct ..Sorry you haven't been well either ..Hope you are better soon ..

    Jan ..Thinking of you , and hoping for good results for you ..Testing certainly is stressful .

    Iris ..I totally agree go for your second treatment opinion ..And only tell someone if you want to ..I do that now ..When I was first diagnosed I felt I had to tell everyone ..And I hated it

    Italy ..Sounds like you've all been sick too ..It's awful.

    Hubby and I finished painting yesterday ..We have done the whole house ..And I'm very happy with it ..Now there will be 2 days work getting the house back into order ..Furniture to replace , power points etc to put back on ..Try and remember where my photos and pictures went ..Paint tins , rollers ,, brushes EVERYWHERE..Ugh ..

  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Member Posts: 2,703
    edited February 2017

    Molly ..Forgot to answer your question about the heat ..We have been in the mid to high 30's ..( Celcius ) ..But I'm on the Queensland coast , and the humidity makes it SO much worse ..Inland can be up to 45 degrees ..But a dry heat ..Both are awful ..HaHa ..Depending what sort of a holiday your daughter is planning the other seasons may be better ..Even winter up here is good ..Tell you daughter we would love for them to come a have a night or so with us if they'd like ...I wish you could come too

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2017

    I had Noro three years ago—instead of being afraid I was gonna die, I was afraid I wouldn’t. A friend said that "it makes you feel like you’re gonna die, but Mother Nature’s not letting you off that easy."

  • octogirl
    octogirl Member Posts: 2,434
    edited February 2017

    well, I wouldn't describe it as being that bad, Sandy, but yeah, I've been pretty miserable and the symptoms do point to norovirus or something similar: low grade fever, GI stuff, nausea, stomach pains.

    The good news is that I have been keeping down liquids (hubby came home early from work to be sure I was drinking lots of water and juice) and I feel less miserable this afternoon. Just really tired and weak, and still have an elevated temperature. Eating much of anything is out of the question. Sleeping is great.

    I couldn't face getting on an airplane to go to Boston tomorrow, and I might be contagious anyway. However, the good news is that I was able to change my flight for less than $100, and cancel one night in the hotel but not the rest, so I can go on Thursday and still make most of the meeting I am attending there and see son and G/F. Oh, and meet G/F's parents, which I was looking forward to doing! I am feeling that by Thursday I will be up for the trip, and work won't have anything to complain about regarding the price of the ticket. It is an important meeting. Besides, weather is looking better for Thursday than tomorrow anyway.

    Heading back to sleep....


  • rainnyc
    rainnyc Member Posts: 801
    edited February 2017

    Octo, DH and I both had fevers with our noro. DH's fever, and his virus, were worse. Hope yours is on the lighter side, as mine was. Feel better!

    I hear it's also sweeping the UK.

    And on that cheerful note....

    Lucy, good job on the house!

    Beautiful day today, after the weekend's storms.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2017

    Bob & I both had fevers with Norovirus, as well as stuff coming out both ends. Yours sounds like it could be either a milder stomach bug or even food poisoning.