CRAZY TOWN WAITING ROOM - TESTS coming up? All Stages Welcome.



  • SlowDeepBreaths
    SlowDeepBreaths Member Posts: 6,702
    edited September 2015

    Good Morning Crazies!!

    Katy, what a thoughtful thing to do for your friend and her husband! Love the quilt. Not too crafty here, so it looks amazing to me.

    Sula, your happy dance is just a bit disturbing!! Haha Too funny!!
    Clever use of words, Isle of View!! Took me a minute to "get it" even with you spelling it out for me. For a second I thought you were telling me that you love me!!! Hahahaha Only a cancer patient would say that about the foobs. That gave me a much needed chuckle!!!!

    Octo, my husband and I love Monterey. He was stationed there for basic training when he was a young lad, and we've taken several trips there throughout the years. We even tracked down his barracks. They tore them down many years ago, but it was nice for him to see them and reminisce when they were still there. Do you think your symptoms could be stress related? Anticipation can really wreck havoc on your body and mind. SFBC!! We should put that street on our Crazy Town map. haha

    Booklady, hahahaha…..that sounds like something I would do!! At least you got in a good nap!!

    Gaia, cornbread looks great. My DH makes cornbread in the iron skillet too.

    M0MMY, waiting for test results just sucks. Sending best wishes for GOOD news!

    PTS, looking at this from a purely neurotic standpoint (because I am), do you think she may be afraid to drive alone? I know when some people get older… times they can develop phobias. Maybe she is too embarrassed to talk about it?? I'm just throwing that out there. I'm not able to be a passenger – I have to be the driver. Every so often my husband will drive, but that is usually on local roads, not the freeway. Or, maybe she has something going on in her personal life that she isn't ready to talk about??

    Ducky, being your MIL, I'm sure she was OLDER. The older generation liked to keep secrets. They didn't talk about personal things like we do today. That must have been difficult to live with. My parents were also VERY secretive. I didn't know I had two half sisters until I was an adult. Keeping track of so many secrets would boggle my brain!! You're daughter is a beauty.

    LMG, that DOES look like Katy's quilt!!

    Kathy, I can post some screen shots if you want to learn to post pics. Just let me know if you're up to it.

    Lucy, I did sleep better last night!! No mishaps….just lots of snoring!! Haha Sorry you can't sleep. I've read about that somewhere…..still feeling like you have a boob, phantom itching and pain. How annoying that must be!

    We keep our files in our downstairs closet so there is an area that dips down. While filing a few days ago, I forgot to duck and hit my head on the area of stairs that comes down in the closet. It was all I could do to not pass out. Today it's still sore as can be, and I have a BIG bump on my head. Well, I forgot I did that when I woke up this morning. You can imagine the panic I felt when I felt a lump on my head!! BRAIN tumor!! Oh well…..guess we will always live partially in Crazy Town.

    Love to all!!

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,858
    edited September 2015

    Just trying to stay calm and positive right now.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited September 2015

    Slow, actually I think either explanation could be the issue with my friend, for now I am not responding to her. Gonna head to B town this weekend and just enjoy a nice visit with my nephews, I can not help her if she does not want to open up, and I have my own shit to deal with. Back is much better but I am cautious about walking on uneven sidewalks. Getting much better but still challenged

  • SlowDeepBreaths
    SlowDeepBreaths Member Posts: 6,702
    edited September 2015

    PTS, So true. There's not much you can do if she doesn't talk to you. And I agree, you have enough to worry about!! I'm glad the back continues to get better. I hope you have a blast with your nephews!! Safe travels!!

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited September 2015

    Slow, one of the perks of the therapy place I am going to is that many of the therapists are lovely handsome young guys and hey, they need to place these Tens connections down my back side and also do the adjustments of my spine. Not uncomfortable!

    then again, I am bushed after 90 minutes there as they do push me~

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,858
    edited September 2015

    Holy Cow, looks like I'm only circling the outskirts of CT in the near future. My MO called a few minutes ago with the results from my scans this morning. She said everything was good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy Dance time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Jackbirdie
    Jackbirdie Member Posts: 1,617
    edited September 2015

    Mommy! Oh YAY!!!!🎉🎉🎉🎈🎈🎈💃🏿💃🏿💃🏿💃🏿💃🏿💃🏿💃🏿💃🏿💃🏿

  • SlowDeepBreaths
    SlowDeepBreaths Member Posts: 6,702
    edited September 2015

    hahaha PTS. It's the little things in life that we enjoy!!!

    M0mmy, GREAT NEWS!!! Doing the happy dance for you!!


  • SlowDeepBreaths
    SlowDeepBreaths Member Posts: 6,702
    edited September 2015

    Ok Tomboy. You asked for a before and after picture for your project. Here is mine.

    Before BC:


    After BC:


  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,858
    edited September 2015

    Thanks guys!

  • suladog
    suladog Member Posts: 837
    edited September 2015

    Morning Crazies,

    Sitting here in the office trying ot work had to check into Crazy Town..


    I can't stop thinking of that cornbread!! Now, I want to get my skillet out. Prepping for an Indian lunch for one of the ladies I met here on BCO who lives nearby. They're coming over for an Indian feast this Saturday, last time we were together I was still on Taxol and had no taste buds, so I said as soon as they're back you're invited!


    I'm up til 1:00 am every night/morning? , it's got nothing to do with anything I take, as those have always been my hours since I was 20 years old. My husband always teases me that I go to sleep so fast, soon as my head hits the pillow. I'm up at 7:30 in the morning. Sorry I missed you last night. Your quilt is gorgeous chemo brain or not!!! Don't worry about mistakes there is an old chinese saying about art needing flaws, similar to what Jack said about Islamic art

    I like the fact that in ancient Chinese art the great painters always included a deliberate flaw in their work: human creation is never perfect.

    Madeleine L'Engle


    thinking of you and the scan, nobody really can appreciate scanxiety is that a word, like this bunch here.


    I wouldn't drive up to that personality either. Yow! What an attitude. When I was diagnosed the first time, we told only a very few close friends because of work, and I overheard my best friend cancelling a date with mutual friends because they were going to dinner and a movie with us and she didn't know how much longer I was going to be here......then she turned and saw me standing there and I was all


    who needs that??


    your daughter is lovely, I see the family resemblance. You have a very photogenic bunch there!! Your MIL sounds a lot like my mom, attitude and all! She wouldn't let me even talk about my BC among the family back 25 yrs ago, I was not allowed to tell anyone during the holidays when I was in the middle of chemo, because I think she thought my being sick made her some kind of failure?? Anyway she lived to 90 and right before I was diagnosed the second time last year I spent all of 2012, and part of 2013 taking care of her (she had ovarian cancer which the drs said could have been treated had she not ignored all her symptoms) taking her for surgeries, to the ER, taking her to chemo every week. I just had to forget about the past and her attitude when i was sick, we actually got very close toward the last few years. But telling you not to to tell people what was going on with your daughter..I can't imagine. The part about herself and her treatment I get as my mom was the same way, constantly ducking anyone she knew at the hospital, and when you;re in your 90's try going into a hospital and not seeing someone you know! She was active right up until she died, she looked great, no pain, still went dancing with my 94 yr old dad, in fact we were out for pizza and cocktails the day before she died, very fast just went to sleep..amazing.


    I have heard of phantom pain, haven't experienced it though. I knew doctor Vilayanur Ramachandran brain researcher at UCSD who wrote a book Phantoms in the Brain

    He talked about phantom limbs and phantom pain and told me that I think it was touching the earlobe or behind the ear, (can't remember which) would give me the sensation of my missing breast being there, one could feel the nipple. Holy shit, it worked!! Anyway I recommend the book as it's really interesting how the brain works with the stuff we have that's gone.


    hope today passes quickly and your trip to SFBC World is just a flyover. I hate when those days happen, but they do. Just remember when you're feeling like you're going over the edge, someone here will have your tail.



    How are you girl!!? Do you sell your stuff anywhere in LA? Because, if you don't you certainly should!!


    how are you doing today???

    Good thoughts to everyone else out there, I may have forgotten, gotta get back to this script outline..but I'll be checking in after work ...byeeeeee


  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited September 2015

    Joining Slow in that happy dance for Mommy. Now my order is for you to have a good restful weekend (I know it's not even Friday yet lol).


  • suladog
    suladog Member Posts: 837
    edited September 2015




  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Member Posts: 2,703
    edited September 2015

    . Mommy doing a Happy Dance for you !! See how I've even bothered to colour co-ordinate my specs with my clothes :-) .. ( Hmm.. I think you have to tap on her to get her dancing..!! )


  • BookLady1
    BookLady1 Member Posts: 196
    edited September 2015

    Nice job, Lucy - I love Linda! Congratulation and deep breaths for you tonight, Mommy. Linda

  • octogirl
    octogirl Member Posts: 2,434
    edited September 2015

    Yay!!! Mommy!!! Joining in the happy dances here!!!!

    and thanks all for the input on my CT symptoms, yes, probably is stress, I've decided. Will discuss with my doc...




  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited September 2015

    We are a crazeeee bunch!

  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Member Posts: 2,703
    edited September 2015

    Sula.. Thanks I would be very interested in reading Phantoms in the Brain.. HaHa.. I love the two doggies.. or maybe they were possums.?? :-D.

    Slow.. Yes well.. I can see you do look slightly different there since BC 😱 Hopefully you get the skip back in your step soon :-)

    PTS.. I think.I wouldn't mind going to your therapy place too :-)

  • SuzyBlue
    SuzyBlue Member Posts: 84
    edited September 2015

    Crazy is the only sane thing to be

  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Member Posts: 2,703
    edited September 2015

    Suzy.. I couldn't agree more 😃

  • suladog
    suladog Member Posts: 837
    edited September 2015


    Ha, nope they're doggies, possums aren't for winners, even though I love them most people don't!!!


    of course I love you!! We all do. Remind me to tell you about the time the stick on nipple on my foob dropped off fell trough my clothingand landed on the sidewalk at the valet stand during a lunch meeting in Beverly Hills

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700
    edited September 2015

    I am mightily impressed with all of you! Where do you find that stuff!!! And how do you bring it back here!!! I did it once, on another thread, but it was accidental. Guess I better practice!

    Gaia, of course I will make you a piece! Let me finish jack birdie's first, and I STILL have to finish the findings part of the necklace thingys I made a couple days ago. If you click on my blog, there is a column there on the left, click on jewelry, and you will get an idea of what I like to do. My work is not polished, like you would find in a department store, mine has tool marks, dents, imperfections included! I like it to look like it already existed for a long time. And I have no patience for polishing. I don't sell in stores yet, I am just not prolific. I have always had to pay attention to 'real work', (yeah), and just get to make a thing every once in a while. I am hoping to change that up, and get serious and dedicated and focused: re my art and jewelry this rest of this year and the next. See if I CAN make something of it! Thanks for the encouragement everybody, it really means the world to me.

    Jackbirdie, I will try and take a picture of some little dangly things, maybe you could pick one that I can attach to your bookmark. I have many, I am such a crow! (ooooh!!! bright/shiny/pretty thing!!) Also, I am very impressed by your fabric art, beautiful. I can see you DO have lots of patience, and I love the bouquet in your arms at the market.

    Mom! That is just so great that your onc called right away, and did not let you dwell too long in not knowing land. And what a perfect outcome, yes!!

    SlowDeepOne, you know how much I love you, thank you again for getting me through a bad bad couple of hours. You always make it better, cosmic nurse.

    Ok, I was just driving myself crazy thinking i had lost a folder (paper) of poems that I have written over the years, I tore the house all up to find it. I am not Homer or Langley yet, but, I do seem to have a lot of writing, boxes and boxes of snippets. But the poems mean the most, and I already lost the one from my teen's and twenties. Found it! Whew! I am gonna post this now, and then go start some din!

  • Jackbirdie
    Jackbirdie Member Posts: 1,617
    edited September 2015

    Tomboy- Yesssss!!!!! I'm so excited I got in front of the line, haha. Standing by for pics of dangly things. Very excited. And so happy you found your poems. That must have been a real panic.

    Do we have/need a CT fire dept? To put us out when our hair is on fire? Whose available? Requirement: can hold big hose steadily without falling over laughing.

    Beautiful weather today here. Spent some quality time in the garden. Ate nothing but summer veg for every meal.

    Tomatoes, basil, green beans, non gmo corn. I would happily pay double what I did, which was already 7 times more than regular corn. It feels so good when I eat right and do my exercises and MLD. I was thinking today that taking care of me, really doing a good job of taking care of me, is a full time job.

    Everyone sleep well! I have my sleep mask ready to go Christine

  • suladog
    suladog Member Posts: 837
    edited September 2015


    Goodnight!! Sweet dreams

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700
    edited September 2015

    A thing I wrote about ten years ago, a mind-picture for those ready to lay there heads down:

    The Jewel Box

    On a bright & drowsy summer day once I followed the worn and dusty trail to the river & then stepped off through tangles and grasses, woven thickly together like a basket or a cage concealing a vision: a diamond clear trickle of water falling with a curve, describing and echoing the enameled mossy bed of a bone colored stone, pool of water reflecting at times saphire sky, or the hidden fire of an opal in a concentrated ray, all in waves of grasses now concealing now revealing the deeper amethyst shadow underneath. At the very moment I looked, came a ruby and garnet carved leaf all covered with the finest dusting of golden pollen, the river laughing and pealing bells and songs.

    It was the smallest church I had ever seen

  • Jackbirdie
    Jackbirdie Member Posts: 1,617
    edited September 2015

    Lovely, Tomboy, just as I get ready to lay my head down.

  • Jackbirdie
    Jackbirdie Member Posts: 1,617
    edited September 2015

    Tomboy, I just looked at your blog. Nice. Under jewelry section, what are pics 5 ans 13. They remind me of dragonflies. But I don't know what they are in terms of jewelry...pieces that get added to something else? Or part of a necklace or bracelet?

    Many beautiful things.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited September 2015

    Well its now 5:20 am........I just finished 2 eggs over easy, a bagel, and pork roll, plus a cup of coffee..........and I wasn't even hungry...

    Got up to go to the bathroom after pain in my right hip and neuropathy in my right foot woke me up....and of course i had to I am not sure which woke me that was 3:20am...................of course I laid till 4:30 forcing myself to go back to sleep but sleep was over and done here I am sitting with last night's news on the TV which was also the 4, 5,6 and 11 o"clock news last night..........never could understand why we need all the hourly news casts.........oh well guess everyone is not that easily bored llke I am......

    So while trying to go back to sleep I mulled over, the sale of my house, my grandson Phil who is back in the picture "clean and sober".....once again.............................maybe this is the final time..........................then of course I tried to make sense of a conversation I had with my oldest daughter who can always turn a discussion into an argument........No I don't know why ..........LOL.............she can't just agree to disagree......................but one bright note which I smiled at as I tried again to go back to the following.

    My 17 year old grandson is a senior in high school......he is on the golf team, and has applied to 6 colleges for next is the University of the Sciences in Phila..............he is interested in Pharmacy....and this is one of the top schools.........well yesterday he got a call from the "head golf coach" telling him they were interested in in coming to their school in 2016 to be on their team.....they are Division 2 University...........some great news in this otherwise dull life I lead........LOL

    Normally I would be getting ready to leave for the shore...which would have been last night or early this morning.........well that is not going to happen..........I probably spent my last tiime down there a couple weeks ago........not even going to get my "Last Hurrah"..............

    So here I am, and it is now 5:31, and I am waiting for my great-grandson to come at 7:30......his Mom is dropping him off and will pick him up around was 96 here yesterday, and we are expecting thunderstorms today......we do need the rain..............

    Ok the news is on and there is a "chick" doing the weather........cute but her friggin hair is down below her boobs.............WTH is with these women and their long hair, and you wonder how much of it is theirs, and how much is sewn to their head.......LOL..........I like long hair, but "hey ladies, it doesn't have to look like a fur stole hanging off your shoulders..

    I know I just bored the shit out of all of you but if I had to suffer being up this early, I was not going to do it alone...........LMAO.................Ok I am looking at a woman who has her long hair parted diagnol across the front of her head...........think I'm gonna change channels...........

    Now pork roll and eggs gave me indigestion...........maybe I cancatch a snooze before Bobby gets here............hugs you all...............BBL..........

  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Member Posts: 2,703
    edited September 2015

    Ducky... Ugh.. I so hate nights like your having !! Congrats to your 17 year old grandson... Sounds like he has a wonderful future ahead of him...So happy, happy to hear about Phil Ducky.. You must be feeling very relieved, and very proud of him !

    I had a crappy nights sleep last am going to bed soon..even though it only just after 8 pm.. Nitey -Nite all !

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,858
    edited September 2015

    Ducky, I often wonder about that too with women with long hair. I had long hair until cancer hit (mine went to my waist). At least I can say it was all mine and not something that was added on. Am in the process of letting it go long again, its already grown a bit past my shoulders.

    On the result front, I am so relieved that it was good news. First person I called after getting the news was my hubby. Then it was on to letting my older (and favorite) brother know so he could share it with my favorite SIL. Then on to my various relatives. They are all as pleased as I am that my scans were good.