CRAZY TOWN WAITING ROOM - TESTS coming up? All Stages Welcome.



  • octogirl
    octogirl Member Posts: 2,434
    edited October 2018

    Mommy, glad all was clear!

    Iris, hope you get some good rest tonight. Take care.

    Hugs to all...


  • jo6359
    jo6359 Member Posts: 1,993
    edited October 2018

    iris- try to get some rest. Hopefully things will start looking better soon

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited October 2018

    thanks all, managed some good sleep last night. Today is pouring rain on the east coast so it is day for laundry and watching law and order re runs! Have not read my port instructions yet but she did say to be sure to have some one drive me as i will be dupey...more so than my usual! Oh well, time to get that worked out.

    Now my question is what the heck to use to try to clear the nasty redness on my arm from where my vein broke?

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,858
    edited October 2018

    Been in CT a lot with neuropathy and arthritis in the hands. Got desperate enough to try and find something that would help lessen it when it flares up. Was looking through a catalog from Vermont Country Store and I found a product called Old Goat. It's a natural pain relief product and comes in a spray or a roll-on. I ordered the roll-on version and just got it today. Tried it today as the rainy weather is causing a flare up of both the arthritis and neuropathy. So far it is working! Think I am going to get the spray version soon and keep the roll-on one for my purse.

  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Member Posts: 2,703
    edited October 2018

    Iris ...sorry about the redness ... hopefully someone with some thoughts of what to do come along . Enjoy your rainy day !

    Mommy..that's interesting ..Hubby has developed neuropathy too..Hope you don't mind me asking yours caused from chemo or arthritis ? Hubby has Rheumatoid Arthritis so could be from that , medications for it , or pre diabetes...I wonder if it would help him .

    Hugs to all

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,858
    edited October 2018

    My arthritis came from working in factories with hand tools. The neuropathy was from the chemo. The stuff I just got is made with essential oils and some plant extracts.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited October 2018

    gee, vermont country stores has interesting things, may check them out

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2018

    Iris, I've found that arnica gel works to help fade bruises--maybe it'll help with those angry broken capillaries? Rest up!

  • jo6359
    jo6359 Member Posts: 1,993
    edited October 2018

    mommyof2- 4 months post chemo I started developing a flare up of my arthritis in my right hand. After my third round of chemo I started developing a little neuropathy in the toes of both feet. It was minimal and only started worsening this past week. The right foot has been no change but the neuropathy in my left foot has significantly worsened. I seem to be having more issues post-chemo than I ever had during chemo. I believe part of the flare up with the arthritis is due to no longer receiving steroids during chemo. My oncologist still believes the neuropathy will be gone within a year. I hope the hell he is right.

    I can't sleep tonight thinking of the horrible situation that occurred in Pittsburgh earlier today. My thoughts are with those who lost their lives and their families and friends.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,858
    edited October 2018

    My neuropathy started after the chemo. Stinks that we have to endure this after we are trying to kill something that is trying to kill us. The Old Goat stuff worked!!!! Worth the price of purchase!

  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Member Posts: 2,703
    edited October 2018

    Jo...yes ..I read about what happened in Pittsburg on the news's so sad ...

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited October 2018

    sandy, is that a gel i can get at pharm? Turns out it is side effect of my current chemo so glad i am getting the port

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited October 2018

    proudtospin - I am a long time user of arnica cream/gel - found primarily at places like Whole Foods, but some Walgreens & grocery stores, too. Not sure what may be in your area, Also find it at stores that sell supplements - it is a homeopathic remedy. Google search shows available at Walmart, too, and of course, Amazon. Brand I use is Boiron - it is ok'd by my MO. Hope you find some & it brings you relief.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited October 2018

    thanks i will look for it, sounds like it is worth a try

    Had a message this morning, a long time on line friend, cancer survivor, well her son sent me message saying his mom had fallen, the door was locked and he was not home at the time so it took time for someone to get into the house.he wanted me to know that she is sore and not able to be on line for a time. Goodness that is scary

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,858
    edited October 2018

    Iris, I just looked at the Vermont Country Store website and they have creams, gels, and salves with arnica in them.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2018

    Well, I'm back in Crazy Town again--not anything bc-related, but instead orthopedic again. A week ago Friday I was briefly hefting my suitcase off the luggage rack in the resort condo and then off the carousel & Midway and helping Bob haul it up our front stairs, and last weekend I was unpacking little by little. I also might have pushed & pulled hard on recalcitrant dresser & file cabinet drawers, propping myself up on the vanity to get close to the bathrooom mirror.

    Well, starting Thurs. night my L arm began feeling sore again right over the ulnar hardware, actually bruised (but nothing visible) just below the end of the hardware towards my elbow (oddly, not the part that was sawn in two and rejoined). It seems to be getting worse--especially when rotating my forearrm, lifting even my laptop, gripping the banisters, etc. I hope I haven't dislodged any of the hardware or caused hairline fractures around it--last thing I need is to go back into a sling, cast or even (gulp) revision surgery.

    Complicating things is that I've had to miss another Bar Show staging rehearsal because of my cold--the director wants me to stay away until I'm no longer contagious. Kind of tough to practice my parts in front of the computer, with only half my vocal range. And last night & early morning I had a couple of nasty coughing jags. Can't take Gordy out for a birthday dinner--but I did get him & Leslie two first-tier seats to Wed. night's Bulls game. If I have to baby my arm I might not be able to do the show.

    I messaged my orthopedic surgeon's office last night, asking which clinic to drop into tomorrow--Skokie or Glenbrook. And Bob wants me (sigh) to pick up his car from the dealership so he can return his rental. I'm mad as a wet hen--the service dept. tested it six ways from Sunday and couldn't find anything wrong or reproduce the electronic problem. Bob says they told him that's all they did--even though when I dropped off the car I specifically asked them to do the routine maintenance that was due and winterize it. I'll call in the morning and remind them of that--meanwhile, we're stuck for the $135 diagnostic fee regardless. No way I can pick it up tomorrow, period--I'll be at one ortho clinic or another pretty much all day.

    And no way I can get the car Tues. unless I'm home in time to take the train or an Uber into the Loop (not paying $47 to park) to get to rehearsal by 6--even if I can't actually sing I must show up and at least record the songs. Of course, Bob is too busy to do any of the car stuff himself, other than call Enterprise to come and get the rental. (And I had to go online to help him with that--he couldn't find a nearby rental office because the office's computer system firewall wouldn't enable location services. I had to enter his office address and Google "Enterprise rental near me." Never occurred to him to use Siri on his phone for anything other than navigation.

    Going upstairs to shower, wash my hair and nap.

  • cubbie2015
    cubbie2015 Member Posts: 773
    edited October 2018

    Great news, M0mmy!

    TaRenee, love the Crazy Town model! Looks like we've got some comfy chairs.

    Iris, I hope the port goes smoothly for you. Wishing your friend a speedy recovery.

    Sandy, hopefully you've just aggravated the arm a bit. Going back into a sling, cast, or surgery does not sound like fun!

    I heard back from the dermatologist, and the biopsy was benign.

  • octogirl
    octogirl Member Posts: 2,434
    edited October 2018

    yay for benign results Cubby!

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,856
    edited October 2018

    Oh, Sandy, any more frustrating day would have had you pounding the walls with your good hand. Hope that is your worst in months.

    Because my sister is getting knee replacement on the 14th, and I am having RMX on the 14th, I have been anxiously looking at my resources for when I get home from surgery, because I live alone. I will get some support from friends here, but just called a cousin, and our cousin is also visiting.

    I suppose I ought to get dressed, get some terribly late breakfast, and head out for groceries.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,856
    edited October 2018

    Oh, Sandy, any more frustrating day would have had you pounding the walls with your good hand. Hope that is your worst in months.

    Because my sister is getting knee replacement on the 14th, and I am having RMX on the 16th, I have been anxiously looking at my resources for when I get home from surgery, because I live alone. I will get some support from friends here, but just called a cousin, and our cousin is also visiting.

    I suppose I ought to get dressed, get some terribly late breakfast, and head out for groceries.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2018

    Well, it's more frustrating--keeping the rental because now MY car has a dead battery (hope that's all it is). At least I have an appt. with my surgeon for Wed. (Housekeeper drove Bob to pick up his car). Meanwhile, surgeon's NP says just don't do anything to stress the arm--pain is normal after overdoing stuff but X-rays are a good idea anyway. Getting dressed and calling GEICO now to see if they can give my car a jump.

  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Member Posts: 2,703
    edited October 2018

    MCBaker Welcome to Crazy Town ..oh no and your sister in surgery same day ! I think it's good that your cousin is coming to help you .Pull up a chair here with us ...we will all be with you as well.

    Cubbie ..great results !!!

    Iris ..sorry to hear about your friend .What an awful experience for her ..hope she's better soon.

    Sandy .ugh car battery died on me last the grocery shop. So annoying..I came out with all my groceries and it was as dead as a door -nail..had to wait an hour for Road Side Assistance to come a put a new one in for me..

    I better get up out of bed hubby's parents are coming for morning tea....

    Hugs to all


  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited October 2018

    wow on the car issue, hate that stuff anc do hope it is. easily fixed

    Lucy, the friend who fell is a real survivor, i always thought she lived in sa save environment but guess a fall is a trauma even with a roomie. But glad i have my live alert thingie, i havd not had to use it but i sort of think if i fell, i am prepared. Hope to hear my pal gets in touch soon

    I bought the gel cream that Sandy suggested and have put it on my bruise. Says to use right after but well, it can not hurt and may help, thanks for the suggestion

  • jo6359
    jo6359 Member Posts: 1,993
    edited October 2018

    sandy- your venting about your car had me in stitches. Course I'm not laughing at you. For most of us there isn't anything more frustrating than dealing with car issues. I am an occupational therapist and I would strongly recommend an x-ray. Hopefully the pain is from inflammation because you put too much stress on a vulnerable area. Take it easy.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2018

    Calmed down now. GEICO was able to successfully jump my battery, but I was aghast at the amount of crud that had built up on the terminals. Seems that two years ago when my car was so dead I couldn't even work the locks (until I found the "switchblade" button on the key fob) and it had to be towed to Evanston Subaru, they replaced the alternator but not the battery. So before the snow flies, I'm going to get my Outback fully winterized, with a new battery. (The dealer says I don't need snow tires, though, but Consumer Reports says otherwise).

    Have been periodically elevating and icing my arm. While we were returning Bob's rental car, my back PT called to tell me a cancellation had come up at 5 pm, so I took it. It's good to have the sessions while my back isn't aching, and I'm glad I didn't have to wait till next week's session.

    Throat is still "tired" and scratchy, though not sore. Gonna practice my parts an octave down.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited October 2018

    sandy, do believe that cream is helping, think the bruising is not as bad, thanks

    Getting port in on friday but will not be able to do my treatment til. Sat, oh well, least it will be done

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2018

    Arnica is great stuff. My R hand was really sore after a 2007 cortisone trigger-thumb shot, but I had a recording session in MI the next day. Between the arnica gel (Boiron) and holding a cold can of soda pop between takes, I played just fine. And the bruise faded visibly in a couple of days. Arnicare and Traumeel brands are great too.

    If you want to ice, my hand therapist used a large soft gel-filled ring called a "Cold Donut." Small for the hand, medium for the arm. Put your arm in a pillowcase first, then slip the thing over that. I keep one in the freezer at all times.

    About my arm--x-rays show continuing healing progress (the scaphoid, in fact, is healed and if I want the screw can come out--but I don't want another surgery if I can help it; same with the ulnar hardware next year unless it bothers me). The pain is from having broken up scar tissue by "overdoing" schlepping, pushing, lifting, etc. and some soft tissue irritation and inflammation. Doc says do what I can handle and don't do what I can't--the familiar refrain "you may be hurting more but you won't be harming it." Ice, elevation, topicals (arnica, steroid, CBD), massage. Whew!

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited November 2018

    the arnica is definitely working, tnis moring my bruising is greatly recuced, definitly contimue to use

    Well all set with port insertion for 830 on friday, 4 hours, gee seems long but worth it, arranged for driver to take me and will call when complete

  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Member Posts: 2,703
    edited November 2018

    Iris..thinking of you Friday ...hopefully it makes life easier for you in the long ..

  • jo6359
    jo6359 Member Posts: 1,993
    edited November 2018

    iris-good luck with the port procedure.