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CRAZY TOWN WAITING ROOM - TESTS coming up? All Stages Welcome.



  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Member Posts: 2,020
    edited September 2015

    Octo: I never did think too much of Wild. Bryson's stuff is a bit better, but you're right that it's more about his experience generally than hiking. And yes, the champagne was perfect.

  • Jackbirdie
    Jackbirdie Member Posts: 1,617
    edited September 2015

    Mommy- thanks for the hug. Great way to start the day.

    Christine- so glad the MRI was non-news. You and your fella surely need a vaca free from wondering about results. Thanks for your kind thoughts, just knowing you all care helps so much. My neice is coming today to help in the garden so I threw a pork tenderloin in the slow cooker with balsamic and STRAWBERRY JAM! How about that? There's other stuff in there too. It's an experiment..apples onions and potatoes going in at the halfway mark. Cooking and gardening are very reliable picker uppers for me. And the roof is finished. Relief.

    Pennsygal- glad you like the mantra. Yes Tutti is a muted calico (or a dilute torti-depending who you talk to). So sorry about your paradoxical reaction. You know life SUCKS when you can't rely in your Xanax any more. Hope that was just a one-off experience.

    Rainny- hope you are continuing to manage pain and recover well. Kudos to DH. The food train is wonderful and shows how loved you are. Very nice.

    Sula- sheer genius in adding the ricotta to our high tea. It will become the signature dish for the Crazytown Cafe. And well done on the "plying oncologist for inside info" gig!

    QMC- so glad you brought up how to staff the cafe. Obviously we will all be to fat, full, or drunk to do it ourselves. How about if the town bouncer (Octo- you still there?) rounds up the people in detention for saying stupid things. A penitentiary stint of one week's service in the cafe. We will never run out of help because the stupidity is ENDLESS and there are so many repeat offenders.

    Octo- you are spot on with that recommendation. I always laugh along with Bryson, but agree. I probably won't see the movie because it is hours to any theatre that plays decent movies. It's even an hour away to a stupid movie! Maybe when it comes out on Netflix. And so sorry about the popcorn. I'll check out the other author. My ears had already pricked up before you called my special attention to it.

    Okay, I'm off to self-medicate with a trowel. No, not a lobotomy. Just some weeding. Love you all

  • rainnyc
    rainnyc Member Posts: 801
    edited September 2015

    Katy, your description of your culinary experiment nearly made me moan, it sounds so good. (Either that or I need to get out more.) Post pix of the result? You might need to write the menu for the cafe.

    I will happily wash dishes and sweep the floors of our cafe. Maybe in a week or two.

    Big fat news: I have just made myself an actual cooked lunch. We have cast iron cookware, as above, and it's heavy, but the smallest pan is only a few inches in diameter. I bought it for DH's birthday a year or two ago, and it's perfect for eggs. So this morning I sent DS out to the greenmarket, and he came back with sourdough bread. I sautéed a clove of garlic in olive oil and added a small handful of finely chopped greens and a spritz of lemon. When they wilted, I dumped them onto a plate and added butter to the pan, then scrambled an egg with salt and pepper. That and the heel of the sourdough loaf: absolute paradise.

    But I have to say, I don't think I could handle the larger pans quite yet. Or the coordination of 2-3 dishes for one meal. Very busy reading People (sister's gift). Beautiful day out, but I"m staying put. DS is making his own eggy lunch, and singing to himself.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited September 2015

    Katy, my sister went through a nasty divorce but is now on the other side of it. She spends tons of time in her garden and calls it her happy place! So do continue the self medication with the gardening!

    Back from gym, doing gentle stretches and stuff so as not to piss off the back. Seems ok for now, got a doc apt with my PCD who gave me lots of pain meds before I met up with my lovely good PT guys, think she is checking that I am not an addict! No chance of that as need Tums to settle the tummy!

    I agree on MV as being just gorgeous but truthfully, my favorite vacations have mostly been somewhere in New England, So much lovely seafood and sides, my ENT told me sailing and or salt air was good for me and my sinus junk!

    Ducky, I so agree that this pope is a joy and I was born Mennonite, went to Episcopal church as an adult so good to see a church leader I like

  • octogirl
    octogirl Member Posts: 2,434
    edited September 2015

    Rain, your lunch sounds perfect! It should go on the menu at the CT Diner. If Katy is writing the menu, may I suggest we call it 'Lunch for a Rainy Day" ?

    Katy, of course I am happy to round up the stupid comments people but I am afraid that I think we should not let them cook as penance. Cooking takes love and brains, in my opinion. Doing the dishes and sweeping the floor? Hell yes!


  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Member Posts: 2,020
    edited September 2015

    Rainnyc: HUZZAH HUZZAH HUZZAH! even a two-egger cast iron pan is nothing to sneeze at.

    I'm with staffing the diner with people who say Teh Stoopid, though I'd suggest starting with the people who should know better. Though I'm with Octo that we shouldn't let the really obnoxious ones cook, at least not the fun bits. (Having worked in restaurants, I think there's a special corner of Hell set up like the grill in one of those truly craptastic joints, several rungs below a greasy-spoon, where it's always the depths of August in somewhere hot and humid already.)

  • Jackbirdie
    Jackbirdie Member Posts: 1,617
    edited September 2015

    oh my dears...I NEVER meant they could cook! Wait table, wash dishes, sweep, yes.

    I think Sula should write the menu, but I will be her gofer and proofread.

    "Lunch For A Rainny Day" ... Love. It.

    In fact, shouldn't we all have a dish named after us?

    Then the menu would write itself haha!

    As you will have noticed, since I am posting here, I'm not weeding there. Bad Katy.

    It's a bit chilly and sprinkled a bit. Tail between legs and back the house. Neice not here yet.

    Oh my excuses. Last week too hot. This week to cold. Little red Katyhood.

  • rainnyc
    rainnyc Member Posts: 801
    edited September 2015

    "Cooking takes love and brains..." I will humbly offer to embroider this on the wall hanging to go above one of the booths in the cafe. Perfect motto, Octo.

    I am honored to have a dish named after me.

    Little Red Katyhood, shouldn't that dish be made from something involving red peppers and apples?

    And of course you're right, Queen, only the ones with love and brains and guts and heart should do the cooking.

  • Jackbirdie
    Jackbirdie Member Posts: 1,617
    edited September 2015

    Rainny- do you mean my pork tenderloin slow cooking right now? I did put red pepper flakes and green apples. But I have a feeling there's a joke here that I'm not getting. Please enlighten me.

    Love the embroidery idea. Perfect

  • rainnyc
    rainnyc Member Posts: 801
    edited September 2015

    No joke. Your pork dish actually can be your signature dish--though I could make a case for "katy's strawberry jam" on the breakfast menu. No, it's just that "little red katyhood" made me think about a dish involving red--maybe roasted red peppers, tomatoes, I dunno what else. It was just a random free association thing.

    It is somewhat possible that I need a nap. But I'm making tea! Tea! Nap! What to do?

  • octogirl
    octogirl Member Posts: 2,434
    edited September 2015

    Of course we all need a dish named after us. And Katy got Rain's right: it needs the two ns, not one. See, this is why she is the proofreader.

    I'll take anything that doesn't have bananas in it (which I hate), or octopus. sorry, they are my friends and I don't eat them even though I will confess they are sort of tasty.

    The wall hanging above the booth sounds perfect.

    I vote for herbal tea AND a nap.


  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Member Posts: 2,703
    edited September 2015


  • suladog
    suladog Member Posts: 837
    edited September 2015

    HI ho Crazies,

    Trying to catch up on all of your varied doings..we are surely an active bunch.


    a trip to MV sounds delightful, I've never been there but my husband grew up in Connecticut and NYC and went to boarding school up there somewhere. His upbringing was quite different from mine. We have very good friend (his schoolmates) who live up East Tisbury (????) and I know a couple of chefs in the area.

    Glad all is steady with the MRI and I do have a feeling that what you're feeling might be related to the H doing it's thing as I've heard of stuff like that. Enjoy your vacay!!!


    your grandaughter is a real charmer and I have a feeling that by the time she's much older a lot of those who cannot walk now will be doing so. I read a lot about what's going on medically and they are truly making advances every day. The fact that she's a determined little person and has such a caring grandma is all in her favor.


    are you doing better today?? Lunch for a Rainny day what a great idea!!! It;s good you can hang out with your niece. My only relatives are up in Oregon, and one in NM and another who's a DR in Chico Ca. All of my husbands family is in NYC or DC except for my bro in law who's got a dog like yours and he's an attorney in Des Monies. In fact he just got a secind dog which i guess he'll be giving hospital training too. Here's Gizmo and Precious


    he also sent me this which I think is worth passing along...probably why I don't fly very often


    I don't mind doing a late night shift either..



    Oh yeah, The Fremont Diner is a staple around here!!!! Great place.

    The reason I wasn't around much yesterday was......

    I still suffer from this sort of rolling nausea, combo of the herceptin and's not that bad and usually no problem but it was really bothering me while we were writing yesterday so I asked my husband for one of the THC sativa lozenges that he gives me for nausea. My MO sent me to a dispensary during chemo as I was getting bedbound from all the meds for the side effects. I was spending my days sleeping or in a daze. He suggested medical marijuana in edible he wrote me a prescription and sent me to a very good dispensary which is more like a pharmacy, anyway..within a week I was off the xanex, compazine, norco etc..and just using half a candy lozenge for sleep at night, and either drops, or CBD lozenges for nausea during the to be clear I'm someone who doesn't even drink never smoked, and never took drugs. In fact the only med I was on before this were probiotics every day which I've taken for years and my ADD meds.

    Sooooo, these little hard candies are tough to split into pieces, like cutting a cough drop and so in doing so he cut one where it was a tiny bit bigger than what I usually take for nausea, we didn't think anything of it...until an hour later when everything started to spin and I was sooooo FUCKING HIGH!!!!!! I was laughing so hard I could hardly speak, and of course he was laughing too, and my mouth was dry as dust no matter how much water I drank!!!! I have never been high in my life!!! The medical mj I take does not have that effect as it's very tiny pieces of candy and also it's the type that doesn't make one high, unless the piece is too big!!! evidently even a tiny bit bigger makes a big difference. So, obviously there was no more work that day. Forget about writing, I couldn't even read as the letters were swimming around. Yikes. Not wanting to do that again!!!

    anyway, I know I'm forgetting people...I've got stuff in the oven to test for the restaurant ..but here;s what we had for lunch today right out of the garden..Bengali 5 spice vegetables, with eggplant, potato and butternut squash, lots of spices and fresh cilantro..that's definitely going on the menu here in Crazy Town


  • octogirl
    octogirl Member Posts: 2,434
    edited September 2015

    Hmm...would it be too cliched for one of our dishes at the CT Diner to be named 'High on Life'?

    Ok, long story coming here:

    Sula, your story about why you'd gone missing made me both smile and cringe, all at the same time. I have no medical mj prescription, but my sister did give me a very nice stash of recreational buds early on in this process. Let me just say: 1.) Well ok, I admit it, I *have* been high many times, but the last time had to have been almost 40 years ago or even more... and 2.) mj is a hell of a lot better than it was back in the day when I was young and naive. I have read that the recreational variety has more THC than the medical stuff, though I haven't verified that.

    Anyway, shortly after sis gave it to me, I experimented (on a weekend) to figure out dosage. Let's put it this way: I have very small hands even though I am not a small person (I wear an xs scuba glove, for example), and I took a bit of a bud about the size of one tenth or less of my pinkie nail, and just put it under my tongue and let it dissolve. Result: I slept really really well but was not at all high. In fact, I wasn't convinced that it was any more than placebo. And since then, I've really not had any urge to use it: I didn't get nauseated during round one of chemo other than very slight morning sickness which I addressed the old fashioned way that worked for me in pregnancy: a few saltines in my stomach first thing and I was good to go for the day. Until last night. I was tired, my tummy was a bit out of sorts, I was getting weird nerve pains in my bad breast that were sending me to the edge of CT, and most importantly of all: I hadn't slept well in almost a week, mostly because I kept worrying that when I wake up all my hair will be on the pillow.

    So, I took another little pinch. Again, I slept very, very well. But not high. Which is good. I am too old for that. I am hoping I don't ever overdose....I get not wanting to do that again!!!...and at the rate I am going, my stash will last the rest of my life. I have to say, though, that, placebo or no, it works at least as well as Ativan (which I have a bit of opposite reaction too, meaning it makes my heart race and makes me feel a bit wired although it does eventually put me to sleep. This is true for many similar medications for me.).

    Anyways, I appreciate the story.

    And I don't need pot to tell you, that potato eggplant dish looks FABULOUS! Definitely one for the diner.


  • littleblueflowers
    littleblueflowers Member Posts: 391
    edited September 2015

    Octo and Sula- your stories of MMJ made me laugh so hard! Honestly, it's the only stuff that worked for me during chemo to stop nausea-my MO wrote me a prescription as well. Now I'm using it to try to get off Ativan, to which I've developed simultaneously an addiction and a tolerance. My new cocktail for sleeping, which I discovered last night because since chemo, Ambien does nothing for me, is meletonin, OTC sleeping pills, and a hit of MJ. Slept like a baby for the first time in 4 months. Cheers!

  • Jackbirdie
    Jackbirdie Member Posts: 1,617
    edited September 2015

    enjoying all of the above-

    Sula the photo is ravishing! Although my strawberry/balsamic pork tenderloin was a success, it was definitely not photogenic. Not enough color. The three of us demolished one tenderloin, and this singleton has real food in the freezer for next week!

    Great MJ stories. I can't smoke anything due to serious lung problems, but a friend knows a someone who grows organically, and I keep on hand a tincture I make myself, so I know what it (and is isn't) in it. It gets me high quite easily in hot chocolate, (but tastes absolutely nasty) but has been of more benefit mixed with coconut oil, as a salve, topically, along my scars where I still experience post-mastectomy pain. Daily. No psychoactive effects when used this way.

    Thought I'd share my two furry ones, who got a lot of attention from my neice and bf.


    It was a wonderful visit. And it helped. I will just have to see how much tomorrow morning. I have been upping and downing a lot

  • Jackbirdie
    Jackbirdie Member Posts: 1,617
    edited September 2015

    Octo- BTW, "High on Life" is not too cliched for me! I think it should be fun, and poke a little fun at the very TALL chef presentations a couple of years ago, with a little "real high" snuck in for purely medicinal purposes.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited September 2015

    Thought you ladies would like to see what Philly got to see today, and again tomorrow..........image

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited September 2015

    Thought you ladies might like to see thisimage

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited September 2015


  • octogirl
    octogirl Member Posts: 2,434
    edited September 2015

    Jack: mj mixed with coconut oil as a salve? Wow. I don't suppose it would work on phantom nerve pain from my SNB? I'd be afraid to try it on my not quite healed spot from the nipple removal and Lx, but that is really, really interesting What made you think of it? The old coconut oil works on anything or is there more? Marijuana has very interesting healing properties for sure.

    So yeah, the CT Diner definitely needs something both delicious and medicinal. Time to drag out my old recipes from 40 years ago. :-)

    Great photo and great time in Philly, Ducky. Did you say it was your hometown? Hubby is from Central PA, but has family in Philadelphia. I love it, some great restaurants and good people in that town.

  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Member Posts: 2,020
    edited September 2015

    Ducky: a bit excited about il papa's visit?

    Octogirl (and others): definitely a menu with (clears throat, coughs circumspectly) medicinal items.

    Though with a nod to Philly, I hope we might include proper cheese steaks. Wit, and wit'out. But in either case, with meat not quite identifiable.

  • Jackbirdie
    Jackbirdie Member Posts: 1,617
    edited September 2015

    yes Octo!!! My PT quietly suggested it and I had been given some tincture. I don't necessarily want the psychoactive effects if I need to drive, during the day functioning, etc. It's green and nasty and stinks and stains, so I needed a way to "carry" it. By then Italychick had educated me in the multiple uses of coconut oil. So I cupped my hands with a couple globs of CO and dripped in 1/2 to 1 tsp. Applied it from underarm to underarm. I still have a lot of nerve pain, phantom pain, zinging and zapping, and this is a non opioid way of dealing with it. Although on some really bad days I take it internally and topically, simultaneously.

    I now just get a bag o' weed and make my own tincture, that way I am sure there are no funky additives. Just the dried plant and grain alcohol.

  • Italychick
    Italychick Member Posts: 527
    edited September 2015

    I have so many uses for coconut oil it is scary. Including being a great laxative if you can chug down a couple of spoons of it. But not on my face, for some reason it doesn't work for me there. But every other body part, hell yes. And vaginal lubricant, and leather conditioner. And for inflamed anal tissue, a little dab does the trick. My husband brushes his teeth with it, I haven't done that yet. Rub a tiny bit in my chemo frizzy hair, smells great, adds a shine, and makes the hair lay down.

    I could go on and on....

    Best diaper rash solution I have ever seen. My grandkids ask for coconoit oil (their way of saying it) whenever their butt or peepee hurts. But my granddaughter with eczema doesn't do well with it, flares her exczema for some reason. The pediatrician said that's unfortunate because it really does work, but some people have an allergy to it.

    Never mixed it with Medical marijuana though, that's an interesting approach I hadn't thought of

  • rosesrx
    rosesrx Member Posts: 264
    edited September 2015

    on reading above I feel so meh... Cooking, gardening, vacationing. My bowl of cheerios for breakfast, BLT for supper, Apple for dessert. Rainny 3 days postop, slicing and dicing lifting skillets no small feat. Katy, tenderloin sounds wonderful. Sula I think I know of what you mean about the rolling nausea. Didn't attribute it to H & AI, but mine wasn't bad enough for a Zofran but Tums didn't help either. No mmj here in TN unless I was to ask for a Marinol rx. Glad your hubby had a good laugh. " Cutting cough drops" is a good visual or name for the CT rock band. Love my coconut oil, used it on my scalp post buzz. Haven't tried brushing teeth. Use the coconut butter on my toast instead of peanut butter.

    Hope everyone gets some much deserved rest either induced or naturally. Have a blessed Sunday!

  • PoppyK
    PoppyK Member Posts: 1,275
    edited September 2015

    Wow, I'm feeling left out. All I got for extreme nausea was a Scopolamine patch. Sheesh...

  • gaia0132
    gaia0132 Member Posts: 308
    edited September 2015

    morning crazies

    As I am sure you all will understand my ousting will likely be brief during our Martha's Vineyard time. Or not. But if it is I know my sisters know why. Just know I am thinking of you AND totally plan to soak in every ounce of this place


    That's the view from our deck.

    Sula octo and lbf love the MJ stories my mo is happy to write a script once it becomes legal but we are working on scoring some from other sources for while I am going through this transition with roaming aches and nerve pains

    Love how our diner is shaping up.

    Katy how was the pork? And I continue to be impressed by your medicine making!

    Rain your lunch sounded perfect and I can so relate to wanting to get to feed yourself. That's a major medicine

    Ok ladies Slow tom ducky Queen PTS poppy rose egg roll Lucy and all! signing off for now

    My man just brought me coffee on the deck and I'm going to sharpen my pencils and listen to birds


  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,858
    edited September 2015

    Just wanted to get the morning hugs up before I head off to make breakfast.

    ((((((((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))))) For all who need it this morning

  • octogirl
    octogirl Member Posts: 2,434
    edited September 2015

    Gaia, enjoy that wonderful view and that your man brought you coffee on the deck! A sure sign that he is a keeper!

    I decided my keeper deserved a treat of a favorite meal while I still fill up to cooking before round two Monday, so made Mario Batali's recipe for lamb shanks with oranges and olives (lamb is hubby's favorite meat), with his favorite vegetable brussell sprouts, and polenta. Thought of you Gaia, because of the lamb. It was gorgeous and delicious, although I forgot to take a pic. And of course it is still summer here in the Great Central Valley if you go by the weather as opposed to the calendar, but I was ready for fall foods!

    I am dragging keeper hubby off for a long walk this am before it gets hot. Slept for ten hours thanks to a little medicinal inducement of the only slightly illegal here in CA (since I don't have the rx) sort. I needed the rest: I have become obsessive about not buzzing my hair even though it is obvious that I should (clumps on my pillow this am :-( ), and worrying about it is keeping me up at night.

    But before I go: Italychick and others, I have a dumb-but-important-to-me question about the coconut oil. Last night, my legs were itching like crazy. I actually think it is the same phenomena as that going on with my head which is also tingling and itching like crazy: the follicles opening up and hair getting ready to fall out (smooth legs, now THERE is something to look forward to). So, without thinking, I reached my (not washed since dinner) hand into the big tub of coconut oil and just rubbed my legs with it. Legs felt better immediately, but now I am on the edge of CT thinking that 'OMG, I contaminated the coconut oil.' Did I? Should I dump the tub and order a whole new batch? What do you all think?

    And to end on a positive note: at least for those of us on the West Coast, full eclipse of the moon tonight around 7 pm. Check it out.


  • Italychick
    Italychick Member Posts: 527
    edited September 2015

    octogirl, if you contaminated it, the tub will grow mold. I would just get a spoon and scrape off the top inch or two. And then in future, always remove what you are going to use with a clean spoon or something. I actually had a jar of it grow mold because I wasn't thinking and put my hand in the jar.

    BTW, if you have a Costco around, they sell like a gallon size of organic coconut oil. I put some in small mason jars and strategically place it where it is handy, by the bed, in the bathroom, kitchen, etc