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CRAZY TOWN WAITING ROOM - TESTS coming up? All Stages Welcome.



  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited October 2015

    Sorry ladies I am sure I am boring you to death but this I could not pass up...........Bobby is eating food now, and this is his first try with Peas........when he sees the bib go on he gets goofy.....LOLimageimage

  • rainnyc
    rainnyc Member Posts: 801
    edited October 2015

    Ducky, babies are NOT boring! There is nobody who does not love a good baby pic, and yours are adorable. Enjoy this sweet little one!

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited October 2015

    Rain, sounds like you are dealing with it, course the Crazies here think we have helped you, I live in a town in NJ that took a direct hit from Sandy, like it hit direct on the inlet a mile from my house. It was an experience I do not want to repeat but know better what I need to have ready if this hits, latest reports are sounding better

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited October 2015

    Carrots..........not so much........LMAO.....This was a few days ago....they do same veggie for 3 days to check for allergies......LOLimage

  • Jackbirdie
    Jackbirdie Member Posts: 1,617
    edited October 2015

    Rainny- glad you are being smart and conserving energy. I hope the weather misses you. I love your idea of returning the Tupperware et al to the various families filled with baked goods. A brilliant, personal touch. I like the way you think!

    Good luck with the drains tomorrow. Hope they get them all out for you!

  • Italychick
    Italychick Member Posts: 527
    edited October 2015

    Ducky, adorable! He is too cute for words!

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited October 2015

    I agree, Ducky he is adorable! hoping allergy testing comes out clean! such a face~~

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited October 2015
    They are still not sure what path it is going to take, but we are getting 2 days of wind and rain before it even gets here.......possibly 3 rain days..........they are calling it a nor'easter........I'm loaded with trees in the back of my house.......not all mine, there is a Historic Place behind my house called Collenbrook back from the 1800's.......and a stream right behind my house......if you walk to the back of my yard there is a stream/creek that I can literally look straight down into........the rain can weaken the ground, and the wind from the possible hurricane could blow them over......GREAT.......

    Now the other thing is....if it stays on a path toward shore house is up the street from the Delaware Bay............and my house is 2 story.....only 2 story on the I get the brunt of the wind.......last hurricane I lost part of the roof.............

    But then again........It might go out to sea........but we will still get the rain and wind just not as much wind.................and we had a walk for Grayson on Saturday..........not sure what that is going to be like........................oh well it is what it is..........right..........
  • suladog
    suladog Member Posts: 837
    edited October 2015

    hey all,

    Glad to see you are all holding it together now that October is here.


    Your stay on MV sounds so good. That area is my husbands old childhood stomping grounds and he went to boarding school out that way. I've never been however. Have you been cooking in or eating out? I love storms too as long as I'm warm and dry somewhere. Are you going back to NYC before any weather gets "serious" up there? You are lucky to have such a helpful and energetic mom who is so engaged with you. Mine just avoided me 25 yrs ago as the cancer scared her and this time around I got sick about a year after nursing her though ovarian cancer, which she could have survived we were told had she gone to the doctor when I tried to drag her as she was in great health otherwise and she had plenty of warning signs which she chose to ignore. Anyway it's good to have helpful supportive family...speaking of supportive, your man sounds like he's taking great care of you and along that line here are a couple of the virtual wedding cakes I'm thinkning of to go along with Toms dragonfly design..of course since these are virtual no calories, no bad stuff and eat all you want no repercussions. They're all made of non GMO, organic, healthy angel dust..and not the PCP kind.


    of course seeing as you're from NYC and taste runs toward the simple having grown up in metro SF this one seems so sleek and uptown and very understated...actually it looks like Audrey Hepburns hat.


    But in case you're up for a lavish Bollywood blast..there's always this idea..


    no hurry, I'm just gathering cakes here and enjoying myself.

    Yes, Slow, my friend asked me for my coat on the night before I started chemo when we were all out to dinner together. I think she just didn't know what to say. We went all through school together and being a dummy in this department I kind of expected better of her as her husband is a US Ambassador and they've spent the last 36 years ambassadoring all over the world for the State Department. He is a career diplomat maybe her not so much...I hope that's why there's not so much shit happening everywhere. Maybe she asked someone else to remember her in their will.


    thinking about your parents today, yes it's probably best they're not around for all this crap. I think mine would have driven me to Crazy Town even faster had they been around. I've been getting updates on the terrible stuff in Oregon from my cousins all day seems like no place is safe. Such a terrible thing.

    Also, I have been wanting to ask..are you Katy? I get confused sometimes..I know there's a Katy, is there another Katy?? I'm actually Kate IRL ( or so my husband calls me) though I always think of the other Cait, when I hear that now. I'm going to ask our local tiny town hospital if they'll host Pink Ribbon Inc so thanks for posting the info.

    Proud and Ducky, Shorfi, are you guys in the path of Joaquin? Hopefully it'll lose steam before it gets up that way. Are you guys in Philly proper? I have no sense of east coast geography as I'm a born and raised Californian. My sis in law (husbands big sis) in NYC is very blase about all that stuff..I always call her in a panic about the weather back there seeing if they're ok and she just blows it off. Total NY sophistication! She's treated at MSK back there., and she's just finished her 5 yrs of Tamox, don't know what she;s doing after that as she is a real cool cat and I don't think she's ever left the Upper East Side to get down to Crazy Town. I love her a lot and she's my fav relative but everybody needs a good freak out once in a while!

    Tom, where you at sis? How are things back in LA???

    well, leaving the office now and going the "real" world.

    I'll be drifitng around crazy town from my ipad and my seat on the couch in the family room. here I am in my apron..I hate taking selfies, my eyebrows have always been pale and thin since I'm a redhead..but those eyelashes have fallen out..again. So looking for something to make em grow and stay put


  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited October 2015

    well the latest in weather reports seems better, course they are still yelling to get prepared but I sort am blasé now, may regret it but I do think this 24 hour news thing sort of blows things up

    so if it hits, any one got an open guest room?

  • Jackbirdie
    Jackbirdie Member Posts: 1,617
    edited October 2015

    Sula- may I cake you Kate? I am indeed Katy, but will answer to Jack, Jackbirdie, and a number of other pejoratives. I love the picture of you. Love putting a face with a name.

    And WOW WOW WOW on the wedding cakes! I think I like the first one best.

    I am excited. The hospital just called me back. We have a dialogue going about stopping the practice of giving carcinogenic make-up to cancer patients, and I have asked them to allow a free screening of Pink Ribbons Inc in the room that they use once a month for the LGFB. We shall see!

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,858
    edited October 2015

    They are saying the same thing in my area about the storm. Keeping a wary eye on it still.

  • rainnyc
    rainnyc Member Posts: 801
    edited October 2015

    Proud, having lived through Sandy, I'm definitely blasé.

    The thing about cancer: I find myself thinking who cares about a piddly little hurricane!

    I also vote for the top wedding cake.

  • gaia0132
    gaia0132 Member Posts: 308
    edited October 2015

    amazing as always ladies

    Sula I love the cakes and I really am digging the dragonfly theme. The first is my vote too; so far that is. BTW. I am not a cool cat. A weird mix of clean style with an earthy hippy thread. I was the patchouli wearing not shaving vegetarian chick who also cleaned with bleach and paper towels. Not hipocrasy it's just exactly how I grew up. My man likes to say I am ' particular'. Good thing he enjoys what I choose. And yes I have a lot of sweet care and support from him and my mom. Re eating I am cooking the farm produce here is amazing. And of course we did some fish and I just love to make food so it's all eating in. You mentioned knowing some chef types here. Maybe we know the same?

    Rain I hope you are resting. And that the drains are removed tomorrow- all three. We will get our Brooklyn meeting soon! I'll message you so as not to burden the thread here.

    PTS and ducky I do hope the storm goes to sea. Reliving Sandy or any approximation of her is not a welcome thought

    Katy your energy to engage the world either through your work with jack the hospice classes ( even if you pause again) and now getting the word out re the chemicalised 'beauty products' and wanting to organize a screening for Pink Ribbons is amazing. Inspiring.

    Ok hitting phone typing limit

    Will slowly weave my way back to you lovelies

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited October 2015

    Depends on the track it takes................we are going to get very heavy rain........hurricane or no hurricane.............water weakens roots.........roots hold up trees...........winds blows hard............ground is soft...........trees fall down...........falling trees bring down wires, and crush yes.......we still have a couple things to worry about.............I'm never blase about any storms................they all can do damage.................

    I am a a few miles outside of Phila..............don't like storms of any nature................

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited October 2015
    Footnote............even if the hurricane does go out to our area they are expecting inches and inches of rain..........'and horrible wind.......................what we are dealing with here at the present time has nothing to do with the hurricane..........this is a completely different storm.......the hurricane crap is not suppose to get here till Sunday or is raining right now, and even worse tomorrow and Saturday.......
  • PoppyK
    PoppyK Member Posts: 1,275
    edited October 2015

    Awesome news about the Pink Ribbons screening, Katy!

  • octogirl
    octogirl Member Posts: 2,434
    edited October 2015

    So much to read through and so little time....but I have to jump in to say those are all gorgeous cakes! But if it were mine, it would be purple dragonflies for sure!

    Gaia, I'd have very mixed feelings about being where you are right now too.

    and gorgeous baby photos, ducky!

    Yay for the progress on the hospital and the showing, Katy!

    I got a new cute hat via mail order today, and one of those hat halos. Crazy but what the heck. starting to think about packing and heading east Sunday with a very worried eye on the weather, though it seems to be getting better for DC (my first stop) after Sunday. A colleague who is already on the east coast emailed today to tell me to bring an umbrella. My thought: 'umbrella? what is that.'. I will say that we did get a few drops of rain here today. Just enough to make me realize that we might really need to deal with the rain gutters this year. Big Excitement.

    Hoping for the best for all in the potential path of this storm (including me).

    More later when I have time, whatever that is....


  • Jackbirdie
    Jackbirdie Member Posts: 1,617
    edited October 2015

    Thanks for the support everyone. I felt so much less angry and so much more settled after I stopped complaining and starting really doing. I felt good honoring myself and my mother. I spent an hour on the phone with my nephew in Philly, only 25, who is quite an activist himself. He gave me such wise counsel. I'm so proud of him. And my brother for raising him. He's one of the major influences causing me to checkmy priveledge in life, and often acts as a moral barometer for me. Amazing kid. I actually feel better knowing after I leave this world there will be people like him. Maybe this world can still be fixed. After the shooting today, an hour from my home, I am once again struck by how fragile and damaged we all are.

  • momwriter
    momwriter Member Posts: 276
    edited October 2015

    Evening Greetings, Crazytowners-

    What a lovely day of posts.

    Gaia- MV sounds divine. (I go to Block Island, and just love love the beach and have spent a little time on MV). Your man sounds awesome!

    Sula- Love the cakes for the wedding. Goregous. Saw a guinness chocolate cake in the NYT that you could make for the engagement party. Also, you look great in your picture. Did you use cold caps for your hair? Having finally gotten my hair back to how it was before BC I sometimes think that if I do have a recurrence then I'd want to try cold caps. Before I felt like my fine limp hair wasn't worth saving, but I learned that it's much more of my identity than I thought- and also that baldness makes people think you are really sick- which is not always the case.

    Jackie- I'm going to look for the Pink Ribbons movie. That's great that you are organizing a streaming. I think it's good for people to hear a cautionary tale about the pink thing.

    Mothers- my mom's still alive and she and my sister were helpful during treatment but also drove me nuts. I wish it weren't like that but it is.

    Octo- hope those drains have stopped the flow by morning and you get free. I found that so liberating. And that lime is a great mystery.

    Ducky- love those baby pics! Reminds me of my 12 and 13 year olds not so long ago.

    Off to bed, lovelies:)

  • suladog
    suladog Member Posts: 837
    edited October 2015


    Just dropped back and saw Bobby. He's adorable. Feel the same way he does about carrots, I'd trade them for peas any old day

  • rosesrx
    rosesrx Member Posts: 264
    edited October 2015

    Ducky, Bobby sure gets excited with the new foods. When Mom did day care she had a little one who ate so many carrots he glowed orange.

    Katy, congratulations on scheduling the viewings. You remodel looks nice and is moving along. Looking forward to final pics.

    Sula, top cake with the purple dragonfly is my vote as well. Beautiful pic, I am missing g my eyelashes too. I am getting a bit of reaction to my makeup so really going to have to back off on the eyeliner and shadow.

    Rainny enjoy the last of the goodies from the friends, recouping well and hope the drains become a thing of the past.

    PTS, and those in the path of Joaquin, her I NE TN we are only expected to get 1-2 inches of rain and I have room to spare.

    Gaia... Have a date yet? Looks like we are all on board for a partay!!! We will do an engagement celebration.

    DB and his GF are headed to Tahoe for the weekend. They have been sending photos of Yosemite, and areas they have been exploring in NV and CA . Looking forward to seeing MV.

    Was going to go to National Storytelling Festival will see how the weather and ankle feels. Have a three day weekend off . The hospital where I work is decked out the the most limp, saddest color pink ribbons, thankfully they didn't do the pink glove dance this year...yet.

    Stay dry my crazies and batten down the big top.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,858
    edited October 2015

    Morning all!

    ((((((((((((((((((Hugs)))))))))))))))))))))) to all who need one this morning.

  • shorfi
    shorfi Member Posts: 437
    edited October 2015

    Sula...we are having heavy rain today and tomorrow. I guess we will be homebound this weekend. Wanted to go out to celebrate our anniversary on Sunday, but I don't think so with all this rain

  • momwriter
    momwriter Member Posts: 276
    edited October 2015

    Morning all-

    Thanks for that Hug Mommy!! I needed it!

    Crazytown is....spending too much time researching on Dr. Google your particular ache or in my case diagnostic finding when there is so much living to be doing- the days seem to short and yet.... I get sucked into this..... that's why I'm in Crazy Town today. But writing it here might help me get back to my writing ....

    But this goes to the deeper point of still figuring out how to integrate this BC experience into my life. On the surface(when I'm clothed of course!) I'm totally back to "normal" but on my own I find I still need to come to BCO, - And then of course there's still Crazy Town which comes with 6 month scans and the for me inevitable followup scan.

    Anyway, I guess if I'm in Crazy Town glad it's in good company. The Friday NYT crossword is too hard for me but perhaps if I leave it on the counter of the diner one of you will do it. But I like to read the arts section about what is going on this weekend in NYC even if I'm not there to enjoy it. So I'm going to sit here and enjoy my amazing cafe au lait and chocolate croissant- feel free to come and join me.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited October 2015

    LOL.......thanks ladies.............

    I took care of another grandson years ago when his mother worked............he loved his butternut squash, sweet potatoes, and carrots so much he did actually turn orange on his face, palms of his hands, and other body places.........

    But Bobby seems to love his "green things"..........more then orange.....can't wait to see what he does with the fruits........LOL

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited October 2015

    ducky, I am with your little guy, a meal is just not complete without something green on my plate!

    mommy,I agree, NYTimes crossword puzzle is too much for me, I used to live in NYC and someone would put the completed NYT puzzle in the trash by early afternoon Sun. Not sure if it was to brag or not but not me, although it would be good mind stimulation

    well as of this morning the hurricane at least is turning out to the big open ocean. Still wet and Ducky do watch those trees. A pal called me this morning to tell me our gym is not opening the pool this morning, They always close when there is the possibility of T storms and guess they figured it would be safer this way. The pool is In a building with lots of windows

    Heading to a seminar about writing wills later today, one of those things I have delayed doing so hoping this will get me off my duff and do it, not like I have any life threatening illnesses

  • Jackbirdie
    Jackbirdie Member Posts: 1,617
    edited October 2015

    Good morning Crazies! Thanks for the hug mommy!

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited October 2015

    Jackie, I forgot to say earlier that I think it is wonderful that you are feeling more positive, dang but some young'uns are great help to us oldies! and here is another hug~~

  • Jackbirdie
    Jackbirdie Member Posts: 1,617
    edited October 2015

    thanks Iris! It has definitely helped me feel better to take some action. Yesterday was a very hard day though, with the Roseburg shooting just an hour from my house.

    Btw, if anyone feel strongly enough to read a one page petition and sign and electronic letter, it is fast, free,and easy to do here: