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CRAZY TOWN WAITING ROOM - TESTS coming up? All Stages Welcome.



  • Jackbirdie
    Jackbirdie Member Posts: 1,617
    edited October 2015

    Ducky- thinking of you and your community today. My SIL teaches high school on the Main Line. So worried.

    Christine- have a peaceful H day and relax afterward. Thinking of you always- but especially when you're at "the spa".

    Mommy- thanks for the hug every morning. Cyber hugs work well and it always makes me feel good!

    Rainny- thinking of you also and your ongoing recovery. Be good to yourself.

    Octo- warm and supportive thoughts going out to you today. For everything. The not feeling good, missing the trip, and all the other annoyances. Glad you have DH and Gabe there. Always smiling, that Gabe.

  • kathy7
    kathy7 Member Posts: 211
    edited October 2015


    I used rogaine after chemo and I got so much hair and eyebrows and eyelashes.

    My PA said it is safe and to use the men's rogaine as it is stronger, since men want to be harrier.

    I know your a natural girl, but it really worked well for me!

  • rainnyc
    rainnyc Member Posts: 801
    edited October 2015

    Octo, so sorry your trip east was cancelled. Rest and be well. It may be a cold or SEs or both. When I was in my second month of Taxol I had exactly those symptoms, and it turned out to be the common cold, just a bit exacerbated by the chemo. I had to rest and rest and rest--and finally it did go away. It stuck with me longer than most colds, though--but my DS caught it first, and it stuck with him longer, too.

    Gaia, your time on MV sounds pretty magical--and now you're back. Any wonder you're feeling dislocated? Speaking from personal experience, finding the new normal takes a while. To say the least.

    Mildly bored but not quite energetic enough to do any real work. Here is one definition of friendship: Someone who subscribes to Vanity Fair, NY Mag, Entertainment Weekly, Vogue, Smithsonian, Real Simple, Food & Wine, Scientific American, NY Review of Books and drops off two months worth of all of these. So, since I'm chained to the sofa at the moment, I'm determinedly working through the stack. A bit like eating candy all day long, but on the other hand it's sort of perfect for the moment. I'd like to think that this time next week I'll be ready for more challenging fare. In the meantime, however, I am surrounded by hundreds of glossy pages.

    Heating up soup for lunch....

  • Jackbirdie
    Jackbirdie Member Posts: 1,617
    edited October 2015

    A friend reminded me of this great song that reminds me so much if what I feel like some mornings.

    But it made me laugh. Hope it makes a Crazy or two laugh with me.

    Jack Gets Up

  • momwriter
    momwriter Member Posts: 276
    edited October 2015

    Mom- Thanks for the hug!!! Love it everyday!

    Rain- those magazines sound like the perfect gift! Don't push yourself- try to enjoy candy while in chains a little bit.My gift to myself during chemo and recovering from surgeries was binge-watching Parenthood! Also , because I was on a study, I'd get my Chemo and Herceptin for the year in a private room complete with hospital bed, free meals and cable tv- so I'd bring my laptop, knitting, watch lifetime movies, organize my email, and order chicken parm- it was me time in a way I usually don't let myself- and still don't- hmmm- need to think about that!

    Octo- I'm sorry you're sick on top of chemo and that you had to cancel your trip. big hugs. you'll get through it but it's hard. ("it's a marathon not a sprint," my marathon-running friend always told me about my treatment - and it was true). Hope it passes and you can rest comfortably and indulge yourself a bit. (see above!)

    Ducky- Thanks for the baby pictures! Love those!

    Slow Deep and Jackie- Thanks for your warmth and sharing. I wish I had joined these boards when I was in active chemo but I only occasionally searched for info- didn't get how wonderful an online community could be.

    xo to all

  • momwriter
    momwriter Member Posts: 276
    edited October 2015

    Mom- Thanks for the hug!!! Love it everyday!

    Rain- those magazines sound like the perfect gift! Don't push yourself- try to enjoy candy while in chains a little bit.My gift to myself during chemo and recovering from surgeries was binge-watching Parenthood! Also , because I was on a study, I'd get my Chemo and Herceptin for the year in a private room complete with hospital bed, free meals and cable tv- so I'd bring my laptop, knitting, watch lifetime movies, organize my email, and order chicken parm- it was me time in a way I usually don't let myself- and still don't- hmmm- need to think about that!

    Octo- I'm sorry you're sick on top of chemo and that you had to cancel your trip. big hugs. you'll get through it but it's hard. ("it's a marathon not a sprint," my marathon-running friend always told me about my treatment - and it was true). Hope it passes and you can rest comfortably and indulge yourself a bit. (see above!)

    Ducky- Thanks for the baby pictures! Love those!

    Slow Deep and Jackie- Thanks for your warmth and sharing. I wish I had joined these boards when I was in active chemo but I only occasionally searched for info- didn't get how wonderful an online community could be.

    xo to all

  • momwriter
    momwriter Member Posts: 276
    edited October 2015

    quick CT question- I need some advice!:

    So I have a 3 month follow-up chest MRI because of something they saw on my "routine MRI"- "an area of susceptibility" on the pec muscle- it's not urgent - they think it's probably nothing- but could be something- free ticket to Crazy Town right there!

    Anyway, the 3 month later Chest MRI is scheduled for Dec 17, the week before christmas with an appointment with the BS a few days later 12/23- two days before Christmas! (and I have 2 kids ages 12 and 13!). I think I want to reschedule till after the new year so I don't have to worry about this during the holiday season which is one of my favorite times of year. Also, the trip to Boston is 2 hours each way and I can't really afford taking 2 days off right then (self-employed but need to be productive).

    Do you all think it's reasonable to postpone the whole bummer of an experience till after the New Year and enjoy the holiday? If it were something bad, I'd hate to have to worry about it. Or should I just get the MRI on 12/17, get it over with, and forget the in person followup unless it's something bad. I really want to enjoy the Christmas holiday without stress of claustrophobic MRIs and waiting for results.

  • Jackbirdie
    Jackbirdie Member Posts: 1,617
    edited October 2015

    Momwriter- tough, tough decision. Usually those things turn out to be incidentalomas (they really call them that).

    You need to get very quiet with yourself and determine if you will worry more if you don't have it done, or put another way, how successful can you be putting it out of your mind completely?

    I am no good at that myself. That's why I had my BMX on 12/18 last year. But I don't have children and didn't have plans to enjoy the holidays like you do.

    I'm not a doctor, but I suspect a couple of weeks wouldn't matter that much from the medical standpoint.

    Another consideration might be if you've met your out of pocket with your insurance this year, would it cost you less personally/copays-wise to have it done in 2015 vs 2016? Just a thought. Behind you 100% either way. We have your back here.

    Edited to add: I personally would not have the MRI if you don't intend to meet with the doc right after. My opinion. It would be better to be having face time with the doc with a current scan, whenever you decide to do it

  • kathy7
    kathy7 Member Posts: 211
    edited October 2015


    my children are older now, but that would be a PIA (pain in the ass) to add two more appointments to your schedule at the height of the holiday stuff.!

  • SlowDeepBreaths
    SlowDeepBreaths Member Posts: 6,702
    edited October 2015

    Good Afternoon Wonderful Crazies!!

    PTS, I agree....fall came very quickly. This whole year has just flown by. I hope you're soreness is better today.

    Katy, Loved the "save the women" pic!! Thanks for sharing Leo Kottke with us!! He is one of my DH's favorites!!

    Italychick, GAS!!! hahahahahahaha...that cracked me up. Not that you were in pain, but how it turned out to be gas. Oh's hard to believe that gas can give us so much pain. There have been times when I've felt like I'm having a heart attack!! I'm glad your husband was around to point it out. Although when I'm in Crazy Town, everything my DH says goes out the window. I'm like an out of control barking dog!!

    Rain, Hope you're feeling much better from your outing. Be gentle to yourself. Enjoy your glossy pages!!

    Ducky, So sorry to hear about the threat to Philly schools. I hope the powers that be are able to nix the threat quickly. With all the love, good vibes and prayers going Grayson's way, she just has to walk one day!!! I'm going to keep believing that she will. So GREAT to see Phil doing so well!!!!! I think about that boy everyday and wonder how he is doing. That is such wonderful news!! Thanks for keeping us updated. He looks handsome and happy!! The sixth g-grand is beautiful like the rest of your family!!

    Gaia, Welcome home. Thinking of you!! You're not rambling. It's good to get your feelings out, and what better place than here? I hope your new therapist is able to help you sort through it all. Just know we are all holding you close to our hearts. Thanks for acknowledging my mom story!! You're always so thoughtful that way!! I hope the Herceptin infusion goes well for you today, and you're able to get some peaceful rest when you return.

    Octo, I look forward to your mom stories some day. Sending get well wishes to you. Sorry you weren't able to make your trip. I hope Gabe is taking good care of you. Here are some get well flowers for you.


    M0mmy, You're awesome!! I bet you're enjoying your afternoon with Jackson and Princess!!

    Lucy, Missing you my friend!!!

    Tomboy, Thinking of you, as always!!!!

    Momwriter, How funny!! I binged watched Parenthood too when I was going through treatment. I think you found us when you were meant to!! This thread didn't exist when you were going through chemo, so I think it was just meant to be that you found us now!! If you would have asked me that question a year ago, I would have wanted the testing over and done with. Now that I've developed my whatever mantra, I don't mind waiting. That mindset really does work!! Seriously though, as Katy said, it depends on how Crazy Town you'll be putting it off. Plus we always have to say to check with your MO and make sure waiting doesn't put you at a disadvantage. I can't see where one month would matter though. So, per usual.....what Katy said!! hahaha....She makes excellent sense.

    The rain is setting me back on my knee moving mission!! I guess I will take today off and enjoy the cooler weather. Hope you're all having a pain free, peaceful day so far.

    Love to all...quiet crazies too!!

  • suladog
    suladog Member Posts: 837
    edited October 2015

    Hey there Crazies!!!!

    just another day in Crazy Town. Sitting here after writing all day. About to step out and run some errands.


    no, I'm not cooking for Pepin, just going to his birthday party, but the people I'm consulting for were asked to do his cake so they came to dinner on Saturday night and brought the cake (a test one) for me to check and comment on. That's when I suggested the gold leaf..we also talked about adding candied orange peel as decor. I'll bake a sampler of the cake and post the recipe here if you'd like.

    Gotta run now but will catch up with everyone later on...

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited October 2015

    Italychick, I was at my PCD office about a month ago and complained about a pain in my abdomen. Doc looked at me and said take an antacid. Dang but she was right and my stomach cancer was cured!

    Back is doing better but heading to the spine doc tomorrow as I need a new script for PT, love my PT place so hoping all will be fine. Medicare confuses me at times. Did a nice time in the pool this afternoon and that always makes me happy, tired but happy

    Ducky, have not seen that article but sure hope all is right with Philly tonight

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited October 2015

    imageI promise this is the last picture of our walk.......I got this today from my was posted on the Shriner's Facebook page....this was Grayson's Walking Warriors group....3 of my daughter's are in that group....their husbands................. 6 of my grandchildren......2 of the guys are their future husbands............1 DIL (graysons grandmother),,,and my son.....(grayson's grandfather)..............believe it or not there are still 23 more family memebers who could not make it........LOL.......

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited October 2015

    The leftovers are grayson's Dad's family, and friends of theirs.............

  • Italychick
    Italychick Member Posts: 527
    edited October 2015

    Glad I'm not the only one with gas mets!

  • Jackbirdie
    Jackbirdie Member Posts: 1,617
    edited October 2015

    Beautiful flowers, Beppy!

    Ladies, since I've been ranting about unsafe cosmetics, I thought I'd share something I found today that is helpful in your search for what IS safe. I think the only way we will EVER "UNPINK" October is to vote with our wallets.

  • rainnyc
    rainnyc Member Posts: 801
    edited October 2015

    Momwriter, that study sounds pretty great. I agree, chemo (or Herceptin or whatever) always seems in a weird way like me-time, a chance to be alone with my iPad, noise-canceling headphones, a magazine or book. I've been a stalwart Downton Abbey watcher on chemo--and have posted here about the DA hat blog I found when I was hat and wig shopping--but if a couple of you are recommending Parenthood I might have to give it a try. In any case, my vote would be to get the tests out of the way before xmas. I'd want to know--but that's me. I could vote as easily for afterwards if you'd rather keep the holidays low-key.

    Well, I took an actual walk this afternoon (you know, outside?) and made dinner and now am huddled on the sofa waiting for Tylenol to do its magic. For some reason I was called to make an old-fashioned mac and cheese from scratch. No upscale cheese or fancy stuff, just a béchamel, cheddar, mozzarella, and some parmesan on top. Oh--and chopped up hot dogs. What you think: I wanted comfort food? And it's not like DH or DS would ever say no to anything like that! (And yes, I did sauté some greens and garlic to go with.) Happy evening, crazies!

  • Jackbirdie
    Jackbirdie Member Posts: 1,617
    edited October 2015

    nothing fancy... Just a bechamèl... Baaahaha. Good for you Rainny!

    Did I mention before the Masterpiece "DI Lewis"series set in Oxford? 6 seasons free on Prime. I'm thinking about starting them all over again. Such smart writing and a great deal of historical (and human) interest. Highly recommend. Pairs well with Mac n Cheese.

  • gaia0132
    gaia0132 Member Posts: 308
    edited October 2015

    Evening Crazies

    Well I'm crashed out on the couch after a full day. Herceptin then lunch and a movie with my man.

    Octo-I hope you are resting and that the cold/SE situation is easing up

    Rain you too! Soup and glossy mags sound about right for this moment. It's amazing how easy it is to be susceptible 'to do' mode in NYC... something to think about.

    Slow thanks for your presence and creating CT with the blessing/brainstorming from Tomboy

    Tomboy how are you?

    Ducky they are all great pictures of your family- might you have some of your mom to go along with that earlier story you told?

    Katy how are you? what are you eating and reading these days? any more updates on the screening? I will try to watch Pink Ribbons in the next day or so.

    Momwriter- is there any way to do the tests/appointment sooner? Otherwise as Katy said- get very quiet and how it feels to delay- will it be hovering over and 'coloring' the holidays anyway? I personally postponed my scans till after my 50th birthday- checked with MO and he was fine with it. I turned out to have progressed but I don't regret waiting/nor do I think waiting 6 weeks effected that outcome.

    I am going to a conference this weekend called Digesting the Universe- it's a Taoist perspective on the 3 major metabolic illnesses of our time. Hopefully I will digest and assimilate some stimulating ideas/approaches

    I don't have much else tonight- pretty tired I find I am mainly 'swoony' after the H.

    Thinking a lot about Mary Oliver verses these days- surely churned up by the time near the ocean and all the bird song.

    I'll share a pic of me and Seth from the week. Hugs to everyone.

  • gaia0132
    gaia0132 Member Posts: 308
    edited October 2015


  • Jackbirdie
    Jackbirdie Member Posts: 1,617
    edited October 2015

    Christine- that photo if you two takes met breath away.

  • rainnyc
    rainnyc Member Posts: 801
    edited October 2015

    Oh, c'mon! Bechamel is butter, flour, milk. Or broth. And a whisk. And, at least in my younger days, the self-discipline not to eat the butter. I learned it at my mother's knee. Who grew up in Pennsylvania Dutch country and sent me into the world knowing how to make three things: cookies, pie crust, and béchamel.

    No you didn't mention that series, but I'll look for it, especially with the free Prime element. Thank you! And thanks for the link about the cosmetics. Holy cow--one more thing to freak out about. Crazytown....

    Though I have to say that no warning in the world would keep me from my eyebrow pencil--at least until they grow back. I could never bring myself to do LGFB, though. I'm not sure why, maybe a subliminal warning of some sort?

  • rainnyc
    rainnyc Member Posts: 801
    edited October 2015

    Photos: Ducky--beautiful, so full of love.

    Christine--same. Thanks for posting!

  • Jackbirdie
    Jackbirdie Member Posts: 1,617
    edited October 2015

    Rainny- I suspect you have very good instincts indeed.

  • Jackbirdie
    Jackbirdie Member Posts: 1,617
    edited October 2015

    Christine- for you. My favorite Mary Oliver (and reminds me so much of you)

    Summer Story

    When the hummingbird

    sinks its face

    into the trumpet vine

    and the funnels

    of the blossoms,

    and the tongue

    leaps out

    and throbs,

    I am scorched

    to realize once again

    how many small, available things

    are in the world

    that aren't

    pieces of gold

    or power–

    that nobody owns

    or could buy even

    for a hillside of money–

    that just

    float about the world,

    or drift over the fields,

    or into the gardens,

    and into the tents of the vines

    and how here I am

    spending my time,

    as the saying goes,

    watching until the watching turns into feeling

    so that I feel I am myself

    a small bird

    with a terrible hunger

    with a thin beak probing and dipping

    and a heart that races so fast

    it is only a heartbeat ahead of breaking

    and I am the hunger and the assuagement

    and also I am the leaves and the blossoms,

    and, like them, I am full of delight and shaking

  • gaia0132
    gaia0132 Member Posts: 308
    edited October 2015

    Oh Katy I am breathless. I love her feeling word pictures so much and I thank you for SUMMER STORY.

    I actually did not know this verse.

    Thank you- a perfect thing to carry me to sleep

    Good night crazies- to be continued

  • SlowDeepBreaths
    SlowDeepBreaths Member Posts: 6,702
    edited October 2015

    Good Evening Crazies,

    I've got much to catch up on. You're a busy bunch!! I had limited time to log on tonight, so I will catch up tomorrow.

    I'm hoping we can pool our collective good thoughts tomorrow for Tomboy's brain scan!!! We are ALL in your pocket dear friend!!! Sending good mojo, hugs and tons of love your way!!!!!!!! You've got all the crazies right by your side.


    Goodnight dear friends. I'm so very grateful for all of you!!!

  • littleblueflowers
    littleblueflowers Member Posts: 391
    edited October 2015

    Checking in with good mojo and prayers and little magic spells for you, Tomboy!

  • octogirl
    octogirl Member Posts: 2,434
    edited October 2015

    SDB, oh I LOVE tulips. Thank you so much to you and all the crazies for the good wishes.

    Gaia, you two are beautiful together.

    Rain, glad you are cooking!

    Momwriter: listen to katy's advice. she is wise.

    and in Tomboy's pocket!

    Sorry to miss so much. I am feeling slightly better but definitely not well. Fever continues just low grade enough to keep me out of action but not enough to really worry MO, though we are watching it closely. I suspect a cold plus the SEs both, to be honest. But I still can't read much, so I will catch up with all later. Gabe and I miss you all very much...

    Love to all


  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited October 2015

    This is my mother.......wish I still had her here.......she will be gone 34 years October 8th.....what a wonderous woman.......I was an only child........we were best friends........but a tough lady........image