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TE/Implant OVER pectoral Can exercise, comfortable &NO RIPPLES!



  • joy2
    joy2 Member Posts: 16

    Hello Bird-of-light ! i had this surgery after 6 month from my last surgery. Now for the other one i will definitely wait 6 month again so the skin, nipples heal completely and I will see what my PS says about the upcoming surgery. I don't want to do a lot of surgeries so i will do what is best and have good outcome too.

  • OCDAmy
    OCDAmy Member Posts: 289

    I am five weeks post op from having my sub pec TE with a pre pec smooth silicone implant. I have ripples that are visible when I move a certain way and I can feel them when I rub the breast. It has also dropped quite a bit since surgery and now I feel it is too low compared to the other breast (DIEP flap on they other side.) What kinds of revisions can they do with a pre pec implant to raise it and can fat grafting make the ripples not so noticeable (especially to the touch?)

  • veggal
    veggal Member Posts: 261

    Hi Amy,

    I had horrible ripples with my TE's and the sub pec 410's. With the pre-pecs and fat grafts, zero ripples...even if I try and make them. 

    The PS should be able to lift that pocket some. Make sure you voice your concern about that before surgery. 

    Good luck!

  • macb04
    macb04 Member Posts: 756

    Hi Amy,

    I agree with VegGal, I have zero ripples and no animation deformity with my Prepectoral Implant Reconstruction, although I changed over to Prepectoral from Subpectoral specifically to stop the insane discomfort of chest tightness.

    I had several rounds of Fat Grafting before that change over, to improve the health of my skin because I had severe radiation fibrosis.

  • Andraxo
    Andraxo Member Posts: 168

    venting....Wish I had no ripples. You can see the upper edge of the implants (anatomic cohesive gel 250cc) distinctly and they are rippled, but I don't have much body fat and I'm not willing to fat graft what little I have. I'm saving it for maybe harvesting some stem cells for something else down the road as I age (such as treating joint degeneration) when the technology is better. They are super comfortable though - no problems with any sports (running, hiking, mountain biking, snowboarding, weight lifting) - and that is most important! :) Eventually though I think I will remove them and nipples and just be flat. The implants are just so...foreign. I also actually wish I didn't keep my nipples. To conceal nipples with a thin foam liner in bras makes me look bigger breasted since the implants don't compress. I'm already at the smallest implants I could get for my chest wall footprint/body size.

    Happy holidays everyone! - hope you all feel great and don't have to deal with any new breast issues the next couple weeks. - xo

  • Wigging2000
    Wigging2000 Member Posts: 56

    I’ll add a positive story ...I am 2 weeks post op with pre pectoral implants...just got my drains out today, getting along great and have no issues at all! I am still continuing to heal but very happy with my choice. I did not go much bigger than I was, but I sure am perkier! Not in a bad way though!

    Does anyone have recommendations on good front close sports bras?

  • simonerc
    simonerc Member Posts: 156

    Hi Wigging 2000,

    Glad to hear all is going smoothly! Originally I ordered the Jockey front close. I recently ordered FILA ones from Kohl's and they are much better!

    Wishing you continued good healing!!!

  • Wigging2000
    Wigging2000 Member Posts: 56

    thank you Simone RC!!! I really appreciate it!


  • macb04
    macb04 Member Posts: 756

    Wow Andraxo, I am sad that you just are so uncomfortable with the implants, because I know you put effort into getting them, just like us all. I think in the future they will be able to 3D print a breast tailored to what we want and need, using our own cells, to make an " implant" that actually grows into our bodies, kind of like Acellular Dermal Matrix (ADM), but just on a much grander scale. I know what you mean by saying the implant feels foreign, although I do have moments when I forget.

    Hi SimoneRC, and Wiggin2000. Glad to hear from you. Good info about the bras.

  • HopefulAC
    HopefulAC Member Posts: 46

    I posted this on the exchange city forum but maybe you all can help since my implants are over the muscle—I had my exchange surgery on 12/11 and so far I believe all is going well. I had first post op visit yesterday They removed the bandaids covering the sutures and overall I'm pleased. I have mentor smooth round high profile 335cc.

    I do have a question if there's anyone out there who had an exchange post radiation to one side only- My right side (non radiated ) is looking pretty good , but my left side (radiated) is looking very bruised-on the sides and underneath -this set in a few days after surgery as I literally had no bruising the first few days. I know he had to break up scar tissue bc this side also had 3 lymph nodes removed but is it normal to have bruising on one side and not other? How long til bruising goes away? Also My PS was pretty straightforward that with having a radiated side and one not they likely won't be perfectly symmetrical which I'm ok with but my ? Is what were the differences people notced as they healed between radiated v. Non radiated? Also is there that much differnence inhow they look now versus when they "settle” into pocket. I’m afraid that my non radiated side will sit much lower than radiated side. Right now he got them pretty Even especially in comparison to how the TEs were (lopsided) but wonder what happens with time

  • Wigging2000
    Wigging2000 Member Posts: 56

    macb- that is such a cool thought about the 3D Maybe we will all get to trade ours in! 😊

  • Andraxo
    Andraxo Member Posts: 168

    HopefulAC - I'm radiated on one side and had the TEs then implants after radiation. The radiated side is tight laterally/not as much stretch so my implant sits a little off. It is fullest medially, not inferiorly like a real breast would be or the other non-radiated side implant is. It really tapers off towards my axilla/armpit. It has been this way since the exchange so I'd expect that if you are pretty even now you will stay that way. There is no way to improve mine laterally, but it isn't noticeable through clothes. :) My radiated side skin also looks botchy when it gets too cold when I run or other outdoor sports in below freezing weather (regardless of using a padded bra), but settles back to normal coloring once I warm up. It also gets blotchy when I'm hot right out of the shower. That skin is just a little different, as expected.

    Hope you continue to heal well! - xo

  • macb04
    macb04 Member Posts: 756

    Hi HopefulAC,

    I agree with Andraxo. I had one side with implant, and the other lifted. Long story, which you can read about if you want, but my implanted side had rads fibrosis which has made it tighter. Fat Grafting/Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment muliple times and ongoing use of Pentoxifylline and Vitamin E both orally, and topically has kept it from getting worse. It is lopsided because the PS put the wrong size implant in, about 75cc too small. I often wear a silicone things thats for lifting the breast for cleavage to fill out whats missing so it appears symmetrical in clothes.

  • HopefulAC
    HopefulAC Member Posts: 46

    thank you Andraxo and macb04. I know I'm still so fresh out of exchange (13 days) and I do feel a little tight in radiated side but was really gets to me is how bruised it is . The other side has no bruising at all. I wish it would go away soon bc besides that (at least for now) im pleased with how they look. The bruising is getting worse not better but my PS says that might happen and ultimately go away? Is that other's experience. So much of this is patience.

    Anyway Merry Christmas Eve to you wonderful women

  • geewhiz
    geewhiz Member Posts: 671

    Hi all - I am a bit of an oldtimer around here, so not really on the boards much anymore. About 9 years ago I had sub pec implants. They are so tight across my chest, and now I occasionally get really painful muscle spams on the rads side. Not to mention hideous movement when I am exercising at the gym. SO embarassing I wear a huge t-shirt. I was reading about this pre-pec. Is this done with decent results after a sub pec? I have inframammary fold scar lines- can they just use that or would they have to go back in and do the lollipop scar?

  • macb04
    macb04 Member Posts: 756

    Hi geewhiz. Several of us on here have change from subpectoral to Prepectoral. I did it only for a TE. Others have switched over completely following subpectoral implants to Prepectoral Implants. For me, infinitely better. The worst of the horrible tightness, muscle spasms and pain markedly improved. I think they can probably go in the old scars. If they say no, make sure the reasoning they give makes sense, otherwise switch to a new PS.

    Perhaps others in that situation will chime in soon.

  • macb04
    macb04 Member Posts: 756

    Anyone else want to respond to geewhiz about switching to Prepectoral from subpectoral. ?

  • veggal
    veggal Member Posts: 261

    I switched. My PS used my old scars. It was an easy surgery and no more freak show at the gym!

  • Druanne
    Druanne Member Posts: 74

    Hi! I am 4 months out from my nipple/skin sparing, bilateral mastectomy/direct to implant pre-pec surgery and all is well! I did have radiation on my left breast in 2011. It took longer to heal than the right side. My nipple turned really black on that side and had a scab for an extra long time but eventually healed! My PS is SO WONDERFUL....!!!! I have a red blotch occasionally where my lumpectomy scar is and the nipple is a little flatter than the right side but over all I am very happy with how they look! I am still getting used to being so round and perky. I had to have a small revision as the BS left a small lump of something in my right armpit. So I went in on December 13th and had it removed. My PS also released a couple internal stitches near my armpit. I do get little aches and cramps around the outside perimeter while exercising and sometimes random zaps and zings here and there. I figure that is it my nerves and healing related. I imagine the alloderm and my skin becoming meshed as one. I see my PS this afternoon to check on my armpit healing.

    I hope more can relate to you and your situation geewhiz!!! Hugs <3

  • macb04
    macb04 Member Posts: 756

    Congrats Druanne! So nice to hear you have had such good outcomes with Prepectoral Direct to Implant surgery. Even with surgery you managed to heal and suceed with Prepectoral Implant Reconstruction. Your story will give hope to all the other women who have had rads and want reconstruction, but don't want a DIEP type surgery.

    Old school PS's tell women who have had rads that they can never suceed with Implants. We are the living refutation of that.

  • Druanne
    Druanne Member Posts: 74

    Thanks macb04!

    My PS did a blood flow test of my radiated skin while I was under anesthesia in the operating room. I didn't know if I would wake up with TEs or implants. I was so happy and surprised to wake up with implants! I was still groggy....I looked down and told the recovery nurse, WOW, I'm not flat! She told me....You're done! You have implants already! My brain wasn't processing it at first and then I started tearing WAIT WHAT!?!?!?!?! I read all kinds of things saying I would not be a good candidate because of rads but here I am!!!! There is hope and options for those who have had rads indeed!!!!!


  • macb04
    macb04 Member Posts: 756

    That's a great story Druanne. Good for you! It's true, that will hope to those who had rads.

  • geewhiz
    geewhiz Member Posts: 671

    Thanks ladies! I am going to look into switching!! A bit over the spasms and gym freak shows myself!Loopy

  • macb04
    macb04 Member Posts: 756

    Geewhiz, I agree, the animation deformity gets really, really old. And frankly it seems to be unnecessary when Prepectoral Implant Reconstruction is available for pretty much every woman who wants it. There are just a ton of Fossilized Plastic Surgeon's who haven't gone back for the necessary training to do Prepectoral Implant Reconstruction. So they tell the unfortunate women who are their patients the Fairy story, that Prepectoral Implant Reconstruction doesn't work, that woman can not use it after radiation, etcetera. If they can not update their skills then they should give up medicine.

    Women DESERVE to have ALL CHOICES, all the safe and effective options for Reconstruction, from knowledgeable Plastic Surgeons. It is Our Right.

  • sugarmaple
    sugarmaple Member Posts: 40

    I have a pre-pectoral dr to add, please! He did mine on 11/15 and I’m really happy with it! I had my appt with him today and asked if I may list him.

    I was surprised to find he was able to do ‘straight to implant’ for me, no TE’s (I thought I was gonna wake up with aTE). I also have full range of movement, sleeping normally on my sides and just feel a bit like and ‘old-new me’ :)

    Dr. Mark Leech, Chattanooga Plastic Surgery, Chattanooga, TN

  • macb04
    macb04 Member Posts: 756

    Thanks sugarmaple, I just added Dr Leech.

    The list is over 70 PSs in the USA who do Prepectoral. Strangely enough, no Hawaii or Alaske PSs.

  • Druanne
    Druanne Member Posts: 74

    That's awesome sugarmaple!!!! We are in the same boat!!! Happy

  • sugarmaple
    sugarmaple Member Posts: 40

    Thank you, macb04-your list is great!

    Hi Druanne! It’s a good boat to be in. Yay for this ‘pre-pectoral journey’! I feel so lucky that my physical healing has been so fast.

    Sending lots of strength and good sleep to all you gals out there! 😊

  • rachelcarter35
    rachelcarter35 Member Posts: 256

    On Christmas eve I ended up in the emergency with a small abscess in my incision and took a round of antibiotics. I didn't even know I had it till it broke open and there was puss and blood on my bra. Now I inspect everything every night because I can't feel it there. All is well at this point but it was unsettling to have this happen three months after exchange.

  • macb04
    macb04 Member Posts: 756

    Wow Rachecarter35, that is scary stuff. Did you have a fever at least? Even a slightly elevated temp? I had terrible infections, twice, had a cup of pus both times, taken off my chest after fat grafting. Then I had a seroma with fluid aspirated off my implant within a month or so of exchange. I humored my PS and saw an Infectious Disease ( ID) specialist, a long drive away. The ID guy said take out the implant. I said, Ah, no..... So I went back to my Naturopath and got 60 grams of IV Vitamin C. Problem solved.