Tampa area BCO sisters II



  • Galsal
    Galsal Posts: 754
    edited September 2018

    See what happens after I move away? Portillo's is da bomdiggity. Chicago girl myself.

  • kayarose
    kayarose Posts: 35
    edited September 2018

    This is so funny. Seems like everyone from Chicago ends up in Florida. Years ago I asked someone in Bonita if they could recommend anywhere to go for an Italian beef and they said "What's Italian beef?" I knew we were in trouble then.

    My daughter and family moved to Salt Lake City a couple of years ago. They have actually ordered online from Portillo's and Lou Malnati's pizza. Lou's pizzia is deep dish and excellent. Seems in Bonita everyone likes New York style or Ohio style. We do have Doc's pizza on the beach which is excellent thin style pizza. The owner of Doc's is originally from Chicago, too. He always has the Chicago teams on the tv so we go there to catch some Cubs and Bears games. We are still looking for a good deep dish. If we can't find one, we will definitely order online.

    If the Tampa Portillo's is anything like those in Chicago, it's probably not a great place to meet and talk. It's a big, open space with lots of noise. Kind of hard to hear each other. But always a fun and delicious spot that I'd never say no to.

    I'm not sure of our schedule right now but if we're down in Bonita for your next get-together, I'd love to come. Right now we're going back and forth with side trips to see the grandkids in SLC. We're also trying to get our Illinois home ready to go up for sale. I do know we plan to be in Bonita for as much of the winter as possible starting some time in November. You ladies are so sweet and helpful, it would be great to meet you all.

  • Galsal
    Galsal Posts: 754
    edited October 2018

    Hooray! I just learned that Salem's 50+ Center holds a twice monthly BC Support Group. I'll be checking that out. Naturally, it couldn't begin to compare with you Lovelies!

  • Bubblebeard
    Bubblebeard Posts: 48
    edited November 2018

    hey there ladies… I am in East pasco county and just found out about this thread from another member. I'm being treated at Moffit But I've been having some issues there recently and I'm going for a second opinion with Dr Wright.

    Just wanted to pop in and say Hi! I would love to be a part of your meetings 💜

  • nbnotes
    nbnotes Posts: 338
    edited November 2018

    Welcome Bubblebeard!

    Ladies - it has been too long since we've gotten together. Any chance we could organize something soon? I know we are coming up on the craziness of all of the holidays, but I'd love to see everyone!

  • specialk
    specialk Posts: 9,265
    edited November 2018

    bubblebeard - welcome! Dr. Wright is my oncologist, if you have any questions that I can answer! I have been very happy with him.

    nbnotes - yes! We need to get together - I have been preoccupied with a recent oral surgery, but am working my way back to regular activities! I am very willing to host a gathering at my house again - I can't believe it has been a year since the last one here - and I have Sat, Dec. 1st open, and Sat. Dec. 15th, or Sun. Dec. 16th. We can do a morning, afternoon or evening gathering - whatever suits everyone. I even have both the 22nd and 23rd open, but that may be too busy a time for all - but, let me know.

  • snickersmom
    snickersmom Posts: 599
    edited November 2018

    Hi tampa sisters!! Yeah, it has been too long since we got together! I promise I will definitely be at the next get-together. I'm available on December 1st and 15th. Could do 16th if that's what everyone decides. Morning or afternoon work best for me, as I will be driving an hour each way and prefer to do that during daylight hours.

    Looking forward to seeing everyone again!


  • nbnotes
    nbnotes Posts: 338
    edited November 2018

    Special K - Sorry that you had to have oral surgery but glad to hear that you are on the mend. I could do Dec. 1st - day is better but could make anything work. I head to South Africa & NYC with my parents 12/10-22, but would be back for the 23rd.

  • MexicoHeather
    MexicoHeather Posts: 147
    edited November 2018

    Hi everyone. I can come Dec 1, 12/15 or 12/16. I have a little preference for Dec. 1st. I am getting ready for a little family trip, back 11/29 for the duration of the year.🐅🐅😎

  • specialk
    specialk Posts: 9,265
    edited November 2018

    Let's plan on daytime for Dec. 1st so that nbnotes can come! I will put that info in the header and start the list! Looking forward to seeing everyone!

  • bella2013
    bella2013 Posts: 370
    edited November 2018

    Tampa BCO Sisters,

    I live in Jacksonville and would like to come to your luncheon if that’s okay. I don’t know of anyone in my area who is on BCO.

    Snickersmom, I could pick you up on my way down😁.



  • specialk
    specialk Posts: 9,265
    edited November 2018

    bella - of course you are most welcome to come, we would love to meet you! I will PM you my address and contact info. Looking forward to having you with us! Yay!

  • bucsgirl
    bucsgirl Posts: 160
    edited November 2018

    SpecialK - Thanks for notifying me. Sorry I haven't been around much lately. Too much going on at work. Loopy

    Please count me in. I will be there. Smile 

  • snickersmom
    snickersmom Posts: 599
    edited November 2018

    Bella - that would be great. I am about 15 minutes off the highway so we can probably meet somewhere to save you some time. That's a lot of driving for you! Looking forward to meeting you.


  • lee7
    lee7 Posts: 204
    edited November 2018

    Dec 1st works for me. I’m looking forward to seeing everyone!

  • nbnotes
    nbnotes Posts: 338
    edited November 2018

    Looking forward to seeing everyone!

  • CC2016
    CC2016 Posts: 94
    edited November 2018

    Regarding the conversation several weeks ago now, if you are moving to Lee County or know anyone newly diagnosed here I highly recommend contacting this office as a first step in your journey. I was in the building recently and grabbed a card for y’all

    I was diagnosed 2 days before moving to Florida and knew no one in this region. I happened to find them by a google search and emailed to get information, was contacted within hours of the office opening and had an appointment for the next day as a kind of triage, review reports, insurance, etc. Within a week saw my genetics counselor, BS and RO in their office (had to get an MO that they rarely worked with due to insurance coverage who wouldn’t participate in the group appointment 😒) and they all got together that afternoon to make a plan of care. They handled all the calls and logistics for me in those beginning weeks, which as you know is huge! I haven’t had contact with them since the first few months but know they offer more counseling and continuing care if you choose to.

    Just wanted to share a resource if you ever need it.


  • Galsal
    Galsal Posts: 754
    edited November 2018

    Ladies, I should be returned to Tampa Bay by next Thanksgiving!!! Missing all of you.

    Tomorrow is a huge day for me as I'm seeing a Gynecologic Oncologist for an opinion. See, the Tampa VA Gyn said you need a full hysterectomy after reviewing a ct scan and ultrasound report. We're sending you to Moffitt since one ovary now has multiple cysts and is 4cm with the other ovary having a cyst that grew 1cm in less than a year plus something in the uterine wall. However, I moved to Oregon for a family matter. Portland VA said oh well we're not sure whether you need that or not so let's wait a year. Your ovarian cysts aren't textbook smooth and round and tumor labs are good so let's never mind and not worry about it now. Oh and we're sending you to genetic counseling/testing at Oregon Health and Science University. So I said bugger that, I've got insurance and that's why I'm having a third review about it. Prayers are welcome, naturally. Frankly, the Gyn Onc decided I needed to be seen merely from reading the ultrasound reports of June and October along with case notes. That in itself doesn't lend to a warm and fuzzy feeling. Tomorrow I take the images as well.

    Bella, I don't know her screen name but there's a woman by the name of Tori Gaskins who lives in the St Augustine area. Both Special K and Nbnotes know her also. Hopefully it will help find someone at least in your general region.

  • annalive
    annalive Posts: 286
    edited November 2018

    Greetings, Tampa ladies!

    I'm sorry to miss this get-together, and hope to catch the next one. I wish you all the best.

  • kira1234
    kira1234 Posts: 754
    edited November 2018

    I just saw this. I'm definitely going to try really hard to be here Saturday

  • specialk
    specialk Posts: 9,265
    edited November 2018

    galsal - we miss you too! Hope you can get clarification on your gyn issues, been there, done that, got the t-shirt! I know it is worrisome and of course, sending you nothing but positivity!

    annalive - sorry to miss you for this get together, but will hope to see you next time!

    kira - we hope to see you too! How are you feeling?

  • kira1234
    kira1234 Posts: 754
    edited November 2018

    I'm not sure what I've updated to you all with. I had a knee replacement in April. 3 weeks after that I fell and broke my ankle. Needed 6 screws and a plate. Spent 6 weeks in the rehab center. I'm officially done with rehab but still limping.

  • nbnotes
    nbnotes Posts: 338
    edited November 2018

    SpecialK - - What can I bring or do to help with Saturday? Looking forward to seeing everyone!

  • specialk
    specialk Posts: 9,265
    edited November 2018

    kira - glad you're out of rehab for the ankle, but sorry you are still limping - I remembered that you had fallen, but I wasn't sure how you were doing now. I hope you can come on Sat!

    nbnotes - I got this, just bring yourself!

  • specialk
    specialk Posts: 9,265
    edited November 2018

    Bumping this thread for anyone else in the Tampa Bay area or beyond who would like to get together with this fantastic group of ladies - you are welcome to join us!

  • MexicoHeather
    MexicoHeather Posts: 147
    edited November 2018

    GalSal: That's quite an update, Shockedkeep us posted. Last year, my sister and I both had VagH in the same week: True Hyster-Sisters. My two Gynos were so good to me. I pray that yours is the same.
  • bucsgirl
    bucsgirl Posts: 160
    edited November 2018

    SpecialK - I'm so sorry to cancel last minute. I've been on this special project at work that has me working some Saturday's just to catch up. This is going to be one of those weekends. I wish I could just retire. SickTired

    Anyway, I'm going to miss seeing all of you. Maybe next time. Sad


  • Galsal
    Galsal Posts: 754
    edited December 2018

    Thanks for the good wishes. Don't think I updated - the Gyn Onc doesn't feel any surgery is necessary at this time. We'll review this again in March after genetic test results are available. By then he'll likely order new scans.

    As I said, I'm comfortable with this third consult. Fwiw, he knows the Gyn at the Portland VA and feels she's quite competent. The same goes for the genetic counselor at OHSU.


  • snickersmom
    snickersmom Posts: 599
    edited December 2018

    We will miss you!


  • specialk
    specialk Posts: 9,265
    edited December 2018

    BucsGirl - bummer! Definitely next time!

    galsal - glad you are comfortable with the status for now.