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Anyone starting chemo August 2016?



  • Kz1966
    Kz1966 Member Posts: 40

    Good Evening Beauties -

    5 days after my a/C infusion and feel really good today. It's amazing how so many can have the same treatment and have such different side effects. I feel like I've really been lucky. Friday and Saturday are my down and out days and Sunday I can feel myself getting better. No nap today. Went out for a bit today but can't go back to work until I get my blood work done on Thursday. If it's good, I'm going straight to work.

    I did wear my wig today and felt weird for sure. Itchy and may have been too tight because I had a headache lol.

    We are a strong group!! One day at a time. We are always here for each other through good days and bad.

    So eye brows and eye lashes. I still have them for now but I'm not so sure I'll be good at drawing them on. Anyone going to do false eye lashes?

    Neverending lol

    Hugs to all!

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Kz, I still have my brows and lashes and have been asking on the Hair, Hair, Hair thread about when those go. The general consensus is about 1-2 months after the last chemo lashes and brows go. That seems so unfair! Just when head hair is beginning to grow back, you lose those. You might want to ask you MO about false lashes, or maybe someone else here knows. The woman at my wig store, who had bc a while ago, mentioned that we are not ever allowed to wear false eyelashes, to just stick with liner. There's a great bc sister, Jill, who has made a great video about penciling in eyebrows. I saw a picture and thought she had real eyebrows. She gave me the link to her video:

    I find I can't wear a wig for very long. I need a good cotton wig cap so it doesn't itch, but I still get the headache also. I've just gotten good at wearing scarves. YouTube has some great videos on how to wrap and tie a scarf. I have a really flat head (ha ha) and found a great "essential tool" of a super soft padded undercap, that gives me more volume in the back and looks much better. I got it on They also have some really pretty scarves for reasonable prices, plus they also have videos for wrapping. Again, it's a learning curve, but I'd rather be researching scarf techniques than bc terminology! Good luck!

  • Kz1966
    Kz1966 Member Posts: 40

    DaraB - Thanks so much for the info. You are much better than I at doing research.

    I believe you are correct about the eye lashes and if I'm not mistaken it's due to infection. I'll definitely pass on that! I have enough problems thank you!

    Going to watch the video now.


  • Arlenew
    Arlenew Member Posts: 4

    I went to the Look Good Feel Better program today offered by the American Cancer Soceity. It was a free class and they provided a makeup bag full of cosmetics based on skin tone. A cosmetologist was there and provided helpful tips on applying makeup for cancer patients. The best part was learning about the eyebrows. I'm very nervous to lose mine. The instructor provided techniques for "drawing " eyebrows on and I feel much more confident now. Also she did say that false eyelashes are a "no no" due to risk of infection, and that it is better to just use eyeliner. All you have to do to register for a class is call the ACS and they will find a class near your home. I found it to be very helpful.

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    CandyHB .. The fatigue seems to hit sometimes when you least expect it ... I felt good and kept busy all weekend then today I was so tired ... I am not sleeping well at all though.

    Dara thank you for the video ... I will refer to it.

    ArleneW... I went to the local Look Good Feel Good meeting offered here. I found it really good but the regular girl who does it was out of town so I guess it's usually different. Got some great products.

    I am still battling this fungus on my head whatever it is ... My friend who's a nurse said it looks like shingles. I see the doctor tomorrow so we will's very uncomfortable .

    Love & hugs

  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    Ohmigosh, Caligirl55, I hope you don't have shingles. You have quite enough on your plate already.


  • ElizabethAM
    ElizabethAM Member Posts: 202

    I've got my fingers crossed for you Caligirl that it is not that.

    Dara -- good info --- Thanks for posting it .

    Today I get my port put in. I'm starting to get a little nervous about it, but because of the Herceptin treatments for a year, I think it a good idea since I only have one arm that can be used for everything.

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Cali, I too so hope it's not shingles! Let us know. I still have a couple tiny pin dot spots that look like ingrown hair pimples, but they are just red bumps.

    Candy, I agree with Cali about the fatigue. I felt totally great yesterday, brought lunch over to a friend and visited with her for a while, then went to the grocery store. Half way through the store, I felt like I couldn't even hold my arms up on the cart. I made it home and immediately crashed on the couch. It seems that each day I'm great in the morning then fade in the afternoon.

    The SE that is bugging me the most is the tiny micro twitches around my eye, and eye watering. It's to a point where regular reading is really a challenge.

    Elizabeth, hope the port went smoothly and doesn't cause you discomfort. I think it's smart. I'm still bruised from the elbow down after my trip to the ER. I think when you have to have multiple draws in a day as we do, it's smart to have the port of picc line.

    Off today to get more jewelry supplies. I have a couple of friends coming over on Saturday to play with hammered wire and tubing . Having fun with new things!

  • ElizabethAM
    ElizabethAM Member Posts: 202

    All done.. Everything went smoothly. Tomorrow the home health nurse is to come and change the dressings.

  • Munibroker23
    Munibroker23 Member Posts: 1

    Husband checking in here regarding peripheral neuropathy... Has anyone any thoughts on cold gloves or booties to help prevent?

  • AnnieTater
    AnnieTater Member Posts: 57

    Hello :)

    I am feeling good today! Barely any nausea (a problem this go around!), new wig, cute maternity dress. Work is busy and that keeps me on my feet. I also went to breast imaging today because I noticed something "new" near my incision site - luckily it was just a cyst. Whew! I have an OB appointment tomorrow and I get to see the baby! I can't wait. She seems to be doing totally fine - kicking up a storm. I'll let you guys know how it goes :)

    Munibroker - I am not yet on Taxol, so I'll let one of the ladies doing that treatment answer your question.

    Caligirl - I hope you are okay and it isn't shingles :(

    Candy - I hit a wall on day 3. Can hardly get out of bed, move from bed to couch (only for eating). Jim needs to take Jimmy to Grandma's for the day on Saturdays after treatment. I usually feel a bit better by the evening. How are you today?

    Elizabeth - glad your port placement was smooth!

    Thanks to all of you for your encouragement, positivity and honesty!



  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Muni, People are finding god results with icing fingers and feet with neupathy. I do taxotere instead of taxol, but they are similar in that they can both cause neuropathy. Icing also really helps with mouth sores if your wife gets that side effect. I've had a problem with what I believe is like a neuropathy of my eye lids. I'll be asking my MO on Monday what to do to deal with that. I can't very well truly ice my eyes. I do use those cool ice eye covers, but can't handle the cold for very long.

    Annie, you sound so great! Seeing your beautiful baby will make your day tomorrow! Let us know how she looks!

    Cali, did you see your doctor today? Hope it's something minimal and easy to deal with.

    This round fatigue seems to be more of a problem. I'm am still in awe of those of you who can work a full time (or even a part-time) job!

  • Kz1966
    Kz1966 Member Posts: 40

    Hello beauties

    Think I jinxed myself, felt like crap all day. No energy, headache. So I'm not nuts, but does anyone hear noises in your head? I can't describe the noise and it comes and goes. I feel like I read something about that somewhere.

    Hoping for tomorrow to be a better day. My guess is I overdid yesterday feeling so good. I need to rest more.

    I wish I had the energy to comment on everyone's posts on here. I do read them all though!

    Wishing everyone a great evening.

  • ocmdcat
    ocmdcat Member Posts: 16

    I started chemo 7/25. I am scheduled for my last infusion 9/26. Last infusion a week ago today. Have not been feeling well all week. What a bummer, I wish this part was over!

  • ocmdcat
    ocmdcat Member Posts: 16

    I attended the Look Good Feel Good class put on by The American Cancer Society. Highly recommended great make up and scarf tips, plus tons of free stuff

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Hi Everyone- Today is my 50th and I celebrated with my head shave finally. Its been totally tender still, so I have this stubble, with areas of baldness and some scaley patches I guess. My girlfriend/hairdresser had me get special shampoo that should help with the scalp. So I feel fine about it, but I don't have to look at it! Where's that shiny smooth bald head? Assuming the stubble will fall out? Tomorrow is treatment #2. So feel good today, esp on the steroids, but know the crappy feeling coming soon.

    Candy- I was actually surprised i didn't lay in bed. My NP told me not to lol. But I did do a lot of laying around, and probably would have been more comfortable. I was like Kechla where by day 10 I was starting to feel way better, but still hit the bed at night by 8/830. Last few days I haven't been as tired, but I'm on a 21 day cycle? I'm opposite of Dara- I am more tired in the am, then finally by lunch can get up and do something. I would get my daughter off to school by 8, and then come back home and sit for hours.

    Elizabeth- glad all is well for you....long drug process so your port makes sense!

    Dara you are always our go to for info! Dang it on the brows! I will definitely be watching the video. I love all the tips on the ACS class, I will try and see if we have one. We'll need pics of your creations from the weekend! Dara- I have eye issues before all of this, and the twitching is so annoying. So far not too bad after 1 round. I'll keep you posted later this week.

    Caligirl- lets hope your friend is off! Please keep us posted.

    Annie- thanks for bringing some fun and excitement to our group! Being a mom, it puts a smile on my face hearing about the baby! Keep it coming, and of course I know you have no choice, but think we all admire your strength with this whammy life has dealt you. Can you stay home and not work so we don't feel like total slackers? LOL

    munibroker- I have heard people doing that cold booties, etc. I haven't really researched the results (if it helps or not). I did suck on ice chips for the mouth sores, but I'd be way too cold for that. My mom got neuropathy on her feet from colon cancer chemo treatment. It was numb, and honestly came and went until she passed. So I'm a little more aware of my "tingling" and will keep an eye on it plus get in the MO's ear if it gets going more.

    ocmdcat- welcome! Sorry you feel like crud. Seems like no time to recover really? This is a great group of ladies, so fire away! If you feel up to you and want to share, you can add your treatment to the profile section on here (so we don't ask you multiple times)- but get staying private by all means. Sounds like you're nearing the end though?!!

    Keep me entertained this week ladies- I'm sure by the weekend I won't be typing this much lol.

  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    Munibroker, I know there is one study that was started in 2010, but they don't expect to have all their data for a while longer and results likely won't be published until 2018. If one uses improvised tools (oven mitts, frozen peas, etc.), it's not expensive so many patients are willing to endure some discomfort in hopes that it will help, even without benefit of large, controlled studies.

  • SweetRain52
    SweetRain52 Member Posts: 19

    Well, I am past my third infusion and my hair has really started to fall out. I hoped I would be one of the lucky ones and it would just thin, but that doesn't seem to be the case, so I'm scrambling for a wig. I am so not looking forward to being bald. Regarding the infusions, I really haven't had nausea. The darn steroids after the second infusion gave me crazy dreams and well, it seemed like every really bad thing I have ever thought, or happened to me came to mind either in dreams or my thoughts on the second night after my infusion. I really think it was the steroids and told my doctor who immediately lowered the amount. I never want to experience a night like that again. At one point, I just started praying so I wouldn't have such awful thoughts and dreams. The next night, I had no problems and I never want to experience that again. Oh, emotions, God bless my husband, because it is like PMS all over again. My WBC count has dropped. My 4 year old granddaughte, whom I babysit, has a cold which worries me. The steroids have increased my appetite dramatically and I just can't say no to food. It is almost embarrassing. I eat like a horse. Since I am diabetic, that has me worried, too! Is anyone else going through these experiences?

  • SweetRain52
    SweetRain52 Member Posts: 19

    One of the things that happened to me this last (3rd) infusion was I went to get my blood checked the night before so when my sister-in-law came with me this would cut off an hour of the waiting time. So, I do that, she comes with me the next day for my 3rd infusion, we sit in the waiting room for an HOUR and A HALF. I was so embarrassed. I have never waited that long. Here I thought I would get her out of there fast, well I finally went up to the nurse's station and asked if they had forgotten me. I told them about getting my blood work done the day before which should have made everything fast and easy, but no. Even when they put me in the room, I still had to wait another 10 minutes or so. I was so embarrassed and dehumanized, I cried in front of my sister-in-law. She was fabulous. So encouraging and understanding, me, I was a mess. I guess I can kind of laugh at it now, but then, it was awful. Hope nothing like this happens to any of you. God bless you all. ;)

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    My appointment went well the doctor said no shingles just an infection from the chemo I'm to clean with a mild soap she recommended & put neosporin or Vaseline on it ... It already looks better.

    Annie .....your post brightens my day

    Elizabeth glad your appointment went well.

    Dara .... Must show us some of your creations.

    SweetRain .... I know how it is I was feeding my little granddaughter and realized her nose was just running like crazy ... I am hoping since it was clear & she's teething I will be fine. Here I stayed away from her sister who was sick last week. I just keep washing my hands like crazy.

    Hope you all have a restful night ... Love & hugs

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Awesome Caligirl!! So happy you can move on and already seeing results. I guess there's a bunch of sick kids at my daughter's school. So I'm starting to nag her about germ gel, getting vitamins in her, and hoping she can avoid!

    Sweetrain- sorry about your hair (and your experience at the dr's!)- mine was coming out in a "thinning manner', but it drove me crazy and I just shaved it yesterday.

    Off to infusion 2 this am....have a good day everyone.

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    SweetRain, thank you for sharing about the dreams! I thought it was only me. The first week after infusion I have bizarre dreams too. Last week I dreamt there were snakes all over and they were eating my fingers! Totally gross! I've only had them in dreams, but I agree they are terrible!

    Kelly, Happy Birthday!!!! 50 was my very best birthday. Something happened and I just felt a huge sense of freedom, like I could say or do anything I wanted (of course, not that I didn't do that before lol). Anyway, hope you and your family had a wonderful day! Hair is weird. Mine has been shaved for 3 weeks and I still have stubble. Most has fallen out, but the top still fells like still velvet. Others have shaved it, but I just look at it as a head start for my hair growing back. The stubble doesn't grow any more either. Good luck with your infusion today.

    You all are great with your grandchildren, but please be so careful. my DS and family all have had colds (from beginning of school year) and they won't come near me. I know I could catch something just walking through the supermarket, but no one wants to take chances. My DH b-day is Monday but we have my 3rd chemo (great way to spend a b-day, right?) so I hoping all can come over for lunch on Sunday. We'll see.

    Cali, I'm so glad to hear that you have a mild infection (sounds weird to say that!) I had a few little bumps and had been also using neosporin so glad to hear that was OK.

    Lori, if you're reading this.... Hope things are OK with your mom and you as well.

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Morning ladies!

    Kelly ...I forgot to wish you happy Birthday ... Hope you had some fun. Good luck today & that infusion #2 is uneventful ....

    Lori ... I hope all is well too!

    Y'all have a great day! Love & hugs

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Blood work good, so I'm on 2nd infusion right now.....let's keep healthy ladies and chopping away!! Sorry if I offend anyone with my picture but I had to share my socks from one of my Christian mom friends! I told a few people no pity hugs, just flip me off instead so she got me these socks! Hugs and love to you all....


  • kechla
    kechla Member Posts: 181

    my blood work is (finally) good too. Yay! I'll be getting treatment tomorrow morning. They want to try the neulasta again but going in for a shot vs the pod. That is fine w me. The adhesive from the pod gave my a rash. Hoping it takes better this time. I'll try to stay ahead of the bone pain w Claritin from the start this time.

  • kechla
    kechla Member Posts: 181

    Good luck today ajb

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Thanks Kechla! Just edited my post to include a pic

  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    Weird about the nightmares. I'm only getting IV antibiotics, but had a nightmare for the first time in many months. My blood sugar has been exceptionally high the past few months plus the Picc line is interrupting my sleep repeatedly so I suspect that's the cause. Sweetrain, my oncologist said that she would use a lower dose of steroids to limit increased blood sugar. I'm sure the doctors have to balance the risks vs. rewards.

    CaliGirl, what a relief that you don't have shingles!

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Kelly, I REALLY want those socks!

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    LOL Dara! I'll try and find out where she got them....too funny and they're comfortable!

    Thanks for the bday wishes ladies! Kechla- glad your blood work looked good too!!