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Anyone starting chemo August 2016?



  • kechla
    kechla Member Posts: 181

    Jandj, I love your wig. uper cute style on you!

  • karey59
    karey59 Member Posts: 49

    VLH-- my chemo was postponed almost 10 weeks from surgery Lupectomy because a mass was found on my ovary and i had to have a total hysterectomy between lumpectomy and chemo. Thank God it was benign but they rushed me into chemo because i was getting near 90 day cut off too. I am not triple negative but her+ and i think thats more agressive too. I had no problems my port i dont remember them telling me any thing about lifting and stuff. Thanks for the concern about my teeth, they pulled them already. Its th quickest anything has been done!! I hope they can get things right for you but dont wait too long for the chemo to start

  • barbarau55
    barbarau55 Member Posts: 14

    DARA: I agree with Jiffrig, you MAKE the scarves look great! My eye drops for PA are steroid, so they are short-use (less than 10 days, four times a day). I worked in a school nurse's office before retiring so I also have "regular pink-eye" (bacteria caused) drops, too. I have messed with my horrendously blood-sot, overly wet eyes from almost the beginning of chemo, so last week I decided maybe (by rubbing, washing, treating) it changed to bacteria-based. I switched to those eye drops but today I'm back to Lotomax (steroid). I think tonight there is a little improvement. But I've thought that before. We'll see. You're right, reading is almost out of the question. I work remotely for my CPA son on the computer and that has been difficult, too. Fortunately I have a great "Boss," so I can work when I feel like it and rest when I need to.

    JANDJ: Your pictures are awesome. You will ROCK the wig/scarf - whatever you choose!

    VLH: Whoa, Girl! I'm no expert but I think you need more information. Can you get another opinion? You have SO much going on and there is so much at stake. Prayers for you. Also, if you're "puking," you need to have help with that. That takes too much out of you and they should be able to help--I had the same problem after Chemo #1 and my MO gave me new instructions in how to use the "prevent nausea" pills. It has really helped me.

    Stay strong, Ladies!

  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    Karey59, thanks for sharing your experience.

    JandJmom, I would have never guessed that was a wig! You look lovely.

    Barbarau55, thank you for your concern, but you may be thinking of someone else. I haven't started chemo yet.


  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Dara....first of I am so upset over your grandson ... I am there to slam that poor excuse for a sp.ed. teacher if you need me.. after years of working in the school district in the health office and as one on one care for special needs children and as the parent of a child with an IEP I know not all teachers are in that department for the right reasons at breaks my heart. You look darling in your scarf. I have the same lovely stubble I've had for weeks but it is getting less bumpy as my head heals ...yay!

    Kechla....Cute picture the shirt.

    Karey59... Sorry you had the set back with your teeth hope it all heals quickly.

    barbarau55... I have used Claritin both times..the first time I still had terrible bone pain but the second time I had no bone pain like before ...we will see what happens this time?

    jandjmom .... You look great with hair or the wig

    VLH... I have triple negative also and it scares me when I read about it ...I can't seem to figure it all out. I am having chemo first then surgery & radiation ...this is all so concerning I would want to talk it all out with a second opinion for sure ... This isn't like we are deciding something simple ... These are our life's we are dealing with and I want to be around here for a lot longer... I will be praying for you to have some clarity on all this far a feeling like a hoarder that is secondary with all you have going on.

    Y'all rest well ... Love & hugs

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Karey- please keep us posted on this tooth delay (let's just call it a delay- nothing more serious- positive thoughts!). You've really been on a ride with the delays, etc. Stinks! Not sure why we can't just deal with the crap called cancer, and not have other stuff thrown in. Hang in there.

    Tishabe- after treatment I seem to be an 8pm bedtime person too! Right there with you.

    Dara- seriously- so cute with the scarf!

    VLH- Wow- So much to process, I'm hoping you can find some clarity through the MO, but also can someone help with the house? I know people want to help, I'm not one to ask, but here's a place where they can and feel like they're doing something....people want to be able to do something for us- if you can- let them.

    Cali- I definitely think if you're concerned, a 2nd opinion is in order. I met with the radiation oncologist- I'm "weird", I"m "almost" triple negative, but I've got a little hit on the progesterone. Right now, they're not feeling I will need radiation (but can change after surgery obviously). The one thing I'm so thankful for is that this group (Memorial Care) meets weekly. The whole team, multiple radiation oncologists, MO's, surgeons, etc. So I'm getting more than one opinion- they talk through each case.

    I'm taking this as another life lesson/learning piece (if I'm not making sense- apologies, the SEs have hit)....and would love anyone's feedback on life after I beat this (yes- my plan lol).....after my mom passed in April, it's just my daughter holding us here in Calif. My husband and I have for the first time talked about "where would we live?!" it's been fun to research cheaper states to live in, what's the weather (we haven't traveled much, so it's online right now), etc. NOW....I'm adding in- health care, good hospitals, etc! I'm spoiled- great times, less than 10 min from me. So would love to hear what you all think! Gives me something fun to look forward too.

  • tishabe
    tishabe Member Posts: 11

    You look beautiful. I also lost my hair on day 18 and decided to do the shave the head. I still feel like i have brillo on my head, getting the hubs to do a closer shave today. Rough start of the day, have a sinus infection called my primary at 730 and she called me back in 15 minutes to say she sent in a script with being on chemo I would need an antibiotic. 4 hours later no antibiotic, no way to get hold of the primary phone now not working....called my oncologist on call and had my medicine in 7 minutes! Time to look for a new pcp, not the first time this has happened. Hope all you ladies are doing well. Thanks for letting me vent. I just need to get rid of this thing before the 29th i don't want my 3rd round cancelled. I just want to finish this up! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!



  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Oh, and Lyn... I've heard of into every life a little rain must fall. but my goodness, you've got a full on hurricane going on there! Have you asked the MO if there is any chance of just going IV for one or two treatments while your port heals? I'm only doing IV as I only have to have 4 chemos and no herception. While I know the drugs are hard, I haven't had any problems at all. My MO said if possible, he prefers patients to use IV because of infections, limitations, and just having one more thing put into our bodies. I know you wouldn't want to do it with all your treatments, but it might buy you a little time. I have absolutely no limitations post chemo infusion. My veins are doing great so far, sometimes a little bruising, as I first have blood draw and then infusion. My MO said if my veins start to show any problems, then he could always order the port or picc. Then when I went to ER 2 weeks ago I wound up with 2 IVs and 4 other pokes for blood draws, all on the same side. It may not be in your best interest, but thought I'd raise the question. So sorry about the water issues. I know how you feel, When we moved into this house two years ago, we completely gutted and renovated the entire house, right down to the studs, and including wood floors. 1 month after we moved in there was a 100 year storm and it flooded half of our house. Floors, drywall, etc. all had to be ripped out and replaced! Then less than a year later, a sprinkler in the back broke and the exact same rooms flooded again! Same scenario. We've since put in new drains, grates, etc. to divert water out into a canyon behind us! I felt like I needed to start building an ark!

    Kelly, we lived for a number of years in Colorado. Beautiful state, and the weather, while having definite seasons, wasn't too too bad in winter. We lived way up in the mountains and loved it. Did move back here though when my daughter was born to be close to family. Now my kids and grandkids are in So Cal so looks like we will stay here.

    Cali and Lyn, second opinions are always a good idea. My numbers weren't great, but ultimately came out ++-. But my progesterone was barely 20%+ and my HER2 was in conclusion Ki67 borderline, but then FSH was negative. So I had the lx now chemo, and then will do 30 or so rads when I finish this. Then 5-10 years AI. Long journey! I'll see my BS on Tuesday for my 3 mo post surgery check. I love her so will enjoy the visit.

    Terri, hope that infection gets better quickly. I'm now starting on my 3rd pcp since diagnosis and I couldn't get an appt. with him until Oct 25!! ( I called for appt on Sept. 9! Good thing I'm not sick!

  • ElizabethAM
    ElizabethAM Member Posts: 202

    I am glad all of you are doing well. Did any of you watch thr lunar eclipse on the Harvest Moon Friday night.

    I am back in the hospital. WBC was zero. Had chill and a fever of 38.8C . I was admitted, but there is no bed in Oncology, so I am still stuck in the Emergency department. Still running a low grade fever and taking two different antibiotics . Ya'll have fun for me too

  • Kz1966
    Kz1966 Member Posts: 40

    Sorry to hear that Elizabeth. Hope you feel better soon.

    My wbc has been extremely low after both my treatments so I feel for you.

    I did not watch the lunar eclipse. Mind must be out of it because I didn't know about until after.

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Oh Elizabeth, I"m so very sorry! And especially that you are stuck in ER! That is the worst, and I really worry about all the germs in that area. Do they have you in a mask? I hope things get squared away and at the very least they get a bed for you in oncology! Take care, and sending positive thoughts your way! Dara

  • karey59
    karey59 Member Posts: 49

    Elizabeth, so sorry your back on the hospital. I hope you are feeling better soon.

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Elizabeth- stinks! Hang in there....thinking of you, and appreciate your humor even sitting in the ER.

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    hi everyone - this is from a couple of weeks ago as I sat on the beach. I thought of you all and wanted to share and give everyone maybe a moment of peace and relaxation. I had to get a Vimeo acct whatever that is so I could upload. Wishing everyone a "moment".

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Beautiful Kelly! I love the sound, and being at the beach always makes me feel rejuvenated! Thanks for sharing.

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Elizabeth .... I hope you get to go home soon... so sorry

    ajbclan.... Thank you ... I was raised by the beach but central Cali is far from the coast ... I love it.

    Dara... How's your day? Don't forget your meds ... I set mine out for tomorrow.

    Had a great Saturday & kept busy all day & evening. I'm getting a bit anxious for Tuesday ... See what happens when I stay home .. I think too much.

  • ElizabethAM
    ElizabethAM Member Posts: 202

    awesome video, ajbclan. A time to relax and not worry about where I was.

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Cali, thanks, I did remember this morning. Was really nauseated during the night and then woke up early (4:30 AM) so after I took my steroid I stretched out and fell asleep this morning. I am just astounded at the bizarre dreams I get with the steroid. And they all seem to revolve around animals. This time I was at some amusement park and there were wild animals all over. I went into a ladies room and an owl attacked my ankle. A hawk swooped in and caught the owl. I went back in later there was a huge bear walking around and ate the owl. When I came out of a little shop there were buffalo in the street! Guess I'll need to get a dream book and analyze what everything means! May need to be committed after that! Tomorrow is infusion and then while you're having yours on Tuesday, I see my BS for my 3 month check. Can't believe it's been that long, and then at other times, it seems like a year! Good luck with your infusion Tuesday.

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    good luck ladies with this weeks infusion. Keep chipping away. Elizabeth how are you doing?! Dara thanks for the laughs - very vivid dreams!

    I'm sort of jealous when you say you're going to your 3 mos post op. That's my fun after this ride! Poop emoji!

  • jandjmom
    jandjmom Member Posts: 40

    Elizabeth - hope you get to come home soon!

    Round 2 tomorrow. Grilling up some steaks while food still tastes good :

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    jandjmom, we can compare notes tomorrow! Hope all goes smoothly.

    Kelly, my family is 100% Irish and very superstitious, especially about owls! Let's just say I was really happy that bear ate the owl in my dream! lol. I'll tell you some stories if we can ever get together! :-)

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    smooth week girls....fingers crossed limited SE's....Dara I'm intrigued!

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Thanks Dara .... I will be thinking & praying for you & jandjmom tomorrow.

    Hope I don't get any of those crazy dreams.

  • sensitivehrt
    sensitivehrt Member Posts: 310

    Just popping in to say hello ladies.  Haven't really been signing on to the computer much.  Round 2 was not to bad for me, besides being more tired.  Was surprised that I did not lose the rest of my hair. Dig go to meet family for dinner tonight, and hadn't seen my mom since chemo had started because she's been sick with bronchitis the past 6 weeks.  I was waiting for them to arrive at restaurant and she said she didn't even recognize me :(. Thought I was some man standing on sidewalk. Have labs, doc apt and round 3 this week.

    Glad to still see the tread going.  Will try to sign on more and respond to everybody. Been thinking and sending good vibes in the meantime.

    Annie-love the pic of baby girl. I may have missed you have a name picked out yet, or is it under wraps.

    Goodnight all. Catch up soon.

  • AnnieTater
    AnnieTater Member Posts: 57

    Hello everyone!

    I had a good weekend. We painted and moved stuff and sorted stuff, prepping for baby. I made a big pot of broccoli and cheese soup. It was delicious. I don't have much of an appetite for fresh fruit and veggies right now, so I am trying to be healthy and inventive. Lots of smoothies and soups. I have a big pot of veggie soup in the crockpot today. I made two last night and put one in the freezer to make next week. I have my final AC infusion Thursday, and I am really looking forward to being done with it. I'll start Taxol sometime in November after baby, radiation sometime mid-feb/early March. I'll probabaly be a bit behind most of you, but you'll help me know what is coming.

    Thinking of Dara and JandJmom during their infusions today. Heart

    JandJmom - Is you wig an Ellen Wille? It looks almost just like mine (see my profile pic)

    Elizabeth - I'm sorry you are back in the hospital. That stinks. Especially since you are in the ER. I hope today is better.

    Lynn - I am all IV, no port or pic. My surgeon didn't want to chance an infection. I am AC and Taxol. Triple Negative. My last AC is this week. I'm much less worried about Taxol IV than AC. I hope some of this mess clears up for you.

    Sensitiveheart - We are still debating names. My husband has issues with making big decisions.

  • smilethrupain
    smilethrupain Member Posts: 133

    AnnieTater you are pregnant and going through this?! I should just shut up and plow thru. Koodos to you and God's speed in your delivery and treatment!!

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    # 3 underway! I don't want to offend anyone either, so look away if a certain F word bothers you! :-) This is in smiling support to Kelly's socks! Thought many of you might have a use for this coloring book I received as a dx gif!

    JandJmom, hope your infusion is going smoothly. They are giving me extra steroid and extra benedryl today to ward of an allergic reaction.

    Cali and all this seekers, good luck.Have a great day. Dara


  • AnnieTater
    AnnieTater Member Posts: 57

    Hi smilethrupain :)

    I am pregnant - but baby looks great and is due pretty soon. Turns out chemo doesn't seem to cross the placenta. Isn't that nuts? In some ways, I think being pregnant helps. The symptoms (nausea, heartburn, bowel issues, aches, fatigue) are the same, so I'm just: "Who knows why I feel this way?"

    The hard part can is worrying if I am doing any long-term, unknown damage to my daughter (research seems to say no, but only up to first 7-10 years). And, of course, the same worries we all have about recurrence.

    I definitely don't think anyone else issues don't matter. Although I should say that I don't follow any pregnancy boards, in part because the "normal" pregnancy worries aren't worrying me this go around.

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Dara I'm cracking up!! I love it! Ironically, have been on the phone with a friend who's dealing with her own school issues! So I think that sums up cancer and some school administrations and teachers right now!

    Smile- I feel like you too....Annie is amazing, even though she has no choice! It's awesome to have her amongst us. You're all amazing folks...thanks for brightening my day even during ER visits, treatments, in the midst of SE's. So thankful for you all.

  • jandjmom
    jandjmom Member Posts: 40

    Love the book, Dara!

    I had an interesting infusion. They were out of stock of the Prejeta, so I need to come back tomorrow. Wouldn't be a big deal, if only it didn't disrupt another homeschooling day. (I homeschool my 2 boys 6th and 8th grade).

    I have a strange sensation in my a couple of my fingers and the bottoms of my feet. I iced during the Taxatere portion. Is this a reaction to the icing or harbinger of neurapathy? I am scared of neurapathy. I paint and play piano - don't want to lose any amount of function! How long should I wait to tell someone?

    Otherwise, everything is fine. Last treatment the bad stuff kicked on day 6. This round maybe day 7 since Prejeta and Nuelasta are the main culprits of my SE.

    Annie - my wig is Paradox by Gabor. They do look similar.