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Anyone starting chemo August 2016?



  • kechla
    kechla Member Posts: 181

    AJB, I'm a Kelly too! :) Love the socks!! I think these may come in useful on many occasions!! Also, love your hat! The buttons are very cute! I'm cold capping, so my hat pics are not quite so lovely... Also, awesome bag! I almost missed it. I do have a nice t-shirt to wear tomorrow (gift from a friend). I'll share tomorrow! :)

  • AnnieTater
    AnnieTater Member Posts: 57

    Hi everyone :) Back from the OB and baby girl looks perfect! She is growing right on target and heart looks great. Here is one of those fancy 4D pics - a bonus to going to high risk OB.


    Caligirl - SO glad it's not shingles!

    Abjclan (Kelly) - Happy 50th! Love the socks :)

    Sweetrain - That stinks about your hair and about your awkward encounter with SIL. I'm sure she was happy she was there to support you.

    Love to all of you!


  • kechla
    kechla Member Posts: 181

    aww! So precious Annie!

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Annie- gave me chills! Wow all the detail on the picture!!! Whoo hoo! We're having a baby ladies!!! Thanks for doing the work Annie lol. Congrats such amazing great news- definitely makes what I'm doing a walk in the park! Home, feel good- all went well....hugs and love to all! Gosh I'm getting mushy haha.

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Oh, Annie, she's just perfect! That picture is so very amazing!

    Kelly, so glad the infusion went smoothly! One more down!!

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Awww.... Annie that came out fantastic girl is such a highlight of our day

    ajbclan .... Love the picture & the socks .... Who could be offended? I'm offended by cancer

    Kechla.... Good luck tomorrow

    Nighty night ladies ... Love & hugs

  • Jiffrig
    Jiffrig Member Posts: 158

    Beautiful baby and funny socks! Keep the uplifting pix coming!

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Sensitivehrt, Hope, Lori, and several others we haven't heard from in a little while, hope you're all doing good and just busy with work, family, or fun. Actually, hope everyone is doing good!

    No sleep last night. My little kindergartner grandson is still having a terrible time in his current placement at school. Yesterday he got kicked in the head twice in class. Teacher called but was totally apathetic and passed responsibility off to principal (???) My DD has already met with a special needs lawyer but I really want her to pull him from that school. As a former teacher, I know the damage that can be done. None of us needs this additional stress, and I just want to swoop in and pick him up, and then slam the teacher to the floor! If she doesn't like special needs kids, she has no business in a special needs classroom! I'm just sick and fuming!

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    I agree with the uplifting pics! Glad you're enjoying- and Caligirl- you're right- cancer is offensive lol!!

    Still on steroids, so no strong SE's yet. I noticed this last time though- when I take a deep breath, a little chest tightness....happened last time and went away.

    Dara- DANG IT. What the heck! I'm glad an attorney is getting involved, anyway to home school or something in the meantime?!! I understand why you're not getting sleep! Hang in there, and keep us posted.

    I forgot I had what I thought might be a soothing video.....I'll see if I can upload it soon.

  • Jiffrig
    Jiffrig Member Posts: 158

    Dara, so sorry about your little grandson. Our oldest GS is 4 1/2 and the thought of him being mistreated in any way would make me crazy. I agree with you on the school, even with legal help, which may actually exacerbate the situation, he may be better off in another setting. Is a private school an option? I assume he does get services in a public school though. Ugh!

  • kechla
    kechla Member Posts: 181

    Round 2 today!


  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Love the shirt, Kelly2! I"m thinking maybe I should request the infusion chair next time. My center has longer infusion patients in a private tiny room, but on a gurney type bed. It's not as comfortable as these chairs look. They do have 4 chairs for short infusion patients. And your hair still looks great!

    Jiffrig, my DD really fought to keep him in Carlsbad Unified (north San Diego Co) but the team (up to 32 people at one point!) felt it best to send him to an ASL school since Carlsbad wasn't willing to give him a full time one-on-one signing aide. He can hear with his hearing aids, but cannot communicate except for sign and some garbled speech. He spends 45 minutes on a bus each way to be bussed to Escondido. We all know very well he can be a total handful, with his autism. He is the opposite of what you normally think of as autistic, very outgoing, always wants to be the center of attention, oppositional defiance disorder, etc., etc. But he is also the most loving, sweet, adorable little guy you can imagine. And to think what he went through his first year of life, this teacher just makes my blood boil!. All he keeps signing to me is "when can I come sleep at your house?" I know it's going to get ugly, and I just wish I could be of more help to my DD!

    Kelly, hope #2 goes smoothly. #3 coming up for me on Monday. Then I know Cali is right behind me. Thinking smooth sailing thoughts!

  • karey59
    karey59 Member Posts: 49

    Hello everyone. I have been reading everyone's post's, it seems your all doing pretty good, I'm glad. I woke up about 5 days ago with a terrible toothache went to dentist and need 2 teeth extracted, have both abcessed and my 3rd chemo postponed!! I have an appointment with a oral surgeon tomorrow. I know the chemo caused this infection because i couldn't fight it off. My MO looked at it and just kept shaking his head. He said postponing for 1 week is no big deal but I am starting to get frightened now. I know they dont like to do any dental work while on chemo. I will try to start a new thread in a little bit and see if any one has had this happen. Thanks for listening i know you all understand.

  • ElizabethAM
    ElizabethAM Member Posts: 202

    Annie -- Awesome baby.... I'll think of her as my 7th grandchild.

    Dara -- That is so unfair at that school. I hope you find him a better situation soon.

    Kechia --- that is a great shirt... and good luck on chapter 2.

    Karey -- So sorry to hear about the teeth... that can really hurt... I hope it is cleared up very soon.

    My port was installed on Tuesday morning and it went well... I know now that the lack of pain was due to the drugs they gave me.. Got up on Wednesday and had a hell of a time moving around. It hurt and I was so tired. I had to go to the nursing office to get the dressing changed and there I found out why. It was so bruised... Happily, no problems with the incision sites, but I was pooped... Slept most of the day and night... Had a couple of hours with my hubby for supper and then back to bed. This morning it was so much better... The dressings were much smaller, and I felt rested at least until this afternoon. Then I slept some more... At least I cleaned up the kitchen... Hopefully I can do some laundry tomorrow. I have to keep it covered till Sunday, then I can remove the dressing and shower. Next week is my 4th session of AC and the first one that will be done with the port. They changed my day from Friday to Thursday, so I'll let you know how things go.

  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    Kechla, I hope you have better luck with the shot than the Neulasta pod. Keep us posted.

    Annie, we may have to give that little lady the majestic nickname "Augusta" as she becomes the August chemo group's mascot. Heart

  • tishabe
    tishabe Member Posts: 11


    She is beautiful! Congrats

  • tishabe
    tishabe Member Posts: 11

    Hi All,

    Had my 2nd round of TC last Thursday, went much better this time. No hospital stay!! Still had nausea and headache but controlled with new meds my MO gave me. I am starting to feel "normal" again after a week. Main complaint is nothing tastes right, I have no taste buds and trying to stay hydrated is becoming such a challenge when everything tastes like metal. I at least am half way there yay!! I also am wondering when the lashes and brows come out....lost my hair a week after chemo # 1. Still strange to me that I need to be in bed by 8 what an exciting life I lead. So glad I found this group of courageous woman to talk with

    Night all


  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Terri several bc sisters have said their's came out 1-2 months after the end of chemo. :-(

  • tishabe
    tishabe Member Posts: 11

    Hi Dara,

    Yuck!! but thanks for the info! Night:)

  • Kz1966
    Kz1966 Member Posts: 40

    White blood cell count came back low again!

    How frustrating that is! Hibernating until next Wednesday when I go back for treatment.

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Kz, a friend of mine who had bc 16 years ago told me that every single treatment she had was delayed one week due to wbc. And she's as active as ever all these years later! I know it's so frustrating because you want to be done with this phase. It's better to be healthy though, so your body can rebound appropriately. Hang in there.

  • Kz1966
    Kz1966 Member Posts: 40

    Thanks DaraB. I guess I'm lucky because so far when I get it checked again on treatment day, it's back up so I don't have to skip. I miss working though. Lucky if I've worked 5 days in the past month. Hope once I get these last 2 done and start Taxol it will be a little easier. We shall see.

  • barbarau55
    barbarau55 Member Posts: 14

    Hello Ladies. Oh my, what ups and downs on the site since I last "sat in."

    ANNIE: what a beautiful baby "picture" and how wonderful to know things are going well. I'm so old school I didn't even think about pregnancy being possible in this world of "poisons." God, watch over this sweet Mama and Baby Girl.

    ABJCLAN: Thumbs up on the socks! I'm a retired pastor's wife and I am NOT OFFENDED. This is such a profoundly humbling experience--it changes how we think and view life and the world. I love them! And CALIGIRL is right: what is more offensive than cancer!

    DARAB: I am so angry for your DD and grandson. I have a grandson with Asperger's and he has had a few school issues. So my heart is right there with you. God, deal with the insensitive adults in YOUR way, whatever that may be. And you are so right about avoiding anyone who is ill. My DH's dr voiced very strong criteria for the duration of my up and down labs. He told him we need to treat our home like it's a prison. Nobody comes or goes without "credentials." And if they come to the door (we have a glass "screen" door), talk on cell phones through it. He wasn't kidding!

    CALIGIRL; Hallelujah, no shingles!

    I've seen it on this thread but just want to reiterate about using Claritan if one is taking Neulasta after chemo. I have not had any of the bone pain and hate to hear how bad some have it. I don't understand how that little pill can help, but God, Thank You, that it does.

    I just took #3 AC treatment Tuesday. I was short on my zofran pills (until I got them reordered) so I didn't take them the way my oncologist had instructed after #2. I did so well then and now this time, I'm back to feeling "gaggy." Yesterday (Day 2) I felt badly from the "gaggy-ness" and was so tired. There has been no pattern to my SEs. Each time has been different. (Fresh fruit seems to be the one thing that nearly always tastes good.)

    I am using my mouth rinse faithfully. Would rather not go through the mouth sores again.

    I too have experienced eye problems. I have psoriatic arthritis and my eyes have been involved as much as joint/back pain. The steroid pre-treat has done away with any body pain, but the eyes are still driving me crazy. They were under control til all this started. I have used the eye drops for it and am trying to get a refill through my regular doctor.

    With the encouragement of my younger son, I am writing a blog about this "season of my life." Much like what we share here, I am finding it therapeutic.

    Ladies, I send you all best wishes and prayers for the journey! Thanks for sharing your lives.

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Barbara, I think it's so interesting that we both have psoriatic arthritis and both have had such eye problems. After my second round, I've found a real increase in the eye twitching, just tiny micro twitches all around the eyes. Drives me crazy as it happens most of the day. I"m an avid reader, but it's quite hard to read when the eyes are not cooperating! Are the eye drops more for dryness?

    This last time I switched to Allegra instead of Claritin and actually had fewer pains than the first time when I took claritin.

    Had the nicest morning today. Went out to a little vintage store I love and bought some new chalk paint for a pumpkin painting project I wanted to do. Then walked down the outside mall by our Mission Inn and had a wonderful lunch outside, curried turkey salad and raw veggies and fruit. Just people watched for a while. After that, went to the Dollar Tree and bought a bunch of plastic pumpkins I'm going to paint and use for a centerpiece. I'll post a picture if they turn out. Must say though that I was worried in the Dollar Tree. The minute anyone sneezes or coughs I freak out and grab my hand sanitizer! Thought I'd also share a latest pic from this morning. I'm really liking scarves lately as they are so soft and comfortable on my head. Has all of your "stubble" come out yet? It's been almost 4 weeks since I buzzed my head, but I still have about 1/16 of an inch on top. It doesn't grow any longer, just sits there! Weird!


  • Jiffrig
    Jiffrig Member Posts: 158

    Dara, you really rock the hats and scarves! If I looked that cute I would never have bothered with cold capping!

  • jandjmom
    jandjmom Member Posts: 40

    My Hair Journey. Shaved my head today. 18 days past my first treatment. Started falling out on Monday. Now, after 4 days the patches were too noticeable, so I went ahead and did it. It actually looks better than I expected. I posted my hair before. I cut it short 4 weeks ago. The braid was to my waist. Then, me in the chemo chair with my short do. Finally, here is my wig. My favorite of the 3 I bought. I think I look better and younger bald or with the wig than with the short cropped hair, lol.

    Round 2, Monday. Another step closer to killing this thing.





  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Hi all! I'm a little fuzzy- 3 days post 2nd treatment- fatigue hit, but that's ok. But want to comment on hair or rather stubble! JandJmom your head looks smooth! I'm with Dara- let this stubble fall out! It pokes back into my head if I try and sleep certain ways. Totally annoying. Funny too, that it fell out more where my part was, so now I have stubble and a large leftover part line that is bald.

    Thanks Barbara- that made me go phew....socks are good lol. Love all the pics of everyone! Kechla you looked great in that chair! Speaking of hair?!! LOL.

  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    Karey59, what a terrible time to have to deal with a dental issue!

    I may post this under a separate topic & will do a search as well, but I'm very scattered so have a question to pose before it falls out of my brain. What restrictions / complications did you face with your port placement surgery, either imposed by the doctor or because of pain, and for how long? For example, no lifting over 15 pounds for a week, I couldn't sleep on that side for 10 days because it hurt, I got a nasty infection, etc.

    Here's why I ask: Via my oncology nurse, if the infectious disease specialist thinks my seroma-related cellulitis is clear, the MO wants me to move forward with my first AC chemo infusion using the Picc line inserted for IV antibiotics. I've not been able to use one arm or the other for two months. Since my initial lumpectomy was on 7/14/16, I share her sense of urgency, but hate the idea of dealing with the Picc line an extra two weeks or more to wait for the nadir of the first treatment to pass. Take two surgeries / seromas / 6 weeks of infection plus six months of excruciating pain from herniated disc / sacroiliac issues. Add in severe Fibromyalgia, a ceiling leak requiring emptying a kitchen cupboard & my big china cabinet; an undetected garbage disposal leak that required emptying & rebuilding that cabinet; & the hall closet being flooded due to the a/c guys forgetting to recap the U joint. (Yes, I have a love-hate relationship with water!) People say that their houses look like an episode of "Hoarders," but I'm serious. The Picc line means I can't lift more than 10 pounds to get the books, kitchen stuff & knickknacks to the donation center or try on, sort & launder clothes to keep, donate or trash. I have clothes from when I weighed 100 pounds more than I do now so I currently have a little path through the bedroom winding around the boxes, bags & bins of clothes and stuff.

    One study shows that delaying the start of chemo more than 90 days for triple negative patients increases the chance of death by more than 50% so I'm very aware of the ticking clock. (The MO said the clock starts at the last surgery, not the first, but I didn't think that was clear in the study.) I can't compensate for months of being debilitated, but would feel much better emotionally if I could have even a SINGLE week of determined purging with full use of BOTH ARMS before the chemo & radiation begins! If I should have a bad reaction to the chemo, I would be horrified at having friends come into my house in its current condition. Thank you!


  • kechla
    kechla Member Posts: 181

    I'm cold capping. So far pretty good, but not liking how seldom I can wash my hair. Was looking pretty rough close up. Lol

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Beautiful JandJmom! I really love all of the lengths you have. Your head shape is really great.

    Kelly, sorry you're so tired and I hope that's all the SEs you experience this time. It makes it challenging if we get different SEs each infusion. It's like you can't psych yourself up for them if they keep changing! Rest!