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Anyone starting chemo August 2016?



  • ElizabethAM
    ElizabethAM Member Posts: 202

    Everything tastes awful. The first bite or two is ok, but then it gets awful... I really can't describe what it tastes like, but I wind up with a stomach ache and not eating supper.

    Hope all are doing well.

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Thanks everyone. Elizabeth I agree, I get why folks commented things taste like dirt. I can't put my finger on it, but that combined with the strong sense of smell it's just gross. Even with chemo tomorrow, so 3 weeks out from the last- my tongue is not normal.

    I found Rita's Italian Ice near me, and it's like a slushy and soft serve ice cream together. It's been a life saver the week after chemo. Something that actually tastes ok and it's a "fluid". They have all natural flavors, and I just went today and requested some for tomorrow lol. They've been out in the past and it's been bad timing for me.

    Thinking of you all....Dara I hope you're doing well with the radiation.

  • karey59
    karey59 Member Posts: 49

    Good luck Kelly on your chemo tomorrow, wanted you to know I had less se's on #6 than 5!

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    so glad you're done karey! You give me some hope!! Thanks

  • Wonderwoman78
    Wonderwoman78 Member Posts: 6

    I don't check in too often but I have to say that you ladies are all so inspiring. I appreciate your candor, humor and support of everyone here.

    Sensitive- my hair has started coming back (I feel like I have a fuzzy baby's head but it's not as soft as a baby's!) I have 3 more taxol infusions so hopefully it will stick around.

    Chemist- taxol has been harder for me for sure but was assured it was going to be easier than AC. My doc was so wrong. I've been lucky to be able to teach FT this whole time but usually have to take Wed or Thurs off as those are my worst days.

    I strongly suggest icing your fingers during taxol treatments. I stupidly didn't even though it had been recommended and my fingertips and nails have been awful. The neuropathy, finger tip pain and nails pulling away from the nail bed have been pretty bad for me. My oncologist reduced my dose by 30% 2 treatments ago to attempt to reduce the neuropathy and some other of my se's. So far, I can't tell any difference.

    I have 3 infusions to go though! The last one is scheduled for December 23. I cannot wait to be done and get on to radiation. I'm hoping they don't make me wait too long before I can start rads because it would be incredible to do my exchange surgery this summer. If they push me out too far with rads I won't have a good time to do the surgery until summer 2018. No no no! My MO is gone this week so I won't have answers until Monday or Tuesday. Fingers crossed they think I'm healthy enough to starts rads asap!

    Ladies who are in their rads treatment any thoughts or advice?

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Kelly.... I'll be thinking of you tomorrow. Someone in our groupsuggested those little sherbet cups after chemo & they were so good...and I'm not really into sherbet but they were cold, wet & I could taste them.

    Wonderwoman ....I have that same hair do ... Baby fuzz! I am anxiously waiting for my rads to begin. My BS said not before the 11th ...guess we don't have to worry about that since my RO hasn't contacted me in awhile.

    I remember my MO saying by 3 weeks after my last chemo I could get the flu shot since my system would be able to tolerate it.

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Well I got sent home today, totally cried as I was ready and organized and prepped at the house for the last one! Platelets low (87- they want 100). Scheduled for next Wed. So mentally shifting, will get some presents wrapped and still hoping it goes next week and possibly I have the same reaction as you Karey.

    Wonderwoman- I'm with you- looking forward to hopefully being done soon!

    Wishing you all well this week....

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    So sorry Kelly! I know how hard it is to get all psyched up and then have to change. Just know that your body is telling you that it needs more time. Totally sucks though! <3

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Thanks Dara- the nurse said if I went for it today, then it would just delay the surgery as my body would struggle recovering. So in my mind it's a delay either way lol. I had my Ritas Italian Ice for lunch- it's been my go to for something that still tastes good and hydrates after chemo. The shop made a couple special ones for me today, so enjoying anyways!!

  • karey59
    karey59 Member Posts: 49

    abjclan so sorry they cancelled you chemo! I was thinking the easiest round of chemo i did was the one i waited an extra week when i had 2 teeth pulled. I felt much stronger going in and had an easier time. Its just your body telling you you need more time to be stronger.

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Karey that sounds good! Thanks so much!

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Sorry Kelly but it must of not been the right thing for your body today ... Hugs

  • jandjmom
    jandjmom Member Posts: 40

    Abjclan - sorry from the delay. I wouldn't know whether be relieved or depressed with a delay in chemo. I would want to delay surgery and get Chemo over with. I am so not looking forward to this last one next Wednesday. Rest up and order more Italian ice.

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    jandjmom- you and i will be getting that last one together now....let's hope and pray we can get it done and move on from this. Rest up as well- I wasn't feeling too badly, just the usual annoying side effects towards the end of the 21 days, so I think that's what also through me off.

    Cali you're right- and I really hope that what karey indicated - this extra week might help my body after treatment. I really don't want to get any closer to Xmas- my 13 year old is so excited, and I know I don't have many more of these "excited" xmas's with her so want to have the best that we can.

    I read about foods to help boost the platlets- who knows if it works or not, but figured it can't hurt and went out and bought papaya and papaya nectar yesterday. I'm not a fan of the taste, but figure if I throw it in a smoothie it can't hurt! So I'm back on my smoothies this week lol. I was doing smoothies pretty regularly before chemo, but it just hasn't sounded good the last couple of months (plus I'm too lazy to make them). So we'll see.

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Kelly ....that's the right attitude ...blend away with those healthy smoothies. I know I got to be so tired and nothing tasted good so I stopped making my smoothies.

  • ElizabethAM
    ElizabethAM Member Posts: 202

    Kelly -- I had one delayed by a week too because of my blood counts being too low, but it did help for the next treatment I went to. I'm sure it will be the same for you also.

    I think my taste is seems to be coming back. So there does seem to be light at the end of the tunnel, but I have no hair or eyebrows at the moment.

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Thanks Cali and Elizabeth! Made my smoothie today- wasn't bad lol. I'm taking all of your feedback to heart and so appreciate it.

  • sensitivehrt
    sensitivehrt Member Posts: 310


    Hello ladies,

    Just wanted to pop in and say hi. I'm back at work full time and it's kicking my butt. I still have baby fuzz myself, though hard to tell in this pic. Am actually thinking of shaving it at this point, because the hair I do have is growing in at different lengths. Hope you all are doing well! I lurk a lot, but normally am too tired to post.

    (Have to laugh that the baby has more hair than me

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Hi Sensitive! No one but my husband has seen my head, but I'll share my "growth" with you! It started coming in almost translucent, but now is turning dark. Someone else called it duck fuzz and I think that's pretty appropriate. SOOOO slow growing. I figure I'll let it grow and then trim the parts that are longer. I keep looking in the mirror and thinking, "Who is that man?" Eyelashes and eyebrows are now gone :-( Don't know how you're doing work. I'm doing rads now and take a nap almost every day!

    Kelly, hope you're resting and allowing your body to replenish and recover.

    Hope everyone else is doing well.


  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    Ladies, was it this group where someone developed a swollen eye during chemo? Mine is fairly minor at this point and I don't like contacting an on-call doctor on the weekend, but don't want anything to delay my first Taxol treatment on Tuesday. Thanks!

    It's good to see you all. Since my chemo was delayed because of the second lumpectomy and nasty infection from draining a seroma, I mostly hang out in the October group, but still read this group's posts. I've had a rough time with my AC so it's nice to see those who are farther along in the process.


  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Hi Sensitive-I can already see how once you're done with "treatment", we all assume we're back to normal! I keep reading that recovering from all of this can take a long time, hang in there and don't push yourself too much!

    VLH- I haven't had that one, might be worth a quick call just in case? Glad you're hanging out here too- I know it's helpful to be on more active boards when we're still in the midst of chemo.

    Dara- I'm starting to feel done with the head lol. I can see that I'll get more antsy once chemo's done. Should be interesting when I go into surgery actually- I guess the bald head will be more exposed.

    Still tired, tired of being tired haha.

  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    The fatigue is a pain in the posterior, isn't it, Abjclan? I entered all this with severe Fibromyalgia and today was the first time in almost a month that I could unload and reload the dishwasher without lying down midstream. It's weird when the tasks we don't necessarily love can become a triumphant moment.


  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Dara & Sensitive ...I have about the same amount of fuzz as you both do with stray tall hairs. I startle myself sometimes in the

    VLH....I have had swollen eyelids I I figured it was from my lashes falling out. The fatigue is still hanging on.

    Kelly... Yes we are all tired of being tired for sure. When I went in for my surgery last month I asked the nurse prepping me if she could keep my head covered ...but I wonder if they did?

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Cali- that is so interesting- I'm assuming it's not covered or maybe one of those caps?!!

    VLH- I sat around most of the day yesterday, thinking I can't believe I'm sitting around most of the day lol. Then when my butt hurts from sitting it just makes me laugh.

    I'm still wishing that this was my crappy weekend and I was done, but not. Trying to shift my brain back to what I need to get done before Wed (fingers crossed) treatment. Really will be whining if I can't have chemo Wed.

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    My rad center allows me to keep on scarves and hats during treatment. I turn my head to the side so I knot my scarf also on the left. Just realized I can actually pinch the hair in the back, it's now long enough. It's also finally coming in in dark; I was worried it would be gray. The new hair was originally almost translucent.

    My rads are really moving along. I was so worried that since I'm not getting the dose dense radiation it would just go on forever. But I'm down to one more week of full breast and then 8 boosts. I'll be done just after Xmas. My skin is not too too bad. The crease under the breast is the most uncomfortable, and my whole boob itches frequently. I try really hard not to scratch in public! LOL! Hate to tell you this, but the fatigue almost gets worse with rads. I feel stronger than when I was on chemo, but in the afternoons sometimes it's like a curtain drops and I start yawning and fall asleep. I feel great in the mornings and always have all these ideas and plans for the day. Oh well, I know you all think it will never end, but hang in there, it will!

    Hope you're all surviving getting ready for the holidays. I've basically just ordered everything on Amazon. Just not enough energy to hit the stores. I also have one project for my 5yr old grandson. He needs to work on life skills like zippers, buttons, and tying shoes. I went to a thrift store and am making him a quiet book of sorts with real (infant) clothes that he can practice with. Happy Sunday guys!

  • jandjmom
    jandjmom Member Posts: 40

    I have been a mad-woman prepping for Christmas while I still feel relatively human and before the dreaded 6th treatment on Wednesday. I got the gifts purchases - mostly Amazon - for my husband and kids - and all wrapped, ready to go. Husband will get the extended family and obviously, me. Got the cards addressed today which have the pictures I had taken of the kids last treatment at Target. The candy making with the kids is in progress. Today finished with the oreo bon-bons and homemade peppermint patties. Tomorrow and Tuesday will make peppermint spoons and dipped pretzels. No candy for friends this year - too much work and they understand. Making enough for ourselves (though I won't be able to eat it because of my darn taste buds, grrr). Then I am done until right before Christmas for Santa's sugar cookies and the kids can decorate their gingerbread house while I supervise. Fortunately, the Boy Scout Troop Christmas party is tomorrow night so I will be able to attend that. I also managed to play some carols and other music on the piano. Hubby and I got out to Buc'ees near us to buy some stocking stuffers yesterday. I love the store, but my oldest son hates it. Should be fun on Christmas morning. Hubby will bring home some chicken fried steak take-out while we watch the Cowboys tonight while things still taste decent.

    Sucks that i'll probably be a puking slug in just few days time. Soooo not looking forward to #6 after the nightmare that was #5....and over Christmas too. Bah Humbug!

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Hang in there jandj, the finish line is in sight! Can't believe all you're doing, and am totally impressed. Thinking really good thoughts for you and Kelly this week.

  • ElizabethAM
    ElizabethAM Member Posts: 202

    JandJ -- Hang on... You are almost done.

    Same for you Ann.

    I am two weeks post last treatment and the taste is starting to come back. The hair seems to be taking longer to make an appearance.

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    jandjmom....first off just reading all your doing exhausted me...but I remember having young ones and doing lots but not during chemo. I am proud of you. You got this girl ...we are here for you to help get you through this last one.

    Kelly .. Will be here for you too ... I understand wanting to get things done before misery hits.

    I am very tired this Christmas season and started feeling overwhelmed this weekend so my DD came over with the girls and they decorated my tree and helped me get some things caught up. Reagan being 10 months really didn't do a lot but just seeing her sweet smile makes this Grammie happy.

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Cali- love that your spirits were lifted by the grand baby! Funny how we forget those little moments can make a big impact on our spirits!

    Dara- Thanks for being one of the ones paving the radiation path and being frank! I'm hoping to not need it, but it's good to know and helpful to others. Can you decipher side effects from the hormone therapy vs the radiation?? Do they do any blood work periodically, or is the fatigue from the radiation "different" than chemo (where it's knocking your red cells down).

    JandJmom- I'm not AS ambitious as you, but on the same track. Love Amazon and all the online shopping. I think I went out once this year to pick up a few things, otherwise it's all dropped at the door lol. I did wrap for a couple of days, but I don't have a lot of space (and need to hide the gifts too), so it's a process. My plan is to finish up what's here today and get some grocery shopping done. I'm hoping your weekend isn't going to be as bad as #5! I'm just antsy to get the green light and get it done.