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Anyone starting chemo August 2016?



  • Kz1966
    Kz1966 Member Posts: 40

    Hi all -

    I'm still here lol. I have treatment until January 25th. Was supposed to be done next week but had some set backs. I'm doing well. I do read the boards.

    Lots of strength and love here.

  • karey59
    karey59 Member Posts: 49

    Hi everyone Dara congratulations on finishing, so happy for you! Kelly- Don't feel bad i'm still dealing with this crap too another abcessed tooth on antibiotics but not sure about dental work on radiation . It just never ends! Also is anyone still so tired? I am five weeks from last chemo but i think i feel worse!!!!! Caligirl and Elizabeth. I'll see you on the rads boards more fun. jandjimom. Glad your doing better. Happy new year to all of you and everyone i couldn't list!!

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    I think since my body is still healing from chemo (about 2 weeks out), maybe this added thing is harder to deal with since my body is not ready to fight anything else? Karey- I can see that happening....and if you're fighting an infection as well, again I think our bodies are healed enough to deal with it as normal.

    KZ will have to round out our chemo closing!!

    Dara- love that you're getting to move on. Cali- how are you doing, you started radiation, correct?

    I wonder how Annie is doing and the baby?!!!!

    Elizabeth- where are you in the process now??

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Kelly ... I finished # 9 radiation this afternoon. I have a nice pink boob now!!

    I think our resistance is just low so we are going to catch everything for awhile or just take longer to get over anything.

    Karey59 ...another abscess ...not fair ... We will doing the rads the support.

    I have wondered how Annie and baby are doing? Has anyone heard?

    Happy New Year to you all 🎉🎉. We are driving to see our son and family in the Vegas area & now I hear New Year's Eve is crazy there. I'm not really up to crazy this year for sure!!

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    My turn at the ER. Elbow is worse. Bigger and redder. So far they're not thinking related to my last infusion. Took blood and I think they've ordered an ultrasound.

    Nurse is really nice- cougher came in so she closed my door. I'll let you ladies know what this is. I just told them to fix it lol. Still nothing like poor Dara! I can hear the sneezing and coughing next door. Yuk!!

  • ElizabethAM
    ElizabethAM Member Posts: 202

    Have a very Happy New Year, Ladies!! Wishing you all the best. Don't do anything I wouldn't do at your parties tonight.


  • ElizabethAM
    ElizabethAM Member Posts: 202

    Kelly - I have finished Chemo and will start radiation on Jan. 3rd.

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Yea! Elizabeth!!

    I was admitted last night into the hospital- guess this is my trial run before surgery lol. The swelling etc was a blood clot! I have deep vein thrombosis So they will be monitoring me for a few days since it's in the arm and closer to heart. Pain Meds are at least finally helping. Blood thinner is working. Also on antibiotics.

    Haven't seen the dr yet to get a full run down. Of course still having some mild chemo se's. Hot flashes. Taste is still off. Just thankful I changed my mind and came straight to er.

    Happy friggin new year lol

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Oh, Kelly, so so sorry! That just sucks big time!!!! I'm also so thankful you went to er! How scary if you hadn't! Glad you're finally somewhere so they can address this.

    Karey, my MO said the fatigue can easily last 6 months. And then of course one of the most common se's of radiation is fatigue. Looks like we'll be tired for the next year or so!

    Elizabeth, hope the rads go smoothly. It really was all good for me until about the last two weeks.

    Kz, glad you checked in. I've been thinking of Annie and the baby also. Hope she checks in and shares a picture. I imagine she's just swamped with a newborn.

    You all take care and let's all hope and pray for a much better 2017!!!

  • ElizabethAM
    ElizabethAM Member Posts: 202

    Kelly - so glad you got to the hospital and things are going better. That is really scary

  • karey59
    karey59 Member Posts: 49

    Kelly. So sorry you're in the hospital but glad you went. Hoping and praying for a better year for everyone. Let us know how you are doing.

  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    Yikes, Kelly! A blood clot and cooties in the room next door. That's not a good way to start the New Year! :-(


  • sensitivehrt
    sensitivehrt Member Posts: 310


    Wishing you all a wonderful 2017. Thank you for your support

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Oh goodness Kelly so glad you went in. Praying for quick healing.

    Happy New Years ladies 🎉🎉

  • barbarau55
    barbarau55 Member Posts: 14

    Hello, fellow BC travelers.

    I know I haven't been online for a l-o-o-o-o-n-n-n-g time. I apologize. But I was near death at one point and really didn't feel like writing anything down. A quick run-down of where I've been:

    1. Had 3 packed cell transfusions (1 at the end of Oct before hospitalization-2 while hospitalized in Nov).

    2. My SLGD (sweet little girl doctor---local) saw me slipping away and cultured the crud in my lungs that I'd had since before I started chemo in early Aug, and caught that it was HIB. Yes, like babies get (vaccinated against). My oncologist had pooh-poohed my chest problems/green snot and phlegm as "allergies" for over two months. SLGD shut down chemo at the cancer center.

    3. Went into local hospital Oct 30 from an ER visit for "an overnight observation" and didn't get out til Nov 3. Had the last two transfusions and (big gun) IV antibiotics while there.

    4. Saw oncologist Nov 9 for what was supposed to be a routine check in with him before Taxol #3. He acted shocked that I had needed blood transfusions AND that I'd had HIB and been hospitalized. Now the truth was: I KNOW he was called and DID NOT RESPOND. He said, "Well you're done. No more chemo for you." I asked what it would mean to have only 2 Taxol treatments instead of the planned 12 (following 4 AC treatments I had completed earlier) and he flippantly said, "It means your cancer will return more quickly." That sucked the air out of the room. My kids and husband were there with me. He shook hands all around and left the room. We huddled in the cancer center's lobby. Family was furious. I was in shock.

    5. Called my SLGD's office on the road home. She worked us in the next afternoon. End result was she got me in to see HER breast care provider for 2nd opinion. THAT oncologist was SO good to us--spent 1.5hrs going over everything then giving me options.

    6. Called surgeon who had placed my port, set up consult (we agreed on bilateral mastectomy and he wanted to do it as soon as possible since I'd been more than 8 weeks out of chemo--and had begun to feel almost human) So surgery done Dec 21. Home the next day.

    7. Feeling crappy again due to surgery. Drain tubes are so sore and getting stinky (we empty and record, btw). Scheduled to revisit surgeon this Thursday--2 wks and 1 day post surgery.

    Hair is beginning to be scruffy. Finally not itchy. Had some nausea since surgery so food is not a comfort yet. And the tenderness of areas most affected by surgery--well, it's pretty awful. Hoping he will remove the tubes Thursday. I am so sore. I walk like the Green Hulk so as not to "touch" any more than possible.

    My pathology reports are back and surgeon got "all clean edges." He even called me at home midafternoon (Saturday) Christmas Eve to give me that "present." We like him. But in order to do that--and I'm not looking to do any reconstruction--it meant "scooping" out the boobs. My chest is concave and very ugly. Swelling and bruising are still visible.

    And I still have to do 6 weeks (5 a week) radiation down the road. But the oncologist I saw for the 2nd opinion is going to order it for me so I can do it closer to home and be home every night. Hurray! And I won't have to see the other oncologist ever again!!

    So the new year is here and I'm boobless, with a scruff of hair. Hurting like a big dog but cancer free and thankful to be this far along.

    Ladies, I will spend some time soon reading the thread that I've missed. Thanks for not kicking me to the curb (for poor participation) like I felt my original oncologist did. Here's to US!

    2017 is OUR year. To regain our health, our physical strength, get a renewed vision for what we want to accomplish. Kiss your family (and your furr-baby or babies) and know I'm onboard with you again. Blessings, barbara

  • ElizabethAM
    ElizabethAM Member Posts: 202

    Barbara - That is some journey. I an so glad things have turned out well for you. I am wishing you much health and happiness in 2017.

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Barbara, I am so sorry for all the grief you've experienced. That MO should be reported. Doctors like that have no business working with patients! Glad you found a decent human being for your new MO. Just remember, it's a new year and 2017 is going to be a much better year! Keep us posted please.

    Kelly, how are you doing? Are you still in the hospital?

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Barbara...that just gave me tears. Your MO obviously has no compassion and should not be in that position. I can't imagine how you and your family felt when he said that?? Thankful you have a much better team now.'s it going?

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Barbara- you will always be a part of this group- you don't have to post! But geez, I can't believe all you have been your positive outlook with all you've been through!

    Still taking regular pain meds, not knocking it out completely....tired of sitting around. The swelling has gone down a little thankfully- I need something to show something is working lol. Dara they did send me home on Saturday.

    Now I need to figure out who (dr) needs to see me haha.

  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    Ohmigosh, Barbara, what a tough time you've had! Your MO's indifference to your situation is shocking. If anyone should be compassionate as well as competent, it would be our oncologists. I hope that things look up for you soon.


  • sensitivehrt
    sensitivehrt Member Posts: 310

    Hello ladies, Spent some time reading and trying to take notes, since it seems my brain seems to be mush, even though I finished chemo over 2 months ago.  I wonder how long the "chemo brain" will last.  Been working full time and even pulled a double, which was a big mistake. Trying to find my new "normal". So thankful to be able to come here and post. I lurk often, but am horrible about posting. Been on Tamoxifen for a month now. Have noticed maybe a little joint pain and hot flashes, but am tolerating it fairly well.  Still in chemo pause.

    Dara-my hair seems to be coming in darker as well, with some white.

    Wonder-you really do have a beautiful bald head. How's the growth coming along now?

    Elizabeth-congrats on finishing chemo

    Cali-What a wonderful surprise you had-great pic

    Sweet rain-how are your cancer sores? LYSINE- you can buy it over the counter at Target or any drug store. Helps greatly with the pesky sores.

    Barb-sorry you've had such a rough time. Wishing you the best in 2017

    Annie-how are you and baby?

    Hello to everyone else that I missed. Wishing you well.  I

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Sensitive.... Not sure how long this chemo brain will last but I can't wait to say bye bye to it. I start back to work next week and I'm a bit nervous since I've been off all the school year so far. With no hair how will my little sick kids react will I react?? Wig...scarf?? One more challenge in this journey.

    Kelly ... How are you doing? Hope it's getting better and something is working.

    Today is #11 for my rads

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Callie-glad you're making progress on those rods and thanks for asking about me. I'll be curious what you think once you're back to work full-time as well keep us posted.

    Sensitive-thanks for keeping in touch it is so hard to keep up on these boards. Sorry for the chemo brain, but thanks for keeping it real for us that are still being treated per se. Even though I have surgery coming up and a less than a month, I really have been thinking about those hormone therapy is and what is going to be best, and wondering about the side effects.

    For me after a three ring circus trying to schedule I am getting into see my primary care doctor tomorrow morning to take a look at the arm. As long as I'm sitting and not doing anything it seems to be OK LOL. I am still on a regular pain meds and antibiotics every six hours. Hopefully the dr will give me some insight---hmmm not holding my breath lol.

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Kelly, did they culture the arm to see what kind of infection you have? Seems quite scary and I know you need to build up stamina etc for surgery!

    Cali, hope all is going well with rads. I sailed through until about the last two weeks of treatment. I'm sure your kiddos will just be grateful to have you back. I find most kids are very accepting and just want everyone to be OK.

    Barbara, hope you're beginning to feel better.

    Sensitive, even my husband says the hair is growing more. It's still very slow, but I've gotten used to wearing my wig (finally!) so it doesn't bother me much. I still have to take it off in the evening, but lately I've even taken a nap in it!

    Hope Annie checks in soon. Hope she and little baby girl are well.

    JandJ, how are things going? Are you recovering from infusions?

  • sensitivehrt
    sensitivehrt Member Posts: 310


    3 months and 2 days out from chemo! Hair is slow and steady 😉

  • ElizabethAM
    ElizabethAM Member Posts: 202

    I'm jealous of you gals with the hair. I'm a month out from Chemo and still bald as a cucumber.

    Glad to hear things are getting better Kelly.

    Barbara, please keep us in the loop.

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Love the hair pic Sensitive! Elizabeth seems like its slow for us in the beginning but maybe will start rolling later lol.

    Dara- no, I just got back from the Dr's. Nothing went into that arm when in the hosp, so my left arm was running out of veins lol. I had an appt with registration at the hosp for gave them all the meds I'm on and current situation. Then I go to my Dr afterwards, who just switched everything up lol. Going back for another ultrasound this afternoon of the veins....she thinks it's more clot related. It still hurts, it's ridiculous! The ultrasound last time took a good 45 min too....crazy. Oh and the registration nurse swabbed me for MRSA because I was in the hospital. Good grief!

    Hope you're all doing well!!

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Kelly, really makes you feel like a leper doesn't it?? lol. Sure hope the arm heals before you go in for surgery; you don't need to be recovering from both.

    Elizabeth, don't feel badly, my hair was still totally absent at 4 weeks. I'm just now at 12 and noticing a big change. My hair is growing quite slowly but at least it's growing.

    Sensitive, looking good!

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Kelly ...glad they are doing something at least. I got a staph infection years ago from my IV while in the hospital...they just about threw me out of there tossing a bag of meds with me to go home.

    Sensitivehr ..looking good.

    My hair is coming in well but dark...I've never had dark hair. Can't wait to be able to spike me a do!!

    Dara ....things are going well...#13 tomorrow.

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Hi Ladies- so thankful to have you're still my "go to" support board :)

    The radiologist that did the ultrasound really made me think I wasn't going home. She's like "wait here....I need to call your Dr and see what she wants you to do". What?! mind was definitely thinking i was headed back to hospital. Luckily my Dr sent me home. Clot is the focus, on blood thinners now, new antibiotics and pain meds. Going in today to get compression sleeve (which is funny- same place I have to go to next week for mastectomy bra fitting, but no way I want to try and do that now with my arm). Had to call my surgeons so they can talk and see what they want to do with surgery. Pain in the you know what, but you all have had those moments too! Can't just go smoothly with cancer lol. I'd rather focus on my hair growth haha.