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Anyone starting chemo August 2016?



  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Kelly, I really don't think I'm having any SEs to the AI. I was nauseous feeling the first couple of weeks, maybe once or twice a day, but that has all subsided now. No joint pain or anything. Fingers crossed things stay that way. My MO saw me 4 weeks after I started it so he could check blood work and see how I was tolerating everything. All was great and all bloodworm had returned to normal. He'll see me again in 2 months and redo bloodworm again, then he said we can stretch things out longer. The fatigue from radiation isn't from blood counts. Not exactly sure why it occurs though.

    On a happy I'm noticing hair coming in faster and it's finally turning dark. Cali, I've forced myself to wear a wig more now. I found whenever I went out, people were commenting on my scarf... in a good way and they all were trying to be supportive. Some shared that they had been on the same journey etc., etc. I found though that I didn't want to be seen as the "cancer" patient and really wanted to feel normal. Cali, I found a light terrycloth cap and then got a wide headband to put around the hairline. I find it's so much more comfortable and feels far more secure. Also, this morning I notices my eyelashes are already beginning to come back. I know I can lose them multiple times, but it's still encouraging.

    Thinking of you Kelly and JandJ! Just one day at a time! We're here cheering you on. Huge hugs


  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Dara- love the new pic! So cute! Good to know the hair is coming in!! I've got that wild baby grey right now, so I was assuming it'll come in all grey (I was coloring my hair to patchy grey before all of this). I guess I'll first hope for hair, and then icing would be dark hair lol.

    Steroids are going, prepping for tomorrow- with fingers crossed I feel sick this weekend lol...who ever wishes for bad feelings, but I want to get it done and over with.

    I got 5 referral sheets/envelopes in the mail yesterday from the insurance- cracks me up!! I don't even know what they're all for lol.

    Thanks for the support- wishing you all smooth sailing towards the holidays!

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Will think super good thoughts for you tomorrow. FYI, the new pic (unfortunately) is my wig, not my hair. The gray will gradually switch to your normal color I believe. That's what's happening to mine. To what are they asking you to refer???

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    I think on referral is for surgery, a couple of Dr referrals (but sometimes I think I get them after the fact?!). One said lymphedema so I need to call- that might be an educational thing before surgery. One was for genetic counseling- had it done for BC, but I had read about colon (my mom had colon cancer as well as BC twice)- so asked I think I received lol.

    Thanks- I will hope to post something positive tomorrow lol. Stocked up on my Rita's- the kid/guy that works there is so nice, and what a good employee. He was cute- said "well let me know how it goes and the next one is on me". I love the positives you find in others through this journey.

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Kelly...good luck tomorrow ..will have you in my thoughts & prayers

    Dara ...I think you look great. I will try some of those tips for my wig.

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Ok ladies- I stayed away from the "bad luck" chair lol- needed chemo to go, and it is! How frightening it is when we want chemo and look forward to feeling like crap over the weekend.

    Platelets jumped from 87 to 153 (before #5 it was at 127). Crazy.

    Thanks for the support!!

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Kelly, so very glad you're able to feel crappy this weekend! LOL This is it then right? Sure hope the SEs aren't too bad. Hang in there!

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Yay Kelly...we understand completely! Praying SE are minimal.

  • ElizabethAM
    ElizabethAM Member Posts: 202

    Awesome Kelly!!

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Thanks Ladies! They did lower the carboplatin a bit- maybe (wishful thinking) it'll help a bit. I commented to the nurse that the Taxotere SE list is a page and 1/2, carbo- 1/2 a page, so I don't really think about the carbo- she said that's the one THEY worry/look at- why they lowered because of blood counts. Interesting.

    Still on the steroids, so feeling ok today. As always- appreciate you all.

  • karey59
    karey59 Member Posts: 49

    So glad you made it. One last crappy feeling weekend!

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Kelly ..hope your day goes well. Get as much done before the crappies hit..!

  • jandjmom
    jandjmom Member Posts: 40

    I finished up #6 on Wednesday after an 8 hour marathon session - labs, discussing the doctor and tweaking of chemo meds (lowering dose because of SE and weight loss) and adding/removing nausea meds. So far so good. Everything tastes bad quickly, but the meds are keeping everything down with no vomiting so far (day 3). I am exhausted though. Slept about 18 hours yesterday. Slept right though my IV fluid appointment this morning. Hubby said it was 10:45 instead of 10. Opps. Waiting on a call back for the ramifications. Other than very weak, I am feel okay. Back to bed with another med.

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    jandjmom...yay for finishing #6 hoping you do well through the next couple weeks.

    Have you & Kelly on my heart.

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Thanks Cali! JandJmom- hope you can sleep most of it off! I wish I was a napper, just a sitter. So far I'm doing pretty good, Fridays are usually "ok", starts to hit later. I'm just hoping maybe with the delay and back off a bit on the carbo it might be "better"?!

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    So is anyone still working on treatments? It's at least a great holiday gift to be done with chemo! I finished my last whole breast rads today, and now just have 8 boosts left. They marked up my boob with a tone of blue dots but told me not to worry when they wash off. Then they took pictures. At least I don't have to worry about them showing up on the internet! LOL, I"m sure the internet would crash from people laughing!!!

    Fatigue is getting worse, and skin is blistered underneath. They explained about this new type of radiation (electron) and how it works. I just love my techs and get to see the same ones every day. The women in the waiting room are so nice also. Setting aside the fact that I'm getting radiated, it's actually a nice way to start my day!

    Working on just a few last things for next week. I'm still trying to work on the skills book for my one grandson. He's now finished one week of school at the new school. It was off to a rough start on Monday when he grew up on the bus due to nerves, poor little guy. Things seem to be much better now. I'm going to their house on Sunday to decorate gingerbread houses with them. (Hopefully I'll have enough energy.)

    Love you all and hope your weekends are ok. Kelly and JandJ, just rest. (Not that you have much choice in the matter.)

  • Wonderwoman78
    Wonderwoman78 Member Posts: 6

    Dara- your wig and picture are so lovely. You are beautiful!

    Love the fuzzy hair pics too Dara and Sensitive! I've been tempted to shave mine too since its all wispy and varying lengths but I'm trying to resist.

    Kelly- so glad to hear your platelets jumped. Hang in there. The finish line is getting closer!

    I just had my 2nd to last taxol infusion today. Last one is next Friday the 23rd. Today was a little hard since I had originally anticipated today as my last treatment but found out the week before thanksgiving that I had to skip thanksgiving week due to my clinic running on a skeleton crew. Oh well. I am still so thankful that the end is in sight for the chemo phase.

    My hair is growing more too!! Looks a bit like male pattern baldness but it's getting longer and darker on the sides. I had thick wavy/curly hair before and am anxious to see how it comes in. I'm massaging my head morning and night to stimulate my scalp. Grow hair grow!

    Hope you all have restful and happy plans for the holidays. Try not to over do things. I'm telling myself that as much as I am to you all! I've been pushing too much and pay for it. It's so hard for me to balance the energy output and not take on too much.

    As my doctor just advised me, make sure to take time to kick back and put your feet up as much as possible! We need and deserve it!

    Here's me on thanksgiving and then Dec 10th. Big change in hair!


  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Wonderwoman, you looked so beautiful, even completely bald! You have the best shaped head!!! Our hair is about the same length. I was worried that it was coming in gray but it's all darkening now. It's funny, I started wearing my wig this past week; I decided I didn't want to "look" sick anymore. Several people were so surprised and said they had pictured me as a blond! Maybe I should try it! lol. Are you on winter break now? I'm from a big family of teachers. I taught high school before going into administration, my DS, DD, DDI, nephews, sister are all teachers.

    How's the crappy weekend going Kelly and JandJ? I really hope the last is the least with SEs. Find something good to binge watch! My husband and I recently discovered Goliath on Amazon and watched the whole season. It was great!

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407 do look great. I would take a picture of my fuzz head but selfies aren't so good when I take them.

    Dara...we are taking my granddaughter to see the Nutcracker today..I just may wear my wig. Maybe

  • ElizabethAM
    ElizabethAM Member Posts: 202

    Awesome head of hair WonderWoman, I have finished my Chemo (dose dense AC+T) and I have almost no eyebrows, the eye lashes are completely gone and still no hair on my head. My last treatment was Nov. 30 and I'm really looking forward to something besides my leg hair to grow.

    JandJ and Kelly, I'm rooting for you gals.... So glad you rung the bell Kelly. Just waiting with you J till it is your turn.

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Wonder woman you look great! If I only had those bones and skin maybe I'd do a selfie lol.

    Cali and Dara- so glad you're back to enjoying those grandkids!

    Today is better (fingers crossed!!) than prior Sat's after. I've been up and on the couch, actually made a smoothie for my daughter (sounds like she has a cold!)- and had some myself and back to sitting. So the break may have helped. I know it's up and down, but I'll take it and thankful for all of your encouragement!!

    Dara- KZ1966 is still trucking along taxol right now- so there's a few lingering out there!!

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407


  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407


  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Morning everyone ...I wanted to share what happened yesterday when my friends & family surprised me with a Pink Heals moment. I was blown away ...thought I was going to the Nutcracker with my girls!

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Wow Cali!!! That's amazing and beautiful!!!!

  • jandjmom
    jandjmom Member Posts: 40

    I am alive and apparently awake. While this treatment was surprisingly well managed - little no nausea, no throwing up, limited big D - it has waylaid me big time. I went to sleep Wednesday afternoon and woke up today. Yea, other than an hour or two here and there, I was in a drugged induced coma the rest of the time with all the nausea meds that seem to do their job. I have lost tons of weight - about 5 pounds? because I need to still eat and drink instead of sleep. Things taste off and my appetite is tiny. A Wendy's plain baked potato fills me up nicely. Drinking the Ensure shakes and hope I don't lose much more. But it if this how I will see out my final chemo - I am ecstatic!

    My kids left this morning to visit family before Christmas. I barely saw them when they were here. At least they are having fun with their cousins instead of being hush, hush with their sleeping mom. They will return on Thursday, and I hope to have some energy by then,too. So glad i finished all the holiday stuff BEFORE this infusion. I am worthless to do anything atm.

    Both the MO and BS had good news - neither could feel my lump anymore and seem to think I will get a complete response. That also makes all this worth it. I will have scans done after the first of the year with a mid Jan surgery date. I can't even get my mind there yet. I am still on chemo mode. Eyelashes and brows are barely hanging on. Have some growth on my head but not excited yet as I will be on herceptin till August 17.

    Okay, time to go back to bed. Best wishes to y'all -we are almost done!

  • ElizabethAM
    ElizabethAM Member Posts: 202

    JandJ -- Congrats.....

    Cali -- awesome photos.

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    jandjmom- love there's some good news! there's a january surgery board started as well. my taste buds are fried, even my "go to" cinnamon fiber bar didn't taste good this am. i love food come on!

    i moved too quickly this am, so needed to hit the couch. I know this will be a balance recovering as my expectations may be different that reality.

    Thank you all for the support these past few months- what a ride we've been on and continue on. I know that there will be times of ups and downs moving forward even when we are "ok" physically. I noticed there's an Aug 2015 group that was posting yesterday- I look forward to our own celebration of getting an anniversary under our belts!!

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Kelly...that will great when we can all celebrate our first year!

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Hi Ladies-

    I just want to wish you ALL a wonderful weekend!! I'm doing pretty good, annoying side effects, but as you all know- we can handle things lol.

    Looks like I'll have surgery at the end of January- lots of pre-op appts 2nd week of January. Crazy to start another part of this journey. I'm looking forward to saying goodbye to chemo- thanks chemo,