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Anyone getting ready to start Radiation in Fall 2016?



  • thereisnodespair
    thereisnodespair Member Posts: 98


    hi.... welll yea!!!!!! today was my last RADS treatment..... it was a long haul - 33 treatments.... but its all okay... only can anyone suggest how to get the markie map off my chest now? helpppppppppppp

  • Miko
    Miko Member Posts: 198

    congratulations thereis 🤗 Yeah

  • amusingsoprano
    amusingsoprano Member Posts: 77

    Congrats thereis! Smile

  • bagsharon
    bagsharon Member Posts: 142

    Thereisno, I'm jealous but congrats!

  • Licata519
    Licata519 Member Posts: 30

    Congratulations, thereisno, 🙌! My machine was down yesterday, so a bunch of us just kept piling in the waiting room, and talked about who was where in their schedule, and I was very happy to congratulate the people who were almost done!

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Congrats thereisno! Most of us here are envious. Definitely something to be thankful for tomorrow!

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone else! I'm looking forward to a 4 day break!

  • Miko
    Miko Member Posts: 198

    just finished my follow up appointment with surgeon. She said my tumor was 1.5 cm and the one sentinal node had microscopic cells present. So now I am 1B and she is referring me to a medical oncologist and a radiologist oncologist. Still tho she feels I will probably have radiation and hormones. I will be better able to discuss with medical oncologist so yet again I have to wait. The waiting is the pits. I am happy tho that the bandages are off and i only have steri strips. Will start up my exercises right after Thanksgiving. I am moving forward albeit slowly. Still hopefull that radiation will get those stray cells as well

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Miko, did they also do the Oncotype test on your pathology? That test is used to also help determine treatment path.

  • reflect
    reflect Member Posts: 280

    Oh congratulations thereisnodespair! Well done. The marker will take time, but maybe rubbing it with whatever goop you're using on your skin?

  • Miko
    Miko Member Posts: 198

    hi Dara, no not yet my medical oncologist will be addressing that when i meet with him. He is requesting the all the genetic tests . Wait wait and wait again . It seems this is the nature of dealing with this disease.

  • Miko
    Miko Member Posts: 198

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone: i am thankful for all the friends I have met on this board and for all the support and kind words from all of you AND thankful that my margins were clear

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Member Posts: 3,534

    thereisnodespair - Congrats on finishing! It took a while for the ink to come off for me. I'm not sure what ink they used. Plus, I was marked up like a subway map.

    Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy your break!

  • thereisnodespair
    thereisnodespair Member Posts: 98


    ALL OF YOU PRECIOUS WOMEN - THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! I thank every woman who wrote to congratulate me (especially since most of you are still in the midst of....) and I thank too the women who didn't write, because I know this BC makes us sometimes a lot less capable of DOING even things we want to do, so I am feeling your good wishes too.

    For me the RADS were (are) quite a challenge mainly because of the fatigue and also towards the end thinking about the next steps - how to deal with "the day after"....

    anyways your good wishes were like opening my front door to find a million beautiful daisies sent to me.... only you guys can understand it all....

    thanks so much! I needed your good thoughts! and wishing you all a very happy thanksgiving.... happy family times....

    i for one am thankful for all of you who went beyond yourselves to care and "hug" me on "my day",,,,, praying you all get there soon!!!

  • s1d1c1u1
    s1d1c1u1 Member Posts: 48

    thereisnodespair Congrats, dear! I'm so happy that this part of your treatment is finally over!!!

    As for the marker, I just used rubbing alcohol, but that'll only work if your skin held up well. I used it on skin that had just peeled and it didn't hurt or aggravate the new skin.

    Happy Thanksgiving, ladies. Hopefully we can all put cancer out of our heads for a day and enjoy this holiday that has new meaning for us.


  • joyandpiece
    joyandpiece Member Posts: 27

    Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. I stepped out on a limb and invited extra people today not knowing if I would hold up or not. Thereisnodespair - you hit the nail on the head with your comment:

    "because I know this BC makes us sometimes a lot less capable of DOING even things we want to do"

    Many good wishes to you and all. Enjoy your day! I'm about to put in the turkey and have loved being distracted by all the prep for today - anything not BC or driving for treatments. I (we) can focus on friends and family.

  • IHGJAnn49
    IHGJAnn49 Member Posts: 408

    thereisnodespair, Congratulations! You're Finished! Have a Great Thanksgiving.. It's a Grand Finish for what you just went through. ((hugs))

  • boobsBgone
    boobsBgone Member Posts: 34

    thereisno: so happy you are done. I have one week left but maybe boosts, which was not discussed earlier in tx. either way, i am close to finishing rads too!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  • Miko
    Miko Member Posts: 198

    congratulations Boobsbgone, the finish line is in sight

  • IHGJAnn49
    IHGJAnn49 Member Posts: 408

    Boobsbgone, It's so good to get to the end... I only have 5 more to go, we should finish together!! Smile

  • thereisnodespair
    thereisnodespair Member Posts: 98


    wishing you ALL good luck - for those almost finished, the "countdown" is a bit stressful, hard to have patience when the finishing line is sooo close - you will do fine!

  • xxyzed
    xxyzed Member Posts: 39

    Hello everyone. Radiation newbie here. 5 treatments down 20 more to go. So far so good but I'm really not expecting any problems until a few weeks in

  • Regen
    Regen Member Posts: 9

    Best wishes to all here, and godspeed to those who have completed radiation and are moving to the next stage in this shared journey.

    Hello xxyed, I'm a newbie too. I just finished day 4 of radiation and, so far, no obvious effects. Are you having IMRT or the more usual 3D-CRT treatment? The difference seems to be in the severity of the side effects - not in the outcome or recurrence.

  • Licata519
    Licata519 Member Posts: 30

    I'm on 11/30 dose 200, (the doctor came and corrected himself) and starting moist desquamation on the nipple. Going to get some silvadene. I'll let you know if it works.

  • amusingsoprano
    amusingsoprano Member Posts: 77

    I'm now 23/25 and yesterday got a big dose of 'OMG if I don't lie down now I will fall asleep on my feet'. And one of the RTs told me yesterday that the week after you finish is often when the rads fatigue really hits. I hope not, I have concert to sing in!

    My skin is still great under the Mepitel wrap, just a faint pinkness.

  • reflect
    reflect Member Posts: 280

    Hi Licata, the silvadine cream has helped me. (plus a few days off). Under my breast and on my clavicle have improved a lot. Only my axilla is still open and painful, and my breast, which doesn't have a skin problem but possibly a seroma, is hard and hot and painful. No infection though, we think, and have 2 more to go, next M/T and I am done. So. 23/25 (boosts "not practical") --right there with you AmusingSoprano! --and I am unlucky to have had these issues, seems like others do fine.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all celebrating!

  • xxyzed
    xxyzed Member Posts: 39

    Hi Regen - i had no idea what sort of treatment I was getting. I've looked up the paperwork and it says IMRT. Is that associated with more or less side effects? They did say they can pinpoint the dose to exactly where they want. I am left side and wear a bolus but don't have to do breath holds. I guess I've not worried too much about the details as I had such extensive lymph node involvement aggressive treatment was the only option so I just have to take what comes and cross my fingers I get through it.

    Licata519 - isn't 11/30 pretty early to be getting skin problems? I was sure I'd get at least another week of nothing but am obviously hoping for as long as possible.

    I am concerned about the fatigue hitting. My treatment goes up to Xmas and I am supposed to be going away with the kids and extended family the week after right when the fatigue and my skin will probably be at it's worst. It is what it is and after 7 months of aggressive treatment I think I'm lucky if I'm still standing.

    AmusingSoprano and reflect - Congrats on making it the end. I know the time will fly for me but it sure feels like a big mountain to climb right now.
  • Regen
    Regen Member Posts: 9

    Hi xxyzed - looks like we will be undergoing radiation simultaneously on different sides of the planet. I'm sending the wish for a successful cancer-kicking experience direct to you via a strong wind in the upper atmosphere.

    As you mentioned, IMRT does have pinpoint aiming ability, and that's supposed to be kinder to the skin than 3D-CRT. Iguess we'll see, won't we? IMRT can also modulate the strength of its many individual beams to avoid body parts not needing radiation - such as the heart and lungs.

    I didn't ask my RO for this kind of radiation, it just seems to be what he uses routinely even if insurance won't pay for it. Which makes me wonder if IMRT is the radiation most patients get. Anyone care to comment?

  • xxyzed
    xxyzed Member Posts: 39
    Thanks for that Regen. I look forward to sharing this leg of treatment with you. To tell you the truth I thought the radiologist was just saying that about the pinpoint accuracy. I didn't actually believe them but you guys seem to be saying the same thing. I am paying a small fortune for the treatment rather than using the free public system but I didn't realise I was getting anything different. I've had bad experiences at the public hospitals with my husband and didn't think it was worth me spending the next 5 years with psych visits trying to get over it just to save money on my radiation.
  • Imkopy2
    Imkopy2 Member Posts: 214

    congrats're officially a rads grad!!! 8 more and Ill be joining you...hopefully all of you ladies had a great holiday and built beautiful memories!

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Well, I'm at #13 of 37 rads and I'm hoping I'm not beginning to have skin issues. I have a big old raised up rash that itches like crazy all the time. I'm using aqua for and miaderm. Hope it's not a sign of things to come.

    Congrats thereisnodespair! Hope all lee are hanging in. Back to treatment tomorrow.