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Anyone getting ready to start Radiation in Fall 2016?



  • IHGJAnn49
    IHGJAnn49 Member Posts: 408

    Thanks Reflect, I have been just using aloe, but they changed the emu oil to aquaphore so will start using that too... Tomorrow is halfway for days, but still have 14 treatments to go... I see my RO tomorrow to see how it's going...

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Member Posts: 3,534

    reflect - I got zapped from behind so I have a darkened area around my traps. It isn't directly behind my treated area. Make sure you put lotion on your back as well. I noticed you mentioned an Olive oil and lemon mix. Did your RO OK that? I was told no oil, and the lemon might be a little harsh. Earlier in the thread you'll find people are using a DIY green tea spray. I used white tea. Glad you're almost finished.

    Happy Healing everyone!

  • Janniree57
    Janniree57 Member Posts: 2

    Hi, All,

    I will start my Radiation treatments on 12/5/16. I am going to receive 16 treatments, at a higher dose, as part of a study protocol that I have entered at my treatment center.

    I worked full-time this Summer plus did overtime many weeks throughout my Chemo treatments. Wondering about the fatigue from Radiation as compared to Chemo. I plan to work full time during rads sessions.

  • meg2016
    meg2016 Member Posts: 188

    Janniree57 I don't know if you will experience more fatigue sooner since you are doing the higher dosing, but I have been fine working through radiation. Its been nothing on the fatigue level compared to chemo for me. I worked through chemo as well, but it was lot harder some days than this has been. Right after radiation treatment I am really tired, but I would say that maybe didn't start until treatment week 3. I am in my last week now of 25 treatments, and I can feel the fatigue setting in a bit more. If I can exercise right after treatment, then I feel much better. I actually walk to and from treatment and just that 40 minutes of walking a day has helped immensely with the fatigue. I scheduled my appointments for first thing in the morning so I am more rested when I go and less likely to nap after. I have been going to bed earlier, but have been making it through workdays fine. It probably depends a bit on your job, I also mostly sit at a desk for mine.

  • reflect
    reflect Member Posts: 280

    Thanks Serenity, I dropped the oil/lemon already. Today I feel sick and my breast is hard and warm. I called in and they said to come and I can see the doc before tx. I can't drive myself and not sure I can find a ride. I want to skip this one.

  • roofcat59
    roofcat59 Member Posts: 33

    Am new to this topic, but have found all of the other discussion boards so helpful during this marathon treatment regimen. I am receiving 35 left breast radiation treatments, post lumpectomy and chemotherapy. I am in the prone position after assessment in both the supine and prone positions during the simulation visit. Today I had treatment #4. I haven't had too many noticeable side effects so far except that every afternoon, about 2 or 3 p.m., I feel the overwhelming urge to take a nap. Today my treated breast is starting to feel pretty irritated. I had been wearing a camisole during the past week and a half to try to keep the positioning marks and little plastic circles in place until this past Monday, but today a supportive bra seems to make my breast feel better. Does anyone have any advice one way or another?

    The RO also prescribed 0.05% fluocinonide cream to be applied 2x per day with Aquaphor on top to keep the corticosteroid cream in contact with the skin longer. She said they try to be very proactive about preventing skin damage. Has anyone had experience with this type of cream? I'm a little apprehensive after reading about the side effects, but I figure they can not be nearly any where as bad as the tissue damage and burns from radiation, which the cream is supposed to prevent.

    Thanks to all who may have any advice!

  • joyandpiece
    joyandpiece Member Posts: 27

    I started my treatments today and was happy that I was able to get the hypofractionated (short) protocol. My RO will do that if he can keep heart and lungs out of the tx field. I am very happy - but don't love being in the prone position to achieve this. Itis a good trade off though.

    I feel a little "twingy" in the breast and armpit area, but otherwise feel great. Better get stuff done while I have the get up and go to do so!

  • IHGJAnn49
    IHGJAnn49 Member Posts: 408

    I'm halfway... Smile 11 of 20.. thought it was 25, wrong... only 20, so Yea!! and still feel pretty good

  • joyandpiece
    joyandpiece Member Posts: 27

    Super IHGJAnn49!

  • Licata519
    Licata519 Member Posts: 30

    Oh boy, reflect, I hope you can hand in there, but it sounds like no picnic.

    I'm on 6/30, so nothing yet. But I was wrong, I'm getting 267, not the 200 I thought. So I am getting the Canadian regimen. I'll let you know when my skin breaks down. I bought a calendula salve on Etsy, since the biorin is petroleum jelly.

  • Tante
    Tante Member Posts: 2

    Hello everyone! First post but I've been reading a lot here since DX in May.

    I started rad this week (#4 today, out of 30), was pleasantly surprised that the actual procedure goes so fast. My rad team didn't counsel me on ointments/lotions, just gave me a list, so I've been applying Aquaphor at night and have ordered Jean's Cream, arriving tomorrow.

    Terrible insomnia, though that's nothing new for me. When I do sleep, I have crazy and stressful dreams. I have this week off and will be back to work next week... definitely curious if and when the real fatigue will set in.

    Just wanted to say hello and thanks in advance--have been reading through the posts on this thread tonight and they're already been super helpful. :)

  • Licata519
    Licata519 Member Posts: 30

    Hi Tante, insomnia seems to go with the dx, but ask your RO if you can take melatonin. It's even supposed to protect white blood cells from the radiation. What really helped me was the app called headspace. It even has a special cancer mediation guide. I'll see you at the finish line

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Member Posts: 3,534

    reflect - Were you able to see the doctor?

  • reflect
    reflect Member Posts: 280

    Thanks Licata and Serenity. I spent the day in bed. I called RO's office and said I wasn't coming. I'll have a ride tomorrow but feel like something is wrong, my breast is so sore and hard. We'll see what they say tomorrow. It went south so suddenly.

  • Unbreakable01
    Unbreakable01 Member Posts: 54

    I'm over halfway done,19/33. I'm turning more pink, getting some red dots, the breast and nipple are a bit swollen, but the skin is still holding up well.

    I'm still able to take my dog out running twice a day. Sometimes I don't want to, but If I don't I'll pay for it later. I'm waiting in anticipation for the possible fatigue. Today we walked.

    It helps that I'm working 6.5 hours, go to rads, then get to relax a bit. That schedule works well for me.

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Member Posts: 3,534

    reflect - Maybe a cold cloth? Try to get some rest. Glad someone is giving you a ride.

  • Houston2016
    Houston2016 Member Posts: 248

    Hi everyone, I'm scheduled for CT scan simulation Monday. I had talked to two RO, one said he used Truebeam Edge a new high tech machine that's good for left breast patients. He said if my heart is not in the radiation field, then breath holding techniques is not necessary. The other RO from MD Anderson said she has the person wears a goggle to see if you are holding your breath in the field of radiation. She also required two CT scans don't know why. But the first RO told me the dose of radiation I need is 4860 CGY and scar boost is 1200 CGY. I'm scared of this amount of radiation to my body. Does anyone was told differently of how much radiation they will receive? Thanks.

  • cris8325
    cris8325 Member Posts: 28

    13 of 28 finished today. My RO prescribed Mometasone Furoate Cream. Seems to be working pretty well. Only slightly pink so far.

  • amusingsoprano
    amusingsoprano Member Posts: 77

    reflect, I hope you get some answers today. It seems too sudden to just be rads se's.

    I'm 18/25 so the end is in sight! Only slightly pink, thanks to the Mepitel skinwrap.

  • reflect
    reflect Member Posts: 280

    Thanks AmusingSuprano, Licata, and Serenity... I saw an RO today (mine was out, again, think I've seen him twice) anyway, she said could be rads SEs or infection (cellulitis) or swelling from surgery. I have an antibiotic rx started tonight. Will go back on Monday to see RO and if all OK restart rads. I think infection, I'm achy all over in addition to hard, red, warm breast--came out of nowhere. I don't have a fever though. Laying very low and hoping antibios help. And I was inches (4 txs) from a clean getaway!

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Member Posts: 3,534

    Hope you're feeling better, reflect.

    Have a restful weekend, everyone!

  • reflect
    reflect Member Posts: 280

    Thanks Serenity! I think I am headed in the right direction now.

  • joanie84
    joanie84 Member Posts: 6

    Finished 10/20 yesterday. I go in tomorrow since I will have 4 days off for Thanksgiving. My skin is holding up well. A bit pink and swollen but ok. My RO gave me Silvadene and I have been using that on the most sensitive areas. My fatigue has been better the past few days which I am happy about. I am taking today to rest.

    What is everyone doing for Thanksgiving?

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Joanie, I hit #10 tomorrow also. But I'm not doing the higher dose rads so will wind up with 35 tx. :-( I feel fine right after the tx but then about mid afternoon the whole area starts to feel warm and a little uncomfortable. It looks just a little pink but by the next morning it seems fine. This year my kids are taking care of all the food, and then bringing it to my house. We'll have a smaller group this year for us, just 12. Some holidays, we've had upwards of 35. Just praying for nice weather so we can be outside. What part of the country are you in? Hope your fatigue stays minimal.

  • Janniree57
    Janniree57 Member Posts: 2

    Meg2016, Thanks for your encouraging response about fatigue. I have been trying to walk a lot more, and will try to keep at it during my treatments.

    Reflect, I hope you are seeing some improvements and feeling better.

    Praying that all have a good week and I know I will be giving thanks knowing I can see a light at the end of this tunnel

  • IHGJAnn49
    IHGJAnn49 Member Posts: 408

    It's hard to believe I'm 12/ 20... and fatigue has kicked in, felt like lead the last couple of days... and some nausea... not bad, and I usually lose my appetite a lot anyway... I have more redness, and used the aquaphor last night... greasy kid stuff... like the aloe better, but see how the rest goes...

  • Imkopy2
    Imkopy2 Member Posts: 214

    Roofcat welcome...I was wondering if you'd pop up in this thread.

    For all of the newbies to radiation, it's way different than chemo, how you feel walking in is how you'll feel walking out. But hydration is key, my nurse told me to drink at least 1 propel a day to boost the electrolytes. I didn't believe it but it helps with fatigue then one day I forgot & I was more tired at the end of the day. The next day I drank 2 and felt great! I have 10 left and my best advice other than eating a protein rich diet is use the cream they give you at least 3-4 times a day, definitely right after treatment, I don't rub it in but slather it on. My skin is holding up really well, its pink after treatment but ok in the morning.

    Keep your lotions in the fridge if your skin feels warm and laying a washcloth soaked in aloe juice also helps. Good luck to everyon

  • Licata519
    Licata519 Member Posts: 30

    thank you Imkopy2, I was doing everything but the propel. It's on the grocery list!!

  • IHGJAnn49
    IHGJAnn49 Member Posts: 408

    I just started using the propel.. it does work, was very tired the last two days and the propel gave me more energy...

  • Miko
    Miko Member Posts: 198

    ty IGH will get some propel to help with fatigue when i start rads. Might try it now - i am post lumpectomy 3 days and fatigue is setting in. I think the snb is hurting and preventing me from sle YAWN