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Anyone getting ready to start Radiation in Fall 2016?



  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Hi y'all ...I am new to this group. I have my appointment to schedule and do a mock run through of rads. I don't know if I will start this month or in January. I am thankful for the suggestions to help with the skin. I had enough uncomfortable rashes during chemo and don't want to experience that again. I may run out and buy them all....Mepitel, Lindi skin, Miaderm & I bought Jeans cream my RO & BS suggested plus aloe I have from chemo rash. Thank you all for tips.

    Dara ...woohoo it has gone so quickly for you ...I feel left behind ..lo

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Pinkwash, I was only stage 1A, 1.5 cm IDC and went through 4 chemo rounds and now am doing 36 radiation tx. There can be microscopic cells in the breast after lumpectomy that don't show up, and so radiation is very standard. The number depends on the dosage you receive.

    Imkopy2, I just love the picture! Rads really has been easy compared to chemo.

    Cali, I thought I'd react far more than I did as I'm so fair skinned. I've just used the Miaderm-L and a little Aquafor. This is the last week of full breast rads and the only bad part is the crease under the breast. It's now a bit blistered and sore, but I would take it over chemo any day! You can do this. And the first couple of weeks you rarely see any SEs.

  • amusingsoprano
    amusingsoprano Member Posts: 77

    Welcome Caligirl :) Just a word of caution if you use the Mepitel film, do not put anything else on your skin or it will compromise it's effectiveness.

  • cris8325
    cris8325 Member Posts: 28

    I finished my 28 radiation treatments today. They said my skin held up amazingly well. It is dry and pink but no blisters or pealing.

  • Miko
    Miko Member Posts: 198

    congrats cris 👍 Hooray 👏🏻👏🏻

  • Regen
    Regen Member Posts: 9

    Great news Cris8325! Celebrate! I'll be right behind you - my last is on Monday. Tomorrow I start 4 boosts. Can you tell us what boosts were like for you? Longer?, shorter? Different type of radiation? Worse or similar side effects? Haven't seen much written about it. For others who have gone through boosts, please do chime in!

  • Variable
    Variable Member Posts: 28

    I finish my radiation series tomorrow with my final of five boosts :) For me it is much shorter and the machine is quieter. Side effects are the same, but more localized to the targeted area. Best wishes to everyone going through this process. It seems so long!!!

  • cris8325
    cris8325 Member Posts: 28

    I did not have to have any boosts. They explained why to me, but I do not remember.

  • ArtyMom
    ArtyMom Member Posts: 40

    My first meeting with my RO is tomorrow. Can anyone tell what usually happens at the first meeting

  • IHGJAnn49
    IHGJAnn49 Member Posts: 408

    Cris Congratulations!.. It feels so good to be Done!

    Regan, I had 4 boosts and the first two were longer, and they were all more focused.. I had more of a burn underneath and my nipple got it too... but no blisters...

  • Miko
    Miko Member Posts: 198

    Hi Arty : i just had my initial eval and it was mainly paperwork and meet and greet with RO. I need to go back for a sim which is doing all the set up for rads and get tattooed. Next it's the actual treatment which is between 15-20 mins

  • xxyzed
    xxyzed Member Posts: 39

    My initial meeting was the same. Meet and greet and an opportunity to ask any questions. They went over intended timing, possible side effects, cost and had me sign forms

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Cris...Congrats! I hope to do as well as you did.

  • joyandpiece
    joyandpiece Member Posts: 27

    I finished 15/15 (no boosts) last Friday. My hat is off to all of you going longer. My skin is red and blotchy with an angry red/brown area under my arm, but has held up well with no cracked or peeling areas. I slept a lot the first Monday I didn't have to go back in, but yesterday had extra energy and got a lot done. I've been wearing ribbed tanks w/no bra at home to lessen irritation. Yesterday I had to wear it inside out so no seam was rubbing. I am thankful for all of you and your advice!

  • ArtyMom
    ArtyMom Member Posts: 40

    first meeting with RO went very well, had time to do the initial cat scan and the tattoos. So we do the dry run right before Christmas and start on the 27th. Glad to have a plan and I scored the late appointment of the day, 4:15, which will allow me to work as much as possible. They also have massages and reiki available. I also picked up my tamoxifen today. Not sure which is scarier but I'm glad to be moving forward

  • IHGJAnn49
    IHGJAnn49 Member Posts: 408

    Joy, Congratulations on being Finished!!

  • Unbreakable01
    Unbreakable01 Member Posts: 54

    I finished 33 treatments on Friday! I'm a lot more itchy then during treatments, and my boost area is raw and peeling, but other than that I'm good. I went back to 9 hours this week and am adjusting well. Hang in there ladies, it'll be over soon.


  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Unbreakable...thanks for sharing that ...I have no idea what to expect or how it looks.

    ArtyMom...tomorrow is my dry run and will get scheduled.

    Joy....yay for being done. I have wondered about bras and how uncomfortable I will be.

  • Unbreakable01
    Unbreakable01 Member Posts: 54

    Caligirl, that's the worst of it. Under my arm was where I also had the redness and peeling. The boost area is a little worse because it was the same amount of radiation to a smaller area, and my bra rubs against it. I put midterm on day 1 of radiation and used it 3x a day which helped.

  • amusingsoprano
    amusingsoprano Member Posts: 77

    Unbreakable - ouch! Such a pity you weren't offered Mepitel film.

  • joyandpiece
    joyandpiece Member Posts: 27

    Caligirl - It felt most comfortable for me to wear a bra all the time until right after I finished. I'm not wearing one at home now because it is less irritating.

    Artymom - I won't be starting Tamoxifen until mid-January. I am honestly more worried about that than rads (!). Maybe it is because of the 5-10 year time span. Time will tell, maybe it will be easy and SE free - :-O

    Unbreakable - I'm starting to get itchy too, but it is not unbearable and DH reminds me that it means it is healing. Love that man. It was my birthday the other day and he usually gives me a goofy card. This time he gave me a heartfelt card with thoughtfully written words from him.

  • thereisnodespair
    thereisnodespair Member Posts: 98


    unbreakable - i just want to applaud you! and thank you - that video made me think I - and all of us - are truly warriors and we are okay

  • makitamary
    makitamary Member Posts: 1

    I just began rads this week, and I'm really having trouble with anxiety and feeling totally humiliated that I have to bear my breasts to so many strangers. Anyone else deal with this?

  • Regen
    Regen Member Posts: 9

    Unbreakable, thanks for posting your video - it shows the positive spirit to which we all aspire - yay for you! And the sequence showing your evolving skin condition was most instructive - wow! You endured 33 treatments with your spirit intact, congratulations and I hope you heal very, very quickly!!

    Those of you who have undergone or who will undergo the longer treatments - I take my hat off to all of you for your stamina! Sometimes necessity is the core of our strength!

    I had to endure half as many treatments as many of you and am now finishing up - on the 2nd of 4 boosts. My skin is a glowing pink and my nipple is a dark tan. No peeling or pain. Because I haven't seen too much about the boosts in these forums before I started, I thought I'd describe my experience for those of you who will have them too.

    You may have already read from Unbreakable that a boost is the same amount of radiation delivered to a smaller area. If I needed more than my 16 regular rads, I'd be expecting the boost to kick up the side effects a few notches .

    For me, the same machine used for the rads is used for the boost, but a shoebox-shaped attachment is put over where the beam comes out. At the end of the box is a metal plate with a hole custom-cut to match a silhouette of the surgical area in my breast. The machine is pointed directly at my breast instead of off to the side like regular radiation. (That concerned me because I had been told that the radiation beams keep on going after they pass through a breast. However, my RO assured me that the boost uses a different type of radiation - electron, not photon - that can be made to stop at a predetermined depth in the body and not affect underlying body parts.) So, after the technician draws an outline of the area on my breast with a massively sloppy purple marker, the hole is placed about two inches from the underpart of my breast where the tumor was and, just as I'm getting comfortable on the table, whirrr-zzzzt, it's over. Much shorter than the already short initial rads. I'll be done with all radiation on Monday.

    Like joyandpiece, I am not looking forward to the Tamoxifen that's seems to be in my future. I didn't think twice about radiation, but the prospect of enduring 5 years of almost-guaranteed side effects with the hormone therapy is daunting.

    makitamary, the only way I know of that makes me feel better about being so exposed is that I tell myself that the folks treating me have seen so much nakedness that it's boring to them - even if it isn't to me. Although it does feel odd to be walking as if in a spotlight among strangers, being cold with unsupported, exposed boobs, I must say that giving birth at a hospital was weirder. I think everyone and the janitor came in for a look at my bottom half. Good luck with your treatments and I hope you can soon walk around the treatment room as if you owned it!

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Regen, thanks for the info on boosts. Tomorrow is my last whole great... #28 and then I'll have 8 boosts. Skin is raw under the breast so I'll be happy to let it begin healing. Your explanation matches what my RO said this week, it's electron radiation, but I was also concerned since it's on my left side. Will have a total of 36 treatments and will be so glad not to have to get out of the house at the crack of dawn.

  • Katjadvm
    Katjadvm Member Posts: 117

    Hello everyone. I am starting rads tomorrow and I feel a little sick about it. I have the mepitel bandages, but do not know what to do with them. Do I put them on after rads and then take them off for each treatment, or can i leave them on? any help would be great. Thank you

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Katjadvm.... I start tomorrow morning too ...good luck. I have not purchased Mepitel so I have no idea how to use. Sorry

  • brigid_to
    brigid_to Member Posts: 22

    I was supposed to start my rads last week but they rescheduled because the RO wanted to "tighten the field". So I start tomorrow -early evening instead for 16 plus 5 boost=21. Feeling nervous because from what I read reactions and side effects are individual and hard to predict in advance. I have all my lotions and potions ready though- so we will see how it goes.

    @katjadvm I discussed Mepitel with my RO and she did not support using. I even wrote to the Mepitel company (Molynycke) to see if there was an RO in my area that uses it but I received no reply. My understanding is that they would put it on after the first treatment and leave it on until two weeks post.

    So the best thing is to have the cooperation of your radiation team. It seems others here have been putting it on after rads/on weekends and then removing? They will need to fill you in on that.

    Best wishes to everyone starting tomorrow. Let's stick together here...

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    brigid...good luck

    First rad down for me this morning.... 32 more to go!

  • Katjadvm
    Katjadvm Member Posts: 117

    Hi Caligirl and Brigid. Thanks for the reply. First rad down for me too. For some reason I am more upset about doing radiation than the chemotherapy. I started feeling nauseous at noon, but I think it is just nerves. Finding myself walking around a little pissed off about the lack of options for treatment. There is a study from New Zealand on the use of Mepitel. It was removed during the treatment and then reapplied after each dose. Will see how it goes and report in. I have about an 1 1/2 of hair now, so that is at least positive. Happy Holidays everyone!!