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Anyone getting ready to start Radiation in Fall 2016?



  • bagsharon
    bagsharon Member Posts: 142

    Today I had my 14th whole breast treatment out of 15 and then I start my 4 boosts. I saw the doctor for the last time since he's out of town next week when I have my last treatment. He is quite pleased at how well my skin is holding up and thinks I won't have any problems going forward. My nipple and areola are tan and the rest of the breast is a little bit pink. I'm still wearing my regular underwire bra. The only thing I've been doing is applying Miaderm right after my treatments and before I go to bed at night.

  • amusingsoprano
    amusingsoprano Member Posts: 77

    Katjadvm, you wear them all the time, 24/7 during radiation treatment. The radiation passes through them and so does its job, but it prevents radiation burns. Any bits that fall off just replace them with another bit. A bit like a jigsaw ;) Make sure you do your armpit as well (you'll find it comes off a lot quicker there, just keep replacing it.

  • Regen
    Regen Member Posts: 9

    hi everyone. I'm done! Just had my 4th and final boost after 16 whole-breast treatments. Got hugs from the staff (such nice people) and a "certificate of completion". In the waiting room there's a big ship's bell for patients who finish treatment. I rang that with some enthusiasm. When I got home, I hung the certificate in my kitchen where we used to hang the kids' sports and academic awards a short time ago. Not the kind of award anyone attains to, but seeing it there on the wall made me smile nevertheless.

    Now I'm off to stare down the side effects of the Tamoxifen in my future and make them back off. But before I start spending more of my time in a forum topic about endocrine therapy, I want to thank all of you for sharing and to wish an easy radiation experience to all. May we always have, as my new certificate states,"a high proficiency in the science and art of being cheerful, outstanding in courage, tolerant, and determined".

  • Dizzybee
    Dizzybee Member Posts: 115

    I' ve now done 13 out of 15 sessions, no boosts. My skin is slightly pink with a couple of spots under my boob, but apart from that I haven't had any reaction at all. And I still don't feel tired, I keep waiting for the fatigue to hit, but so far I've been fine. Can't wait to be done though!

    But to anyone starting out, it isn't inevitable that you'll have problems, and it isn't down to sloshing cream on all day long. My unit says use moisturiser sparingly twice a day, so I use E45 after the session and before bed. Mostly I haven't worn a bra, but when I do, it's my ordinary underwired ones.

    Good luck to all the beginners, and to those finishing soon, I'll be ringing that bell for you!

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Katjadvm, You most likely own't see any changes with skin for the first week or two so you have some time to figure everything out.

  • Katjadvm
    Katjadvm Member Posts: 117

    Regen: Congratulation!!!!

    AmusingSoprano: I am getting some push back from the rads office. They only recommend using aloe or aquaphor, so not sure how they are going to be about the mepitel. I told them I was going to use it today and got a blank stare and "did you talk to the doctor?". Did you use it through your entire rads? how did you convince your radiation doc?

  • Katjadvm
    Katjadvm Member Posts: 117

    Anyone else get nauseous with rads? Or am I losing my mind, because this is my first day and I feel sick to my stomach!!

  • Imkopy2
    Imkopy2 Member Posts: 214

    katjadvm- I finished 28 rounds of rads 12/7... you and I did the same chemo & have the same dx. I can HONESTLY tell you, this will be a breeze compared to the red devil. While I can't speak of the bandages I can tell you this...start using the cream they give you right after your first treatment, lay it on thick! Use it at least 3xs a day. Ditch the bra, & wear a cotton tank or t-shirt until rads are completed. Drink 1 propel a day ( it helps against fatigue), shower w warm ( not hot) water, use your hands to soap your breasts & underarms until this ends & don't let the water hit your breast directly. My skin held up really well & 13 days out almost all visible signs of treatment are gone. I will be praying for you please reach out to me if need be. Good luck!

  • Houston2016
    Houston2016 Member Posts: 248

    Hi everyone, I started rads on Tuesday, 12/13/16, and had 4 treatments so far and already today, my rib on left chest is swelling. At first, it was a little itchy, then now it is inflamed. I'm also taking amiridex, could that contribute to bone loss or fractured? Why would I have this SE so soon? Would like to hear if anyone experience the same. Thank you.

  • brigid_to
    brigid_to Member Posts: 22

    Hi everyone-1 down 20 to go...

    The treatment was not so bad but it is just so weird there. The treatment centre has what I will call "anti-ambiance"- a complete lack of anything uplifting or comforting in the design. It is in the sub-basement and it feels just like that sounds. :) The staff were very nice, professional and accommodating- so good for that.

    I thought I could feel the radiation but maybe it was just the machine vibration. Just a few minutes alone listening to what I think was holiday music over the whirring and I was done. My treatments are scheduled for 15 min each day after work, in and out. I have two three day weekends because of the holiday schedule.

    I was pretty nerved up after so was happy to do my 30 minute "power walk" home in the frigid cold.

    @katjadvm if your radiation people don't know mepitel already you will be uphill to convince them to apply it. I asked the therapists today if they had ever heard of it and they said no. Also I didn't have any nausea but surely seems reasonable. This is not easy!

    @Houston2016 I am not far enough into my treatments but I have read women's experiences where they had pretty immediate side effects- hopefully they can recommend a way to calm your rib down? What did they say?

    @Caligirl55 glad your first treatment went well.

    @Regan-yeah! I imagine it feels good to be done.

    I promised would try to get to bed earlier than usual for the next month so bonne nuit.

  • cowgirl13
    cowgirl13 Member Posts: 778

    Kat, I used aquaphor and it was great. I slathered it on. My radiation oncologist's office has bowls of it so that was good for me. I had 19 rounds total and never had any skin problems. I'm so glad to hear some of you gals are getting to do the shorter protocol. Good luck to all you just starting.

  • amusingsoprano
    amusingsoprano Member Posts: 77

    @katjadvm I didn't have to convince them - the initial trials were done right here at my hospital and every woman who has rads for breast cancer gets the Mepitel. It's standard care.

    If your doctors need convincing, give them these links or print out the info:

    Thesis on Mepitel trial

    Southern District Health Board Media Release

    I'm sure if they wanted to speak to the RT who wrote the thesis (and was my RT) that could be arranged

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Regen.....Congrats ..your done! Hang that certificate up!

    Dizzybee....I hope I'm as lucky as you!

    Katjadvm ....I haven't had any nausea or problems but if I think about it I will..hope yours goes away soon.

    brigid....glad your first is done and you did well.

    Thankful for all the good news that so many had very few SE.

  • thereisnodespair
    thereisnodespair Member Posts: 98


    Katjadvm - good luck with it all! I recently completed 33 RAD treatments.... i did often have nausea & also at points severe fatigue. just wanted to let you now that nausea is in fact one of the main possible SE of radiation, so don't panic. its not easy but all of it passes, you will be fine! wisahing the best to all the women here!

  • bagsharon
    bagsharon Member Posts: 142

    On the Mepitel, in may not be in your best interest to apply it yourself (emphasis mine):

    "From the results of the trials described in this mini review it seems that prophylactic protection of vulnerable areas such as the axilla and inframammary fold in breast cancer patients, may prevent or at least decrease the severity of radiation-induced moist desquamation in breast cancer patients, enhancing their quality of life as well as minimising treatment breaks. With respect to silicone dressings, only Mepitel Film can be left on during radiation therapy because of its insignificant bolus effect. However, it is important that Mepitel Film is applied correctly; different pieces of Film must not overlap and the Film must be applied with the patient in treatment position, so the shape of the breast is not altered in any way.

    Overall, the prophylactic use of friction protection of areas at risk could be a worthwhile addition to routine skin care during radiation therapy."

    Full document here:

  • Katjadvm
    Katjadvm Member Posts: 117

    thanks everyone for your responses. I apply the mepitel after my treatment daily. In the original study out of New Zealand, it was initially removed for rads and then reapplied after each treatment. So that I don't have a fight on my hands with the rads crew, I remove it just prior to my treatment and then reapply afterwards. Hopefully this will work. I left an abstract for my rad oncologist today. They do not seem very open minded, or maybe I have just reached sick of this shit, bitch mode. Probably a little of both.

  • Katjadvm
    Katjadvm Member Posts: 117

    Also. I am completely flat, so pretty easy to apply and remove the bandages.

  • Houston2016
    Houston2016 Member Posts: 248

    hi, the rib swelling suddenly subsided in the morning. I think it might have to do with the technician did it wrong. When I came home today, don't have the same problem, different technician this time. But I was told that they will start radiate lymph nodes near the heart right between the breasts. The RO knows I'm concerned about left breast rads, I had UMX so don't know what he planned to put on the area to protect my heart. Initially I didn't have to hold my breath cause he said my heart is small and it's out of rads field. However he has not yet discuss the CT plan and they already did four rads. Should I refuse rads to lymph nodes near the heart?

  • brigid_to
    brigid_to Member Posts: 22

    @Houston I would just ask to discuss tomorrow with your RO before your appt. Your RO developed and signed off on your treatment plan - the therapists are implementing. If there is a change from what was reviewed previously you should be able to discuss and ask questions. Don't miss any of your appts. Glad your rib is feeling better. Hang in...

  • brigid_to
    brigid_to Member Posts: 22

    Day 2 done. Everything seemed much less weird. My right arm may or may not be feeing a little stiff but other than that a-ok. They told me I could slather on my stuff right up until the treatment, that it made no difference whatsoever. That is different than other things I have read so thought I would share. Onward.

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    #30 of 36 done today. The only place really giving me any problems is the skin on the underside of the breast. It's quite blistered and weepy. RO gave me Silvadene and it helps a little. He also recommended aquafor. The rest of the breast just looks like it's sunburned but isn't painful at all.

    Kat, I had nausea the first few weeks of rads also. RO said it must be the Arimidex, and the MO said it must be the rads. It did go away though after about 2-3 weeks.

  • Katjadvm
    Katjadvm Member Posts: 117

    Thanks Dara. Glad you are almost done!!!

  • Katjadvm
    Katjadvm Member Posts: 117

    Anyone else out there using the mepitel bandages? Curious how you are holding up.

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    brigid....yay for us both having 2 done. My RO said I could use creams up to one hour before. glad your almost done

  • bagsharon
    bagsharon Member Posts: 142

    Today I had a dentist appointment at the same time I usually get my radiation. Last week I tried to reschedule but the receptionist told me there were no other available appointments for the rest of the year because all the kids are off school. (There were no kids there when I had my appointment, by the way.) I mistakenly tried to play the cancer card to get an appointment anyway and got an ignorant lecture on how cancer patients shouldn't go to the dentist because of possible infections. I tried explaining to her that I've been done with chemo for over a month and radiation does not increase my susceptibility to infection but she told me that I had to talk to my oncologist. I finally just said "okay" but she kept on lecturing me because you know that dental receptionists are experts in cancer treatment. Okay, okay, okay, I kept repeating until she stopped talking. She wore me out. So instead I rescheduled my radiation appointment and checked with the nurses to make sure it was okay to go to the dentist. Even X-rays? X-rays are fine. We are not radiating your head. They too were bewildered why the receptionist would make such statements. I blame myself for trying to play the cancer card.

    I'm so over this. I don't know how those of you with longer regiments manage. Lucky for me today is the first of 4 boosts and then I'll be done.

  • Miko
    Miko Member Posts: 198

    Hi Bagssharon: i too was told by another physician that i should not go to the dentist or have my immunization while attending rads. That i should take care of these appts prior to starting in Jan. I have been rushing around trying to take off these 😞

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Interesting.. I will ask my RO before I make my dental cleaning appointment.

  • Miko
    Miko Member Posts: 198

    Hi Caligirl: I hope its just being over cautious, but at least I got everything done. Lol it has been hectic tho and the bright side is that I don't have to stress about any other health issues while doing rads. Rads is stressful enough

  • xxyzed
    xxyzed Member Posts: 39
    24/25 completed. Lucky last tomorrow. I am amazed at how well my skin has done and I was expecting my lymphedema to be a lot worse. The area is a little swollen, darker in colour and my arm is achey. Fortunately no treatment delays and I can have a Xmas and new year break away with my family. I've been warned the side effects will worsen over the next two weeks and hopefully there will be no long lasting effects but for right now I'm just happy to have gotten this far.
  • Licata519
    Licata519 Member Posts: 30

    I got to finally scrub off the blue ink x's I've had on for 6 weeks! Yay. 30/30. Done. I did end up using one mepitel patch where my violin hit by my collar bone, so I could play concerts through this busy season. I think it helped. I wasn't confident of my application under the arm our breast to leave them there during treatment. I added propel to my hydration during the last two weeks for fatigue, and walked everyday.