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January 2017 Surgery Group



  • Bevmomduck
    Bevmomduck Member Posts: 91

    Varga - yes, beautiful pic with the most beautiful joyful faces! Thanks for sharing your joy.

    You guys in treatment are my heros. Can't say it often enough.

    Tomorrow is my day and I've taken the first sterilizing shower, posted a small epistleon FB, washed everything, packed my bag, miralex'ed, and going to take a sleeping pill. Love to y'all- I'll see you on the other side, after my overhaul and trade out work!

  • vargadoll
    vargadoll Member Posts: 1,942

    annoyingboob- if she is blue eyed blond hair and laughs alot....that's an Angel for sure. Also they love water and most have a sleep disorder. My girl has stayed awale for 4 days before. The younger years are the hard ones. I could talk all day about my girl she is my glue!

    It's been a busy day! Got my girl, picked up my grandson from school did all the regular house stuff and cooked dinner. Hard to believe a week ago I was just able to sit up by myself and was able to sleep 3 hours in the bed. I had totally planned to attempt to wash my own hair tonight but that's not looking to promising now. DD called and is on her way home but doesn't want to stop at the store for toilet paper so she is stopping here. Who needs grocery stores when you have mom and grandma house...

  • Frustrating day - a month post-op and 2 weeks into PT and I still have a golf ball sized bunched up muscle in my armpit and no plan. Saw my MO for the first time today, and they are just sending off for onco test - won't know anything else for another 2 weeks. While he doesn't think I'll need chemo, no one ever thought I would have BC either!! My scars look good, but I'm a bit misshapen on the side - I think it's muscle pulling skin in. Should be working on a project, but just going to bed instead... Thanks for the rant space - sweet dreams all

  • 3bears
    3bears Member Posts: 161

    annoyingboob-- I am hanging in there and drinking lots of fluids. Still SE free. I will work on protein intake tomorrow . Thanks!

  • PugsMama
    PugsMama Member Posts: 337

    thanks everyone for the well wishes! One treatment down, three to go!

    A-boob: the pina coladas are delicious!

    Doing well, pretty tired, getting my on-body Neulasta shot tomorrow. Have been taking Claritin daily so hopefully that will keep the bone pain away. Love the infusion nurses! They are truly angels on earth!!'ve got this!

    Dcbc: enough of those drains already! Hope you're not overdoing, that makes you drain more...but it's hard not to overdo after all this time!

    Cowboy: glad you dodged that ins. bullet & it all worked out.

    Did not see: you're certainly entitled to a rant

    Love you all!

  • Pyrrh
    Pyrrh Member Posts: 89

    Our girl Fightingirl should have finished her radiation today and had the catheters removed! Hopefully she is blissfully sleeping, with no foreign objects in her body :)

  • Elem
    Elem Member Posts: 246

    Aww Vargadoll what a beautiful pic and happy homecoming .

    Pugsmama , hope it all went well and that you are resting comforably at home with your pugs and hubs .

    3 bears Glad you are not having any SE's and hope you never get them .

    Bevmomduck , hope you are doing well . Thinking about you .

    Dcbc , still having my doubts on taking tamoxifen or AI . Just can't get clear pic of the efficacy of the drugs over time. Every woman's situation is slightly different and it is hard to know at what age these drugs are most safe to take . So many variables.

    Cowboyup .. what a scary thing to have happen re: insurance. Hope its all sorted out at this point . There is so much drama and stress with this whole process. It is time to get back out in the barn with tour beautiful horses.

    I love you all and ABoob , love the yummy umbrella drinks .. Fightingirl hope you are finishing strong with the rads.

    My rads tx is going well 2 down 18 more to go . Hoping for smooth sailing .

    Have a beautiful night ..welcome all newbies on this thread . ❤💗🌸

  • annoyingboob
    annoyingboob Member Posts: 459


  • Pamela_2016
    Pamela_2016 Member Posts: 23

    Look forward to hearing from Bevmomduck. We both had our big day yesterday. Hope its going well.

    I can't praise the nursing team taking care of me enough. my pain has been completely managed ever since I came out. I hit a level for 4 a few hours out of surgery, but since then it hasn't changed from level 1 or 2.

    The one thing weirding me out is that the tissue expander is very high; I can feel the edges of it pretty close to my collarbone. I am reassured it will drop, but boy do we have misalignment!

    I have been so focused on getting through this surgery that I just haven't let my mind think about tamoxifen or potential chemo. But all you wonderful women are helping me mentally prepare for those eventualities too.

  • 3bears
    3bears Member Posts: 161

    That really does say it all A boob! That is absolutely the truth.

    I am glad to hear how well we are all doing! With rads and chemo and moving forward with what we know we have to do. Surviving. We are survivors. And we are strong women.

  • PugsMama
    PugsMama Member Posts: 337

    Yes A-Boob! That nails it!!!

    Pamela: glad to hear all went well. Hope your pathology report keeps you off the chemo train! Your surgical bra will also help even the boobs out. You can work with the Velcro shoulder straps to pull the left one up a little more until the right one settles down maybe?

    Did-not-see: so sorry your armpit is giving you so much trouble. Is it cording?

    Fightingirl: yesterday must have been exhausting but you're done with rads now, right? Whoo hoo! Rest up & when you're up to it, let us know how you're feeling...xoxo

    Will post a chemo update later but finally had a decent night's sleepthanks to Tylenol pm & Ativan!

    Love you all 😘.

  • vargadoll
    vargadoll Member Posts: 1,942

    pugsmama- yay for a good nights sleep regardless how you made it happen. ;o). I took half a benadryl that helps me sleep.

    Fightingirl-you are done with this piece of your journey. Hope you had a good nights sleep to.

    annoyingboob- just beautiful! Keep sharing those inspiring pictures!

    Bevmomduc and Pamela- healing~~~~~vibes~~~~~~ for you both!

  • lisabekind
    lisabekind Member Posts: 55

    I had my PET ct scan with contrast at 6:30 this morning....I pray everything is Ok. Procedure itself is easy peezy. I can only be at arms length with my children today, my daughter will not like thatScared, radioactive! Port placement next week, day still in the works. I have to say my team have been so overly nice, pushing my procedures ahead. My jaw drops everytime, in awe. Big change from the beginning of this terrible diagnosis.

    Pugmama....your a joy on this board, keep your posts a coming. .I'll be joining chemo soon. Maybe the end of next week.

    Varadoll- I'm so glad your daughter is home. Good for the soul. She looks like a sweety.

    Didnotsee- I truly hope you get/find relief soon.

    Elem- check out that site I posted. It will show you prognosis with and without pill.

    Pamela and bevmomduck- rest and rest and first, do not feel guilty about it. Elevate the node arm, and move that arm periodically throughout the day.

    Dcbd- my BS told me. The bigger the boobs the longer sometimes the drains are in. Before you know it, you'll be at 30cc. I know it's frustrating, I was getting pissed about mine. So I get it. My bets on this week they come out.

  • Cowboy-Up
    Cowboy-Up Member Posts: 161

    Tomorrow is finally the day!  MO appointment at The James at 10:30 and RO appointment at 12:30.  Scared yet ready to get going on this.  I feel like I'm just sitting back watching you all move on and I'm still waiting.  Probably won't start anything until after the 22nd as the PS wants to check me one more time before I start.  I think I am healing wonderfully so I don't think it will be an issue 

  • dcbc
    dcbc Member Posts: 122

    hi my lovelies! Vargadoll I love that pic of you and your beautifully girl... pure joy. My daughter is flying home for the long weekend... can't wait to have a few days of cuddles.

    Have we heard yet from fightingirl? Hope she is resting and giving herself serious props for getting through rads.

    PugsMama, so glad to hear you are getting some sleep... I had my best night last night... only woke once. I think I'm gonna shift to two glasses of wine with dinner regime and kick the narcotics... will see if that continues to work!

    Had my follow up appt with my BS yesterday, and when she heard ab my drains, she got up from her desk and went immediately to call PS... told him to start 'pumping up' my TEs to eliminate some of the space in there, she thinks that could help keep draining fluids down. He said he would take the, out at 4 weeks regardless... but am off today to get my first fill, so,we'll see what happens. Worst case, I guess they'll be out Tuesday.

    Pamela, so,good to hear you are on this side of the 'big day'! The TE placement/shape/discomfort all freaked me out after surgery (tbh still do), but Surgeons both tell me they are good... look,good, etc. I keep reminding myself I have excellent surgeons and need to have faith... but I also ask questions about everything that bothers or worries me... make sure to always advocate. They do this daily, and are prob not always thinking about the myriad ways this disease and treatment or it screw with our brains... and how emotional and scary it is. Rest and try not to worry... mostly, rest

  • Shellybeans
    Shellybeans Member Posts: 147

    DCBC - I didn't think about it until you wrote it, but the PA at my PS originally thought I would have to keep my drains in longer because I wasn't below 20 cc. He came in and said that they would do a fill and then pull them - same day - to take up some of the space. So that makes sense.

    I have my second fill tomorrow - hoping it's as easy as the first. I have a painful spot under my armpit that I want them to check. I don't think it's a serorma - maybe just from the surgery and healing. It's as if once one thing stops hurting, something else that's probably been hurting all along takes the spot. I think I pulled my stitches a little on the right side and I swear it's drooping a little. I think the fill will help all of that tomorrow. They were never a completely "matched set" so I'm not all that worried since I know they are far from what they will look like at the end. That honestly seems so very far away. Gosh I hope this year flies by.

    Spent most of the day at my house that's being remodeled and that always perks me up - even when they tell me I have subfloor damage that wasn't included in the original estimate. Funny how the things that bother me have changed.

  • PugsMama
    PugsMama Member Posts: 337

    Lisabekind: praying for a good PET scan result! I know you'll be boarding the chemo train soon. A-Boob makes great pina coladas for when we're done & heading back to the cabanas...

    Hoping for good news for Cowboy-up & everyone else waiting for results (& waiting to get drains out already DCBC!). Hope you can all pass up a ride on the chemo train & just cheer us on from the sidelines!

    Shelleybeans, my TEs are going to be in for longer than I originally expected, not sure how long after chemo, but they're really comfy now & I don't care when they come out! I'm willing to wait until there's absolutely no chance of infection & then some before my exchange surgery! We'll all be cheering you on all year!

    Love you all!

  • Fightingirl
    Fightingirl Member Posts: 328

    I'm here!! I tried to get caught up but I'm at work and afraid I'll get caught so I'll have to try to read more later at home! Thank you guys for thinking about me...I went out with a bang yesterday...4 appointments and I was just pooped!! I am done. Foreign objects removed and it feels good! I was unaware that I would still not be able to shower for another 2-3 days so was a little bummed about that. I have not showered since morning of Feb. 7th. YUCK!

    Been thinking so much about all of you...None of you have left my mind or my heart. I laid on the radiation table wondering what each of you was doing! I saw your post Annoyingboob that it's sad we're not all on the same track is strange! Now I am thinking of my girls in surgery, chemo, and radiation...this disease SUCKS!

    I will say that I'm having a slightly difficult time with the I know that sounds funny and believe me I'm happy to be's just strange. I had a single focus for so long and I've said before that getting diagnosed was like being plopped down into an alternate universe with all this new lingo and decisions and options while watching the world you were familiar with still go on and whirl around you. Then just like that I'm back in that familiar world that kept on spinning and it's strange. My husband kept saying "aren't you so happy?" Well yes I am, but I don't know how to be. I think it will take time to adjust.

    Met with MO yesterday...taking some time to decide on the tomoxifen. He could not give me a compelling argument of why I should take it. He did however give me a heap of info on Tomoxifen and it's SE's. I'm not saying that I'm against anyone taking's a very personal decision. Basically he said either way, there is no guarantee that cancer will or will not return in the same place or somewhere else. I have had a feeling in my gut for sometime now and I will sit down soon with the hubby to fully decide but it's looking like I will not. I haven't questioned anything and I can't tell you why that pill just feels wrong for me.

    I will catch up on posts I missed but just wanted you all to know I'm still here and I love you and have been thinking so much about you all!

  • Shellybeans
    Shellybeans Member Posts: 147

    Yeah Fightngirl - congratulations on getting through it! I think the feelings you are having are completely understandable. I cannot imagine how I'll feel when/if this journey ends. It seems it would be surreal to be in the middle of it and then not. Give yourself the time and space to go through whatever you need. Maybe go something - light a candle or burn your cancer handbook - just to have a sort of closure ceremony. That might help.

    I think the farther you move away from this process the easier it will be. Just take it day by day.

    Whatever you decide about the rx is personal and is your decision. It's a good dilemma to have I guess but you shouldn't feel the need to justify it. Just like all of this process there is so much uncertainty.

    Hope your boss appreciates you a little more today

  • PugsMama
    PugsMama Member Posts: 337

    Fightingirl: Our valedictorian...graduating first in our class! A-Boob, time for one of your great pictures! of all the feelings you're feeling & working through, there better NOT be any survivor's guilt. Tell your friends to get that cruise booked, you're good to go!! You'll be our trailblazer in helping us adjust to post-treatment life. We'll all get there eventually & will be helped by your insights! Love you! 😍

  • Elem
    Elem Member Posts: 246

    Glad you are fightingirl. So happy for you . I am on the fence about the next phase , but like you , I think I am going just say no! Too many risk factors . I hope Bevmom and Pamela are doing well and recovering. They may have anesthesia brain for a few days .. oh remember those days.. this road has been long but you don't have time to think back often as everyday a new decision is placed before you .

    Wishing everyone a nice evening and some restful sleep . I am going back to work tomorrow . Luckily, I only work 3 days a week . But I will have to get my rads and go back to work afterwards. No biggie so far. Only 4 tx's in ! So no se's and hopefully, none to follow!

    Love and Hugs to all 🌸

  • annoyingboob
    annoyingboob Member Posts: 459

    our first graduation- sniff sniff - congratulations fightingirl!! You have been so encouraging and inspiring to all of us from day 1. Thank you for your friendship. Through the good times and bad, the ice cream and the cheese, the laughter and the tears, you have been there for all us. Thank you!!

    I know my hospital has a sort of reentry program for just the kind of weird feelings you describe - something to look into maybe? Also, you are so supportive, maybe you would be interested in working at your treatment centers to help women that are just getting started? But I would understand if you never wanted to hear the C word ever again!! Selfishly, I'm sad you won't join me on my tamoxifen journey, but there are many other ladies here who will, sadly. I just dropped off my prescription at the pharmacy today. Eeep!!

    Congatulations on your graduation!!!!!



  • Fightingirl
    Fightingirl Member Posts: 328

    awe, thanks guys! You sure know how to make a girl feel good! Yes, I would say I have some guilt. You guys have come to mean so much to me and it's crazy to think that I won't be in the same "boat" as we all once were. Everyone is starting to move off in different directions in a way. I know that is necessary and I want all my friends to go where they need to get strong and healthy so that maybe we all can do that Walt Disney trip someday! I want you to know that I'm not going anywhere! I still would like to share in your rants, funny stories, joys and victories! Each one of you is so special to me and I would love nothing more than to watch each and every one of you graduate too!

    Annoyingboob, I hadn't thought about doing anything like that...perhaps I will once I figure out how to function in the real world again! I feel like time sort of froze these last months. The signs are all over my house and so I hope to tackle some seriously dirty floors and such this weekend. I did cook dinner tonight which is something I haven't done in awhile and made it through 8 hours of work without the naps I've been getting so that was something!

    My boss is going to pay me for the last 2 weeks! I'll be writing myself a check tomorrow...he gave me a hard time as usual today...teasing me about my cording issue and such...I pulled up my sleeve and showed him the cords in the bend of my arm and then I think he might have felt a little bad. He's lucky I didn't whip out my very red and dotted boob! I should be used to his teasing after all these years but I'm still a little raw. I didn't throw my stapler at his face but I did give my middle finger when he wasn't looking!!!

    Love, love, love you ladies and though I may be here slightly less frequent to keep up with work and such,please know that you will always be in my thoughts and have a huge piece of my heart forever and ever! Thank you so much for all of your friendships that formed over the crappiest of circumstances but i couldn't imagine going through it without a better group of ladies in the world.

  • RoseRN1
    RoseRN1 Member Posts: 44

    Congratulations Fightingirl. Way to go! Also glad to see that your boss got to see what a true warrior you are!

  • Elem
    Elem Member Posts: 246

    Perfect pic aboob ..

    oh my goodness we are pushing ourselves out of the nest. I am sad . Of course I am happy that Fighingirl has graduated , but it is bittersweet because we have all been together fir this ride that none of us wanted to be on.

    The bond we share can never really be broken because we been through the blood , sweat and tears of BC together.

    Congrats again Fightingirl , you are a superstar . Love each and every one if you 💗

  • brca2chick
    brca2chick Member Posts: 12

    hi ladies!

    Anyone out there experience issues with any of their incisions??? My left breast incision is just not closing and I'm 2 weeks post op.

    Right is perfect. Abdomen no issues. But the left side had a large hematoma after surgery and we think the additional swelling put too much pressure on the incision.

    Surgeon has ordered Santyl ointment with instructions to use it daily for 2 weeks. Any other ideas or experiences out there?

    I was too chicken to ask what happens if the ointment doesn't work...

  • RoseBowl16
    RoseBowl16 Member Posts: 6

    I had a reduction pattern double mastectomy and had issues with necrosis at the inverted T incision. It was disappointing 2 weeks ago, finally got my last two drains out but had to have 100cc removed from each tissue expander and the dead skin removed and sewn up again! So I am 5 weeks out from surgery and still healing at incisions. Trying to stay positive even though my boobs are now deflated. All of this is very hard mentally. I figured by now I would well be on my way with fills and planning my exchange surgery. Instead I just want to heal up and get the "new" stitches out. I also couldn't keep my nipples so everything has been an adjustment. I keep telling myself that I will be okay. I'll get new nipples. I am blessed I don't need chemo. But I am still struggling. I think my friends don't understand why my recovery is taking so long. Ha, maybe I don't either! The pain isn't bad but the expanders are very uncomfortable. I feel them thru my saggy deflated skin now. It's creepy. Not to be too paranoid, but does anyone else get worried about infection? I think with my skin set back, I am now afraid I will get an infection and have to get my expanders out! Ugh, I just want to fast forward 5 months and have my implants. Or at the very least change my frame of mind. Sorry to be a downer. Just venting. Please let me know if anyone else worries about infection

  • vargadoll
    vargadoll Member Posts: 1,942

    Fightingirl-CONGRATULATIONS! This past week I have felt like I have been released from prison and in need of a reentry program! It was good to see you having some of the same emotions. The fact that life went on without us and we need to catch up is hard enough. So where do we go from here girls????

    I go for my surgery follow-up on Monday and hope to have the final chapter of this journey in place. I am pretty sure that radiation is going to be suggested. Chemo has been mentioned as a very low likely. I have learned not to rule anything out when it comes to BC.

    I love you all! You were my lifeline for so many weeks. When I felt panic and doubt someone was always there. Someone who "got it" no matter how crazy or scared I was. I didn't even have to post! All I had to do was log in and read. I hope no one ever has to go through all the uncertainties of BC alone. For me this group is my only outlet. I have 4 friends, my husband and in-laws who know the real reason for my surgery.

    Have a beautiful days ladies! Figthingirl, you get to shower soon!

  • Shellybeans
    Shellybeans Member Posts: 147

    Fightngirl & Vargadoll - I found this area of the community pages that might be of help - there is a "reentry" thread that may help with some of the emotions you are having. I have found it helpful just to read some of the other posts to validate my depression and anxiety I've felt (more at the beginning than now.) There is also a link to the discussion on PTSD - may have been shared before.

    I like to meditate - well, did so more before my surgery but trying to get back into it - and the Headspace ap is really good for self-directed meditation. First ten are free and then you can purchase if you like. What I have learned through meditation is that it's a process where you become an observer of you own thoughts and you will see yourself going back to certain thoughts from time to time - that's how you know what you are focusing on. I have found myself becoming "aware" of when I'm not thinking about cancer or feeling anything (pain, TE's presence, achy muscles from not sleeping comfortably) and it's happening more often. I think when we are aware of where our thoughts are taking us we get better at managing them. Just throwing that out there as it might help.

    Anyway - I hope this isn't to "wooey-fooey" for everyone - I just know that there is a lot to the process of meditation for mental balance and with all I went through last year found it really helpful in becoming more centered and at ease. I'm trying to use it for managing the BC psychological toll as well.

  • 3bears
    3bears Member Posts: 161

    Fightingirl-- So glad one of us is moving on and being done with this! Congratulations! You are a true friend and I'm glad we all could share your journey with you here. We all held each other up. Now is the best time of your life to go and live to the fullest, spend time with those that matter, doing only things you love! If you so choose, you can walk other women through the dark waters you have already conquered. You have a positive attitude. You will be just fine out there. ☺️

    Shellybeans --I like the " burning the breast cancer handbook" idea. I think I'll do that in April after my last chemo.