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January 2017 Surgery Group



  • vargadoll
    vargadoll Member Posts: 1,942

    just popping it's been a busy " back to the usual week"

    Bevmom- peace and comfort to you! Your pearls will look beautiful with what ever you decide to wear. Jackie O anything is a hit with this southern girl.

    I have been in a bra round the clock since surgery. As a matter of fact I was in an ace bandage and bra until Monday. (13 days) my boobs have always felt better under tight boundaries. I have never been a top Commando girl. My surgery was not as involved either. Post-op appointment went well. I'm healing fine. I am back in the wait and see boa until the onco type comes back. I met my oncologist today and she is awesome! My next appointment is March 14th and that's when I get the rest of this journey mapped. I have had 3 super busy days. Back to volunteering and all the usual house work. I did get tired and tomorrow I get to have a lazy day!

    DocMama - hope you got your Mayday call all worked out!

    3bears - girl I hope you are home and doing well!

    Annoyingboob - your post are the best! I can always find a smile with your post.

    Cowboyup- enjoy your horses!

    Dcbc- I hope that leak is fixed! Panty liners is a great idea pugsmama. More affordable to! I thought about nursing pads. I got the little ice packs for the breast feeding section. They were perfect!

    Fightingirl- I think the only part I have enjoyed about the dreaded disease is my husband has gone grocery shopping with me. It's usually just me and my girl. I push her in her stroller and pull a buggy behind me. I have mastered that routine but I know I can't pull that off yet. The pull the buggy arm is the surgery side so I know it would be to much . I hope PT is helping.

    Well I was going to write more but my phone is bleeping at me that it needs to be charged.

    Shellybeans. BeachBabyK, leftcoastie, windchimed and all you other ladies just keep swimming!

  • Cowboy-Up
    Cowboy-Up Member Posts: 161

    Thought you guys would get a laugh at what my ps said. He was explaining to me about the changes my breasts would make over the next couple of months. He said right now you are Spongebob Square boob but they will round out over the next few months. Lol

  • Bevmomduck
    Bevmomduck Member Posts: 91

    who can sleep anymore, right? So y'all sure made my little nighttime trip downstairs worthwhile- if my DH weren't so exhausted from taking care of me, I know I would have awakened him with my laughter! You guys are the best, the funniest, most loving, fierce bunch of women around. Annoyingb -youve heard of the hidden menus at restaurants or Starbucks? You've got the hidden menu for google image searches!

    The pearls. ✔️ Of course, and wound up really high around my collarbone nowhere near the touchy puberty / old lady foobs. Don't you kinda wish there was some kind of protective cage to put around your front until you finally feel like they're beyond the danger zone?

  • annoyingboob
    annoyingboob Member Posts: 459

    this looks appropriate. The skirt would prevent people from coming in too close for a hug...


  • Bevmomduck
    Bevmomduck Member Posts: 91

    so perfect on so many levels!!😂😂😂😂

    Must show this to daughters! They will love this

  • DCISinAZ
    DCISinAZ Member Posts: 135

    does that thing already have drains? What are those things hanging down on the sides

  • PugsMama
    PugsMama Member Posts: 337

    Bevmomduck: I'm thinking a pretty silky scarf loosely one of those infinity scarves but not bulky material. Busyness around the foob area draws attention away from it being flat.

  • dcbc
    dcbc Member Posts: 122

    Aboob... I love you so much... how did you find that?! Clearly my ps must have implanted those thing instead of TEs... explains so much!!! 😜

  • dcbc
    dcbc Member Posts: 122

    pS-- imsecond the pretty scarf idea! I love them... wish I could loan you one...

  • Fightingirl
    Fightingirl Member Posts: 328

    dcbc, I will try the pot! I happen to have some on hand from our trip a month before diagnosis to Colorado! I wanted to get some just for fun and we did eat some "brownies" while on vacation. As I have gotten older, I don't tolerate it very well. Instead of making me relaxed, it actually tightens up my muscles and I always get bad muscle pain in the upper back and neck area so it's not as fun as it used to be! Then I was on so many meds these last couple months I was afraid to put anything else into my system but perhaps now that I'm totally off all pills except my blood pressure pill I'll give it a whirl this weekend! My arm is definitely improving though with PT. I now have normal range of the cords are there but through the PT I have at least gained my range of motion back! I need to wipe down the inside of my drivers side car door...being on the left, I've had to use my foot to kick open my car door since I couldn't use my arm to push it open until recently! I find that I still make adjustments for quite a few things but that should keep getting better and better.

    My boss is out of the office today so I'm happy to be sitting here chatting with you girls instead of the crazy busy days I've had since coming back to work.

    I'm going to re-visit the tamoxifen discussion with my husband this weekend. Both my physical therapist and the RO said I really need to give it the "ole college try". The RO reminded my that I was a millimeter away from being stage 2. He said had I been less than a centimeter, he would not push me so hard but feels that I should at least give it a try and see how I do with SE's. Uggg...I had made up my mind and now it's back on the table so I'll have to tackle that like pronto. The oncologist had told me it would be fine to start this week if I wanted to wait but I never did pick it up from the pharmacy. There is just something deep in my gut that says not to take it and I can't explain that but my mom always said to listen to that! Now, here I am with that feeling but it's a big roll of the dice! My PT said, if the cancer comes back it's a whole different animal then. I know she is right about that.

    Well, I guess I better get a little work done. Wishing you all the best day and a great weekend!

  • Shellybeans
    Shellybeans Member Posts: 147

    DCDB - tell me more about MM and cording. I think I'm showing signs of cording in my right armpit - the one that had the nodes removed. it's not bad but I don't want it to get worse. I was waiting to start chemo before I introduce MM...I also just want to sleep better. Last night was the best night since surgery - body pillow used as a prop so I could sleep on my side. Between the port on my left an the cording and a slight seroma on my right - sleeping pretty much sucks most nights.

    Fightngirl - thanks for continuing to stop by. Were you given any home exercises for cording? How far does it go? Mine is just in my armpit and I really don't want it to get worse. I see the PT on March 7

  • Fightingirl
    Fightingirl Member Posts: 328

    Shellybeans, I'm so glad you are going to see the PT...I waited far too long and my cording started in my armpit and is now all the way down my arm into my thumb area. They do give you exercises you can do there and at home. The more you stretch the better! I think that is why I am doing so well so fast because I am focused on getting back to yoga! I do my stretches all the time and rub on the cords while I'm watching TV. You will see how they do things and they showed me where to place my hands to help stretch the cords so I do it whenever I can. I thought at first the large seroma in my armpit was why I was having problems and nobody had mentioned cording until I started hearing about it on this site. The doctors don't really tell us all we need to be looking out for! I think it's because they don't really know what causes it? I have tried to research "axillary web syndrome"...there is just not a lot of research. They do say it tends to happen in women more with a lower BMI and possibly caused by trauma to the lymph system. They say it generally also happens most when you have quite a few lymph nodes removed, however, I only had 2 removed and I still developed it so I guess it just goes to show that they just don't know much. I sure hope that you don't have it but at least starting PT soon will hopefully keep it from getting as bad as mine did.

  • Shellybeans
    Shellybeans Member Posts: 147

    Thank you Fightngirl - I am stretching my arm over my head and rubbing it. I researched it and was disappointed that there wasn't much. I'm glad to know that it can progress so I can get on it sooner rather than later. I'm having a lot of new pain on that side. I keep thinking it's because when one thing stops hurting I realize something else that has been but I wasn't paying attention to, but this seems like a more constant ache than what I've experienced thus far. If it was just the surgery and extra treatment it would be bad - adding all these other issues just makes it a total pain.

  • annoyingboob
    annoyingboob Member Posts: 459

    Did someone say spongebob? Lol...


  • Pyrrh
    Pyrrh Member Posts: 89

    LOL, I walk away for a couple of days and come back to Spongebob and Margarita bras! You ladies are hilarious :)

    Glad to hear so much progression in our group, love the sense of humor we are all regaining.

    I am not quite official (yet! LOL) after my latest MO followup; but she did feel confident enough to give me my prescription for my very own bin of Tamoxifen and set me up for a teaching session with the PA. (Strangely, I didn't have to be lectured about radiation; but the Tamoxifen that they keep saying most people do fine on requires a special appointment just to review side effects.) They have re-run my KI-67, which originally was high at 23. The re-run was a 13. Quite obviously that is not a reliable marker. The MO says that I would have to get a fairly shockingly high score on the repeat Oncotype (original was a lovely 2) in order for her to even think about chemo at this point. That Oncotype is theoretically going to be done on Monday.

    Is anyone else finding the process of following the insurance claims to be completely overcomplicated? There seriously has to be a better way. I swear half of the money we pay for medical treatment goes to the battalions of financial/insurance people that it takes to even sort of keep on top of all of that paperwork. The medical industry really needs to hire a good process analyst ...

  • 3bears
    3bears Member Posts: 161

    Pyrrh--Oh yeah! Insurance. I have a stack of bills to pay . My ki-67 was 70!

    Anyone know why I'm getting night sweats? Does chemo cause this? Or is it chemo bringing on menopause?

    It IS good to see that we all survived surgery and are regaining our joy and sense of humor.

    Fightingirl -- enjoy your doobies!

    Aboob --you and your pictures.

  • GillieN
    GillieN Member Posts: 1

    Hi. I just had a lumpectomy two days ago and I'm going through post-op blues at the moment. Right breast mammo showed microcalcifications pattern leading to "suspicion of DCIS" in July 2016 and Jan 2017. Core needle biopsy came up with ADH only, but surgery was still recommended. I feel lucky in some ways to have not had to have a sentinal node procedure along with it. Might seem like nothing in comparison to what so many ladies are going through, but it's still a big deal for me. I'm large breasted, and I am sure I'm going to look lopsided when all is said and done. (If they find DCIS in pathology, I'll likely need radiation - dreading the thought of that).

    Next appointment with my surgeon isn't til March 21!! I might be able to see my pathology results before that online, but I'm afraid of what I'll see.

    The pain is much worse than I thought it would be (although I'm sure it's nothing compared to sentinal node removal or mastectomy pain). I live alone - have been looked after by my sister since Wed, but I'm back home now and feel quite alone and blue. Is there anyone out there who'd care to chat?

  • DCISinAZ
    DCISinAZ Member Posts: 135

    I'd say that was "SpongebOOb"

  • DCISinAZ
    DCISinAZ Member Posts: 135

    Has anyone read anything about cannabis oil and recurrence prevention? I am not one that is into "woo-ery" but I am also not into having this again. Of course, some sites thinks cannabis cures every.single.issue. Certainly has value with seizures, but not sure what other benefits there are.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,785

    Dear GillieN, Welcome to the community. We are sorry that your surgery has brought you here but glad that you reached out. We hope that your results are benign but keep us posted. You may want to check out the Not Diagnosed But Worried Forum where there are others who are more than likely in your situation. The Mods

  • Fightingirl
    Fightingirl Member Posts: 328

    DCISinAZ, I have heard about it but haven't had a chance to research it much either...been following all the traditional routes but I'm definitely more into the alternative routes for most other issues...I'm a big believer in the power of essential oils and use them for everything! I'll try to look into it while the boss is out of town's been a busy morning but I think the afternoon is going to be a snooze fest. I'll share what I find because I'm very interested. It's funny you say that some sites thinks it cures everything...I found during all my cancer research the same...everything causes it and everything cures it!

    SpongeBOOB! Love it!

    Gillie, sorry you are feeling down. I would love to chat with you as I'm sure many other ladies on here would as well! Hopefully path results come in with ADH...this way you will be able to monitor and make sure nothing else is going on. I know waiting is the worst part. Everybody on here will attest to that! I am surprised you are in such pain though...have you contacted your BS? Maybe because I did have the sentinal node biopsy I never felt any pain from my lumpectomy at all. Could be because the node pain was worse! I also had a 2 cm tumor and it's hardly noticeable they took that chunk out of me so I hope you are pleasantly surprised when you heal that you are not all that lopsided. I know they are just words, but try not to worry yourself too much. The stress from this can cause a whole host of other issues (any lady here can tell you that too) Your body is counting on your mind to help heal properly...we are here for you! This is absolutely the best group of ladies! If you have the time...just go back and read through posts on this thread...I hope you will find yourself laughing and rooting for these strong and amazing women and that if it should turn out that you get an official will find tons of love and support here. Will keep you in my thoughts and please keep us posted! Hugs.

  • dcbc
    dcbc Member Posts: 122

    shellybeans: I started with PT within a week or two after my first surgery because I had such difficult recovery from the node removal... lots of nerve and muscle reactions that had me in the ER 3 days post-op for new drugs. PT was a huge help, but the MM also really relaxed my muscles... when I told the PT about it she laughed and said she wasn't surprised it helped.

    gillie, welcome... you will find a lift here whenever you need it... these ladies are amazing.

    Insurance... girls, don't get me started. And spongeboob ismAWESOME. ONe of myTEs somehow went in with corners (truthfully they look like origami I boobs)_, so I can totally relate to the square boob comment...

    XO, had. Lovely day in the 75 degree weather here today (February in D.C.... what is going on?!)... slowly starting to feel human in this early spring we are having, and that feels good.

  • farmdream
    farmdream Member Posts: 74

    I am a January 2017 BMX surgery. I haven't posted but have been reading and learning.

    You all have been very helpful.

    I wanted to ask if anyone has had to hold off on TE fills because of the pain?

    I have had 5 fills since surgery, most around 40CCs and they have been weekly.

    I am going to switch to fills every other week but wanted to see if anyone has faced similar issues.

    The pain seems to be the worst when I (attempt to) sleep.


  • docmama
    docmama Member Posts: 126

    Hello my friends! It's been a long day for me and I'm pooped. I had to battle traffic for almost 2 hours to get to my Herceptin infusion this morning (usually takes 45 minute to an hour), but I made it finally. I drove myself and forgot to mention that to my MO for him to drop the dose of IV Benadryl from 25mg to 12.5 and it didn't occur to me to ask until after it was infusing. Had to have an extra large Cuban coffee before I left the hospital. Then I had to drive north to another hospital to meet my PS about my possible TE leak. He couldn't tell for certain if it is a leak, but wasn't too concerned. I'll just have to have more frequent fills in order to keep the skin stretched. He put in 60cc's today, so I'm at about 250cc's total.

    Farmdream, I do get pain, especially in my back between the shoulder blades after a fill, but Ibuprofen seems to do the trick for me. They don't really bother me that much at all, I actually have very little sensation in my breasts (or should I say my foobs) since the BMX. My PS had me on fills every 2 or 3 weeks, so maybe you're getting the fills too close together? I'm sorry you're having so much pain!

    Now I'm off for a yummy nap! See y'all later!

  • annoyingboob
    annoyingboob Member Posts: 459

    happy Friday y'all!

    For my lumpectomy ladies contemplating tamoxifen, here is the big study cited by everyone to show benefit -

    It's on the older side now, but my MO gave me a copy and it seems to be integrated as standard of care. I'm going to start a week from Saturday and just see how it goes. Anyone wanna join me??!!

  • Elem
    Elem Member Posts: 246

    doobies .. who has the doobies! ? Lol

    Hope everyone has a fine weekend . I worked all day today . Glad to get a two day break from radiation . Day 8 ! Swoosh , I wish Glinda the good witch of the South could wave her wand and get me outta here! Lol .. meaning radiation and hormone town! There's really no place like home! Love you all


  • RoseRN1
    RoseRN1 Member Posts: 44

    3bears, the steroids can cause nightsweats. Have you been running a fever at all from you low white count?

  • PugsMama
    PugsMama Member Posts: 337

    Fightingirl: maybe the Tamoxifen isn't an all or nothing proposition.You could try it & if you experience SEs that you can't live with stop. At least youwould have some additional protection for the time you've taken it...just a thought.

  • Cowboy-Up
    Cowboy-Up Member Posts: 161

    I'm going to join you annoyingboob. I have the prescription but I can't take it until the end of April until I am done with radiation. It occurred to me today that I think I am getting the full dose every day radiation because they lost my clip during surgery. Everyone said it was easy to see where the rest of the tumor was because of the hematoma on it but I think that may be why they are doing a long term full breast and then 6 ones to the tumor site. I didn't get a chance to talk to him today. I only felt his cold hands when I was in position. L

  • annoyingboob
    annoyingboob Member Posts: 459

    yep, pugsmama - that's my plan. Give it a shot and see how it goes. I understand your hesitance fightingirl!! I've read more threads lately with women doing ok on it, so I'm trying to go in with a positive attitude. Mo gave me just a 1 month prescription, so I'll give it a go. His experience is that the awful SE occur in people who are already at high risk for them and less common with the young healthy girls. And that study showed an extra benefit for younger women. I'm just 3 years shy of 50, but I'll take any benefit I can get. And if it turns out horrible, I can stop, but at least I tried.

    Would love other girls to join me so we can dish on how we feel. Did you start already dcbc? Anyone else here on it yet? Buehler?

    Also a shoutout to leftcoastie who should be going in for her nipplerecovery surgery next week, right? Prayers for a pink nipple under that scab!!!
