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Is anyone going flat or living flat?



  • Momine
    Momine Posts: 2,845
    edited July 2017

    MarianeElizabeth, forgive me, but I am confused (doesn't take much). Are you saying you had BMX, implants and then had one of the implants removed, due to problems?

    Either way, welcome!

  • windingshores
    windingshores Posts: 160
    edited July 2017

    Noone even mentioned expanders or reconstruction to me. I am flat and don't wear any prosthetics or padding at all. It's fine. I do wonder if my docs didn't pressure me because I was 64.

  • MamaOz
    MamaOz Posts: 239
    edited July 2017

    I think its an area thing... I live in the fl keys and all my treatments , surgery etc are in miami, which is a mecca on big boobs

    I spoke with a dr friend up north and she said they dont really push for it in woman over 50

    I am 63 and all 4 drs tried talking me into reconstruction..

    However I opted for non and bmx

    After surgery the pathology discovered a new tumor starting on the left

    The docs all have since , agreed I made the best decision.

    I will start radiation in a few weeks and that throws a curve ball in recon, I just couldnt face more surgeries with possible complications

    Chemo , surgery ,now radiation and the arimidex pill will be enough for this body

    I surprisingly am ok with being flat , i was a B cup but just use a little fluff padding when out and about..

  • Debutante8
    Debutante8 Posts: 13
    edited July 2017

    At the time of my double mastectomy (May 2015), I was 45 and I was certain that I would have reconstruction. It's 2 years later and I still haven't done it. I had very large breasts before my surgery and I don't miss them very often. There are some things I don't love about going flat (side boobs, bunchy scars that show through my clothes), but overall I am happy with my decision. I have only worn my prosthetics a few times.

    I've had 2 major surgeries in the last 2 years, so I can't face another one anyway!

  • Biminicat
    Biminicat Posts: 1
    edited July 2017

    Debutante8 I couldn't agree more. I have been living flat for 2 years now as well and do not regret my decision at all! I have prosthetics but I find them to be heavy, uncomfortable, and more like an accessory than me.

    Granted I have to be very conscious when choosing new tops, nothing too clingy, but I am physically very comfortable. I have found that a small to medium sports bra or camisole helps with the side boob. My side boob will have to stay as there were 12 lymph glands removed from that area and surgery is out of the question. My choice to stick with being flat had a lot to do with avoiding recurrence and the many stories I have heard about complications of reconstruction, especially due to having to implant behind the chest muscle.

  • MexicoHeather
    MexicoHeather Posts: 147
    edited July 2017

    Some good news. After chemo, I had 33 radiation treatments and it made my scar much flatter.😊 Florida is HOT! I am going around in cotton camisoles. I'm small breasted. The 6 month mammogram was fine. Rockin' the uni-breast like an Amazon Princess.

  • ravzari
    ravzari Posts: 32
    edited July 2017

    Oh man, the stomach.

    I knew I had a bit of a gut prior to my BMX, but the big ol' boobs minimized how it looked.

    AFTER my BMX though, holy lord, I remember commenting to my husband, "I look like I'm about six months pregnant!"

    He was nice and all, "Oh no, it's not that bad, it's hardly noticeable!"



    Oh man, it's noticeable, I've got me a nice 'beer gut', as it were, though it's slowly going away as I lose weight (gym & watching what I eat), but still, I was not at all prepared for just HOW big it actually was! The breasts just kind of helped make it look smaller as they stuck out so much further than my stomach.

  • bareclaws
    bareclaws Posts: 246
    edited July 2017

    Yea, right now my waist and rib cage measure the same. I'm motivated to get my waist to measure less.

  • castigame
    castigame Posts: 336
    edited July 2017

    I love no bra!!!! I am flat and straight lined thanks to 20 pound plus weight loss.


  • MamaOz
    MamaOz Posts: 239
    edited July 2017

    I love this forum ! You all are great!

    Im a small person and my ribs are showing with some concave spots between poofs of scar and yes the side poof due to lymph removal

    I didnt want anything heavy or big so i got these pouches ( come with stuffing) from TLC after my surgery that open in back and you can use as much fluff stuffing you want, I use very little..

    anyway the Coobie bras are very comfy they have a wide bottom band that helps stay in place and wide on sides to maintain the side poof!

    . Having the small amt of fluff , id say A cup size is just enough to make my clothes look nice..

    The coobie makes a bra that has pretty lace in back for those of you prefering to keep something on in intimate situations..

    I just ordered 2 more of the pouches and plan to try filling with micro see how that works

    All Ive mentioned a lot cheaper and lighterthan the heavy prosthesis!

    Mexico heather you and I have similar diagnosis I am about to start rads next week I think..

  • MexicoHeather
    MexicoHeather Posts: 147
    edited July 2017

    Hi Mama Oz: Wow, you had lots of lymph nodes!

    I kept my appointment with the reconstruction doctor to discuss the area between the ribs. I have done a little reading on fat grafting rather than rebuilding the right side.

    I am happy to report that my skin recovering VERY well from the radiation.

  • MamaOz
    MamaOz Posts: 239
    edited August 2017

    thankyou mexico heather! I may check that out down the road if needed

    And yes I have persistant cords in my arm I am working on

  • Sunocean
    Sunocean Posts: 121
    edited February 2019

    I know this is an old forum but wanted to thank everyone who shared their stories. I decided to go flat and just had my surgery on Friday. Learned a lot thru this thread

  • lisey
    lisey Posts: 300
    edited February 2019

    I"m glad this thread helped Sun.  If you are on facebook, please join our private Flat and Fabulous group.  There are tons of photos and fun suggestions.  It's a great group.

  • Sunocean
    Sunocean Posts: 121
    edited February 2019

    thank you Lisey. Unfortunately I am one if the few people left that does not have Facebook lol. But thank you for the suggestion. Its appreciated. I have a 3 year old daughter and hope that I am example of strength for her.

  • rljes
    rljes Posts: 499
    edited February 2019

    Hi Sunocean, I went flat, about 1 1/2 years ago and no regrets.  Best of luck to you

  • Sunocean
    Sunocean Posts: 121
    edited February 2019

    Thank you Rljes. It's great to hear you have no regrets. Today is the first time I saw my chest and I'm sad but not as shocked as I thought. My right arm is very sore and feels numb but I know its healing. I'm only 6 days post surgery date so have to be patient :)

    Its really comforting to know so many of you have gone flat and are happy.

  • Darnit_DDD
    Darnit_DDD Posts: 21
    edited February 2019

    Hi sunocean, just a shout out, I’m not on fb either... we are a rare breed! Too much negativity and political tribalism for my taste, as well as privacy concerns.

    I’m going flat, surgery is first week in March. This community is amazing, I have learned so much, and fortunately have realistic expectations about the results I can expect based on feedback here. My BS has confirmed, due to my unwieldy DDDs and BMI of 25, that I’ll probaby need a scar revision procedure down the line to address redundant tissue. That’s okay, I’m more concerned about the dcis/lymph nodes and will address aesthetics down the line.

    So grateful to all here who came before and share experiences for those of us coming in.

  • Sunocean
    Sunocean Posts: 121
    edited February 2019

    darnit good luck on your surgery! Hopefully you recover well. It has not been as bad as I thought. I haven't taken any pain meds just tylenol at night. Best of luck !

  • Maria1959
    Maria1959 Posts: 1
    edited February 2019

    hello Ladies,

    I've just joined this forum, thank you for sharing your stories with everyone. It's been a great help knowing what real women have gone through and are still experiencing with their surgery. I'm 5 weeks post op. Double mastectomy after reoccurrence, my BS thought I would do a reconstruction on my left breast and was shocked when I said I wanted to take the right breast off also . I haven't made up my mind yet about a recon. Not sure if I want to put myself through another surgery . I would have opted for the " tummy tuck" but was told I don't have enough skin for 2 breasts !! I've heard the recovery from a reconstruction is long and painful ....... Has anyone out there done a reconstruction 1-2 years after their mastectomy ..? Also , has anyone had a reoccurrence and what did your doctors advise as to treatment??? I said no to chemo... Didn't have it back in 2015 after the Oncotype test said I had a 21% chance of reoccurrence. I did 20 rounds of radiation plus taking Arimidex... That combination bought my chance of reoccurrence down to. 2%. I was told back then that chemo would be of no benefit. 3 years later I had it come back in the same breast.!!! Am now on Tamoxifen. Would love to hear from you :

  • MamaOz
    MamaOz Posts: 239
    edited February 2019

    Hi Maria,

    Sorry to hear of your recurrance. A fear Always in the back of everyones minds..

    I had double mastectomy may 2017 after chemo. Then had radiation and am now on arimidex

    I do not regret going flat. I just didnt want to deal with the expanders and more surgery. And was told radiation would complicate and postpone any reconstruction and might not work.. so it was a no brainer for me

    After my surgery it was discovered that a tiny new tumor was forming in the good breast.that was undetectable So I was glad I chose to remove both

    Sometimes my little foobs are annoying by end of day and Im relieved to take my bra off!

    I use coobie bras for everyday( had to sew a seam up the middle on each side to keep the foobs from becoming a uni boob! But Im ok with it all

    I found silicone prosthetics that are light weight on amazon. And way cheaper than the official prosthetics that are the same..I am a small frame and even tho was a B cup now just use AA just so my clothes hang right.

    Anyway aside from major aches and almost osteoporosis from the Arimidex Im getting by.. Im alive, im working I am however slacking on my exercise routine which needs to be stepped up!!

    as for intimate moments .. I have a lacy black bra with pockets for my foobs I wear..

    Sun hope your recovering well are your drain tubes still in?

    , I had 29 lymph nodes removed 3 wear positive.. my ipper arm is still numb almost 2 yrs later. , I went to lymphatic therapy which helped greatly with the cords that formed

    Darnit best of luck with your surgery

  • Sunocean
    Sunocean Posts: 121
    edited February 2019

    hi mamaoz..I'm recovering well. I see my surgeon tomorrow and I hope I get my drains out. She said more than likely she will only remove 2 of the 3 since one still has a lot of liquid.

    I am numb on my right side and it feels so gross. Hoping it passes but I can move my hand and arm I just haven't tried moving it above my head per doctors order.

  • rljes
    rljes Posts: 499
    edited February 2019

    Hi Everyone, 
    Like I said, its been 1 1/2 years - but the left side the lymph nodes were taken is still numb and hurts (if that makes any sense) Still feels like a walnut under my armpit.  Something my Breast Surgeon said wouldn't probably ever go away.   I had a Tumor In one breast only, and I knew immediately I wanted both breasts gone.  It took awhile to talk my surgeon into removing both, but I'm glad I did.   No Bra, and I can wear those cute little t-shirts.  

     Sunocean - hope you get your drains out soon.  It seemed to take forever to get my left one out. Its not painful at all to have them removed.     MamaOz - how are you getting along on Arimiedex?  I tried and had to stop and regroup due to SE's. I'll try again, I know I have to take something.   Best of luck to all, rj

  • MamaOz
    MamaOz Posts: 239
    edited February 2019

    glad your doing well! sun..

  • MamaOz
    MamaOz Posts: 239
    edited February 2019


    It will be 2 years in May since my surgery

    My under armpit, chest area and upper arm on side lymph nodes were removed is still numb. Everyonce in awhile it tightens up and hurts. But I stretch it out

    My lymph physical therapist said its normal and I will always need to stretch it regularly, the numbness is from severed nerves

    You have similar diagnosis, although because I had 3 positive nodes did radiation. So Im hoping the other odd aches I get in my chest is from that ..

    As for arimidex, I take the real deal, get from eagle pharmacy for $30 a month

    I started taking 1/2 a day to ease into the first few weeks I now take a whole but if my aches get too bad I skip one day then take again.. the aches are usually bad in morning but ease up once Im moving about

    I take the pill first thing in morning

    But lack of estrogen is sneaky.. sometimes my eyes get so dry and the bone damage has me upset.. I finally took a boniva last month but Im not sure Ill continue.because that has weird dental issues. .but Im now one point from osteoporosis

    Its also affecting my cholesterol levels...

    Im taking pro biotic , vitamin D, multi, calcium, just added fidh oil which I think is helping the ache

    Everything has side effects!

    You do have other AI options and then theres always tamoxifen but I would take something...

  • rljes
    rljes Posts: 499
    edited February 2019

    Thx MamaOz for the feed back. I have an appt with my MO Friday to discuss.  Did you originally take Generic Anastrozole then Arimidex?  I guess you could tell the difference if you changed.  Or did you start out on Arimidex?  I hear so often now how much better the 'real deal' is opposed to generic on some products.    After reading the SE's for tamoxifen (Blood clots and strokes) since I live alone, I don't want to take a chance.   And thanks for the reminder to stretch! 

      I'll start Arimidex again, only this time VERY slowly. 1/4 then 1/2 then 3/4 for several months before going full dose. I have strange reactions to medications. 

  • Sunocean
    Sunocean Posts: 121
    edited February 2019

    For those of you who have been flat for a while, when you had your surgery at the beginning did you chest feel wierd like for example my chest muscle feels like its "poking" my skin if that makes any sense. Is that sensitivity common and does it go away?

  • rljes
    rljes Posts: 499
    edited February 2019

    Hi SunOcean.  Yes, my chest felt tight, like barb wire wrapped around me.  Its going to be uncomfortable for a long time I'm afraid - at least it was for me because my skin is so thin, and I'm thin from waist up (not on the bottom part!)  I kept having pain under my armpit down my side and Dr said it was my ribs poking me. Now I'm having pain on the back side of my arm.  Still feels like a Walnut under my armpit.... But disclosure :  I havn't been stretching like I should.  VERY IMPORTANT.  

     I'm really having to watch my stomach Pouch - never had that issue before. Hindsite Wish I would have discussed a Tummy Tuck. 

    Love this tattoo - posted it before 


  • lisey
    lisey Posts: 300
    edited February 2019

    I had what felt like a cookie sheet stuck to my chest... with the corners and everything.  4 weeks post op, I went to a certified Cancer PT who specializes in fascal adhesions and lymph node swelling, etc.  She said I had muscle stuck to my ribs and we worked for about 5 weeks to unstick them.  I'm 100% loose now and feel absolutely back to myself.  My chest gets tighter with weather coming, but I have full range of motion and after stretching, the tightness goes away too.  I highly recommend you find someone who can help you with PT.  (It did hurt by the way, but it was so so good to get the cookie sheet off me) 

  • Sunocean
    Sunocean Posts: 121
    edited February 2019

    thank you Lisey. Since I'm only 2 weeks post OP my surgeon said it's too soon to tell if its just still sensation of healing and swelling so I'm gonna have to wait to see if it gets better. Every day does seem better so I'm trying to be patient and not jump to conclusions. Thank u for the info. Its helpful.