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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • shanagirl
    shanagirl Member Posts: 428

    @chicagoan good morning girl.😊 thank you for your words. I’ve been thinking and discussing with my DH and feeling great confidence in my wonderful onc. When he first told me He wanted to start me on Verzenio, he told me there are always other treatment options if that doesn’t work for you, but it does have diarrhea SE so you’ll have to take Imodium…….I’ve also been looking at my liquid blood test report on my chart and seeing PIK3CA gene mentioned in my results. I know I’m getting way down the rabbit hole with trying to understand these treatments, but I’n just getting more unsure, My Dh thinks I should stay on Verzenio and talk to onc about decreasing dosage.Honestly I don’t want to change to a new bag of Side Effects and scheduling treatments. It’s too overwhelming. I’ve gotten used to adjusting my life around the GI issues. Of Verzenio, and taking enough t time close to home and also making time to deal with the horrible fatigue and weakness, as I see Stage IV has upended my life so much on. These treatment meds to kep it from progressing. I’m also aware that these meds are very expensive and I’m not sure if it’s an insurance isseas to why I am on Verzenio vs Kisqali or Ibrance. So I’m just waiting to discuss doasages with Onc on my next appt on Nov. 15…… thank you all for being so understanding with your comments🥰

    @emac877 and @intolight thank you ladies♥️

  • shanagirl
    shanagirl Member Posts: 428

    @threetree I noticed while I was reading thru posts you asked if those pics i posted were my paintings. No, they are too perfect.😊here is some of my work.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,456
    edited November 2023

    SF cakes, I love the sculptures, glad you were able to walk, within a couple of weeks, walking will be on the agenda for me as well as construction is close to being done.

    I did do a huge walmart order most consisting of frozen pasta meals, decided to try beefless ground again, I like to be able to portion it out and could put it with exploded beans into a salad. Wound up accidentally ordering 4 bagged salads but that is OK. One dressing that came with is avocado caesar. Not sure about the taste yet so may add some of my own caesar to it. It had corn and some bacon bits as well, have lots of food I intend to add to diffferent meals. I could also add a few kernels of white popcorns for a crunch as well, still using the dry stuffing mix as a crunch as well. I was honestly surprised it all fit in my freezer so well. Ordered another salad spinner as storage for bagged salad, it really made a difference in keeping lettuce and such more fresh.

    Breakfast will be 1/4 cup exploded beans, big bowl of salad and the toppings from the avocado salad I think. Will be nice to have a few days of salad. Beyond food, housework, shower, laundry and PT are about it for me.

    I did do the big bowl of salad which had green, red and romaine lettuce as I poured to bags together to store in the salad spinner, got another salad spinner to keep salad mixes separate. I used the crunchy corn, bacon and what ever else came with it, took a spoonful of mayo and mixed in a spoonful of the avocado caesar since I was not sure I would like the avocado. It was OK but I've never been an avocado woman but hate. I did explode 1/4 black beans, it is filling and enjoyable.

    I hope all have a good day, in pockets as needed as well.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    sf-cakes, we met a woman years ago on the San Diego Trolley who was from Santa Fe. She said she did walking tours. I think I'd like that.

    Shanagirl - wow! I'm impressed!

    Not much going on here. DH is out for a hike with his sister. I made egg bites for them for when they get back.


  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,456

    Speaking of walks, we now have a paved road, last step will be a sidewalk but now I can call for paratransit or straight up take the bus, depending on weather, may go for a mall walk tomorrow, we will see what the weather is like.

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,354

    I went to the grocery store for two-weeks worth of groceries. First time going alone since moving to Colorado almost two years ago. I am exhausted but so happy!

    Shanagirl, beautiful pictures!

    Mara, yeah for paved roads!

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 723

    sfcakes - love Santa Fe. Fabulous art. Also love Scottsdale AZ for the same reason.
    Shanagirl - your paintings are awesome! I bet 99.9% of the world can’t paint like you! Don’t sell yourself short.
    Mara - 🎉🎉 for sidewalks!

    It always makes me feel sad when I read of all the struggles in Mel’s living room. My greatest wish is that for one day we could all say “today was a good day”. Sending hugs to all.

  • keris113
    keris113 Member Posts: 45

    @sunshine99 I take Kisqali and the pills aren't too bad for swallowing, they are smaller than a dime I would say. I was on Ibrance for a month and find the Kisqali is easier to swallow if that helps.

    @shanagirl Those are beautiful paintings! I wish I had that kind of talent. I have done the paint by numbers, which I find pretty relaxing.

    Celebrated my 38th birthday on Friday and overall had a great weekend. Spent time with family and got to see one of my favorite comedians, John Mulaney last night. The weekend reminded me of the people that I have in my corner and that I am so so grateful for, but also those who have kind of disappeared over the last few months. Definitely ran through a lot of emotions over the weekend, this shit is tough, but trying to work through it. Thanks everyone for the kind words!

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    @keris113 thank you. I will put that in my notes to mention to my MO at my next appointment. I don't think our doctors are necessarily aware of pill sizes. I could probably go online and look at pill sizes. I know I had trouble with Tylenol PM (the blue pills) but can swallow capsules.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,456

    Goldens, we do not have sidewalks yet but having a road to use to get to the bus or have paratransit pick me up is good. Thinking of stuff I may do this week whilst being cheap, that grocery order was huge and not much food though I can combine things to stretch.

    I am enjoying the salads but am going to stick to salads with more veggies, cabbage as that seems to last longer than romaine lettuce. I am still storing in salad spinners so moisture can go to bottom. Have not enjoyed the dressings as much but have my own, croutons coming with them are good. I did explode 1.4 cup of beans and some cheese on plate, covered by silicone lid for 90 seconds, put a bunch of bagged salad. Tried the bacon salad dressing, not a super huge fan of that nor the avocado but that is fine, will mix with stuff I do like in a container in fridge.

    Little irritated, got an unexpected nurse visit, not mad at nurse, just no rhyme or reason, think I will make sure to freshen up in morning just in case, felt grubby, that will make me feel better. Thursday, going to a restaurant for a birthday dinner with DB and SIL.

    Hope you all have a great day, in pockets as needed, in my own pocket for CT scan on friday evening, unless cars can park in the driveway again, I will have to wait for paratransit but will walk up to get the bus, UBER can wait til winter if needed. Having my CT to see if internal bleed in my dura has grown, stayed same or shrunk.

    Noisy right outside my door, they must be putting in another fire rated firedoor at the exit. Going to put in some earbuds and listen to music or watch you tube.

  • cookie54
    cookie54 Member Posts: 828

    shanagirl Beautiful pictures, you are quite talented!

    Mara Will be in your pocket for resolving bleed on CT. So glad your getting sidewalks:)

    keris So glad you did enjoy your birthday! Agree can be rough emotionally.

    Mel Hope your doing ok.

    CT tomorrow for me, feeling a little extra worried . Been having a new bone pain lately, hope I'm wrong. Fingers crossed.

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,354

    Cookie, praying for your CT tomorrow that it will not show active cancer.

    Mara, in your pocket for Friday that your bleeding is diminishing and gone!

    I visit the neurosurgeon tomorrow to either get a shot for spine pain or another solution. I have been feeling better off and on… at least it is not constant.

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,537

    Shanagirl your paintings are wonderful. Vibrant!

    mara in your pocket for upcoming scans and happy birthday. Enjoy your evening out.

    cookie in your pocket for your ct tomorrow.

    intolight I hope your neurosurgeon appt goes well tomorrow. I still do some grocery shopping. 👏🏿 for doing two weeks worth. Wow that’s an accomplishment. I did run in the store last night with GD and it was all cinnamon smells and Thanksgiving fare so that was nice.

    I have fosomax shots tomorrow and then I usually relax on a heating pad.

    have a good evening ladies


  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    Hello ladies. I’m here and doing pretty good. My mouth is still an issue. But I’m thoroughly enjoying Theo. He’s so precious! I think about you all daily. Much love. Hugs.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,456

    Nothing going on today, staying home. Turns out I forgot I had a Herceptin infusion tomorrow, that is fine. We heard in our local weather possible freezing rain, already emailed property managers stressing I am disabled when it comes to walking and fell twice here last year due to ice. Asked if they could send shovels and ice melt or can I buy my own pet, grass and concrete safe type. Figured I need to ask. I really could walk on cleats but I don't love them for for worse balance. Anyway, I will not worry myself too much over that. They said they will have people handling it so no salt on my part though if stuff is not shoveled, I will do that and salt on my own. Answer is the property people are sending shovels and salt, supposedly taking care of the grounds so not buying salt but nothing to stop me from keep up with the snow. We also have a freshly installed sidewalk, makes tomorrow better for getting the bus and paratransit in future. Bus first as all cars had to park on another street

    Laundry in the dryer, planning to play mobile games for money, tv is playing, getting the money for ads.

    Have rice being cooked up, got a craving for fried eggs, rice and a chopped hashbrown in same pan, add some garlic and little cheese. Don't want salad until later, might use as a snack and want to get sour cream and onion chips to use as a seasoning, just chop them up in my spice grinder and add to stuff. Thawing out beefless ground, looking forward to that. Debating buying one queso as well for a different taste again after dinner Thursday. Also planning another party for myself on Saturday since that is my birthday, probably get some restaurant items and dessert, have to see how that works or learn how to make the mug version of grasshopper pie, don't need a whole one.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,456

    I am hoping everyone has a good day and in pockets for all.

  • cookie54
    cookie54 Member Posts: 828

    Good news today, stable CT nothing new going on! Feeling grateful and much relief. Thanks to all for the pocket duty ❌⭕️

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Woohoo for stable, Cookie.

    In your pocket Mara for your CT.

    Saying Hi to all. I read along every day.

    Theo is precious.

    I have a PCP appointment Friday. My PCP wants to see me every 4 months, just to keep up to date on things. Pretty simple visit. I have been checking my BP in preparation of the visit and it is running slightly higher than I want. We will probably increase my BP med dosage. I am going to mention my feet neuropathy symptoms and see what he suggests. I don't think there is much to do for it. I think it is from the 4 years of Ibrance use.

    Otherwise, all is the normal for me.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,456

    cookie, glad your CT was stable. Glad for your pain relief as well.

    Mel, thank you, infusion should be fine, already did laundry and cooking a meatpie for breakfast. I am taking the bus as well, not much dirt to get through and would still have to walk a ways to get UBER, might as well take a free ride.. I have the CT scan on Friday about the bleed near dura to see if it changed, shrank or stayed the same. Not botherine to worry about that, they would have admitted me if it was critical I believe. Theo is pawsitively adorable.

    I am in everyones pockets who need it and hoping everyone has a good day

  • cookie54
    cookie54 Member Posts: 828

    Thanks ladies, appreciate all here!

    Mel Oh my that picture is absolutely adorable!!

    Candy Glad to hear your doing ok. Hmmm Candy you got me thinking about my PCP I haven't been there since diagnosed Stage IV. I guess I should still be getting cholesterol etc checked ? What does everyone else here do about PCP, I'm curious?? My thyroid issues are regulated by my endocrinologist. I guess part of me doesn't want another doctor's visit and have bigger fish to fry.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Cookie- I have known my PCP for over 25 years!!! He told me when I was diagnosed with Stage 4 that he wanted to keep up with me. He handles all my non-cancer stuff- - - BP, monitors my thyroid nodule (I am not on thyroid meds though), if I get sick with something (flu, etc), gives me my flu shot in the Fall, does the head-to-toe exams, etc, etc. He checks my cholesterol levels and other labs that are not included in the labs ordered by my MO. He made the decision on the every-4-month schedule. I make the next appointment at the end of each appointment. And he knows I will call if something comes up between.

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 723

    cookie - love the stable news!
    I was supposed to have the ultrasound for the little nodule on my implant side yesterday. Get there and the health center has various systems down including phone and ultrasound. Now have to wait until November 30🤦🏼🤦🏼

    Here for pocket duty and virtual hugs🥰🤗🥰

  • shanagirl
    shanagirl Member Posts: 428

    @cookie54 Oh girl that is such wonderful news. And a relief! I am so happy for you, Jersey girl. Have a beautiful day!‼️😊🩵

  • shanagirl
    shanagirl Member Posts: 428

    @mara51506 In your pocket for that bleed. I get worried when I hear that, as I have Ben h rough one too in int past. Prayers in your pocket💗

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Cookie, I have a PCP for occasions we’re I’m might get sick or have a minor injury.

    Congrats on stable!

    Beautiful pup pic 😁

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Pocket duty request for my procedure this morning. I have so much fun copying and pasting it since it's such a long description. Check in at 9:30, procedure at 11:00 am PST.


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,354

    Sunshine, I am praying for your procedure right now. I pray it will go smoothly and that the doctors will receive the information they need and that the results are something minor. I also pray for peace and calm.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051
    edited November 2023

    Sunshine. I’m in your pocket! Hope it goes fast.

    hello Mae good to see you hope you’re all better.

  • irishlove
    irishlove Member Posts: 580

    Good afternoon everyone. Took me a bit to catch up on 52 postings since my last visit. In pocket for all in need. Mara and Sunshine thinking of your needs especially right now.

    Last Thursday I got really sick, thought this is a bowel blockage. DH called ambulance as I couldn't stop vomiting, diarrhea, and severe abdominal (10 out of 10) pain. Today I'm still in the hospital. It's megacolon colitis. I've always suffered from constipation in the past. MD thinks it could be related to lowered immune system. Taking a break from Ibrance till colitis settles down.

    Here's a few things I've learned about becoming dehydrated from meds or illness. Potassium falls drastically, especially if you urinate frequently, have diarrhea and/or are vomiting. Mine was so low that my heartrate was abnormal, muscle cramps, etc. Plus hemagoblin is quite low. Had a colonoscopy and they did not see signs of cancer. Sent off some tissue biopsies to make sure. Bloody diarrhea, probably from diverticulitis for two days. I think I lost a few pounds having nothing to eat or drink for 3 days. Hoping to go home soon. No Pikk lines, unless emergency. Appearently it connects to the heart area that leaves one open to potential fatal infections.

    Hope everyone is enjoying this fall day.