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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,183

    Hi everyone.

    Micmel- Hope you had a fairly good nights rest in muscle relaxer land.

    Minnie- Hope you get GREAT news on the upcoming scan.

    Off to church for me. Then a relaxing afternoon at home. Butch Cassady and the Sundance Kid is on TV this afternoon.

  • Moomala
    Moomala Member Posts: 397


    I had my very first three months follow-up scans on Friday. It was an anxious experience becuase I react to the contast dye for CT scan so I had to pre-medicate with a LOT of prednisone and benadryl. Wow my back felt like a million bucks thanks to the prednisone! I didn't have a reaction to the contrast dye so all was well and I enjoyed about 36 hours of no awareness that anything was wrong with my back at all. Late yesterday it all came back though reminding me just how much cancer and arthritis and the compression fractures in my spine have changed my life! I'm still doing my walking and my PT every day though so I feel good about that.

    I'll see the oncologist Thursday for the results and Zometa infusion. Trying to stay distracted until then. Today my son and daughter-in-law are coming to visit me and DH for a bit and we are going to bake gluten-free chocolate chip cookies. My son was dx with celiac disease a few years ago but they don't bake much. So we thought we'd try a little project. While the cookies are baking my daughter-in-law and I are going to try our hands at water color painting. We've purchased a couple of supplies and some paper to try it out and see how we like it. Plus - the peaches are in at the farmers market. DH is working at the market today and just texted me that he's reserved me a couple quarts. Peach cobbler time! Looking forward to today!

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,183

    Moomala- Sounds like a fun day indeed!!!!! Enjoy the cookies, painting, and being with family. Peach cobbler sounds good too- warm with vanilla ice cream. Where do you live ????!!!!! I just may show up at your door. LOL. I will be waiting to read your post after Thurs appt. Good luck.

  • JFL
    JFL Member Posts: 1,373

    Candy, at the end of the day, no matter how good the MO, I don’t trust he/she will ever put in as much time and effort into thinking but my case than I will. The MO has the medical expertise but decisions also take time and personalized research. That is why I research everything myself in addition to what the MO does for me. Sadly, things can fall through the cracks when all decisions are left up to the doctor alone.

  • santabarbarian
    santabarbarian Member Posts: 2,311

    JFL I agree. I asked my MO to prescribe Metformin to me after reading abut anti cancer sidebar benefits of metformin. he immediately did (when he is mr by-the-double blind normally) and siad he'd read enough to be convinced it might be a strong benefit and would not hurt me.

    And I thought-- why did I have to ask then?

    If Metformin is so validated why was it not recommended as a matter of course, without my asking?

  • simone60
    simone60 Member Posts: 952


    I asked my MO for a prescription for Metformin and she said no my glucose is normal. I mentioned the studies and she still said no. I have a appointment with COC this week and plan to get the scripts that way.

    I don't think a lot of MOs do any research.

  • santabarbarian
    santabarbarian Member Posts: 2,311

    MOs are really all over the map on this stuff.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,060

    unfortunately so is cancer period. No one cancer is the same. I know I would never become an oncologist ever. I even hate the sound of the word. I used to see it and shudder, I was always afraid it would happen to me. Back then l, cancer happened to other people. Not to me or my family. What an idiot to think that! 😓 now we muddle through!

    Waving hello to muddling. Candy, moomala, grannax, Gum doctor Mae the ultimate! Simone... marianelizabeth,,,Runor... Bella. Where ya been darlin? BooBoo~ I've got the lower right leg/ butt cheek blues. Back is a little better today but ugh! What a pain!

    Tanya... hello beautiful! .Minnie hello lovely. Love the beach wish I could sit on a cool deck in fall and see The ocean! That's my plan! Hi Rosie!!! Hello Santa! And yes I agree they are all over the place just like the ass hat cancer can be!!! Grrrrr 😡 cancer

    Gracie, on my mind Haven't heard a thing Making me sadder and sadder So many we are worried about!

    Love you guys!

  • movingsoccermom
    movingsoccermom Member Posts: 164

    Gumdoctor--Great news! Happy you have someone legal in your corner!

    Micmel--Thank you and sorry to hear about your back. Hope you find relief soon.

    Regarding Metformin. For some it tears apart your digestive tract. I actually stopped taking it right before I started on Ibrance and Faslodex. And it was no protection for me--I have been taking it off and on for almost 4 years, and still had mets. Don't have a new drug for my metabolic syndrome yet. Just another issue.

    For everyone waiting for results hoping for great news!


  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,060

    hello lovely ladies, I just thought this was interesting, we always say maybe cancer won't be the thing that takes us out.....

    My brother was sending me pictures from his visit in san Diego , exactly right under a cliff bluff is where their family had sat the day before, on last day of vacation. The very next day, it's released in the news that the same bluff had fallen and killed three people, a woman and her sister and her daughter. The reason they were there on the beach was celebrating the fact that the aunt had just had been declared cancer free that same week. An example that, the cancer doesn't always gets ya! By what a-shame. Poor family. Shit can happen in an instant!

  • Grannax2
    Grannax2 Member Posts: 2,387

    Hi, friends. I'm done w my first three days on my first cycle of Gem/Carb. I think after we reduce the antiemitic drugs, I will be able to tolerate this TX. At one point, I wasn't sure.

    On Wednesday, I did talk them into 5mg of Dexamethasone instead of 10 mg. That was plenty. But, the antemtics they put in the IV was way too much. They said they would reduce it if I got constipated. I did, miserable. So, this Wednesday I will address that issue. The still of unknown origin lower back pain has finally gone away. It took 3 days and nights of misery. I must have twisted my back wrong getting out of my bed on Tuesday or Wednesday. The solution was I slept on the couch on a heating pad. I'm all better now. So, this Wednesday I go for Day 2 cycle one. I hope it goes better that day one.

    I know I'll get used to this schedule. But, right now it seems like all I'm going to be doing is doc appointments and long chemo. UGH. Today I have PCP appointment, Then chemo day on Wednesday.

    I've got to squeeze in some grandchildren time but school starts next week. Ugh. They've been busy all summer. Vacation and camps, too busy for Granna time. I miss them. 💞

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,549

    Good morning friends

    Busy weekend with family and friends. Finished Ibrance cycle yesterday. Looking forward to rebuilding during these 7 days off.

    Moomala im in your pocket waiting for great scan results. Enjoy the cookies and painting in the meantime.

    It’s been a horrible awful time with the recent shootings and all the politics. Trying to stay positive.


  • LoveFromPhilly
    LoveFromPhilly Member Posts: 1,019

    stopping by to say hello and send lots of extra love and hugs to everyone today.

    Micmel - insane story of the bluff! How are you doing with the heat and mugginess? We are going to have a beautiful weekend coming up! Any plans for the cooler and dryer weather? I am working which is both good and then I’m bummed cause I love not working 😂.

    Tanya - yes yes the shootings 😭 why???? I saw on the news that there are some officials FINALLY calling these acts of terrorism. Geez! How long does it take for them to finally acknowledge that these are the true terrorists in the USA? Completely sick young men with access to an arsenal of weapons? I am finally hearing language being used by officials that it is time to make changes. This should’ve been down after Sandy Hook and then Colombine, but unfortunately we’ve had to deal with multiple other mass shootings until they finally are getting their heads out of their asses and recognizing that this is becoming a very disgusting and horrific trend. I am so infuriated by our system and government. Of course the orange man will somehow gain accolades because it will look like he is part of the reason why the change is happening.

    Okay rant over.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,183

    Hi all. ANOTHER hot day here. ANOTHER day indoors with the AC on. I did do some light housekeeping this morning and maybe some more this afternoon- cleaning out a closet. I LOVE a clean, organized house. And with not working now no excuse not to have a neat house. Of course, wiping sweat and back of hair damp with exertion and hot flashes !!!!! Lots of breaks.

    Philly and Tanya- I too am disgusted about the shootings in the U.S. Something must be done, not just talk. I cannot place ALL the blame on the current leader, but the hateful rhetoric that spews from his mouth is definitely not helping. Putting fuel on the fire and giving the mentally ill people more ideas for killing innocent people. Time to change leadership and get someone in there to cool the temp of the country, unite us, and be the LEADER we need.

    Grannax- I am sorry you are having to go through all this. I know you miss not being with the grandkids. I know the time will come for me, as us all, that our schedules will be full of appts. That is why I want to organize my house while I have the free time (minimal appts and no work).

    Hugs all.

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621

    Grannax, I feel for you, going through the process of adjusting to a new treatment routine, trying to get the bugs worked out so you are able to tolerate it more easily which I hope is possible. I am thinking of you.

    Micmel, the random ways in which someone can lose their life is shocking. I saw the story this morning where the three women, all family members, were killed on the beach when an overhanging bluff collapsed on top of them. My mouth dropped open when I heard the story. It is chilling to think your brother and his family were just there the day prior to that happening.

    There's a small golf course on the outskirts of our town. About 10 years ago on a nice, sunny day, a man out there golfing hit his ball and it landed in a small wooded area. When he went into the woods to retrieve the ball, a large branch off a tree fell on him and killed him! It was a complete shock and something you would never expect to happen while a person is simply out golfing. He worked with my sister & brother in law at a Krogers (grocery store) and I was acquainted with him.

    That incident forever changed my view of the randomness of life and I guess death, too.

    Sadly, the climate in the USA is such that we are now faced with random acts of shooting violence as we go about normal activities like shopping, worshipping, working, concert or movie going, attending school, at a back yard picnic and more.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,747

    I agree that these shootings are tragic and unnecessary and I have absolute respect for my friends here, even though my opinion may differ from most. I dislike politics and the anger and division that comes with it but I think WE’VE lost our way, WE raise children to do whatever they want, WE reward fame of any kind, WE ignore warning signs of family in trouble mentally and only WE can influence our friends/family to be kind and respect all lives. WE let this happen and WE (not the government, IMO) need to make changes.

    Other than that, we’re home from the cabin. Waiting for a cardiologist follow up then running errands.

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621

    Honestly, I never raised my son to do whatever he wants. So no way in hell am I going to take the blame for the epidemic of domestic terroristic mass shootings in our country. Oftentimes change can only be effected through enactment of laws and that involves lobbying our governments: local, state and national, to create and help enforce those changes. Cliches are cliches for a reason. Leadership (the way we treat and talk about each other, the way we tolerate, accept and learn to work with each other despite our differences) begins at the top. I'll leave it at that.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,060

    Life is basically is huge shit storm... you either gear up your family, or they are gonna get hit with some thick shit in life. It’s teaching them to navigate through life with respect and kindness and teach them to walk away from the nastiness that fill people for who knows what reason. It just seems to me, it’s becoming a nasty fast paced place we live in, if you don’t keep up, you get trampled. I choose to stay in most times and i also do not talk politics! They don’t get anywhere discussing it in Washington, what makes me think I could discuss it? No thanks, I’m just trying to live my best life with what I’m given! Love to all. Shootings make me want to 🤢...

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,747

    I think you’re probably an exception to my earlier statement Divine and good on you for that. Perhaps I’m clouded by knowing way too many entitled assholes, lol

  • movingsoccermom
    movingsoccermom Member Posts: 164

    It is indeed difficult to raise children to be kind. My kiddos (in their early 20's now) have been trampled on personally and professionally trying to be kind people. It has been heartbreaking to guide them through dealing with nastiness, since walking away isn't always an option. Side note, my daughter graduated from High School in Dayton, and is still trying to ascertain that none of her friends were injured. Just stunning.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,060

    Moving~I am stunned to think. That you actually know where this building stands and is near the community. It just makes me so sick to think of innocent people just living the best lives they can. I agree you can't always walk away, I meant if you have the means, don't associate with people like that and keep

    Your inner circle close. Work does purpose to have limitations to being able to just walk away. If it's not something it's something else. I've always taught my children to stand up, but to be kind and honest. Like those brave Americans on that train. In Paris. That took action, id rather my son stand up that way and defend against someone like that, and apprehend them correctly. Hell Yeah! I'm for that . The work place violence is disgusting. Violence period is disgusting. But I want my kids to learn just ignoring things is also not going to solve anything either. We live in a shit stew... just so heartbreaking. I hope hope that no one your family knew anyone was involved.I'm sorry for those families that were. I am saddened.

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,549

    Grannax I hope you get gramma time soon. It’s a tonic.

    Maybe these senseless killings will bring us all a little closer. Any time there’s a tragedy I see the Z Americans,brave and caring and they outshine the ugliness.

    Mae you’re right some kids are really entitled and spoiled. I was a teacher in FL from 2007-2012 and I was shocked at the poor manners. Anyway there’s always some good too. I’m old 61 I grew up in a different error. I hope we don’t lose all of our values and manners trying to please everyone.


  • Pots
    Pots Member Posts: 189

    We live in interesting times.

    I’m having a biopsy tomorrow morning on the nodules on my chest wall. Need some company please!? This is the third biopsy in 2years, it doesn’t get any easier. I got a prescription for Ativan to help me get through it.

    Gumdoctor, I am very happy to hear you got an extension so that an “elegant” solution can be found for your exit. I’m glad you have a lawyer rattling them.

    Anyone waiting for scans or results, I’m with you this week.


  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,747

    Jumping in for pocket duty Pots, good luck! 😀


  • Gumdoctor
    Gumdoctor Member Posts: 618

    POTS - I'll be right along side Mae in your pocket...go Ativan!!! I used it often on my perio patients before their surgery...they took it...not me :)


  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,060

    Pots~Ok girl we got this. Mae, can bring the drinks since you have. The Ativan.... I'll bring my medical marijuana as back up. We can have brownies and all kinds of pocket grub. We will feed you snacks when you ask. Sorry if we get a little loud. We will all report as needed for pocket duty. Since Mae found the perfect shirt for Us all to wear. Its covered! Please know I understand how you feel. Sadly, we all do. Holding your hand! Please get to utilize the Ativan. Why not ? Hugs to you sweet friend.

    Hello to everyone else. My DSS is spending the week with me this week before he goes off to college. I honestly think he's worried about if I will continue to do as well while he's away. I can tellit scares him. He said his Major will not include oncology. They will have a unit on it for sure since he's pre med, but it is not his preferred nor desired direction. He hates cancer so much. His g father died of it two years ago. Sucked. So of course he worries now again. Seeing me loose my hair. Get so sick. I don't know anyone who would enjoy that in a million years. But thank god some doctors have chosen to take on that battle of searching for a cure. I just hope they keep up the successful medicines they have.

    Tanya. What month are you on ibrance ? I think you and I are close. I start my next month next weeks also. Does your mouth get sooo sore? Also are you 125 Mgs? Also?

    Time For bed geeze. 12:08. Two errands tomorrow and then reporting for duty!

  • iwrite
    iwrite Member Posts: 746

    Checking in with you lovely ladies this morning and planning pocket time for those having scans and “stuff.”

    My best friend of 36 years called recently to say she has breast cancer. 🤬 I did a lot of listening while cursing on “mute”,and remembered that total fear/chaos mindset that happens. She came out of zombie state long enough to schedule a second opinion and it turned out to be bilateral. Hoping it isn’t mets. This was a great reminder to thank all of you who have kept me going this past 3.5 years! Supporting each other is the best medicine.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,060

    iwrite~I am so very sorry for what is happening with your friend. I can’t imagine honestly, we had a scare this year with one of them myself. Today I’m having some weird gastric issues....and ugh! It is just a crappy merry go round. .. I agree I don’t know what I would do without all of you ladies. It’s a constant battle constant!!!!! Hugs to all.....
  • Grannax2
    Grannax2 Member Posts: 2,387

    Hi, everyone. Love catching up with you.

    I am going to get Granna time on Sunday or Monday. I talked to my DS yesterday. Next week is my off week and, even counting in time for SE, I know, I will be able to drive over there. I'm a happy camper. Being with them is a tonic for me, Tanya.

    So, tomorrow, my chemo nurse is going to be very surprised. She will see the new me. It turns out that my only SE were from the pre-meds, not the chemo drugs. Wrong, just wrong!!!! I knew and I told her. She did not believe me. This time I'm bombarding the boss, my MO, with requests/ demands for pre meds to be reduced/ eliminated from my infusion tomorrow. Hopefully, the new orders will be sent before I get there tomorrow.

    My experience/ beliefs in regards to the shootings. I had a mentally ill child. She is now 47 and has NEVER shot a person, much less multiple. I also was friends with a mom of a mentally ill son, who did go on a rampage. Parents of mentally ill children have so few choices. In my case, because my DD was only 12 at DX, we did have one very hard choice. She was put in the State run mental hospital for nine months. She got out at 13. After 18, parents have no control at all. It turns out that she was misdiagnosed with Paranoid Schizophrenia. They realized their mistake while she was in the hospital. But, that does not mean she didn't/ doesn't have mental illness, then and now. Enough said.

    Wish me luck tomorrow, I'm hoping my labs will be high enough for TX. First things first. 💞

  • simone60
    simone60 Member Posts: 952


    You need one of those dresses Mea found for Grannax and Gumdocter. Those pockets were hugh. Jumping in also. Good luck.