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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,714

    Candy, we’re thinking alike on the list other than whatever works best for you, our wonderful list master 😁

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,952

    Mae, so happy your friend is doing better.

    I was sad I couldn’t stay on the meeting today, but grandson comes first. He is becoming more fun every day. Hopefully I’ll be able to make it next week.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,052

    Thank you Candy~ anyway that easiest for you. You don’t have to come here and work. We’re here to support everyone and in my mind we are always available for pocket duty.

    Mae~ so glad your friend is speaking and seeming to bounce slowly back. Thank goodness for you.

    Kitty~ how are you doing ?

  • emac877
    emac877 Member Posts: 688

    Just checking in on everyone. It's been a rough few days so I have not done much but work and spend my off days on the couch with TV or my computer. Our area missed being a direct hit from the "bomb cyclone" that hit northern Cal so hard but we were part of that historic pressure drop and got a lot of wind and rain. My house and yard are buried in leaves but I just can't deal with that right now so I am going to wait on it a bit.

    I don't know if it's the sudden turn of weather or not but I have struggled for the last week or so with my mobility. My left leg has been incredibly painful and I don't know what to attribute that to other than arthritis. It is my right hip/femur that has the rod and my left leg has been my stability leg so with them both painful I tripped and fell a few times catching myself on my arms. No broken bones fortunately. It just feels like the bottom fell out of things. I had been doing well then suddenly wasn't. Last weeks blood draw all my counts dropped again and the nurse noted my mobility was worse. It's not so alarming as it is frustrating. I've also started having GI issues. It seems like almost every other day if I eat anything I am running to the bathroom or doubled over with painful cramping and bloating. I do take Verzenio but I've done well on it for 2 years so I don' t know why that would change. I try to keep up with things but I've caught people doing side glances and offering more help so I kind of think I'm not hiding this from anyone.

    I'm glad to hear some positive stories and I'm here for pocket duty for upcoming labs and tests. Hugs to those struggling I empathize.

  • kittykat9876
    kittykat9876 Member Posts: 420

    Hi everyone, I got a bit of a scare on Sunday, I couldn't breathe again so I took myself off the the ER they kept me there overnight, did Ia whole lot of tests, including looking for a pulmonary edema, which they didn't find thank goodness, they gave me a ventolin inhaler that they use for asthma and it worked, I've got to go back and see them on Friday for a follow up and I've got to see the orthopaedic surgeon next Monday about my fractured arm, I'm so over this, I just want to be able to take Finn for a sleepover and have some fun. Sorry to be such a Debbie downer but I know you guys will understand.

    Mae, that's great about your friend, I hope his recovery is speedy from here on in. Candy I'm glad your MO reduced your dose, hopefully it will help with the nausea. For the ones moving, better you than me, my last move was from one side of the country to the other, I sold everything that I couldn't fit in my little Hyundai accent and my little bird and drove to Perth in Western Australia. Thanks for thinking of me Mel, I'm sorry you're still having trouble sleeping but at least you've got a comfy bed to snuggle in, so at least you're comfortable as opposed to being both awake and uncomfortable.

    Ready for pocket duty for anyone who needs it, I'll bring the Timtams.

  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,167

    Candy - I hope the dose reduction makes you feel better and works wonderfully. We scan the same day and I am expecting good things for both of us. And thanks again for the pocket duty list, and weekly sounds great (and easier to manage)

    GoKale- if you still have it, you might try calling the local school district to see if they want the piano. And yes, I worry, a little, about finding new docs, but I trust it will all work out. This move should be our forever home and gets us closer to family - plus the retired lake life...

    LivingIVLife- that's just counting since we've been married: I had a couple of moves before that. Interestingly, I didn't move the first 20, or so, years of my life.

    Mae - great progress for your friend!

    Kittykat - sorry to hear you were back in hospital, but glad they've figured it out.

    Today I...slept in a bit; repacked my daughter's keepsakes suitably for moving (as compared to just attic storage); sorted more clothes I found in the attic for giving away; loaded my trunk for a run to Goodwill; added a bunch of junk to the trash pile emptied 6 totes, overall, and; missed the zoom call - again

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,952

    Candy, I also hope the reduction helps. Nausea is the worst.

    Emac, I'm so sorry you're having trouble. I hope with rest it will get better.

    Kitty, I'm so sorry you ended up in the ER. I'm glad the inhaler worked.

    Regarding moving, I've been married 37 years, and we've lived in the same house. Lol. We have built a new house on ten acres 3.5 hours from here and eventually plan to move there, but for now it's our vacation home. We are boring.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    emac- Wow. Wonder what is going on with you lately? The leg and the tummy. Hope you get to feeling better soon.

    Kittykat- Good grief. Giving you a big hug from here.

  • cowgal
    cowgal Member Posts: 625

    Kittykat - I hope you get some relief from all these recent issues. You have definitely had a rough road lately!

    Emac - Have you thought about eating gluten free to see if it helps your arthritis and/or taking glucosamine sulfate? I have to eat gluten free due to having Celiac disease and I find that actually when I stay "lowish" on carbs, my arthritis does better. I recently started taking glucosamine sulfate again to also help with some arthritic pain. The research I did showed that glucosamine in this form helped with arthritis but in the glucosamine hydrochloride form does not. It is really hard some times trying to do our jobs with all of the side effects from this disease.

    Those that are moving: Safe travels to you all and I hope everyone enjoys their new homes! I read an article recently talking about getting rid of clothes but I think it can apply to household stuff to when you are trying to declutter a few things. The article said to ask yourself if you would buy it again. Perhaps if you would not buy it again, it is time to give it away.

    Mae - Glad your friend is on the mend. You and your husband really are good people. We had our first freeze up here briefly a couple of weeks ago and we have had another hatch of insects after that freeze and I am still having to spray a few flies on my horses. I noticed that I had one mosquito on one of them. It was weird because we had not seen any mosquitoes for a couple of months. Needless to say, that mosquito was on the wrong horse and met his end.

    Those that do the weekly Zoom meeting - I had planned to take yesterday off of work to attend my first one but had to take today instead since we were having a benefits meeting to go over our new health insurance plan at work. Eventually, I will make it.

    Everyone - I hope everyone has a good rest of the week and for those needing pocket duty I will be bringing loaded nachos.

  • karenfizedbo15
    karenfizedbo15 Member Posts: 719

    Just checking in after a scroll through…. This thread moves SO fast! I see Mae’s friend improving 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 And Mara can walk over 7 miles 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻. But Mel, Candy and Kitty plus several others are having a hard time 😢. This is SUCH a roller coaster.
    I have CT results ( if they’re actually reported) with my Onc tomorrow. This is nearly 2 months after this should have been done due to NHS backlog re COVID. Had a great last week walking the Northumberland beaches - pics below. BUT woke up with pain in my side /lower back a week ago and you all know where your head goes with that. I’m hoping it’s a muscle strain as that is what it feels like. Preparing myself for worst case scenario tomorrow though i.e. Xeloda failed - pain is radiating from where the cancer is spreading. We’ll see…..



  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,460

    Karen, in your pocket and hoping for the best results. I can empathize about worrying about pain, I had a headache for a couple of days and automatically wondered if my brain mets were returning. Once the pain went away, less panic on my end though am nervous about MRI results this Thursday.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,052

    Karen, I have been coughing a lot lately, so of course my mind raced to ut oh could it be this or that? We drive ourselves crazy. How can we help it, when its just so fear driven. I hope your leg feels better. We seem to panic inside, I know I do. Good to see you.

    Mara. Hope that headache is gone

  • karenfizedbo15
    karenfizedbo15 Member Posts: 719

    I know! I had several full on panic attacks early on - thought I was dying and they are very scary. Got some support and counselling which really helped and whilst I still panic, I can now control the physical symptoms of an attack which is so much better.

  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,167

    I call it my cancerchondria - analyzing every lingering pain, etc.

    -------- edited to add was 3 a.m. when I wrote this, and now it occurs to me that you are talking about recurrence in the same areas, which is completelyjustified. For my cancerchondria- I apply that term to new aches, pains, etc.

    Sorry if that came across wrong. -----------

    Cowgal- part of the challenge with the clothes has been changing lifestyles (retired from working in an office) and changing climates with the move. It made it easier when I knew the recipient really needed them and would appreciate them. First, I pulled aside the things I absolutely, definitely wanted to keep. Then I read to just look at 10 pieces at a time - which I did with other things, too - and that helps keep it from being too overwhelming. I hate to get rid of things that are "perfectly good", but it's time.

    Yesterday, I brought a trunk full to Goodwill, but I decided I would donate my kids old clarinet to the middle school. Just my luck, as I pulled up to the school I saw groups of kids meandering, en masse, out of the school. I timed it perfectly for a fire drill! I think I've gone through the last attic box and can focus on inside the house again. I have just over two weeks to finish.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Hey Mel how is the short of breath and coughing? Did you get it checked out?

    Not much here today, as usual. Do stuff around home. Read. New Lynparza dose coming per UPS on Friday so I will start new dose Saturday morning.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,052

    Candy~my daughter had a bad cold last week. I’ve got the cold now. It’s been pushing my way for a week now. I have asthma….so if it settles in my lungs. I have issues. That make it hard for me. I have to be careful , I’m subject to pneumonia. I also only breathe on one lung so they watch me closely. I feel better today! For now anyways. Ty for asking.

    Hello SeeQ~. 💐😃

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Mel- Did you get to the doctor? Still best to check it out because we are so vulnerable to everything that goes around

    Karen- I hope everything went well with your CT results. Every new pain and ache comes with this overload of worrisome thoughts.

    Mara- in my pocket for tomorrow's results.

    I went to my MO yesterday for monthly follow-up. Fortunately my blood work numbers were up and can continue with the same mg of Ibrance. We also went over the HERS2 + diagnosis. He was surprised when a second opinion was requested that a new biopsy was not taken. He agrees we stay on this course until such time the CT shows progression at which time he would order another biopsy. My blood pressure was up this time so he just said it's the white coat syndrome 😕My weight had gone up a bit so I explained we just had a big lunch . Next time I won't eat anything before I go! At this point it is what it is!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,460

    I have had panic attacks many times, I do deal with anxiety issues here and there, especially real life issues (panicking when I heard brother mention leaving town) and of course scans and cancer from time to time. I think the walking helps me drown out the noise in my head and remove obsessive thoughts. I regulate my breathing so I never feel short of breath and that helps me relax my body, the music I listen to helps too.

    I went for a grocery run, was going to walk all the way to Walmart but decided to break up the walking into two separate walks, picked up milk and beefless ground.

    When coming back in, I bumped into my next door neighbour. He had been taken out of here to a long term care facility, which turned out to be a stroke and was gone for a few months. I bumped into him today and we talked a while, he gave me a book of recipes from readers digest so I'll take a look. It was nice to talk to him, had been worried. I assumed that a new neighbour had moved in, but no it was him. Made me feel happy.

  • emac877
    emac877 Member Posts: 688

    Karen - hoping for good news. Your pictures are great!

    Cowgal - I hadn't thought to try glucosamine. I've always done fairly well with gluten but I'm watching what I eat pretty closely until things settle down so it wouldn't hurt to reduce that and see if it helps. Thanks.

  • sondraf
    sondraf Member Posts: 1,679

    Ugh our power had been out for 7 hours now, and they expect it to be out another 3 hours as thr fault is apparently on a line underground of the substation. On the plus side it got me out of a truly tedious meeting this afternoon!

    Karen, best of luck for your onc appt and let's hope the scans have been read!

  • Kikomoon
    Kikomoon Member Posts: 358

    Hi all! Quietly following along the last few days. I think a list for pocket duty on Sunday's is a great idea, as long as it's no stress! Mae, glad they figured it out with your friend, WNV never even crossed my mind. Remember the Zika scare too awhile back?

    Kitty, Emac, Candy, Micmel, Katyblu (yes I'm a lurker on the on all the mets threads, since i have all the mets), thinking of you and rough times, hoping you feel "normal" soon.

    Karen - lovely pictures, in your pocket for scan results. Mara too! I did the vinegar in the laundry thing and I'll be doing that from now on. Laundry is so soft......DH asked today when his wash was over, OK what do I do now, put the vinegar in the dryer? SMH.

    Hello to everyone, anyone I missed. For pocket duty I have crackers and "Bitchin' Sauce" from Sprouts, if it's any good. "Mmmm Bitchin" it claims.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,460

    Kikomoon, I have to laugh at his innocent question. Figured you would like the vinegar. My SIL refuses to believe her stuff won't smell like vinegar and she has sensitive skin so this would work wonders for her. Oh well enjoy it.

    Gonna cross post to the fitness thread as well. I don't know what came over me today. I went to my grocery store which took me to 8500 steps, close to 4 miles. That was all I was going to do today. Was sitting around after lunch and thought, boy, a chocolate bar would be good right now. I have a new rule, if I want chocolate, I have to walk across town to get it. Instead of thinking that I had done enough for the day, I decided to head toward the mall, I stopped and got the chocolate, not a huge one but it was Hershey's Milk Chocolate and almonds. I sat on a nearby bench outside and gobbled it down, drank a whole bottle of water and started the walk home. The walk the there to get the chocolate bar was more tiring, more uphill portions but after the sugar rush, coming home was far easier. Though I did not feel hot, I was very sweaty, did not help that I was wearing fleece lined leggings and a fleecy hoodie but I could not be bothered taking it off, just walked along, lip synced the songs I was listening to and kept going. Step total and a new record for me anyway, 23242 steps, 9.54 miles or 15km. I am happy with the result, that is a lot to do for a chocolate bar. I will be taking it easy tomorrow for sure, just walking to the hospital for MRI results and around Costco. Should sleep well tonight. I will also say, my face was beet red and I was sweaty but the weather was good and in the end, I enjoyed myself.

  • karenfizedbo15
    karenfizedbo15 Member Posts: 719

    So results in and I am STABLE! No more progression and Onc agreed pain would be muscle strain and I’d be susceptible to that now with the meds. It’s much better today after heat and gentle stretching. She’s really pleased after our risk of upping dosage despite signs that xeloda wasn’t working in August. Also mentioned that minor respiratory issues would be ongoing as my lung would have scarring after the trauma of draining and pleurodesis. I’ll live with that.

    Mel hope the cold is improving… nothing worse than feeling crap AND being scared 😱 that it’s something way worse!

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Woohoo Karen for stable.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,052

    congrats Karen !!!! Atta girl. Let’s keep up the good results. Reporting for duty tomorrow bright and early scones in hand for pocket duty!

    Much love to all you ladies

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,714

    Karen, yay, great news 🎉

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,537

    livingivlife great Ibrance. Wes for you!

    Karen good news too!


  • Rosie24
    Rosie24 Member Posts: 1,026

    Goldens and Mara, I’m in your pockets tomorrow as you get your results. 🤞🤞 for good news.

    Candy, Thanks for doing the weekly lists, it does help to see what everyone has going on in one place. Also, I hope your dose reduction helps with your nausea and other side effects.

    Mel, sorry to hear about the cold and cough. Please be careful of pneumonia and see your doc if you get more sick.

    Karen, Great news on being stable! Yippee!

    A friend of mine and her husband who’ve been my good friends for many years got some terrible news yesterday. He’s had many tests to diagnose stomach issues over the last couple weeks, and fluid drained from his abdomen several times. He has tumors in his stomach and esophagus, and the oncologist told them yesterday he probably has a few months left. They got the test results a few at a time and were expecting bad news but not this bad. You’d think I’d know what to say, but I don’t. I want to support them but I’m scared for him and worried for her. I don’t think there’s a treatment plan but they’re trying to get a second opinion at our other large hospital system. Cancer is cruel.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,460

    Karen, happy for your results!

    Rosie, so sorry about your friend. It's hard to find anything other than I am so sorry to hear this and hug them.

    Candy, thank you for the pocket duty lists as well. Always so much going on.

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    awesome news Karen!