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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Booboo- I am so sorry to hear the chemo treatments are making you so sick but in the end you have the right to make your choice. I pray there is a treatment that may work for you. May you feel better for the Disney excursion and keep hope and peace in your daily thoughts.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Booboo- I hated to read your post. But I respect your decision.

    It scares me when reading about my friends on here. Philly was diagnosed in 2017. And you Booboo in 2017. I was diagnosed in 2017. I am so thankful I had 4 years on 1st line treatment-- Ibrance. But, I am scared that it will be a fast downhill slide from here. I get my scans done next week to see how Lynparza is doing. What if.... What if it is not working, or only works for a few months, and then the next thing not too long, and the next. What if it goes faster from here? I am not ready. Booboo I do not have the peace you have. Sorry. Just getting that panicky feeling, you all know what I mean.

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    booboo - I'm sorry. I just wish it was different, that's all.

    mara - that's good that the tenants board gave you some concrete information you can use & I hope things settle down

    I had a good weekend. I did all the Taylor Swift Red rerelease things" streamed it, listened to 10 min All too Well so many times over the weekend, watched the movie, watched the SNL performance, listened to the album a bunch of times through....

    also watched some Christmas movies & dd and I started a little side blog/Instagram stories collaboration where we're putting down our thoughts about each movie. This weekend we designed the blog layout & the IG stories templates etc.

    We're having record breaking rain here. Roads are washed out, mudslides have closed major highways out of the lower mainland. The creek on our property is running high but hasn't washed out the bridge and the house is snug & dry. We replaced our roof several years ago and it's been such a relief to not have to worry about it.

    I'm feeling just run down and tired. It seems each cycle I'm taking longer to bounce back and I think I'm not bouncing back to the same level anymore. IV chemo for 20 months now. Everything seems tiring to me now. I do a task and then I need a rest. It's ridiculous. And it seems to vary from day to day and so hard to predict.

    hugs everyone

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    mloth: if the rain keeps up we Vancouver area ladies are going to need a boat! I can hear the din from inside my warm little house. When my birds show up at the back they are pretty sorry looking creatures. The little brown birds are hiding out some where. The crows still show up, bedraggled. Glad I don't have to be anywhere or have to do a run to the local shops. Keep on eye on the creek!!!

    They don't this place The Wet Coast for nothing!!

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    booboo1: Words again fail me., I am sorry you have been enduring such misery. I hope you can squeeze in the trip and may it fill you with joy.

  • Rosie24
    Rosie24 Member Posts: 1,026

    Booboo, Sorry the recent treatment was a bust. I hope you can get to feeling better soon as the drugs leave your system. I hate to hear the news too but you’re wise in choosing quality of life over feeling miserable.

    Mara, Thats very good info you got from the tenant board woman. I'm glad you can stay for good while under the laws for tenants.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,460

    Yep, I agree. I should at least have longer to be able to stay here longer for sure. I did get a hold of my social worker but she does not work with housing inquiries so that was a bust. I have started filling out the housing so will maybe have Chris help but I am giving him a break for the rest of the week. Nothing is going to move between this week and next. Both Chris and Kelly have many people wanting help. My situation will hold steady for this week, I can rest, they can rest too. I still do not feel as stressed. I also was not really expecting much with the social worker so that does not bother me.

    Laurie, I am still thinking of you my friend as well. In your pocket permanently as well.

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Candy- Anger, anxiety and grief are human traits that we are faced with each day. How we deal with them is also personal. Do not feel because of your fears you are any different. When I was diagnosed I cried and told my MO that my father, mother, best friend etc had all died of cancer. She told me to think of my own body as a total different entity or machine that is working to fight this. I hope my machine keeps working for awhile yet.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,460

    Well, the housing situation is getting more and more interesting. My brother told me he is doing this to another larger property to get people out of their townhouses. In speaking to the neighbours, no one I spoke to is interested in leaving. My brother made a letter explaining peoples rights, that we cannot be forced out immediately and there is a process to follow. One person upstair says they don't have heat so we need to report that. I also have a provincial member of government who plans to mention what is happening here and elsewhere in the city. I told my brother it was fine if my name is mentioned in this too. Very interesting to say the least.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,052

    BooBoo Hug No words. Just hugs.

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196

    Thanks all. I was in this same situation awhile ago, and I guess I thought things would be different this time. But it’s really okay. I am not at all afraid of “stepping through the veil” to the other side. I don’t know why God has programmed me the way He did, but I’m sure glad He did. I can’t wait to leave this old, diseased body behind and get a new one.

    In the meantime, I am going to try to get over this last ugly round of chemo and have some fun doing the things I enjoy. To be honest, I don’t want to try anymore drugs, even if the anti-hormonals could work. Thanks for your kind suggestions, but I am really, totally and truly done with the cancer drugs. Now, it’s time to go have some fun.

  • katyblu
    katyblu Member Posts: 223

    Mae, wow that photo hurts me in the feels! I hope the numbing is slowly going away and I wish for good results! I love Adele as well. Her songs make me so happy and I gladly sing along waaay off key.

    Booboo - I am so sorry to read that. But I am also glad you are at peace. I wish you continued calm and the energy to enjoy Disney. Go out and live your life! Peace be with you.

    I took a few days off from the forums for my 16 year anniversary. The DH and I went to a German Festival and had a fancy dinner out. I started cycle 3 on Ibrance on Wednesday. I had a few bouts of nausea over the weekend but it was easily controlled with compazine. I’m back and available for pocket duty.

    I wish you all happy thoughts

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,052

    Katy~ congrats on anniversary! Glad you had sometime together. So sweet. DH and I just celebrated our 18. Time flys still can’t believe thanksgiving is next week bah humbug! This time last year I was done. This year I barely started. Help!

    Pocket duty bright and early! Much love.

  • cowgal
    cowgal Member Posts: 625

    Booboo and Kitty - You are in my prayers.

    Mara - Sorry you are in this housing situation and I hope however it works out for you brings happiness and reduces your stress.

    Elderberry and Moth - We could use your excess moisture down here in the Oklahoma Panhandle. Our wheat crop is struggling and it will be in the 80s with high winds today and it is drying out the crop. We need some moisture so that we can graze those fields with our cattle for the winter and then raise a crop when we pull them off in the spring.

    Sometimes I picture all of us from Mel's living room loading up in my old Excursion and cruising around and laughing and acting like we don't have a care in the world and are pain free. We are having lots of laughter and having a good time cruising the town.

    Mae - It sounds like you are getting pretty close to moving to your cabin. It sounds like from what you have said that you will be in one of the areas where they film "Lone Star Law". Hopefully, you won't have a cameo on there!

    Katyblu - Happy anniversary!

    Candy - I am glad that you have been able to get your sister to be your POA and Executor. Keeping you in my prayers for scans next week. I too have scans next week (Bone scans Monday, CT scans Wednesday)

    Waving to everyone and wishing I could pick you all up and go for a Sonic run or something. Definitely would be hitting one of those Bucky's when I went to pick up some of the Texans!

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Morning all. Not much here. Starting another day- 8am. Supposed to be sunny and unusually warm today with around 70 degrees, but then rain tomorrow and then Thursday in the 40's. Other than going by the pharmacy for my refills nothing going on today. The same quiet-living by myself-and bored- day. But thankful that I am as well as I am. So many on here that are struggling. Cowgal- I do wish we could load up in your Excursion and cruise, laugh, and act like we don't have a care in the world. Wish Mel's Living Room were real.

    Thinking of you all today.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,460

    Candy, I wish the living room were real too, we could support each other, get any snacks or movies and have movie marathons, each of us taking a turn of which one to watch. Hope today is more peaceful and you can enjoy the weather while out on your errands.

    I am going to stop the daily yap on my housing until something else develops, mainly if a new place opens up. I will say the social worker was a bust so will give my brother a couple of weeks off before asking for help filling out the social housing stuff. The stress has moved to where my cancer worries reside, in the back of my mind at this point.

    Nothing much for me today, grocery store for tea one trip and may go to another place to pick up something for dinner. Doing surveys and such as well, nothing much else. Nice day here as well. Hope your day is good.

  • kittykat9876
    kittykat9876 Member Posts: 420

    Hi all, I had my cataract surgery yesterday and everything went well, I've spent today resting at home, mostly sleeping, now if only the orthopaedic surgeon can find out what's happening with my shoulder, I've got a ct scan on Friday, blood tests and chemo and I see the surgeon on Monday, sometimes I feel like I should just set up camp at the hospital, lol, lately I'm there more than I'm at home.

    Happy Anniversary Katy and Mel and I wish a good week ahead for all of us.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Kitty- I did not have you on the "pocket duty" list for this week. Sorry. I will add you now for the CT friday and make me a note for your appt Monday. Is the CT for the cancer or for the shoulder?

    Edited--- and surgeon Monday--- cancer or shoulder?

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 724

    Another few days away and more sadness. Booboo - I’m sorry for the news but I feel your peace that you have in your decision. I think you and I are a lot alike in our approach to this dreaded disease. I honestly don’t have scanxiety. I hope for the best but know that the potential is there for a different result. I have seen that happen to our sisters here and would love to be a long timer on initial therapy. But none of us knows our ultimate mortality. And for me, I have faith over fear. That’s where my peace lies.

    Mara - good news on your options as tenant rights have been explored.

    Mae - the photo and description of drippy drugs under your skin give me the creeps.

    Hi to all - I have my kitchen organized. Working on getting boxes and bins in basement organized. Never ending story😝😝😝😝

  • kittykat9876
    kittykat9876 Member Posts: 420

    It's for my shoulder Candy, it's my fault, I totally forgot what day it was, I'm lucky that the hospital sends me a text as a reminder.

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    I sent an early morning email to a pal in Abbotsford. She moved last summer and I think her new place is near a green belt and stream. The town off Merritt is really under water. Just no end of climate disasters. It was so rainy --- it just pounded down yesterday. High winds. Today it is sunny which should help with disaster rescues.

    Pocket duty requested. I had an MRI lined up for the 24th. I got asked if I could come in tomorrow. Yes yes to getting it over with and getting results sooner. I had a PET scan where something my MO says "he's never seen before" showed up in the bone marrow of my upper left arm. The radiologist recommended an MRI. My MO has probably seen pretty much everything so ------- mmmmmmmm - what is it?. Of course I went to Dr Google to instill fear in me. We all say don't go to Google but I bet we all do. Or most of us.

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    In your pocket Elderberry for the MRI. Glad it got moved up.

    I'm another one with just minimal scanxiety & I'm kinda anxious at baseline so you'd think... Wait, maybe iI just think I don'thave it because I'm already anxious and so another thing is just not really noticeable? Have I come up with a cure for scanxiety? ? Develop general anxiety SillyHeart

    But honestly, I'm anxious the whole 12 weeks so when scans come around it's a frigging relief to find out what the monster is doing.

    Kitty, glad the cataract surgery went well. Good luck with the shoulder appointment. I know what you mean - it takes so much time & energy to keep our bodies going. It's like this never ending thing of eyes, teeth, general health, cancer crap, new things coming up, & for me broken limbs...

    I've got 2 physio appointments this week for my arm/wrist rehab. It's another time suck. Plus all the exercises I have to do for it.

    I remember when I didn't really think about my body except maybe that pimple on the chin & whether I should have bangs or not. Now I have a whole team trying to keep this machine running...

  • kittykat9876
    kittykat9876 Member Posts: 420

    In your pocket for your MRI tomorrow Elderberry, glad it got moved closer for you and hoping for a good result for you.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Elderberry- Pocket duty here with Peanut M&M's. Hoping it was just a blip on the PET and the MRI is all clear.

    Moth- Thinking of you with your therapy on your arm. I am still having back and hip issues. My Palliative Care doc said she would order me some more physical therapy if I wanted. Maybe after the Holidays. Yes, we have a team to keep our "machines" running. Didn't used to be that way. Haha.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,460

    Elderberry, in your pocket as well, cinnabons in tow as well. We can shre the treats.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,560

    We're on pocket duty too!! Medicating

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Elderberry- we are all on pocket duty for the MRI. I want to share in those Cinnabons. Yummm I'll bring peanut brittle

  • Kikomoon
    Kikomoon Member Posts: 358

    Reporting in for pocket duty - Elderberry tomorrow, Kitty Friday, Candy and Cowgal next week, hope I didn't miss anyone! Happy anniversaries to Mel and Katyblu, mine and DH's is coming up next month, 13 years?! Mara always thinking of you and your situation, and as my motivation to walk a little further.

    Booboo I am saddened to read of your news but glad that you have peace with it. It gives me inspiration to keep trying to find that peace in all this. Hello to all. I too wish we had a real living room!

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,537

    Booboo sad to read your treatment news. Hopefully the SE’s will reside soon and you can enjoy Disney.
    eldeeberry in your pocket for scans tomorrow.

    Kitty hope your shoulder issue is resolved soon.

    I did go to bc group this past Monday. Four new ladies 3 de novo. They got to meet some very beautiful supportive ladies. I recommended this room specifically bc you guys are active daily with your knowledge, compassion and encouragement.

    I had a wonderful time in NY. We got to see a play eat out together. I had to bring my vaccine proof. I saw a mobile unit of Covid tests on the streets near Broadway. Apparently some places require negative tests as well. Anyway I walked and climbed stairs like I’m not a couch potato. Hime now resuming the routine. Faslodex bloodwork today acupuncture tomorrow.

    Take care all


  • katyblu
    katyblu Member Posts: 223

    Thank you for all the happy anniversary wishes! We had a really great weekend together Had an appointment with palliative care and clinical pharmacist today. Good news is the morphine has my pain down to a 2-3. Working through some bad constipation but hopefully I'll find a regime to get back to normal. I'm weening off of one med to then try something for hot flashes/night sweats.

    Cowgal - Man I wish we could all pile in your vehicle together and get some Dairy Queen and go for a fun drive on all the back roads! It would be great if we could all hang out :)

    Mara - I'm glad you have a plan in place for your residence. Hopefully your DB can work some magic!

    Kitty - Yay for the good cataracts surgery! In your pocket for your upcoming appointments. This time I'm bringing different flavored Kit Kats!

    Candy - We're both having scans on the 22nd! We should figure out a song we can sing during the scans to have a nationwide sing-along!

    Elderberry - In your pocket for your MRI tomorrow!

    Moth - Good luck with your 2 PT appointments! I hope your arm is feeling better :)

    Mel - Happy anniversary!