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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,052

    Mara~ I’m so sorry that you fell. My goodness. A broken elbow? Oh no!!!! Glad you got checked out. I will be sending good thoughts to you. So glad it wasn’t your head. Hugs hugs hugs for you.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,460

    thanks everyone, did go back to bed and slept a few more hours. I plan to take it easy.

    Goldens, an orthopedic is supposed to call sometime this week.

    I know I need to walk and will keep being careful but this week may just be a rest week.

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    mara: a broken elbow. That sucks. My pal in Seattle broke her elbow, but a major break. She had this weird elbow thing that was hinged and made her look like an Android or something. I am relieved you didn't concuss yourself. The swelling and bruising will go down and you will be your beautiful self soon. Rest. Maybe just shuffle around your apartment.

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    reading the posts after a somewhat busy weekend. Had a few neighbors over yesterday and ordered pizza in for supper. It was the easiest although everyone brought a dessert. Oh my! There was all sorts of cookies, Nanaimo bars and strawberries on sponge cake.

    Mara- when I read you had fallen I was hoping you would be fine but hearing you have broken elbow and scrapes and bruises I am so sorry this happened to you. You must be in pain. Yes rest and take it easy! Thoughts and hugs are sent your way.

    When I go to any medical appointment or blood work they always ask if I have fallen in the last 3 months. I sure don't get asked any stress questions etc. which would be nice.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    mara, I saw the first line of your post while I was reading runor's post. I just said, "Damn, damn, damn!!!" I'm so, so sorry, and hope you heal quickly.

    runor, it sounds like things might be starting to fall into place for your aunt. I seriously hope so.

    I don't get the "have you fallen?" at my appointments. My sister who goes to a military hospital always gets the "Do you feel safe at home?" question. Her husband does, too. (He's retired military.)

    Candy (I can't remember who said it, and if I scroll back a page, I'll lose my post), I think it was you who said that you get the question, but that you just live with your cat. This is not in any way meant to make light of domestic violence, but I've seen some pretty funny cartoons about cats planning to murder their people. You might mention that at your next appointment - hahaha. (Again, my apologies if I've offended anyone. I'll delete my comment if I have.)

    To the rest of you lovelies, I hope your Monday is uneventful.


  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,167

    Mara - so sorry you fell and broke your elbow; so glad you didn't hurt your head more seriously. I'm sure with your spirit, you'll be back to getting steps in your apartment, at least.

    Runor - it sounds like your cousins are trying to get things in order - hopefully that all falls into place soon.

    Candy - so glad you are safe. I had to stop in yesterday to check that you had posted and were okay, even though I was on the move and didn't have time to post. Terrible devastation.

    Goldens - glad you're staying to feel better. I'd go see an ortho, too, referral or not.

    It sounds like it was a rough weekend. Hugs to all those who need it. Things here are pretty mellow. Someone called dh and said he knew someone who wanted to buy our RV. We will be selling it, but at the moment we're living in it until we finish our move this weekend, and it's packed to the gills with us, the motorcycle, lots of dry goods from my kitchen, and the last few boxes that wouldn't fit in the moving truck...oh, and the dog, so...not quite yet. Lol

  • katyblu
    katyblu Member Posts: 223

    Oh wow! What an eventful weekend.

    Mara - I am so sorry that you fell and broke your elbow! And I'm sure the bruising and goose egg are no fun either. Thankfully you didn't get a concussion. Get lots of rest and be kind to yourself. And get back to walking in your apartment when you feel comfortable.

    Runor - I'm sorry about your Aunt. There is no need for someone to be in so much pain at the end. I'm glad your cousins are getting on the problem and I hope your Aunt starts to get more comfortable.

    I go to a military hospital for treatment and at every appointment I'm asked whether I feel safe in my house, if I feel like hurting myself or others, and do I smoke/drink. At all my oncology related appointments I'm asked about falls. And at a lot of my appointments they do a depression screening.

    Here for pocket duty for Sunshine, Rosie, and Mae!

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Sunshine- It was me that posted about living with my cat. And I too do not intend to make light of domestic abuse. But I have had scratches from my cat.

    SeeQ- It was horrible about this weekends tornados. Awful. But nice that we care on here and want to make sure our "sisters" on here are safe.

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    runor, if Auntie is in BC, you need the health authority to do an assessment. Then they will provide and pay for home care, meal delivery etc. Frankly it sounds like Auntie needs to go to residential care and again the earlier the assessment is done, the faster you get on the lists for a bed. If the hospital was reluctant to release they've probably already flagged the social worker/home health people to follow up but as always better to be sure. Going through public health usually means saving $ compared to hiring privately.

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    mara, omg, so sorry to hear about your elbow but glad you didn't get concussion or break face bones. I hope you have a smooth recovery.

    My broken forerarm/wrist is improving - but I stil have limited range of motion & some might be permanent based on the way it was lined up in the closed reduction. I have to restart physio - I stopped when I wasn't feeling well & then dh was in hospital. I've been slacking on doing my exercises too so I need to do those and then go see her again as she does certain manipulations to open the joint up and it really helps.

    I saw my optometrist last Friday first time since mets dx. Turns out I have dry eyes which have been causing my vision problems. She's having me do a trial of eye drops and ointments to lube up the eyes and then in Jan she'll see if I even need my glasses rx changed or not.

    mostly quiet weekend here but we did have my dd's birthday & we had a lovely day with her.

    busy week for me: Wed: lab & oncology appt (possibly will have bone scan results) ; Thurs: chemo; Fri: immunotherapy & CT scan.

    dh is fine, taking his meds & balking at being considered 'ill' in any way. He has some follow up appts too & so now we're juggling two people's medical calendars

    hugs everyone

  • emac877
    emac877 Member Posts: 688

    Mara I am so glad that you weren't more badly hurt! I hope your fractures heal quickly and the pain subsides.

    Moth - Glad to hear you and DH are both on the mend.

    Have an MRI this evening. I'm not expecting any findings they don't already know about. Sounds like this one is just to check the T-spine area to make sure it's okay for radiation. I'm trying to get motivated to do anything else today. I always have this problem with PNW dark, wet winters but I am counting my blessings as I think about everyone in the Midwest right now. The rain is welcome for the drought and fires we've had this summer. I will check in when I know anything about the results of the MRI.

    Hope all is well with everyone.

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    moth: i have a compress that you heat up in a microwave then place over your eyes. It is amazing how much moister they are after.

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    I guess the glass or three of wine helped me on Saturday night. Talked with my MO today about my bloodwork. He doesn't think I have anemia, my counts aren't that bad. He acknowleged I am anxious and stressed about my enigma. I have an -ray tomorrow after my H&P infusion. He will review it but thinks a bone biopsy could be in order. Waaaaaa He suggests Ativan. Thanks for all your posts offering virtual support. It means a lot. We all seem to be going through crap.

    emac: Perpetual grey skies. At least it is dry today and I count my blessings for not having tornadoes. I do remember the hurricane that tore up a big part of Stanley Park. I could not believe the sound of the wind crossing over our back porch. We were fortunate. We didn't even have so much as a loose piece of siding. Seeing those arial shots of that town in Kentucky was horrifying. It reminded me of photos of Hiroshima after the bomb went off. I am so sad and sorry for them. here do you begin to start over?

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,460

    Moth and everyone, thank you again for your thoughts and concern. I will admit, not doing well with the pain but just taking my advil as instructed by the doctor. Going to bed early tonight as I know rest will help in the long run. No appetite today but managed a small meal. As long as I remember not to use the arm, it is not too bad. If I forget and use it, blinding pain up the arm.

    Moth, sorry about your own forearm, hoping for some quick healing of that and glad your husband is doing better.

    I did cancel the Herceptin this week, just too painful for now, hopefully it settles up soon.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,052

    Mara~ I think you should have been given something stronger. It sucks we can’t be. CLoser to help each other at times like this. I’m worried about you !!

  • Rosie24
    Rosie24 Member Posts: 1,026

    Mara, I’m worried about you too. Is your elbow immobilized somehow? Having blinding pain if you move wrong sounds awful. Stronger meds are needed. I hope the ortho doc calls very soon. Sorry you have to deal with all this. I hope you’re able to get a decent night’s sleep.

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    oh Mara I'm so sorry you have to go through this along with everything else you are dealing with. May you get some sleep tonight. Hugs

  • Lee64
    Lee64 Member Posts: 113

    Just checking in after being in and out of hospital twice in last 2 weeks. My pet scan shows uptake in lung nodule so now I have to have a biopsy. I also am off Ibrance and started Verzenio 150 mg. last week. Also scheduled for an endoscopy in the next month or so. Dec. has been one hell of a month so far. I'm not making much progress in getting ready for Xmas; I'm having trouble with slow shipping and things being on backorder. Some gifts will be given after the 25th.

    Moth - glad your husband is better.

    Mara - So sorry about your fall.

    Elderberry - Our hospitals are full too. I had to spend 36 hrs. in the ER bed before they found a room for me. I have several appts. yet this month; I just hope I can stay out of the hospital.

    Pocket duty to all who need it. I love you dear ladies and couldn't wait to get caught up with everyone.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,713

    Just out of curiosity, when you all need to go to an ER, do you go to a regular one? I was told to always come to the ER at my cancer center, even for a non cancer emergency. Do you all have that option?

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,052

    Lee~ what a sweet thing to say. We love you too

  • kris_2000
    kris_2000 Member Posts: 93

    illiemae, I don't have that option but on the other hand, the hospital and ER are right next to the cancer center. I wonder if it's so that your oncologist can more easily be looped in since other treatments are often affected by what is being done for our cancer.

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,952

    Mae, I’ve never been told to go to an emergency room connected to cancer center, although the one I go to if I need to is right next door.

    Elderberry, can you let me know which eye mask you have I also just found out recently that I have dry eye, and I’d rather do a mask than drops. They’re such a pain.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,460

    Mae I don't have a cancer emergency room. Would be nice though.

    I slept 10 hours last night which on my back so I was not in pain good.

    Rosie I was given an arm sling.

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,537

    Mara that’s some good sleep! I hope your elbow is healing.


  • kittykat9876
    kittykat9876 Member Posts: 420

    Mae,my cancer centre is part of my local hospital so all my records are there, I go straight there if I have any problems. Mara, I hope someone can give you some decent pain relief. Stepping up for pocket duty for all who need it.

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 724

    Mara - following my dx of septic arthritis in my right shoulder, I was not sent home with any pain meds. First I tried Tramadol - did nothing. Then oxycodone - again no pain control but I did get some sleep. Seems that good old ibuprofen works the best and I take it round the clock. It takes the edge off the pain. Tylenol is useless. Sleep is difficult as I have to sleep on my back. I find using 3 pillows helps. Using a heating pad is also beneficial for the pain. I hope you can find some things that help you. Pain is no fun. And be sure to eat, even if small meals. Protein is especially important.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Mara- Glad you got some rest. Hope you hear from ortho doc soon. That sounds awful what you are going thru.

    Mae- I go to a cancer center 2 hours away, so if I needed an emergency room (when I had my pulmonary embolism for instance) I go to my local ER--- 5 minute drive from my house. Most emergencies would not be associated with my cancer diagnosis anyhow-- i.e. accidents, or acute illnesses. I did follow up with a call to my onc when I had the PE to tell her what was wrong and that I was admitted to the hospital. But she was not involved in it at all. My PCP takes care of my blood thinner now.

    Lee- So sorry you have been thru so much so far this month. Hoping things will calm down soon for you.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,713

    Thanks all, good points, I forget sometimes that living in a big medical city is different. When I’m finally out west, my infusion center will be 3 hours away, so I’ll have to stay local for an ER.

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Mara I'm happy to hear you had a great sleep last night. Your body is telling you how much rest it needs and will heal the injuries much faster. I do hope the orthopedic calls soon or I would give them a call.

    Lee you have had a hell of a month. How much more can a person deal with. Thoughts are with you.

    We have a small emergency room about 15 minutes from our house. For serious situations we head into town about 40 minutes from our house. This emergency room is in the same hospital as the cancer center.

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    KBL: The one is use is BRUDER Eye Compress Moist Heat. It feel really nice and is quite relaxing I find 23 seconds in the microwave is perfect for me.

    BCCA is not set up to do ER stuff. My closest ER is Burnaby General, about 15 minutes away. Lions Gate Hospital is where I go for cancer stuff, it is in North Vancouver but if the bridge is okay it is a short trip.