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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,460

    I wish people would just wear masks, not about taking rights away, just protecting people from your germs. Turned into an unnecessary political topic on both sides of the border, Canada and US.

    Sunshine, hope it is just arthritis as well.

    Candy, thank you for the pocket duty list. I don't blame you for not going places without masking.

    Noisy around here today. Have not accomplished much but did have to unclog my tub drain. Not my hair but apparently my washer spat out a bunch of cat hair. Put a sock over the drain of the washer and will just use my little snakes with barbs to clear out the drain from the washer. The lint catchers that float do work well but I need to clear them more often. I will also run hot water through the washer as well to help with the drain. Baking soda and vinegar to unclog the tub drain.

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196


    I hope I didn’t come off as a “know-it-all”. I hope for the very best outcome for your Aunt. It’s just that I have seen the same thing time and time again where kids (certainly adults now) decide to let someone (anyone) take care of this kind of work (and it is work) when our relatives get older and they have no plan in place. Maybe they do have a plan, but in the meantime your poor Aunt is suffering and in pain. No one should ever have to endure pain as they get to the end of their life. No way. But something tells me that this issue is going to get resolved soon. At least that’s what I’m hoping for. Just sorry you have yet another thing to occupy your already heavy schedule.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,713

    Good morning all :)

    For the pocket duty list, I’ve got a post radiation brain MRI on Thursday (results on Friday).

    It’s cold here today, I’m cozy in sweats, drinking hot broth and watching mysteries.

  • runor
    runor Member Posts: 1,615

    Re: aunt being looked after by other aunts, all of them in their 80s. 

    Just had a talk with my cousin (Aunt's kid) and she does realize that it is not sustainable or safe to have these old Aunties come in to do care giving. She said that this isn't good because the Aunts might not want to do this. That's the problem. The Aunties  DO want to do it! They come from a family of 14 and are those hard working stock where if there is a problem, you roll up your sleeves and  get at it. Never let anything stop you from doing what needs to be done. So these elderly Aunties WANT to help. But wanting to help is not the same as being equipped and able to help. In this case the desire to help does not translate to the ability to help. They are out gunned by my Aunt's needs, and that is going to be a hard pill for many of them to swallow. 

    Fortunately right now there are many care workers who are unjobbed because they have not taken the vax so there is no shortage of skilled people to hire. It sounds like that is exactly wht they are going to do. Hire the help they need. 

    BooBoo, you do not sound like a know it all. I think sometimes when someone we love has one of these declines, we don't want to see it. We want to believe it's just temporary. That with enough time and support our loved one will be restored to full capacity. Accepting the inevitable, I think, is something humans are not very good at. And even as they are planning on lining up in-home care, I find myself on your side of the equation that she needs to be where her pain is managed and the care aids are in place 24/7. I could be wrong. Maybe she has a bit more time and slightly better health left in her. I hope that is the case. 

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,460

    Great, took a nasty trip and fall on the way home. Scraped my cheek and my hand hurts. Does not instill much walking confidence. Hurt my hand and scraped my cheek as well. SIL coming to check on me, may need a trip to emerg. Giant goose egg on my head, sore hand and arm as well. Just what I need.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,713

    Oh Mara, I’m sorry but agree that it may be best to get it checked out. I know set backs like this are hard but you are a go getter, I have no doubt you’ll walk cautiously but confidently soon.

  • Rosie24
    Rosie24 Member Posts: 1,026

    Sorry about the fall, Mara. I hope your injuries aren't too serious but good to get them checked out. Taking a fall definitely messes with our confidence for a while after.

    Mae & Sunshine, pocket duty for you this week.

    Runor, it sounds like your cousin's plan to hire is agood start. I hope she/they get on it quick so the aunts can become supportive visitors rather than caretakers. Edit: I just remembered one of your big concerns was her pain level. Does your cousin realize she’s suffering

  • kris_2000
    kris_2000 Member Posts: 93

    Mara, I hope you're OK but agree it's good to get checked out.

    This reminds me though, do all of you get asked if you've fallen in the last 6 months every time you go for treatment?

  • kris_2000
    kris_2000 Member Posts: 93

    Mara, I hope you're OK but agree it's good to get checked out.

    This reminds me though, do all of you get asked if you've fallen in the last 6 months every time you go for treatment?

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    mara: Oh no!! I am sorry you had a spill and hurt yourself. It might be good to get checked out if you hit your head.

    kris_2000: No, I have never been asked if I have fallen. Do you have mobility problems already?

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,537

    Mara I hope that you are ok. It’s scary to fall. Did you get helped up or were you able to do it yourself? Get yourself checked out dear.


  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Oh Mara hope you are getting checked out now, as it has been a couple hours since you last posted.

    kris- Yes my hospital infusion center, where I get my Port flushed and my Lupron injection each month (locally for convenience), asks if I have fallen. They do a computerized questionnaire every time I go. They also ask depression screening questions. My cancer center, where I see my MO, though does not ask any of that. Go figure. Guess a difference in the computer program and the nurses' job duties. But I would think my MO needs that info-- falls and depression issues-- more than the Infusion center.

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    To All: as I said earlier. No questions about falls. I have doing well so my MO doesn't ask about where my head is. I plan to mention that when I speak to him tomorrow. I have been in a tailspin as of late. My blood work isn't as good since the last one, I was stressing out from renos in the kitchen, then my hot water tank failed and flooded the basement, and I have the "enigma" in my bone marrow that has yet to be identified from the PET, MRI, bone scan. My blood counts look like I MIGHT have mild anemia. Still waiting on the other tests results that are still "pending" . I should get those in the next while.

    Last night I had a meltdown with my DH having a meltdown. It was messy and involved a lot of weeping.

    I am having some wine which is probably contraindicated.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,713

    Kris, I get asked at every visit (infusions, follow ups, scans) if I’ve fallen in the last month. I usually just tell them before they ask because I know all the questions as already.

    I also get a questionnaire quarterly asking about financial stress, emotional issues and if anyone is controlling or preventing me from doing as I please basically. I often jokingly threaten to report DH, if I don’t get my way about something, lol but of course I always get my way anyhow.

    Elderberry, sorry about the meltdowns but enjoy that wine!

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Elderberry- I am sorry you are going thru so much. Seems like it all piles up sometimes.

    Oh, and they do ask if I feel safe at home-- no family that I feel threatened by. I live with my cat, so No I don't feel threatened.

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,952

    Runor, I’m so sorry for what you’re going through with your aunt. I know you must be greatly concerned about your mom trying to help. I hope the children step up and get her the care she needs.

    Mara, I’m so sorry you fell. I’m thinking of you and hope the bump on your head heals quickly.

    Elderberry, I hope you were able to relax a little with the wine. I’m sorry for what you’re going through

  • kris_2000
    kris_2000 Member Posts: 93

    Elderberry, no I'm not having mobility issues but still always get the questions. At least it looks like it's standard for some places and not just me. Sorry for the meltdowns and weeping. I had some of that myself yesterday. Enjoy the wine and I hope things are better.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,052

    Mara~ I am worried about your head and falling. I hope you got that checked out. I’m so sorry that this has happened. I’m thinking of you.

    Kris~ I get asked if I have fallen almost every oncologist visit. I guess they want To make sure we aren’t having dizziness and mobility issues. I’m normally clumsy. So the answer is almost always yes.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,460

    No concussion found after heat CT scan, broken elbow, hairline fracture and bone chip detected. That sucks. Got an arm sling. My face was scraped and swollen as well. Took 7 hours to get through emergency. I use my right hand for nearly everything and needless to say there will be no walking in the near future.

    I guess I should count myself lucky my face did not get broken and will likely just have bruises. I was starving at ER but they did let Kelly stay with me which helped. Not looking forward to all the pain. Orthopaedic department will call me. I will like cancel Herceptin this week. Hope the elbow pain subsides at some point soon.

    Will be sitting on my butt for the next while and downing the Advil and Tylenol as well. Will be nervous about walking in the future as I felt like my feet were lifting well and not dragging. Oh well, stuff happens I guess but this really sucked, thank goodness I have a wonderful older DB and SiL. Makes me realize that I should be grateful for the help I do have.

  • runor
    runor Member Posts: 1,615

    Mara - glad you are not concussed, but a broken elbow! Youch!  I hear you about the loss of confidence in your walking. But you walk A LOT! So I hope your confidence is only temporarily rattled, and not gone.

    Elderberry - I don't know when wine is ever contraindicated!  It's Christmas time, do you make mulled wine? Every now and then Hub buys a bottle of the cheapest, crappiest red wine he can find and tosses it in a pot with a bunch of spices and boils and brews. It's ghastly. I'm pretty sure people have died from it. I would hope that your not contraindicated mulled wine will turn out better. 

    Mae, gotta love the brass with which you claim your unchallenged 'gets own way' status. You go!

    KBL, I think the kids are pretty aware of the situation. I feel better after talking to them. They know their old Aunties will give it their best shot but at the end of the day this task is beyond them. As I type, my mom is there at her sister's house. She will spend the night and be there to re-adjust Aunt when she is in pain, asking to be moved for relief. I think Auntie would benefit from the odd anti-anxiety med. Even an alprazolam or xanax before bed might buy her a few hours of comfort and sleep. She needs it and so does everyone else in the house.  My mom is 81 and slowing down. This is going to wear her out! But hired help is in the works as is the arrival of a hospital bed with lifting devices. So I think they are getting their monkeys in a row. 

  • kittykat9876
    kittykat9876 Member Posts: 420
    1. Mara, sorry to read about your fall, a broken elbow sounds awful, I'm glad you have your dB and sil close, I'm always worried about falling, I've already a bad fall where I broke my arm and knocked out my two front teeth so I really feel for you at the moment, hopefully you'll be back walking sooner rather than later. Runor, it sounds like your Aunt's kids are stepping up, which is great.
  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,952

    Mara, I'm so sorry about your fall and elbow. I hope it can heal quickly and It doesn’t cause too many issues.

    Runor, I'm glad it sounds like the kids are getting into the swing of things. Your mom will deserve a nice big rest when things get implemented. It's so sweet that she's there for her sister. I can feel your concern for her, though.

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196


    Sent up prayers for you this morning. I am so glad you went to the ER (as bad as they are) to get checked out. I am the stubborn kind who waits until there’s a crisis before I go. I am wishing I could be there with you to help you out, make chicken soup (a cure-all) and take care of you. But for now, we’ll have to suffice with check-ins here, and before you know it, you’ll be healed andback in business.

    Hugs from FL,


  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,460

    Slept about 4 hours. Went back to bed as I feel quite ill. Going to call hospital and cancel my Herceptin.

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 724

    Mara - so sorry about your fall - but the fact that you went to the ER and had injuries is a lesson for all of us if we hit the ground. Did you get a referral to an Ortho for the broken elbow? I can only imagine the bruises that will show up. I can’t believe all the bad stuff that keeps happening to this group! We need some good vibes! Although an Ortho referral was not part of my discharge summary from the hospital, I’m going to see one tomorrow. Dr. Google was pretty specific in Ortho’s treating the septic arthritis in my shoulder. The infectious disease doc just has me doing 4 weeks of IV antibiotics. Ortho treatment is 6 weeks as well as arthroscopy to clean out the infection. The pain has improved 50% as well as range of motion, but I’m still unable to drive or do a lot with my right arm. Keep on top of the pain, Mara. Broken bones sure do hurt

  • cowgal
    cowgal Member Posts: 625

    Reporting for pocket duty for Sunshine, Mae, Rosie and anyone I might have missed.

    Mara - I am so sorry. I hope you get some rest and get to feeling better and make a full recovery. Did anyone stop to help you? Do you know what caused you to fall?

  • cowgal
    cowgal Member Posts: 625

    Reporting for pocket duty for Sunshine, Mae, Rosie and anyone I might have missed.

    Mara - I am so sorry. I hope you get some rest and get to feeling better and make a full recovery. Did anyone stop to help you? Do you know what caused you to fall?

  • chicagoan
    chicagoan Member Posts: 1,044


    So sorry to hear about your broken elbow. I hope that it will heal up quickly. Rest well today.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Mara- Bless your heart. Wish I was close to you and could help you now. Get some rest and check in here when you feel like it.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,713

    Runor, to clarify, while I do get my way, I’m not at all demanding, it’s just that DH always says “it’s your happiness that means most to me” and he means it. It’s been his mantra for 20 years.

    See you on the MBC zoom later ladies 😁