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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Pocket duty list for the week of April 17---

    Kikomoon--- Scans this week

    Karen- MO Wednesday

    Mara- MO Wednesday

    Anyone else?

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,456

    Laurie, thank you for your kindness. I do feel much better today with it all as well. We blocked each other on facebook, I deleted all messenger conversations. I blocked her phone number and removed from my contacts as sometimes I accidentally butt dial people. I think this result is best not just for me but for her as well. She was well within her right to sever the relationship. I will not actively seek a new person because I will text older DB and SIL between 8 to 9 pm with the understanding a convo is not necessary. They should not have a problem and since I am well 99 percent of the time, I don't feel taking services from people who need it is necessary. Take services as needed if anything changes.

    Chicagoan, hope the family issues ease up for you. Sending hugs your way and installing myself in your pocket. If you are having a good dinner, I will prepare anything you would want.

    May be going to DB for supper tonight. It will be nice, will not speak about the issue with the phone friend again and adv of the plan to send a text.

    Not doing much beforehand, regular chores and lovely laundry. am also going to take a picture hook and put on the side of my cabinet that holds the microwave and breville on the side. Can put a nice back to collect my recycling until I take it out. Will be moving boxes there and keep area around the front closet clear. Will make it look more tidy and a bit bigger.

    Will cook up something delicious for myself I am sure. Surveys and wee mobile games to make some extra money. The mobile games usually pay if you view ads within the games so I trigger extra ads. The mobile game maker makes money and pays the site that offer me to play. The site gives me some as well for watching ads. It is nice and gives me extra money to save for things.

    Edited to add that I decided to take a chili in a can I do not like anymore, strain and rinse it and add to subsequent meals I make with different seasonings. I also plan to do that with soups that are not the best. I must remember to use the rice I bought as well. It fills out meals nicely as well. Waste not, want not I say, if you buy something that does not taste good, change it into what does taste good. I am loving garlic lately and though I do not suffer heartburn thanks to my digestive enzymes, my mouth will sometime lodge a protest with cankers. When I remember to rinse with baking soda, no issue but if I forget, just put a baking soda paste on the spot for a few minutes a couple of times a day.

    I am saving to get some new sisal rope and staple gun to keep the cat scratching post in better shape, they love the heck out of it.

    Hope everyone has a good easter.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,456

    Candy, I have an MO meeting which should be pretty routine this coming Wednesday, no scans that I remember needing to talk about. I may ask about my echo for but there has been nothing recently done. Next CT I believe will be in July. We will see.

  • 50sgirl
    50sgirl Member Posts: 2,071

    I will be there for pocket duty.

    Happy Easter, Passover, and Ramadan to all who celebrate. There were supposed to be 15 of us here for dinner today, but one of my daughters-in-law tested positive for COVID, so we are down to 11. My sons all decided months ago that their families would do home testing before any visit with us. I thought they were being overly cautious since they are all vaccinated and have boosters, but I guess not. Luckily, my DIL has very mild allergy-like symptoms. Anyway, we will have more leftovers than expected. We will all miss the four who won’t be here.

    People on this thread have a lot going on, and I am having trouble keeping up. I do read every message. Next time I will take notes so I can address people individually. It is difficult to scroll back.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

    Hugs and prayers from, Lynne

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,456

    Lynne, happy holidays to you as well. Hope it is a lovely day for you.

    Mel, hope you are feeling much better, Candy and everyone as well, happy holiday no matter what you do.

    Well, when one door closes, another better door opens. I have a friend, wonderful person I worked with and have known since 2006 had disappeared from facebook and I thought I had no way to contact her. Then yesterday, installed messenger to block and delete my conversations with the former phone friend. Today, my real life friend messaged me and we talked quite a bit. She has a lot of stress she is carrying so maybe when she has time, we can go for a walk and talk or just a coffee type thing. She is a super nice person and even if we interact through messenger, I hope that when she needs it, she can vent it out with me. We have gone out a few times over the years as well so we will see what happened. I have made the offer and she will let me know and if she just wants to hang out, she can do that to. I am happier today.

    My breakfast was out there today. Took leftover chick peas and chopped them up the chopper first. Added a lot of spinach which got chopped. Took some of the rinsed chili mix from a container as well and spooned that in for chopping. Fried it up on a pan. Decided I wanted to up the fiber and protein and added a generous helping of peanut butter along with a handful of wheat bran. The weird part which will not likely be appealing is a generous amount of ketchup was added to allow me to combine the dry ingredients. Seasoned with a mixed seasoning blend I have which has some italian, taco, everything bagel. Also added steak onion seasoning as well. Though it was a weird idea, the peanut powder and ketchup both added something that tasted really good. Can also say I am full due to the protein content. I used to eat peanut butter and ketchup sandwiches as a kid so figured the peanut powder would offer some of the same taste enjoyment. FYI, my whole family hated that phase of eating as a younger person. Older DB was convinced I did it to bother people but no, I just really liked it.

  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,166

    Pocket duty for Kikomoon, Karen, and Mara - with double dark chocolate Milano cookies

    SondraF- what a bummer about your swimming expedition. All that patience used up and no swim at the end. :(

    Mara - good for you for setting boundaries. Great idea from Chicagoan - I do something similar with my daughter who lives alone. She texts me when she's in after going out for the night. Even if I'm asleep when she texts me, I see it in the morning. It's not too invasive and we both get comfort from it.

    50sgirl- that's still a big group at 11. I'm sure your son and ddil missed being there. It's been a long time since I was at a big family gathering like that. I'm the youngest of 7, so it used to be every holiday. So much fun!

    We "met in the middle" to have dinner with DD today. It was about an hour's drive for each of us, so not too far, and we enjoyed the company.

    The grey crane that visited us this morning was back for sunset. It's the first day we've seen him.


  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,950

    SeeQ, how beautiful is that? So glad you got to meet up to have dinner

  • Rosie24
    Rosie24 Member Posts: 1,026

    SeeQ, that’s a fabulous photo, and a fabulous view that you have! Nice that you could have dinner with your DD.

    Mara, That’s so neat that you reconnected with a good friend. I hope it leads to more frequent talks, even if on Messenger. You deserve a caring friend in real life. You know you have all of us here too, any time.

    Pocket duty for Kikomoon, Karen, and Mara.

    Lynne, I hope your Easter dinner was enjoyable, even with one family missing.

    A bit of a quieter week for me with having my off week from chemo. I do have a follow up with my RO that requires an hour drive drive to the “big city” but it’s ok because there’s always lunch out involved and sometimes we plan an extra visit to something in the area. Last week I had an appt with the ortho surgeon and we visited Daffodil Hill at a well-known cemetery. I think it was just before peak blooming but it was our first time there and very pretty. I’ll try to attach a photo. MyMO appt is by telehealth, so no driving needed.

    Hello to everyone in the living room 👋.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    love the crane very pretty! hope puppies are doing good Mae. love to all. !

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    imageSunset on Easter.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Mel- How are you doing? How is therapy? You feeling any better? Glad you are posting, but you seem distant anymore. You ok?

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    Hi everyone, happy Monday! We had some nicer warmer weather over the weekend & I got a few dog walks in as well as some chores done before the steroid crash.

    And my gals, I booked a trip!!! I'm not going to give details yet because I just feel like it might slip through my fingers but I did it. It's for my dh & myself. Dd & me are trying to get a different trip organized just for us. And then I thought I'd go somewhere alone with my ds... And I have like 3 more trip ideas for me & dh - I'm suddenly totally out of control lol. Where am I going to get the energy for all this travel when most days I'm just flopping around the house?! Well, we'll see I guess

    I needed a nap yesterday but I'm hoping today I'll power through the whole day. Blood work Wed & chemo Thurs.

    Otherwise not much happening except I'm trying to figure out if I can still somehow renew my board certification in lactation. I first certified in 2002 & we need to recertify every 5 years. There are always continuing ed & practice requirements and as recently I was either in school or sick, I don't have some of the pieces needed so I'm talking to them to see if there is some workaround. Feels sort of silly to do it - I won't be able to use it, really. Otoh, also would feel like it's another loss to have to let it go. I will try to figure it out this week one way or the other.


  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,537

    Moth congrats on booking those vacays!!!! When i went and was tired I just slept. Hey it is a vacation after all!!!!

    Mel SeeQ beautiful sunset pictures.

    I did eat dinner last night with family. it was enjoyable and only about 2 hours.

    Booboo it was good to see you checking in a few days ago. I know you must be loving the spring in the north watching all the greenery and sprouts poking through.

    Take care all


  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    Candy~I am doing ok! Therapy is going well and I am liking it a lot. Just finding myself so very tired lately. Not feeling any worse kinda just getting by like us all. Ty for asking about me. My mouth os acting up again and I can’t figure out the trigger other than the ibrance ! Hugs to you !

  • gigil
    gigil Member Posts: 916

    Hi there. Just checking in to read about everyone’s experience with treatment. I was diagnosed with stage IIa in 2011. After lumpectomy and radiation I thought I was sailing - until about two years ago when after much rib pain I was diagnosed with megs to bone. I have been taking Letrozole for two years and although I have been feeling pretty well my CA27-29 jumped from 71 to 104 since February. I am scheduled for a CT scan with contrast tomorrow. I am feeling pretty anxious about the CT with contrast. I haven’t had one of those. I had a PET scan two years ago. Needless to say I am mostly anxious about the results and a probable change of treatment. I am pretty much obsessing about it and have been over the weekend. I am back here reading a lot after a long time. It seems like I am not the only One with scan anxiety this week. Wishing everyone else peace and happy moments. I am working on it. Love, GiG

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,950

    Rosie24, hope your appointment goes well.

    Moth, yay on booking vacation. I find when I have something to do, even though I’m tired, if I’m excited about it, I can usually do it. I hope the same for you.

    Mel, beautiful sunset. I’m glad therapy is going well.

    Tanya, so good to see you today.

    Gigil, I’m sure they’ll tell you about the contrast tomorrow, but just a heads-up. When they inject it, it may have a metal taste and make you feel very warm down there, like you’re peeing. Totally normal. It’s not a bad scan at all and goes pretty quickly, unlike an MRI. As we usually say around here, I’ll be in your pocket.

  • gigil
    gigil Member Posts: 916

    kbl thanks for the words of encouragement. I think I would rather have had a PET scan but my doctor says CT first. Ugh! I have had a PET scan, and I know what to expect there. Waiting for results is another story, as well as anticipating a change in treatment. I very much appreciate having you in my pocket.

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    moth: I am so happy for you. Getting to go on a trip. Going on trips seems like something I once had a dream about. BC and then Covid. Who went on trips?!! Let us know when you are in the air!!

    sf-cakes: welcome to Mel's hangout. It is The Best. You are free to whine, laugh, share. You don't have to fall into any category. Just be you!!

    My DH is home and doing well. He hasn't used the walker or bedframe that the Red Cross loaned to us. Free. I shall give them a good donation when I return the stuff. He only uses the shower seat to soap up but can stand to rinse off. The tear in his lung seems to be fully resolved and he can go a long time between pain killers for the broken ribs. He is glad to be back to food that has taste. :-)

    gigil: good luck with the scan. It won't be all that bad. It is the waiting for results that is awful. I hope the time passes quickly.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,456

    Beautiful crane picture as well as the lovely sunset on Easter, quite beautiful indeed. Yes I do consider you all my friends as well. I still wear the masks Mel made me, I do use the walking poles Chicagoan gave me and still feel the support from everyone here which is wonderful for me. I do admit, feels strange not to have heard from the former friend but not bad at all. I do have a facebook friend that belongs to one of my facebook groups. She messaged me and asked if I wanted some headscarves to be sent. She got a friend who donates those to drop them off at my building as she lives nearby and I was not home today. Who does that? Obviously, a kind person but it was really out of nowhere. I am very grateful.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    I also consider you all friends. I care about each and everyone of you and If I could I would make the living room real. Where we would come and go and there’s always someone there. Kinda like cheers where everybody knows your name. Gigil~ welcome to my second home. I hope you know there’s always a place for you. Here.

    Reporting for pocket duty. !!! Lots of Easter Candy my dd made me anEaster basket. So sweet.

  • denny10
    denny10 Member Posts: 421

    Hi everyone, thank goodness this thread is active, not a great poster but an avid reader. Thanks micmel, I too think of you all as friends.

    moth , hurrah for the holiday. Speak to your doc, pehaps you could have some steroids on standby to give you an energy boost, if you get tired while vacationing. Good luck with your training ,I hate the that slowly little bits of my old normal life are being chipped away by MBC, but try and keep going and enjoy life.

    mara, you are an inspiration, so positive in facing your life challenges.

    Karenfizedbo, what a nasty shock for you, waiting for 'what next' is awful. I am waiting for decision from my doctor after liver progression on Halaven.

    Best wishes to you all; going for scans, appointments or getting on with life.

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Moth- it's great that you are booking your trips! And why not!!

    Mara- I am happy to hear you have rid yourself of the negativity. It sounds like old friends are appearing again.

    Gigi- the scan isn't bad at all. Like it's been said , it's really the waiting game.

    Love the pictures !

    On pocket duty for scans and appointments with Easter mini eggs.

    Waving hello to everyone this morning!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,456

    I don't have too much planned for today, not interested in the cold or snow, just meals, laundry and surveys and games for my budget boosting. Other than that, nothing on my dance card. It is still snowing ThumbsDown here. Tomorrow the temperature goes up again which is good as I have my MO app't and Herceptin. Might actually purchase a sausage muffin from the Tim Horton's at the hospital as I will be there hours due to the fact the cancer centre was closed yesterday and last Friday, more waiting though I do not mind, can watch tv there.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Hello all.

    Welcome gigil. Pocket duty for your CT. As the others have said, a CT is not bad. The "pee feeling" is the worst of it. When they inject the dye you may feel warm all over then "oops I peed my pants", but you don't. Drink lots of water after to expel the contrast dye thru the kidneys. When will you find out the results? Your next MO appointment?

    Moth- Glad you are planning a trip. I am not a vacationer myself, never have been. But you enjoy!!!!

    Hate that I cannot scroll back to remind me of the ones I wanted to comment on. I did not take notes this time.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,456

    Candy, totally agree with you about the pee feeling, that is also when I get nauseous from the dye. I take a big breath and hold it until I cool off, ususally the nausea goes away soon after. I could take my nausea med but since it makes me drowsy and I walk, prefer to try and get through without it. Gigil, when you have your CT my suggestion is to hold your breath until the warm feels cool and if you get nauseated, have them give you and alcohol wipe to put on the upper lip. I have found the smell of alcohol prevents the nausea for me.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,456

    Well, had another larger than intended but nonetheless delicious breakfast. Chopped up a vegan hotdog (had that because could not get my beefless ground I prefer), few carrots, spinach and mushroom. Chopped those first. Added 1/4 cup chick peas and 1/4 cup black beans to chopper and chopped those as well. Cooked 1/2 cup white rice. Got my wee frying pan and added them all together, took a spoonful of some garlic spread and added it to the rice, beans and chickpea mixture along with the chopped veg. When I plated, added a sprinkle of wheat bran for the fibre and some salt. Also added my garlic parmesan seasoning as well. Not overly garlicky but still could taste it with a spoonful of mayo to combine the dry ingredients. It was lovely, a party in my mouth and really enjoyed it. Only thing I would change in future is the rice, 1/4 cup would have been plenty.

  • gigil
    gigil Member Posts: 916

    Good morning and thanks to all of you for the words of encouragement. I meet with my doctor in two days for results. Like everyone else, I hate the waiting. I am focusing on the sun shining outside and the sound of birds singing. I love those tiny Easter eggs! I keep telling myself that I need to stop with the sugar, and then a holiday pops up. I am so glad to have some pocket friends for my test today. I am not afraid of IV'sor pain. I am afraid of panic attacks and acting like a shivering little girl. Ugh! I remember that peeing myself feeling from an MRI I had many years ago when this journey started. What do all of you do to distract from obsessing about all of this in between tests and MO appointments

  • chicagoan
    chicagoan Member Posts: 1,042

    Moth-Glad you have a trip planned! We'll be anxious to hear about it when you are ready to share.

    Gigil-I actually like when they give the contrast for the CT scan. It gives me kind of a rush-cheap thrills! I don't mind CT scans at all since they are over so fast.

    Mara-That breakfast sounds good and very healthy.

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Mara you are a connoisseur of meals on a budget. My meals are pretty boring compared to you. Starting May 1st the lobster season begins. We know several fishermen down at the dock to get our fresh lobster 🦞 yum yum 😋

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Gigi- in between tests and results I continue to do all the things I would normally do. It is a very anxious time but all the worrying makes me a mess so I work on things to keep my mind busy.