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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    As you may know, we’ve been living in our RV next to the cabin while completing the build and DH has always been insistent that I take a flashlight and scan the area for critter eyes, if I go upstairs after dark. I do because I’m cautious but we found this on the trail cams! A fox and a big cat, looks like a bobcat to me, not something I want to run into for sure, yikes.


  • 50sgirl
    50sgirl Member Posts: 2,071

    Holy Moly, Mae, That's a little too close to the house for comfort!

    Kikomoon, I am sorry for the latest development. I hope you have a treatment plan in place soon. I am sure Mae and Mara will continue to share their experiences and tips as you go through it.

    Tanya and Mae, You both have great coping methods. I will have to try them. I have scans tomorrow, the first time since I started Ixempra. I feel good, and I hope the results show stability or, dare I say it, improvement.

    Mara, Your meals amaze me. I am such a traditional, boring eater, but I do love food.

    Mel, Have you been working on your painting at all? Do you enjoy it?

    Goldens, I hope you find pain relief soon.

    Hello to everyone I have missed.
    Hugs and prayers from,Lynne

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    Hi! I need to take notes if I don't read posts for a few days. I would like to respond to everyone individually.

    seeq: Yay on the kitchen. I lived through that as well but so worth it. I didn't want the new kitchen to look too new, or condo-ish or whatever. The house was built in the late 20's . We went for stained pine cabinets. It looks very farm housey. Onto the basement renos. Right now --- awful. Bare cement floors and just the wood framing. It was totally gutted.

    mae: keep your little fur babies inside. Snacks for predators. I live in an urban area and cats get taken often by coyotes.

    Everyone else: Good luck on scans, planned trips.....everything

  • Kikomoon
    Kikomoon Member Posts: 358

    thank you everyone for your kind words. Having this place to share means a lot to me. Wishing the living room was real.

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,950

    livingivlife, I was just reading something about being too nice. I love to help my family, so if that's considered too nice, that's me. I do try to make everyone happy, that's for sure. It does make me happy, though.

    The one difference for me is if I feel taken for granted, I can be not so nice. I plan on being brutally honest with everyone. I've also said I won't be put in the middle. If anyone has a problem with someone else, go to the source. And then if it's really bad, I will resort to crying. That usually puts everyone back in check. Lol. No one likes to see Momma cry. Works for me. And it's been a long time since I've cried, so I'll be good and ready if the need arises.

    My husband and daughter have a lot of the same personality traits, a little on the quick No side when asked for something, while my SIL and I are more calm. If worse comes to worse, I'll shove my husband and daughter in the same room and shut the door. Hahaha.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    KBL, this is my news years resolution when I have one, lol. Seems fitting when you find yourself in the middle of stuff.


  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Mae- looks like a bobcat to me too. Yes keep those pups close by you. If I had a new year's resolution I'd be saying the same thing! Lol

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    50’s slow on the painting but still enjoy it. Feel blah so much of the time just can’t get motivated. Been having gastrointestinal issues not fun at all. Just all of a sudden. So strange. Hope you’re doing good. Thanks for asking about me. Hugs to you.

    Mae~ wow I would be very careful indeed. My goodness gracious. That’s a big cat! Please be safe. Close to the house for sure. Feeling too comfortable? Or just hungry? Your life adventures!

    Hi Mara Candy. Goldens, Kikomoon , Tanya, BooBoo, SeeQ, pots, Karen, living,KBL elderberry.

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    Hey everyone, wow I've had a busy day - steroids for the win!! My metastatic support group zoom meeting this morning and then after lunch dd & I went to Ikea (wearing our N95s) as she wanted to look at a bunch of stuff. I also wore a new wig I'd impulse bought last week because it was on a super sale (I've been looking at this wig for ages, it just wasn't at the top of my list as it's a pixie & I've been shopping for a bob....but on sale I grabbed it). The wig was good & comfortable for the outing. I think I'll do a thing on instagram about it eventually. & I'm still shopping for my perfect bob lol. My ikea now has vegan soft serve ice cream so we treated ourselves. Then dd & I went for a walk with Olive. We just finished dinner... I'm still not tired, steroids are really something lol.

    hope everyone has a good weekend!


  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,166

    KBL - If you saw how many boxes I have in my shop (garage/storage bldg), you wouldn't believe it. I delayed unpacking a lot until my kitchen is finished. Part of me is dreading more unpacking, and the other part is excited to have my stuff again. Lol

    Goldens - wow! It sounds like you've been in a lot of pain everywhere. I hope you find a doc that will treat the cause and not just the pain.

    Mara - I have a very small kitchen that had a mish-mash of old cabinets that either stuck shut or didn't close right. I have high ceilings, so I'm adding storage with taller cabinets, a very small breakfast bar, and an over-the-fridge cabinet. The custom cabinets were the nearly same price as the cheap ones from Lowe's and I get more space. The oven that was here wasn't heating correctly, so I'm having to replace that, too. It's all pretty functional, but it will look nicer, too. This is an older house, so we've been running into surprises at every turn, it seems.

    Mara - your meals always sound interesting and you get nutrition and variety.

    Mae - interesting pics from your trail cams. We saw a fox run across our porch in the winter, but not since then. Now we're making sure all the old leaves are clear and not hiding places for copperheads. And, I love your resolution - who needs to wait for New Years?!

    I got a call from my MO's office today. I don't remember if I mentioned there was not enough tissue from my original biopsy for next-gen genomic testing. Now they've decided to do a liquid biopsy instead. Has anyone here ever gotten actionable info from theirs? I have my appt on Monday and will scan in May. I'm trying to talk myself out of being worried about a little more upper right quadrant pain and a few twinges here and there.

    So, I've been trying to write comments when I'm on each page. When I get to the bottom I select all and cut them, then paste them on the new page and continue on -- I got into the habit of copying all my comments when it was taking so long to load pages, and I didn't want to lose them. I tried using two windows before, but this seems to be easier.

    Hi, Mel, living, Tanya, 50sgirl, Elderberry, Candy and everyone else.

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,950

    Mae, I have no problem with saying what your Nee Year’s resolution would be either. Haha. I kind of have two personalities, I guess you could say. If someone is rude to me, I double down on rudeness back. Probably not the best time to do that, but I can’t help it.

    Those pictures are amazing, how close they were.

    Mel, I’m sorry you’re not feeling well. I hope it clears up. Maybe you have a little bug. Hi back to you.

    Moth, glad the steroids have given you some energy and you had a nice day.

    SeeQ, packing is exciting. Unpacking is a pain in the butt. I’ve lived in this same house for 38 years. I haven’t had to pack up anything in all that time. When we do move to the other house, it’s already furnished, so except for things I want or still need, I won’t have to do that. I hope it doesn’t take too long for you. I could definitely see myself procrastinating. I’m really good at that.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Micmel, the bobcat, bear and other animals here are just roaming their land, not necessarily looking for anything, although the dry climate does have them wandering for water. Beyond the ridge line we built on is state conservancy land, if anything, we are the ones encroaching, so I’m doing what I can to brr EF a good neighbor.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Three pages of comments - where have I been? I'm glad to hear the updates. I do feel like I left the living room to run a few errands and when I came back the conversation was in full swing! I love it! I'm kind of in a pissy mood because my weight keeps climbing up. YUCK. I wake up and resolve to starve myself (not really, because that doesn't work and it's not a long-term solution) but by 10:00 I'm thinking, "Oh, what's the point?"

    Waving "hi" to everyone. I've enjoyed catching up. I'm sorry for those in pain (KBL, I think), happy for those whose moving and kitchens are coming along. I need to pull up a Word document and then scroll back to al the old posts.

    Love you, ladies.


  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    GEEZ I found out yesterday at dinner time that my son tested positive for covid. I took him out with me on Wednesday afternoon. I took a rapid test at home which showed negative but I have to wait until Monday to do further testing. Two of the staff at the group home also tested positive. I am due to fly out on May 1st to go to Ontario! My worry of course is of my son who seems to show little symptoms. BUT I also don't want to change my flight 😒 🙃

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Sunshine- I went to buy some clothes to go away which depressed me to no end. I am also pissed off at the weight I'm packing on. I am not a huge eater but the pounds keep finding their way to me! Yuck!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    I hope you feel better today Mel, a sick stomach sucks in so many ways.

    I did not do too much to my food today. 1/4 cup black beans, 1/4 cup chick peas and 1/4 cup beefless ground. Seasoned with garlic parmesan and fries supreme with a sprinkle of steak and onion seasoning. Spoonful of mayo to bind together. I did decide to use up some english muffins that were getting stale in the fridge. Tore them up into small pieces and toasted in the breville. Let them cool and then chopped them up, put on a baking sheet and baked for a few minutes at 350. Was not looking for croutons per se but just an extra layer and they blend in with what I am making. I can also keep them out in an airtight container instead of tossing them. They may also be useful to make a small snack with melty peanut butter, thinking a 2 tablespoons of peanut butter, tiny bit of butter and some of these. We will see. I still want to make a freezer happen somehow as well. It would have to be small but if I had something to hold fresh food to keep it lasting longer, that would be good for me.

    I would like to look into more storage options in the future with regard to food. Since my microwave and Breville oven are in a corner of the living room, I would actually like to get more storage with shelves that could hold different things like a proper kettle for boiling water. I also need to utilize above the kitchen cabinets for overage when it comes to canned food. I am also wanting to figure out space in my kitchen cabinets by getting rid of plates I am not using to Goodwill or somewhere like that. Though, It may be better to just store them up top of my cabinets.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    Kikomoon, I am still in your pocket with the new mets and hoping the best as well.

    Goldens and Chicagoan, I hope pain and healing are happening for both of you.

    Mae, your cabin is like watch an episode of Omaha wild kingdom shows. Loved that show as a kid. We have had a couple of bears in London but not often, we get more coyotes due to development of their natural habitats. The most wild animals I see are skunks but that is quite common.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Its rendezvous time. The guys are out walking a shooting trail but I set up a little sitting area for me and the pups. Photo: DH is on the right, our friend on the left, a guy they know in his camp and me (I did not dress up but tried to go along with the theme).


  • chicagoan
    chicagoan Member Posts: 1,042

    Thanks for thinking of me Mara. At a friend's suggestion, I added Arnica this week and the swelling in my leg seems to be going way down. I ventured out yesterday and today for short walks without my cane and did fine. My PT said to use my walking sticks now, instead of the cane for longer ones, so I may take a longer walk later. There are so many people walking dogs though-it makes me nervous b/c they tend to take over the sidewalks. Without pickleball, I am having to find other things to do. Today I went to a quilt show-it was ok but I'd rather be playing pickleball-other stuff just seems so dull LOL. But it will be a while before I can get back on the court so I'll keep taking my baby steps.

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend and doing something you enjoy.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    Chicagoan, I can empathize with the dog walks taking over the sidewalk. I no longer move off the sidewalk as I did when COVID was starting in 2020. I have taken the poles to the park to speed me up. Have even used them for balance when walking through the mall. I do have a walker but we don't have an elevator in my building so don't feel like folding it up and carting it up and down the stairs. I also practice using them in my parking lot walking back and forth. I am sure neighbours seeing this think I am weird but that is fine by me.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    mara, your comment about the parking lot reminded of me of a game I used to play on my iPhone. I think it was called "Parking Lot Jam" or something like that. The object was to get all of the cars out of the parking lot without hitting another car or a concrete wall, but it also had an old lady with a walker going around and behind the cars, so you had to be careful not to hit her. I don't think I ever did - LOL

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,950

    Sunshine, I do have pain, but I haven’t commented on it lately. I know how hard it is to keep oriole’s names straight. I really should write it down when there’s more than one page. My comments have been talking about my daughter and family moving in this next weekend coming up. I sometimes come on the site in the morning and then the evening, and I find I miss two pages. I love the living room.

    Mae, you look great. I hope you and hubby have a great time.

    LivingIVLife, I hope you get to fly out and your son’s symptoms don’t get worse. I’m so sorry.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    pretty cool set up Mae!

    I find it easier to miss things with this format. Grrrrrr

    Chicagoan ~How are you doing ?

    Kittykat? Haven’t heard from ya.

    Love to All

    Hello Candy and Mara.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Pocket duty list for week of April 24---

    SeeQ- MO Monday

    Goldens- Ortho onc Tuesday and EMG Wednesday

    Booboo- Bone scan Friday

    Anyone else?

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196

    I have a nuclear bone scan on Friday. Onc wants to see how far I’ve progressed

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 723

    Mae - you have the best pictures!

    Mara - I loved the wild kingdom show on tv. I still love watching shows on animal life or our planet.

    Went to our oldest grandson's first baseball game yesterday. Absolutely a beautiful day - 77 degrees and breezy. Got lots of vitamin d. Even the start of a little suntan.

    Here's the photo from grandparents day a few weeks back. Only time I took my mask off!


  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Goldens- what a wonderful picture. ❤ Getting out in the sunshine lifts the spirit!

    Mae- love the picture. It sounds like a great event. You should have dressed up in a saloon costume.

    Booboo- glad to hear you are going for the bone scan. Definitely in your pocket with homemade fudge.

    On pocket duty with fudge for anybody having scans, appointments, or just needing some company.

  • mocogram
    mocogram Member Posts: 94

    Goldens, the photo with your granddaughter is just lovely! I'm so grateful that we live close to our two grandkids, Joe, 7, and Anna, 4. Spending time with them is what keeps me going. I hope your meeting with the ortho oncologist goes well next week and you get a plan in place to help alleviate your pain.


  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,166

    Candy - I have a MO appt tomorrow. It should just be routine. They're drawing blood for a liquid biopsy and will be scheduling my 6 mos scan - I'm guessing both will take a few weeks.

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,950

    SeeQ, I had a liquid biopsy. It didn’t tell me anything new. I hope you can get some useful information.

    Goldens, beautiful picture.

    Here reporting for pocket duty.