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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • sondraf
    sondraf Member Posts: 1,679

    hey Mel, just to note I've had a week of bad gastro pain and mess and its finally clearing. I thought it was the drugs but no, it was just some bug I guess. Or maybe that new covid strain though my lateral flows didn't say so. My parents in WI had something similar two weeks ago so something nasty is going around (or its that new Covid strain. This was one weird illness). Definitely not fun so I hope you are feeling better!

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    Sondra ~thanks. It was really weird for sure

    Goldens~huge smile lovely photo just precious.

  • sf-cakes
    sf-cakes Member Posts: 609

    Candy, what a really cool and nice thing that you do, to keep track of people's appointments/scans for pocket duty! You are a gem.

    Funny-ish story that you all may be able to relate to: I love blazers and wear them pretty much every day. I have lots of them, structured and tailored, as well as relaxed and cozy. Well, the other day I started crying, because my absolute favorite blazer no longer fits me. It's a black and white houndstooth pattern and covers my bum, and I wore it to London the last time I visited (I love theater and this was pre-covid and pre-cancer, so I went to about six shows). I'm larger than I used to be, blaming the chemically-induced menopause, and MBC in general. But I was CRYING, like a lot of crying. Sheesh. And then later I was able to laugh about it.

    These little losses get to me sometimes.

  • chicagoan
    chicagoan Member Posts: 1,042

    Sondra-Glad you are better. Hope this means that your trip to Italy is still on. Have a great time!

    Goldens-What a wonderful picture of your family! Hope you get some answers that alleviate your pain.

    SFCakes-It is so frustrating to gain weight with MBC, especially when it affects your favorite outfits. I just put a few things in the Goodwill bag myself. Those little losses do hurt.

    I used to think I walked so slow with MBC. Well now that I am recovering from my broken leg, I walk slower than ever and wish I could walk as fast as I did two months ago. I feel like such an old person now but at least I was able to walk without the cane today when I went out, even at my snail's pace.

    Micmel-How is your mouth doing?

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    Chicagoan~ it’s chronic some Days good. Others bad. It’s an annoyance honestly. But what side effect isn’t. ? Hope You’re doing ok. Beautiful weather is settling in. I’m liking that.

    Hello sfcakes. Candy ~ it really is a wonderful thing you do for the living room thank you again precious woman. Booboo~ hugs and hugs for you my friend.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Nighty night friends


  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051


  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    mae, oh my! They are adorable!

    sf-cakes, I get it. I'm so frustrated at my weight right now!

    mel, I'm hoping this bug or whatever it is is getting better.

    Sondra, I hope you're feeling better, too.

    I feel fine - just in a pissy mood. I think I'll just sulk in the corner of the living room and eat Skinny Girl popcorn. My DS thought it was called Skinny Bitch popcorn. Too funny.

  • Kikomoon
    Kikomoon Member Posts: 358

    Goldens, that is such a good photo of you three!

    Mae, they are so precious!

    Sunshine, I hope whatever’s bothering you gets better. That is so funny what your DS said.

    We are back home after a weekend in Galveston. I am just exhausted and I didn’t do anything except sit on the toilet alot this morning, sit in a car, and sit in the recliner napping. Too exhausted to be sad, or pissy, or happy, or anything really. I think I’m going to quit work soon. Go on disability. Tomorrow is my birthday and I’m going to the dentist, part 2 of a cleaning, hadn’t been in a few years. Woo hoo party time

  • sondraf
    sondraf Member Posts: 1,679

    Chicagoan -- we cancelled Italy on Saturday night as I almost had to take a break walking around the block twice (had OH with me for safety) and hadn't had energy all week to arrange things like cat sitter or museum tickets. Went to a friend's garden party yesterday and had a good time and was fine for a few hours (and was fed good lean protein too!) but it also wore me out so rested the rest of the night. Its ok, I may tag on to partner's trip to Iceland next week instead, thats still a reasonable option.

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 723

    The weight thing is crazy. I actually weigh 15 lbs less than I did b4 moving in November but due to my damn scoliosis and cervical and lumbar issues I have lost almost 4 inches in height over 5 years. I have Buddha belly😝😝 and a lot of my clothes don’t fit anymore.

    Mae - those pups are the sweetest🥰

    Wishing all of you a good week!

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Hello all.

    So a rant is coming... I have not been going to in-person church since Covid began. I watch the services online. And then call a couple of ladies during the week for the "fellowship" part. I did go to the monthly ladies group at church last month (March) with sitting alone and masking. This month a few days before the scheduled meeting I called one lady and she said "colds" are going around. So I decided to not go this month. On Easter Sunday they had a special service with a breakfast after. Apparently the next day (Monday) one person got routinely tested for Covid with their job and tested positive. Their "cold" was Covid.

    This next Sunday (yesterday) the person was back at church. I commented to a friend "Good Grief". My friend said "Isn't the quarantine now 5 days, so they are ok".

    Shouldn't common sense work into this somehow?? First, if you have a "cold" should you be working in the kitchen of the church helping with food prep for the breakfast? And second, if you test positive on Monday, should you return to a public setting less than a week later?

    That is why I am so cautious about germs. Because others are not taking this seriously.

    Seems no one has common sense anymore.

    Rant over.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Candy, even before Covid people should acknowledge when they feel ill and be responsible when the possibility of getting others sick exists. Now, with such serious potential illness for some, they should not even question doing the right thing. I’m sorry you have to deal with behavior in your chosen community.

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Candy- yes you would think common sense would be prevalent. I know here if you test positive for covid like my son did last week he has to isolate for 9 or 10 days and be rechecked. He will be free this Friday!

    Mae- those pups are so sweet and I'm glad they have each other

    Mel- I do hope you feel better soon.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Off to another rant--- I am full of rants lately.

    I feel my body is falling apart. I am scheduled to get my right hip steroid injection next week for severe arthritis of that hip. I should have gotten the injection last fall, but I did not. Now, I am ready for the injection, hoping it will help the pain, for a while anyway.

    Now, I am having neuropathy?/burning feet. It has came on gradually over the past few months. But is getting worse now. Mainly at night. Was toes, now 1/2 foot. Both feet the same. I have a message into MO and PCP to let them know and see what it could be--- the cancer meds, vitamin deficiency, something else.

    How does your neuropathy feel?

    And I am tired of messaging my docs of yet another ache/pain/issue. I feel like they think I am looking for issues, but I am not. I feel my body is slowly breaking down and falling apart.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    Candy, I do not blame your caution, my province has mostly lifted any restrictions like masking etc. Some things still require it like the cancer centre, they provide you with a fresh one to minimize your own germs, buses etc. We can eat and drink water etc but other than that, keep masked. I don't worry as much for me since I am not on anything that compromises my immunity BUT I still mask everywhere. The attitude here at least from the government is that the COVID is endemic now.

    Having what I hope will be good. 1/2 cup pinto beans, a bit of canned chicken I opened today, frozen mushroom slices, some potatoes and veggies from a soup I rinsed along with spinach and am using it up since I am not a soup person. Put a bit of garlic spread in the pan and heated on the stove. I plan to season with my loaded fries, don't want to go to heavy with the garlic, warming it on low with a lid and will plate. I always add wheat bran for extra fibre and usually bind with either queso, ketchup or mayo. Today I am thinking mayo, only takes a small spoonful and that will fill me up and be more mild.

    Edited to add, it tasted very good but the consistency was mushy due to chopping it all together and the chicken had only just come out of the can and drained. Next time I will try baking the chicken I plan to use in my oven to firm up a bit and just eating whole. Beans are fine, they are not mushy for me. I still prefer to use my chopper for frozen veggies and even the beans. My thought for a smaller meal next time would be basic chicken and rice. I am also thinking of rice as a snack using queso, chicken and a small amount of rice. That would replace bread and chips though I sometimes think I would like to chop up cheesies, fritos as seasoning almost as well. Chop and keep in a airtight container. Sour cream and onion chips to add another flavour as well. We will see. I do think when I combine these together for meals, less chopping needs to happen except for frozen spinach and other veggies from the freezer. I will use hashbrowns that are cooked as any potato ingredient I might want to add to stuff.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Kikomoon, thank you for the encouragement. Don't you just love how some days are marked by "toilet time?" Good luck at the dentist! I need to go in every three months for cleaning. DH can go every five years. Some things just aren't fair!

    Sondra, I'm sorry you had to cancel your Italy trip. Iceland sounds like fun, though!

    Goldens, that sucks to have lost almost 4 inches in height. I did get a chuckle out of your Buddha belly (sorry about that.) I'm dealing with the damn tire around my waist. Yuck!

    OK is funny. I'm typing my response in Word, so that I can go back and make sure I don't miss anything. I copy and paste it into the forum post. Anyway, the word "damn" was underlined like I had misspelled it. I hovered over it and it said, "Your language may be offensive to your reader." Hopefully I haven't offended anyone. LOL

    Candy, oh wow! I haven't been to church either and I really miss it. What really fried me was watching the service on You Tube and seeing the people on the second row UNMASKED (and unvaccinated) singing away with their arms raised. They were asked to wear masks and they refused! They might as well have their middle fingers raised in defiance. I stopped watching the service because I was getting so angry – and that's not the point of church, right?

    Mae, I totally agree. Why do people think that it's ok to be irresponsible when they're sick? My DH has only made a quick appearance a few times because he doesn't want to bring any bugs home to me. I feel guilty about that, but he assures me that it's OK.

    Happy Monday, everyone!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    Sunshine, I hear you about people not masking, freaks me out a bit myself. I have not been to the movies for a long time, December I think. I would only go now if something I desperately want to see comes out or if my friend wants to see one. Otherwise, I can just as easily wait until it comes on streaming which is a much shorter wait than it used to be. I can buy the movie theatre popcorn if I need that fix though even that has lost its charm.

    Well, its been almost a week and a half since the phone friend said she would take me off her call list. I must say, although strange not to talk to her on Mon to Fri, I do not mind the quiet. I set a reminder on my fire tv to send a text saying All is Well to my SIL who simply responds k. That is all that is needed and at this point is better. I aim for between 8 and 9 in the evening though I know I forgot yesterday. No one called or came over but I want to be routine about it. That was a good idea from Chicagoan, my MO and nurse were happy. I don't need someone to call. Only thing that should be kept up is the cool aid program so that first responders can come in and find the list of medications I am on.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Sunshine- Yep. No one in my church is masked. Never have been, even in the height of the Pandemic. Oh in the thick of it a few wore masks, but now even those have went unmasked. And I know of some that are unvaccinated in defiance. I can get upset when watching the service, and then I tell myself "let it go" and that I am safe at home. Though I wish I could go to church in-person again. I miss it.

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    candy: I really don't understand that behaviour. I didn't think "do unto others" meant spreading viruses. I don't want to be around any group of people with no masks - whether they are singing in church, shouting at a ball game or yelling at a concert. As for neuropathy - The little toes on my left foot (pinky to the middle) have the sensation of having bandaids on them when they rub up against the sheets and such. They do not cause any mobility problems, nor do they actually feel numb until I realize they can't feel the sheets.

    sondra: I was looking forward to being envious of your trip to Italy. Maybe a few photos? I am sorry that you cannot go now. I have heard that Iceland is quite a wonderful place to visit but a completely different world than Italy. .

    mara: I have been meaning to ask ---- what kind of chopper is your chopper? A Ninja? A Magic Bullet?

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Elderberry- Yeah the "bandaids" feeling. My balls of feet/base of toes feel funny when rubbing them on the bed sheets at night. Like my toes have webbing-- LOL. And they feel hot. Burning with pins and needles. I got a message back from MO nurse. She said Lynparza should not be causing neuropathy. She suggested I follow with PCP. My PCP nurse messaged me back too. They want labs. So I will go get labs this week. But it is definitely something different happening. Maybe I just need some B vitamins.

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    candy: I hope you get answers soon. I have been spared burning, tingling and other unpleasant sensations.

  • chicagoan
    chicagoan Member Posts: 1,042

    Sondra-Sorry you had to cancel your trip to Italy but that makes sense under the circumstances. I hope you are feeling up to joining your partner in Iceland. I have always wanted to go there and see the Northern Lights.

    Candy-Let us know what you hear from you PCP about your feet. My left foot now after the surgery on my shin has similar sensations-it's not exactly numb but it doesn't feel normal and burns at times. I can feel it when I touch it or it touches the sheets but it feels weird. I am hoping it will eventually go away but who knows?

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    I mostly use this model though I have another Black and Decker that does 1.5 cup of food which my mom bought many years ago.

    The model I mainly use is here. Sometimes I need a bigger chopper. I have an extra of the 3 cup model shown below so I can chop up laundry supplies a nd do not want to have it near my food. Works well since I have no where to store a blender. Once I have saved enough, planning to get some metal storage shelves to house things like kettles or small blenders. Still saving for insurance at this point to have for next year.


  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    Candy~ my feet burn from neuropathy as well. The sheets in my bed when I roll over is very painful. It comes and goes. Sometimes it's stabbing pain. They told me to take B12. Site still isn’t right digits aren’t showing up.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    Chicagoan and Candy, hope your burning sensation goes away soon. Foot pain or pain anywhere is so annoying and sometimes only happens in bed when trying to sleep.

    I am doing different exercise and meal plan. Going to have much smaller meals more often and then 10 minutes of my Paul Eugene. It can be a chair workout but I do it standing up. If eat more often and exercise even just 10 mins, that should rev up the sluggish metabolism for me. We will see.

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,537

    Good afternoon ladies,

    I forgot to go on the call yesterday. It completely slipped my mind.

    Candy I understand about no one wearing a mask. If I go to the mosque near me it's the same thing. I think it means that I have to stay home or go with my mask and hope and pray it keeps me safe. I'm deeply saddened by this though. I tried another place of worship that had masks, wipes, lysol and hand sanitizer by the door. What I found inside were maybe half of the people out of 10 had on masks. I feel safer at that place but haven't been comfortable enough to be regular in attendance anywhere.

    Sondra sorry you didn't get to go to Italy yet. Iceland is beautiful (what I've seen on TV) and you can get to Italy when you have time to make the arrangements. I find that I am tired when I travel and don't care about the fatigue as much. I definitely try to push myself more and figure I can sleep replete with naps when I get home.

    Pocket duty coming up for Booboo Friday and anyone who has appts. in between now and then.

    Goldens that was a beautiful picture of you a few pages back.

    Mae the puppies are adorable.

    Waving hello to all

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    Tanya and Candy, I am very sorry you cannot attend your places of worship. I wish there were rules put in by the church as it leaves out sick people from attending in person. Most places do have online services but that is just not the same.

    On the sillier side of things, I made a bad mistake when it came to a burrito purchased. I wanted to have a burrito for supper. Normally supposed to put it in oven at 350 for 50 mins. Being the genius I was, I decided to MICROWAVE it on high for 10 minutes. All of a sudden, there was smoke roiling out of the microwave and my smoke alarm going off. At least it works. I definitely scorched the burrito as well as the plate so put a paste of baking soda, sprayed a little vinegar. Will use a wire brush to get the stuff off the plate but going to soak it while shopping. Stuck eating peanut butter for dinner as I am going out shortly. Nothing was in danger fortunately since I was here but have learned to NEVER microwave stuff that does not have microwave instructions or possibly do it at a lower power level. Stupid mistake. Using a window fan and big fan to blow fresh air in the living room, will spray down furniture with diluted enzyme spray to get rid of the smell if there is an that lingers.

  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,166

    Mara :-O I'm glad everything turned out okay. I think our frozen burritos only take a two, or maybe three, minutes in the microwave. But, the texture is probably not as good as the oven anyway.

    Candy - did you check your Lynparza drug info sheet for peripheral neuropathy? It might be easier to search an online version of it. It never hurts to double-check, and you have expressed concern over the nurse's responses in the past.

    My MO visit was routine. Bloodwork looks good. I have not seen tumor markers yet. PET-CT was approved the same day. They must be magicians, because that never happens. Now, I'm just waiting for the schedule to call.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    SeeQ- I did check the drug sheet that comes with my bottle. Nothing about peripheral neuropathy. So the nurses' response that the med is not the culprit must be accurate. My PCP has ordered a "bunch" of labs, per PCP nurse. I have not done them yet-- I will get them drawn on Thurs or Friday. I am waiting to get them with also a CBC per MO for making sure counts are ok for my pending hip injection scheduled for Monday. MO nurse said to do the CBC Friday to have accurate results for the Monday injection. So will do all the labs together. And I guess I will hear next week, hopefully will flow to patient portal early so I can see results.