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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • Kikomoon
    Kikomoon Member Posts: 358

    Mae in your pocket next week.

    I start Enhertu next week. The MDA docs said need to give it 2 weeks after Herceptin which was yesterday for me. But I probably will go in next week during regular scheduled appt.

    Ladies please don’t forget about me! I check in here everyday but I have a work deadline. One person is on vacation, one is on jury duty, and they’ve given me someone to help who has never done this work before. It will all be over tomorrow. And I’ll probably go on short term disability next week. I always say that. Well it’s nutcruching time, getting down to the wire in more ways than one. I love my job but not that much! I do wonder if all the brain activity keeps the Mets from growing more up there, yeah right 😂.

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Kikomoon- who could forget about you! Your pockets are completely full with all of our support! Maybe it is time for some downtime to care for yourself. May the Enhertu treatment show excellent results. Hugs to you.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    Mae, I sorry about your rollercoaster as well. Hopefully the enhertu does a good job.

    Kikomoon, we would never forget you and are always in your pockets.

    It is hot for the next couple days but not grossly humid. Going to ask older DB to put in my air conditioner next week.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    kikomoon, I’ll be there next week too, maybe we’ll run into each other. I had Herceptin on Wednesday, so they’re booking me for my first Enhertu on the 26th, looks like I’ll be back in town about a week, then resuming local infusions if all goes well.

  • santabarbarian
    santabarbarian Member Posts: 2,311

    Peeking in to say hello-- so happy the site is working better but still dislike the changes!

    I have been helping my D with her twin baby daughters! I have barely had time to pee, so when it wouldn't load I gave up posting for a while.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    Nice to see you again santabarbarian. I can imagine twins equal busy but I am sure you enjoyed it all. The site still has some stuff to work out as there is no avatar for booboo and it is messed up looking but we will see.

    Not doing too much today. Decided there is nothing wrong with doing a 10 minute workout that I enjoy after meals. Walking really is not my thing anymore and I can definitely see that the Paul Eugene does still offer good benefits. I do need to eat less during meals though and control portions better. I will walk with my walker outdoors if I need some groceries or with the walking poles if just taking a short walk.

    I did purchase noodles and sauce but I will use them differently. My thought is to add some to have with beans and use the dry sauce as a seasoning instead. I will see how this tastes this morning. Going to boil 1/4 cup noodles, 1/4 cup pinto beans, 1/4 cup beefless ground which is around 30 cals. I will put the precooked noodles in the fry pan with the beans and beefless ground. When plating, will add the wheat bran, add a garlic seasoning that came with the noodles and see how that goes.

    I did have to strain the noodles as the dry seasoning was not in a separate package. Put the dry seasoning in an airtight container along with the noodles in another container. Boiled them and just waiting to put in the pinto beans in a pan. I also added some other garlic and parm seasoning from another package to beef up the dry seasoning. Hope it is good. I will let you know.

    Edited to add that the few noodles I added along with the seasoning was quite delicious. The pasta retains the good texture and was al dente as it should be. The pinto beans were good as well.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    Kikomoon~There's always a place on the couch for you, never forgotten ! Being busy is living life.

    Mara~sounds like the chef is at it again. I'd love to sit and watch your ideas in action!

    Mae~that new tx had better do it's job. You're in my Thoughts.

    Santa~ twins. Oh my the sweetness! Precious time Spent…. I don't like the changes either not easy on the eyes and not enough posts on one page. Don't know why they don't add a blue or another background. Color. Please color. Anything. Mods.good to see you Santa. 😘.

  • dodgersgirl
    dodgersgirl Member Posts: 1,902

    hello everyone. Waving to all. So many posts ( which is great to see) but hard to keep up and post to all my thoughts I have as I read each comment. Sigh. Sorry.

    Illimae— in your pocket for the results and changes you are going through.

    Candy— hope you get some relief from hip pain. I have arthritis in many joints. Have had a few injections. Some worked better than others. Used to take Flexril at night to sleep thru the joint pain. For now am feeling joint pain relief. Hope you get there, too

    I had my scans this week. (CT and Bone). Not sure how well the scans will be read. Shortage of contrast so nothing to drink before CT Scan. Won’t that make it harder to compare results to last scans? I expect progression and a change in treatment so won’t be shocked if that happens.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    Dodgersgirl, still in your pocket if you need it even if you are expecting progression.

    I will get MRI results next Wednesday for the MRI I had.

    Electricians finally showed up, just replacing the wiring for my kitchen light. The fixture will be the same as before, just the wiring and more support added which is good.

  • sondraf
    sondraf Member Posts: 1,679

    Hey dodgers,good to see you! What regimen are you on these days?

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Dodgersgirl, I had no idea there was a contrast shortage but just looked it up. I had no idea that much of it was produced in Shanghai, which has had many lockdowns, that’s a bit concerning. I’m all for global trade but I would expect that all big countries would have their own production and supplies of critical medical and electrical products. I do hope the results are better than you expect.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    Dodgers~ good to see you. It’s been a while. Hope you’ve been ok……. At least ! I’m always just ok I think. I guess that’s all I can settle for. Sending thoughts your way!

  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,166

    Just dropping in to say hi. I'm reading along and following everyone's ups and downs. I guess I'm a bit distracted, because I can't seem to pull my thoughts together into a reasonable response.

    My scans are coming up Thursday, and I probably shouldn't be worried, but I am. I still haven't worked out the question about insurance coverage for the blood biopsy. Personally, I think the clinic dropped the ball, unless a pre-auth just isn't required (seems doubtful) but I haven't gotten a clear answer yet, and I'm not moving forward until I get one. We've been having a new septic system being put in this week, so lots of mess, heavy equipment, and men working. The good news is the system is in and will support us and our guests without a problem. Now we just need to grow grass everywhere. And my daughter is coming up for an overnight visit, which is the best news!

    Waving around the room. Sending good thoughts to all and cyberhugs where needed.

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,950

    I’m waving to all and saying hello as well. As you can imagine, my life is much busier now with my grandson here. It’s definitely an adjustment, but a routine is being implemented so he can adjust. He calls for me more than mom and dad because he’s used to me being in this house on a regular and not them. He’s starting to figure it out, though, and we’re all working as a team.

    Please know I’m thinking of you all

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    It’s nearly 8pm here and the moon is out but it doesn’t get dark until after 9pm. DH made a crockpot chicken dinner and we ate on the deck. Currently 76 degrees with a nice breeze.


  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    seeq, good to see you here. It's been a while, right?

    There was a book many years ago by Erma Bombeck titled, "The Grass is Always Greener Over the Septic Tank." That title came to me as I was reading your post. LOL


  • dodgersgirl
    dodgersgirl Member Posts: 1,902

    when I had my Scan, started out with clinic telling me they were out of Huber needles needed to access my port. The nurse called the nearby hospital who had the needed equipment. Then was told I wasn’t going to “drink” anything due to the next shortage (the one from a China supply chain problem)Then on the news tonight was a story about these shortages. I think the news expects product back in USA in weeks.

    A couple of days before scans, I had a meeting with my new pulmonary DR. She said my lungs sound clear but SpO2 numbers still tank when I move about. She diagnosed me with restrictive lung disease. That means I am probably on supplemental air forever. Sigh.

    I haven’t written much but do still read posts. Mainly due to fatigue from treatments and dealing with hubby’s medical needs, too. We find out next week if he will need open heart surgery to replace a leaking heart valve. It’s always something

    I am still on Verzenio and Fulvestrant shots for now. I have all the listed side effects including really low hemoglobin numbers (7.9)

    I have all new doctors due to a fight between my clinic of 35 years and my insurance company. Having to learn what to expect and when from new oncology doctors. Not going as well as I would want. Sigh

    So nice to hear from you guys. I do miss you all.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    Dodgers, I am sorry you have so many side effects and are dealing with a contrast shortage. That is crazy. I hope there is something that can tone down the side effects.

    May, love the moon in the picture. We are warmer than you guys for a couple more days. Will be glad when older DB puts in the AC.

    The electrician came and put in a new junction box and support, light fixture is the same which is fine with me.

    KBL, I am glad to hear that you are enjoying your grandson even if it is busy.

    Seeq, in your pocket for Thursday's scans and glad your daughter got to spend the night.

    Foodwise, I am eating smaller meals and exercising after them. I plan to eat at least 4 per day. I want to rev up the metabolism to make up for all the sitting when I am doing surveys or mobile games for extra cash. I still have no desire to walk for any length of time, may have to throw in some Walmart trips in the morning by bus and walk the store.

    Breakfast was 1/4 cup pinto beans, 1/4 cup beefless ground, fried up in my pan and left to heat on low for a few minutes with a lid overtop. Seasoning wise, I added peanut butter powder to boost protein without a ton of calories. Two tbsp of queso, only 40 cals, tiny bit of mayo to tone down the spice and italian and taco seasonings as well. I cannot taste the peanut and it was so very filling with the added protein.

    Edited to add that I did 10 mins of Paul Eugene while standing. It does feel like a real effort after eating but that is fine. I may add some 5 mins of marching on the spot to one or two songs every half hour or so if I don't get too distracted by earning money. I know sitting for too long is bad for me. I do want a trip to Walmart but will wait until Monday morning and take the bus there. I earned 30 bucks in Walmart gift cards and they are almost the cheapest store.

  • dodgersgirl
    dodgersgirl Member Posts: 1,902

    Mara, love reading your posts. So many neat ideas. Admire all the walking you do, too. Ref my Verzenio side effects— decided a while ago that I would put up with SE as long as medications are doing their job only so many treatments available before having to move to IV drugs Verzenio gives me diarrhea, SOB, chills, cold hands/feet, tender mouth (no sores, just overall tenderness), fatigue, etc

    Illimae, as Mara posted— beautiful photo. Nd love the puppy pics that you post. Sooooo cute.

    KBL—. Having daughter and family with you will keep you on your toes! Enjoy your family!

    Sondra- how are you doing. Miss talking to you. I am on Verzenio and Fulvestrant shots I think next treatment is Xeloda. Dreading the hand/foot syndrome ☹️

    Seeq—in your pocket for your scans.

    Mel— thanks for keeping your living room “open”!!!! Waving at you.

    Moth— thanks for answering my recent questions. Appreciate it

    Tanya—. I so want to get to the point where I can travel to Florida to spend time overlooking the ocean. I think Florida when I see your posts and KBLs. Hope you are enjoying your family this spring

  • sf-cakes
    sf-cakes Member Posts: 609

    Kikomoon, I will always remember you! I love the moon, for one (my avatar is a photo of a blood moon, which is happening tomorrow night again) so your name stands out to me.

    Gorgeous photos from Mel and Mae!

    Sending love and support and hugs and fresh warm scones with jam to everyone.

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,950

    Thank you all. I am definitely on my toes. Had a garage sale this weekend and am done with those. Not much traffic. Love the pictures from Mae and Mel. Glad to see you here, DodgersGirl. We miss when one of us is gone for a while.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Today was the mountain communities annual Spring Fling, which is part pot luck, part swap meet. DH bought a metal beer bottle sign, I got homegrown squash, cucumber, avocados and bread & brownies baked by the preachers wife. The puppies got tons of attention, then we enjoyed a couple beers by the little lake or what’s left of it being so dry here. Proceeds benefit the volunteer fire brigade and the road crew (our dirt roads are not maintained by local or state government). Nice day and just a fantastic place to do our own thing.

  • sondraf
    sondraf Member Posts: 1,679

    Mae, we came home at sundown two hours ago and I noticed the moon is very full this month, so I can only imagine what it will look like at your cabin tonight. How did you guys find that community? It sounds great for the two of you!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    sondraf, all credit goes to DH. He started by looking for the darkest area in Texas at night on satellite images. Then he began camping in the area (about a 100 mile range) and eventually discovered land for sale in the community but nothing was the right fit until he saw our spot. It was not for sale but once he showed me and I agreed, he had the realtor contact the owner who named a somewhat high price but ultimately reasonable.

  • denny10
    denny10 Member Posts: 421

    Interesting story about your new home , illiemae. Finding darkness at night is a genuine luxury. Are you living off grid; solar panels , heat pumps? It sounds as if you have a good community too. Enjoy your new home and puppies.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    I am not doing a lot today, indoor walking. Came to the realization I need to walk more so inside it is I guess on the treadmill.

    Foodwise I was watching a video of a guy who made a pasta but he took bean flour and made a sort of sauce for it with water and seasonings. I am debating getting a bean grinder and buying dry beans since they are cheap and this all sounds so interesting. By changing the amount of liquid they would be cooked with, I could still make a meal out of the beans themselves with less water and different seasonings. Ooh the possibilities.

    I felt like making up some laundry detergent so sat and grated some laundry bars while waiting for the washer to finish. I also ground up regular bar soap since that cleans well too and I have bar soap I want to use up. I also have commercial detergent too, the laundry bars and baking soda just stretch it out a bit. I also use name brand and generic store brand as well. I have separate containers for my wash soda I bake up and the oxyclean which is both generic and name brand. I do two rinses, one in a bit of fabric softener and the other in 1 cup of vinegar to get all residual soap off. Everything is soft and only has a trace of laundry smell.

    Edited to add, took the leap on a reasonable spice grinder for the dry beans and chickpeas. It will be nice to have some variety on what I can eat. I could even use only a few to bulk up my seasonings or add to the peanut powder I already have. Excited to say the least. Probably use it up in similar proportions to the canned beans I eat.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,167

    Pocket duty for the week of May 15---

    Mae- Testing for lepto this week

    Kikomoon- Starting Enhertu this week

    Mara- MRI results Thursday

    SeeQ- Scans Thursday

    Moth- Scans Friday

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Denny, the goal is to be as off grid as possible. For electric, we are looked up to a power pole but DH will be installing some solar panels soon and because we live on a ridge line, we are considering a small wind power unit too. No well water up this high, so we’ve got a tank and will buy another to provide water to the kitchen and bathroom. Water is delivered by a resident via a huge tank truck after filling up at the community well in the valley area. It’s reasonably priced but my days of long hot showers are over (which means I’ll get a hot tub!) We’ll get a small washer and line dry for laundry, giving up disposable paper products and will be composting what we can. We’ll be doing some things differently but not really giving up much.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    Thank you Candy for keeping track of us all. That is awesome of you to do for us and we all love that you help us so much. My results are coming Thursday.

    In everyone's pocket this week!

    Revising previous post that said I should walk 45 mins, got tired after 15 mins of walking after breakfast. Did pacing, regular walking back and forth on my floor. When someone finally moves in below, if that is the plan by the property manager and not a flip, I'll put mats to absorb any noise though I wear socks which would be quieter. Need to mix all the exercise and drop the long workout idea.

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    saying hello. On pocket duty this week for all scans,treatment and results.

    Heading out for dinner tonight at my nephews house. I love seeing their small children. Tomorrow night I'm out for dinner with friends and Tuesday I'm going to lunch with my sister and cousins. For me the count down is on to fly home Thursday. I am so ready! I am so exhausted.