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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,167

    Booboo and all- I just came from the ortho doc. It has been 18 days from the hip steroid injection (to be exact). I told the ortho doc that it didn't help. She asked me if I had ANY relief, even transient from the lidocaine they gave. I said that for a couple of days I had relief, but then the pain came back. She said "good", in the fact that it proves the injection went to the right area. She said that unfortunately the steroid didn't help me, it does not for some patients. She recommended Tramadol (Ultram) pain pills. Said Celebrex (anti-inflammatory med) could not be given due to my blood thinner use. Said it would increase GI bleeding. (Also Celebrex can raise liver function numbers, and I have the liver mets to watch too) I asked if we could try the injection again in a few months, just to give it one more try. She said ok. To call her when I am ready and she would set it up. But if it doesn't work on the 2nd try, then we know it will just not work with me.

    I am disappointed. I hate to use Tramadol due to my constipation issues already. And they tell me I am not a surgical candidate with my cancer and other health issues. So, I guess the arthritic hip is my "new normal" now. I am really getting tired of that phrase. My 'new normal" sucks.

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,950

    Mae, I’m hoping for positive results.

    Still crazy here. Thinking of you all

  • Rosie24
    Rosie24 Member Posts: 1,026

    Pocket duty for anyone who needs it. Sorry, I can’t list everyone by name. More than usual brain fog for me.

    I’m (hopefully) coming out of some rough days with side effects from my first Zometa infusion on Monday. Some of you may know what I mean. Super sleepy, achy, fever, just overall crappy feeling.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    so sorry Rosie. Hope you feel better soon Damn treatments are so tough on us. Sending gentle hugs

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    rosie, sorry about the zometa side effects. it sounds miserable. if it continues maybe you can switch to xgeva? it's a subcutaneous shot once a month, no side effects for me.

    i had my ct scan and in a couple hours i'm meeting with my oncologist. i'm off for lunch now & going to watch some comedy show as a distraction. it's a beautiful day weather wise but i'm a bit stressy

    hugs everyone

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    moth ~ will be in your pocket. Hugs my friend

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    moth: It is a beautiful day here today. I wish you could just be out and about with Olive and not stressing.

  • Kikomoon
    Kikomoon Member Posts: 358

    booboo thank you. I hope you get to see your Yorkies soon.

    In pockets for all who need it- dodgersgirl, SeeQ, candy, mae, I’m sure I missed some.

    Steroids didn’t do much for me. I cleaned out the pantry and did four loads of laundry though. Slept like a bag of rocks as usual - figured that was because of the remeron prescribed for appetite. I didn’t have that last time I took steroids.

    Not much going on today. Had my 3 month echo that is all. Maybe will clean and organize some more

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    I finally got home sweet home at 1:30am. The plane was supposed to leave at 5:30pm yesterday but after a boatload of delays we didn't get off the ground until 9:30pm. I was exhausted and in pain. Today is slow moving!

    I have been keeping up on the posts. Yay for stable Mara. For new treatments being started may they provide excellent results. I hope you get to see your pups Booboo. In pockets for scan results.

    When I was on steroids after chemo I was like a mad robot going through the house cleaning or taking care of the yard outside. Geez !

    I am sorry for not mentioning or remembering names but my mind is like a sift. Please know I am with all of you.

  • BevJen
    BevJen Member Posts: 2,341


    I was prescribed remeron by the palliative care team at my doctor's. I haven't found that it makes much difference in my appetite. Has it improved yours? When in the day do you take it? Just looking for some help here because I've lost about 60 lbs during the last year. Wanted to lose weight but not exactly like this.


  • sf-cakes
    sf-cakes Member Posts: 609

    Cross-posting from another thread: Results from brain MRI came in only two hours after my scan, my MO sent me an email saying, "good news, no cancer in your brain", and I, of course, burst into tears. Then ordered chicken parmigiana, ravioli, and garlic bread for celebratory dinner. THANK YOU for all your support, this weekend will be one of rest and emotional recuperation.

    Thank you to Mara, who said she is so used to these MRIs she can almost nap during them, that made me smile hugely while in the machine. And hurrah for your stable news! ❤️

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    Hello BevJen good to see you.

    Sfcakes~ that’s fantastic news. I got teary eyed thinking of how that must felt to head the good news. So glad for you sweetheart!

  • Kikomoon
    Kikomoon Member Posts: 358

    congrats sf-cakes! Such good news! Enjoy the weekend, live it up!

    Bevjen, I lose my appetite or At least get very picky as the day goes on. I lost about 30 lbs, 10 due to Covid fears at beginning of pandemic, 10 due to cancer diagnosis stress (I’m not a stress eater, I’m a happy eater) and 10 after whole brain radiation which was all due to the radiation and new pills. Ever since then I’ve been on Remeron. Can’t say it has helped my appetite tremendously but the Dr. did mention it would help sleep. I take a very low dose at night. I have maintained my weight while on in but I really have to pay attention to calories and constantly eating. Can’t eat a lot at once.

    My dr. di say they have other options. Cannabis- based I think.

  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,166

    SF-Cakes- I can feel your relief! Enjoy your Italian food and a relaxing weekend- you deserve it!

    Candy - I'm sorry you didn't get better news from your ortho. I didn't realize the little bit of relief you got wasn't from the steroid shot. Hoping the next one works better for you when you're ready.

  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,166

    I forgot to say - Booboo, it's good to hear from you. How nice that you and OH are on staying good terms. Enjoy your pups when you get you see them.

    Rosie - Thinking of you. I hope you keep feeling better.

    I know there are more that I wanted to respond to, but I can't think of them now. I'll just send a big hello wave around the room.

  • denny10
    denny10 Member Posts: 421

    sf-cakes, doing the happy dance for you \o/

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    Sfcakes, so glad you do not have brain mets! Glad the nap comment gave you a smile as well.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,167

    SF-cakes--- Woohoo!!! Praise the Lord!!!! Have a great weekend.

  • mocogram
    mocogram Member Posts: 94

    SFcakes, so happy your results are good and that you received them so quickly. Enjoy your weekend!
  • Rosie24
    Rosie24 Member Posts: 1,026

    SF-Cakes, Great news on your scans!

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    SF-Cakes, so glad you got good results.

    Waving "hello" to everyone!


  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    Well my goodness, the hot weather is being replaced by cooler weather but we have a loud and lightning filled storm going on. One thunder boom scared the hell out of me and sent the cats running. One under my bed, other under the couch. It is not supposed to last long thankfully.

    I did boil some dry black beans and chickpeas. I did not presoak so boiled first for a few minutes, turned heat to medium and left for 40 mins and then one last boil. When they came out, much softer though not as soft as canned beans. I did strain them, popped on a plate with a silicone cover and microwaved for 75 seconds. They did taste good, just did basic seasonings, italian and steak, wheat bran sprinkle, salt. Put 1 tablespoon of queso, 1 teaspoon of garlic spread, 1 teaspoon of mayo as well. Tasted really good and is easier than soaking for 24 hours I think.

    I am also so happy that we can finally have walmart grocery delivery here. Though the checkout uses instacart, I am paying a flat fee and comparing the price to the regular instacart, I still save a few dollars. Wanted some unscented cat litter. There is no closet to put the litter box in and they don't like covered, so it is in the corner of the living room. Always change it but the litter itself as a weird odour to it so deciding to add in some unscented to tone down.

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    SF cakes- yahoo! Wonderful news! Now enjoy your weekend 😊

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196

    SF-Cakes, I hope you are feeling the love. Heart That’s what this living room does for each other, right? When it’s good news, we celebrate together….with big hugs and high fives! Bad or crappy news? We surround each other with support. I’m so glad I landed here when I was first diagnosed.

    Candy, so sorry about the injections not giving you the relief you need. I guess it’s time for me to find an orthopedic and have them tell me what to do with this hip. It seems like a lot of us have hip problems. Hmmm…another side effect from these drugs?

    BevJen, maybe you and I could start our modeling careers since we’ve both lost so much weight! Yeah, right. I am so disgusted with the flabby skin I have since losing, but it’s not like there’s anything I can do about it

    Kiko, I didn’t know there was a drug out there to stimulate your appetite. Good to know. I go through periods of eating fine, and then having to push really hard to get myself to eat. Thank you, Mr. Chemo.

    Rosie, I am hoping you can switch from Zometa to Xgeva too. I have been taking Xgeva for years and never had a side effect from it.

    Livingivlife, rest up, my dear. Don’t you just hate traveling? It used to be so different. Now planes are delayed so often that you almost expect it. But getting home at that hour is brutal. Hard on your body. Take it easy the next couple of days.

    Well, it’s a hot one here. May break a record. I’m staying indoors in the air conditioning and having a nice long nap.

    Take care all.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    Well, stupid me, decided to treat myself to a Dairy Queen blizzard, mint oreo flavour. It was expensive by the time you factor in delivery fees tip etc. I thought, it is OK, just a treat. Well, by the time I got it, it was melted. I drankit. Taste was fine but that is terrible. Restaurants need to keep it cooler after made and drivers should have a cooler to keep this cold or warm as needed. I will never again use this service, too costly and though it was a nice taste, NOT what I paid for.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Oh, boo, mara! How disappointing to be expecting a DQ Blizzard, and then getting a melted mess. Can you get a refund? They should factor the "melt factor" into their delivery system. We drive by a DQ on our trips out to the desert. DH likes to stop for a cone sometimes. I've only had the Blizzard once. It was tasty. I think I'd like the mint Oreo. Sometimes, I don't want that much, but I think they have a kiddie size version. I may have to try that on our next trip.


  • sondraf
    sondraf Member Posts: 1,679

    Things are really ramping up here for the Jubilee - I was in the city today to buy a halfway decent beach swimsuit and wandered past where the Irish Guards were marching down the Mall practicing for Trooping. So a ton of horses, Lifeguards (the ones with the metal breastplates and ponyhair in their helmets), a military marching band and a unit all marching with rifles and bearskin hats. Just like a postcard!

    Of course, like everyone else we are leaving for the actual weekend. Its been impossible to find a cat sitter from the 28th as everyone is either fully booked or gone or super flaky, so yesterday we drafted in my mother who is arriving Monday morning from Milwaukee. Thank god JetBlue had some really good last minute fares and my 73yr old mother is small/fit enough to fold up comfortably in an econ seat. The dumb things we do for our pets, but it came out to about the same price as a live-in sitter (though we normally just get a one day a visit), Mom is thrilled, and it will give us some time together too when we get back.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Sondra, you can fly me to England to cat sit anytime 😁

    Candy, in your pocket for Monday.

    Sscakes and Mara, congrats on good MRI’s

    So, I woke up yesterday with terrible pain as the removal of spinal fluid can cause a wicked imbalance resulting in an excruciating headache. Had to spend most of the day in the ER. I felt like every bone from ribs to skull were being crushed and extreme pain causes me to throw up, which hurts my abs and ribs, so pain on pain. The solution is IV fluids and caffeine but I kept puking, it’s been a vicious circle. Finally got the right nausea and pain meds and am just catching up on 4 pages!


  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    Oh Mae, that sounds truly awful to be in such pain and being sick from it. I am so glad you got the right meds to treat it. Glad it seems you are feeling better.

    Sunshine, yes I was disappointed but I did drink it. I did submit a complaint, we will see if the delivery place will give a refund. On the plus side, it did taste good and reminded why food delivery is always a bad idea for me, cold food or melted stuff.

  • denny10
    denny10 Member Posts: 421

    sf cakes doing the happy dance for you \o/

    sondra: a holiday and you get to see your mum, a double win.

    Illimae hope you are feeling well enough to enjoy some food you fancy .

    mara it's horrid when you are looking forward to a treat and it goes 'wrong'. you shoud get some recompense- you did not the goods you ordered.

    If you are staying in because it's too hot , cold or wet have your best weekend.