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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    Living, that sounds like a busy week and weekend. Sleeping in your own bed will be nice but I am so glad you got to see family. That is great.

    I do plan to ask older DB to put my AC in, it is far too hot for my taste in my apartment. God forbid I cook something.

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196

    Reporting for pocket duty for anyone who is in need.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    pocket duty for me too. Cinnabon with frosting. In hand. Love to all

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    I am here for pocket duty as well.

    Looking forward to the Amazon delivery of my grinder and dry black beans and dry chickpeas. I am going to do so much with those it will be amazing. Not doing too much else, steamed up my blankets to remove dust and tossing them in one by one into my tiny dryer for a few minutes to remove fur. I should almost to that daily as it really does not take long. Steamed all blankets at once just putting them in dryer.

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196

    Oh Mel, you had to say Cinnabon. Yum! They are so good. Especially the frosting. Hope all is well in your world.

    I saw an article today about Enhertu and how it's a potential game-changer. I hope so for those of you taking it!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    It does cross the blood-brain barrier so it is promising. Other than that, not heard too much else about it.

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    mae: While I envy you a night sky not hidden because of city light pollution, I could not give up living in an urban area. Your home will be a beautiful, peaceful sanctuary. Be sure to keep posting pics.

    mara: Do you have space or the $ for an Instant Pot? The appliance makes great beans. You can even start from a dry state but I prefer to do a fast soak first. You make make a big batch then freeze them in small containers or baggies.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,167

    I just did my You Tube exercise video, with modifications for my bad hip. I did a lot of marching in place, that is the basis for the video--- marching for 30 seconds followed with 30 seconds of various exercises. I cannot do a lot of the moves, so I march till I can do one of the exercises. But,,, I am moving for 30 minutes and getting the blood pumping. That is better than sitting and reading that I do most of the time.

  • chicagoan
    chicagoan Member Posts: 1,042

    Good for you Candy! Keeping moving for 30 minutes is a great accomplishment.

    I found a park district gym I can use for free between 9 and 1, so I went there today and did my own little workout. Now for some guilt-free sitting!

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,167

    Hahaha. So I did my exercises, then I had the awful fatigue hit so I laid down on my bed for 30-45 minutes. The bed was just so inviting. The room cool from the AC and kind of dim from being on the side of the house where the sun was not coming directly in. Hope the nap did not cancel out the exercise. But that is how it is now. Gone are the days of being active all day. Like Chicagoan said, "guilt-free".

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    go Candy! I cant do that . But I do nap. I love my bed. It’s my get away from cancer. I can dream. That I can run and swim and be who I used to be. Atta girl. …

    Hello Chicagoan good to. See you

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    BooBoo~taking it day by day. My mouth is bothering me still. So that’s a thing. I caught head cold. That’s another. It’s lingering for the week. Hope you’re world is good as well precious friend.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Booboo, thanks! I’m starting Enhertu next week, I hope it works great too. Next best thing to Herceptin, as I understand, so yup, it’s a big deal but not approved in many countries yet, hopefully that changes.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    Candy, you did a great job today. Good job for you and it was great that you marched when you could not meet the movements. Just as good, glad you took a nap.

    Elderberry, I really am not sure I have the space for an instant pot unless I used it in the living room in the corner of the room with the breville oven and microwave. I've thought about it honestly but unsure yet. I do have money I can use.

    I did try out the coffee/spice grinder on the beans. They do come out very fine. I did not love the way I made them. I boiled water and put 1/4 cup of black beans and 1/8 cup of dried chick peas. I put them on to simmer and they were not too crunchy but came out in a thick mixture which was not the best texture. It did taste good though. I think later, when have rice or plain pasta, I will grind a small amount to supplement my regular seasoning instead. I really do like the grinder because I could grind up a few nuts to add to meals as well so that would be good.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Sorry, I should clarify, Enhertu is Herceptin with a chemo drug two, they’re basically mixed together

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    They use that to cross into the brain I believe as well.

  • runor
    runor Member Posts: 1,615

    It was something like 30 pages ago when I last checked in so I confess that I have not read them all and am not up to speed on everyone. But I am waving a hello, good wishes, big hugs and pocket duty for all who need it.

     Hub and I have been hard at it for many, many wknds now, getting stuff done, getting that do-list slowly crossed off. Today we went to Daughter's house to revamp her garden box. A large 10x5 box made of timbers that someone built long ago and filled with broken bricks and bent nails. Then when all the bricks had been tossed in they added a light sprinkle of soil. The soil was maybe 4 inches deep at its deepest and busted shards of brick everywhere with big, heavy whole bricks and broken pieces in the bottom. YOu couldn't dig without turning up a brick. So today Hub and I literally crawled in the box, sat on our butts and began, handful at a time, excavating and removing every bit of brick we could find.  It took hours.  We hauled out wheelbarrow load after load!  I said we should imagine we were archaeologists looking for dinosaurs. Hub said we should imagine we were  relaxed old people having a nap. He was not having a fun time. Once all the big bricks were dug out and small shards picked out we hauled in new soil and horse manure (for weeds). Then I pruned her raspberries and tied them up (a jungle!) and pruned low hanging trees that poke your eyes while mowing. 

    I feel age creeping up on me as my body is stiff after a day sprawled on my ass in a pile of dirt. Sleep comes with aches and pains and those damn Tamoxifen leg cramps! But the sense of accomplishment makes it worthwhile. At least for me. Hub, not so much. 

    I will be done my 5 years of Tamox end of July. To be honest I am thinking of quitting now. Two months early. I don't think that will be the make or break point. But the aches in my joints are worse than they should be for my age and despite the strenuous things I sometimes do. I sincerely hope that quitting Tamox will make my joints feel better. And here I will admit that I resented and feared Tamox and didn't want to take it and have not enjoyed it and look forward to quitting it ..... and yet feel like I'll be in vulnerable free fall when I do.

    And now it's Hub's turn to fall apart. Increasing, agonizing pain in his feet and ankles has him hobbling like an old man (he is 59, 60 in July) and falling over every now and then when he takes a bad step, made me freak out and send him to doc. X-rays and MRI find moderate to severe osteoarthritis. Tomorrow he goes to a bone doc and I hope we hear there is something that can be done. If not, Hub might have to quit working. He is literally in agony with every step. I have said forever that Hub has deformed ankles / feet and should have had corrective work as a child. Well, what I actually say is , if he was a horse and been born like that we'd have bashed him on the head and thrown him on the shit pile. But it means that same thing.

    There is a tremendous wind blowing outside, pine cones sound like rocks hitting the roof. I am going to hit 'post' before a tree comes down and takes out a power line and I lose the post. Love and hugs to all. 

  • sondraf
    sondraf Member Posts: 1,679

    Candy - Im really glad to see you continuing with the exercise. That Lynparza fatigue is such a sneak - you can be toodling along just fine in your day and then bam! you are in the fatigue hole and need 15-30 minutes to get it together. Ive found a few nuts or half of one of those Kind bars to help at those times, especially if I am out and about and have nowhere to lie down.

    Nothing new here - debating if I should do my dental cleaning tomorrow or wait until later in the summer. My normal hygenist is a Canadian, but she is home right now due to her mother's illness and they aren't sure when she will be back. She cleans my teeth like no one else and Im hesitant to have another hygenist and its not like my teeth NEED a cleaning right this minute.

    Hot weather here today - almost 80F! Already have bedding in the wash because it will dry super fast on the line.

    Hello to all -- hope everyone has a good one wherever and whatever you are up to!

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    I've managed to get head cold. It moved from my stomach right on up to my head. Feeling icky. Nothing new though days without a cold are better. I haven't had a cold in years. I haven't missed it.

    Sondra~ I am not a big dentist fan. The drill noises and my sensitivity in my teeth. Even a cleaning is torture. Let us know what you decide !

    Runor~Hello! I knew you must be busy doing something! Congrats on coming off tx! That's a big deal. Hugs to you!

    Mae and Mara ~ I've never heard of that tx, I hope it kicks butt for you Mae! How are the pups?Get your ac in yet Mara ?

    Warm day here today. 92 on Saturday already. Like no. Not that fast. No thank you. I prefer 70 I'll just stay inside. Lol

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 723

    It has been a week since my hip replacement and I start PT today. I stopped oxycodone on Thursday - there is not so much pain as severe stiffness. Only used walker for 3 days. Nighttime is the worst - and then morning. The stiffness is unbelievable. I have mini-PT exercises to do from the hospital and I do those. Right leg is very swollen. And the fatigue…….so debilitating. My MO took me off Ibrance through my recovery and I don’t restart it until I see her in June. My blood counts and hemoglobin dropped after surgery so I’m sure I’m battling some anemia again. I’m so frustrated that I’m not doing better. This is where Dr Google is bad - I read that some people can go back to work after 2 weeks - even return to some sports by 4-6. I wonder if I’ll be able to drive at 6 weeks? I know that’s 5 weeks from now but the progress has been very slow. I go in Wednesday for my post-surgical follow up. We’ll see what my Ortho has to say.

    I’m here for pocket duty - have lots of Oreos and chocolate milk. A staple now that grandkids are so close.

    I hate the changes to this forum but am grateful that Mel’s living room is full again. Love to you my sisters

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    Mel, my brother is coming tonight to put it in.

    Goldens, read that post about you and DH working on the garden box. Sounds exhausting and painful. Hope his ankles can be fixed.

    Not much going on for me. Laundry and maybe a Walmart grocery trip. I have an extra 30.00 from surveys and could use a trip out. The grinder is great but Iam going to soak the dried beans or use a few to boost seasoning if having something plain.

  • emac877
    emac877 Member Posts: 688

    Hello, just checking in for any pocket duty.

    Mel - hope you feel better soon

    Goldens - I think Dr. Google is a quack. When I had the rod placed in my right hip and femur I read people bounced back from that in a month or so. I am still dealing with stiffness and it's like you say, worse in the mornings. I had rads to that leg too so that didn't help. Hope the PT helps with your stiffness and pain.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    Dr. Google is a quack and people recover and heal faster or slower depending on their own history and possible underlying issues. Never rely and go at your pace all the time. If it feels good to you to move do it or stick with any PT moves given after various surgeries. I still heal fast which is a blessing but not everyone does.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    So I did get the spice/coffee grinder for the dry beans/chickpeas thinking I would grind them up and add water to make a seasoning. Think my best option is to cook a bit on a baking pan and use just a bit and make a dry seasoning to boost seasoning. I do like the grinder because I can quickly grind up anything and maybe add a bit to make peanut butter on an english muffin more nutritious or whatever.

    I am also boiling them the "quick way" on the stove covered by a lid. Added generous garlic and onion powder. I am thinking this is how to prepare them for me to consume. It is more time consuming than canned but in the end, it may save some money. I also thought about saving the seasoned water they cooked in and trying out cooking rice or pasta in the same water. Just thoughts in my head. Cooking the bean flour with a bit of water made it a cement texture which was not enjoyable at all. Perhaps a smaller amount added to mayo and other seasonings may dress up rice or pasta when I have it. We will see.

    Edited to add, after boiling for 50 mins, I took those beans to my regular chopper and chopped them up as they were still slightly crunchy and I was happily surprised I enjoyed the texture. The onion, garlic and salt added to the water was a good start to the taste, added some wheat bran to boost the fiber, used mayo to bind dry ingredients. I added taco seasoning, italian and steak seasoning. It was quite delicious and it was nice to finally have crunchy beans without burning them. I am saving the water they were boiled in to see if the seasoning will translate over to my rice or pasta later. I also have cashews that I may grind to make a small dessert with a tablespoon or two of peanut butter instead of a meal, we will see.

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,950

    Runor, so good to “see" you. Mel had been asking about you, so your ears must have been ringing. I also congratulate you that you'll be able to stop treatment soon. I hope your joints feel better after a little while off the medication. Thinking of you.

    So sorry for the stiffness, Goldens. Hope PT works.

  • sf-cakes
    sf-cakes Member Posts: 609

    Hmmm, I've had a headache off and on for the past couple of weeks, and my left eye feels tired (trying to stay off screens, much is on screen these days) so my MO ordered a brain MRI for this Friday. She doesn't *think* it's anything, but, just to be sure. Ugh. Every new pain or symptom now of course triggers the thought, "is it more cancer?" Hard to explain the emotional weight of that to non-MBC folks. Also, MRIs aren't my favorite. Lol, are they anyone's?

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    sfcakes, would computer glasses work? Mine were 25.00 for 3 pairs and they help a lot. They also Re 1.25 times so help make small print readable too. MRI wise, I take naps during them. So used to the noises.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    you know how when you're a parent you have such love for your kids. It's almost unexplainable. You'd do anything for them. I adore my kids. I go crazy when I don't see them and if I don't hear from them daily or see them. My days are not nearly as bright. I have Deep love for my husband as well. The kind that strengthens with time. I realize I have all I'd ever need if I just didn't have cancer. My life would be one happy fun life. Not a life that havemany nights of crying myself to sleep with worry about my future and my kids lives. All I want is to live and see the things we all should. The things that mean the most to us. The things that matter in our world. Like Mae with her cabin. All of you with grandchildren that you're just crazy for. We all deserve to have that and not be afraid because of cancer. I will hope for us all so much. That the Treatments continue to break through barriers. We all deserve to be happy. My sweet second family here.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,553

    Micmel, you are in our thoughts. Sending you positive vibes and support Medicating

    --The Mods

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    thank you very much Mods. Means a lot!