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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,166

    SF-Cakes - I'm sorry your having the headaches and eye symptoms. I don't think NDA (not diagnosed with anything) people get it...the worry with every symptom that we would normally shrug off with some innocuous explanation (I've been too tired, too stressed, too whatever). So, here's hoping the MRI is clear and the explanation is...innocuous. Also, I don't know if you recently changed your tagline, or if I just noticed it - either way, it made me laugh. 😂

    Mara - you are so creative in your meal ideas. I never would have thought of grinding up dry beans. I'm sure you'll find the perfect place to use them.

    Good to hear from you Runor.

    Goldens - sorry you're having the extreme stiffness. Let's hope the PT helps loosen that up quick.

    Mel - I feel what you feel - it really isn't fair. I haven't been dealing with it nearly as long as you have. Recently, I keep catching myself thinking, "How the hell did I get here?!" Mostly, I just try to live in the moment and ignore the shitty part. I'm sure it will overwhelm me one of these days, but I keep telling myself, "not today."

    Yesterday and today were cleaning days - yay. Tomorrow is low/no carb day - double yay. Way to live in the moment. LOL

  • denny10
    denny10 Member Posts: 421

    It's good to see an increase in visitors in micmels 'living room'.

    Micmel, I would be content with my life too if I did not have cancer. Hope you're feeling better after your cold.

    Sondraf, I hate going to the hygienists , somehow they make my gums bleed. I haven't been to one since covid. At checkups the dentist has said my teeth are fine, so I am not in a hurry to return. That sudden hit of fatigue can be so surprising. I will try to get some Kind bars, thanks for the tip.

    Candy, well done with your exercise regime , I am happy if I do 10 minutes without a rest break :)

    Goldens, Maras words are wise, we are all different and as long as you recover well, it doesnt matter how long it takes.

    Runor good to hear from you, I hope your husband gets some support and healing.

    Take care .

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    SeeQ ~I know what you mean about how the hell did I get here. Everyday I think that. Good for you for living in the moment, I need to learn that better.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    Denny~thank you. I am feeling better today. Haven't had a cold in years. They are yucky. I think most of us feel that way about our lives. Whatever shape they have taken. For each of us. Just sucks out loud that weve even been dealt this shitty hand..

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    Mel, positive thoughts your way and I can imagine wanting to live longer. We may yet, hard to think about it not lasting long enough. I am at peace since I am not a mother nor a wife and I know my brother and SIL are quite strong but that is only my thought. Many of you have families that both depend on you and you depend on as well. Even those that live alone have friends here and IRL too. That will change attitudes as well.

    I am going to keep up with cooking dry beans and keeping the bean liquid and whatever it has been seasoned with. Going to keep the liquid from the canned beans as well and season that if I make a pasta. The rice yesterday that I cooked in the black bean liquid that was heavily seasoned with garlic while boiling up the dry beans yielded a wonderful taste to the rice and it did not require a ton of seasoning to make it taste better. The dried beans can definitely be chopped up in the grinder as well to make a dry seasoning to sprinkle on meals as well just to bring up the nutrition. I also plan to chop up a few cashews to mix with the peanut butter I may have on an english muffin to bump up the meal. We will see, happy with all of it. I will also try soaking the dry beans overnight as well since they are a bit cheaper than canned, we will see about that.

    Going to go to Walmart by bus, have a few Walmart gift cards earned through surveys. Have 60.00. Only reason not using those more is they removed the bar code from the new cards and just have the pin and the number, hopefully will not cause too many issues for me. I am really just kind of bored and need a trip out as well.

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,537

    Mara enjoy your Walmart excursion. I may try the dry beans experiment. Do you think the nutri bullet will grind them. I see sometimes in the baking section chick pea flour. Is that all it is - ground chick peas?

    I had acupuncture today and I’m hopeful the b-12 shots give me a boost of energy at some point.

    Mel how’s the weather now? I used to love spring when I lived up north. Just watching the rebirth of greenery and scurrying of critters.

    Pocket duty for whoever has upcoming appts scans treatment etc.

    Have a good day all.


  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    Tanya, yes it would work to make chickpea flour.

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    tanya: Ayoub's in our neighbourhood sells cookies made from chick pea flour. You don't have to chew. They dissolve in your mouth. I make a cookie with almond flour that's really good. Yes - just grind chick peas into a fine powder. You might want to sift a little to get the lumps out, then sift the lumps. Just remember to refrigerate the flour.

    So true about no longer just brushing off "little things" --- like a pain here, or a pain there or just not really feeling quite right. Now it is "oh oh -- maybe it's ________" then fill in the blank with "progression" "something new and BAD"

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    Elderberry~ I agree with you. The smallest ache or pain I’m like 🙊 Just don’t want to have cancer anymore. I’m sick of it. I know we all are

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051


    I love dogs and this is their language. Lol

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051


    I need to learn to do my best more often. Like therapy said. Whatever we can do is ok. We do what we can. We are who we can be.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    Cute pictures Mel, cannot see them on my android phone chrome browser but they show up on my PC.

    Since I spend so much time talking about finding interesting ways to eat that are within my wheelhouse, the good sometimes has to be followed up with a fail. I was having a normal breakfast 1/2 cup pinto, 1/4 beefless ground chopped spinach. Microwaving the beefless ground as it burns if done with the beans. The mistake I made was using my chopper to chop up dry beans to use as seasoning. BAD taste. I did use some seasoning but there was a horrible bitter taste. The only thing good was I added a few cashews and those were good. Note to self, just cook the beans and cashews, keep the water since i am seasoning it and using to flavor pasta or rice by boiling them in there. Unfortunately going to throw out the fail, the taste turns my stomach. I did struggle through some but I think that incorporating more basic stuff is good as well. I also will try soaking a portion of beans overnight in a covered pot of water is fine too. I can try out adding seasoning to water and adding to the fry pan that would have the rehydrated beans. We will see. Having chocolate milk to tide me over until lunch.

    I think using the dried chickpeas or blackbeans as flour would work for recipes though. I would grind them up and of course use a sifter but combined with other ingredients in place of regular flour is a great idea. Have not delved too deeply into that.

    I have to walk to the hospital later this afternoon for my MRI results. Tried to view them in the viewer but they were not avaiable to see yet. Planning to cook some pasta, add a few pinto beans that are fried, chopped spinach, 1 tsp of garlic spread. Have a small meal so that I can use the energy to walk to the hospital and get home. If I still feel tired, taking my walker as I have been feeling slightly dizzy from time to time. I think I have been failing on the iron front and really need to re up my spinach and get my body moving more. Going to start adding spinach for every meal and just get more basic with the dry beans.

  • Kikomoon
    Kikomoon Member Posts: 358

    in your pocket Mara for MRI results!

    Mel I hope you are feeling better. Why me is a question I’ve asked and come up with the follow up question - well why not me? Why children? Why any of us? We bought a super environmental mattress way back when we were shopping for one. It is made of rubber and from California. I didn’t want mattress chemicals in my house. Now look at me. I feel like we were just dealt this shitty hand.

    Tanya what do you like about acupuncture? Been thinking about it.

    I had my first Enhertu infusion today. Was supposed to have it yesterday but the clinic screwed up. I’m not surprised. I should have called a week in advance to make sure they knew what they were doing.

    I thought about what I wanted to eat afterwards and narrowed it down to Cracker Barrel or Arbys. Decided to just make a grilled PB&J with mayo on the outside. I have read about this recently and decided to try. It was pretty good! Tonight maybe will get Mole chicken enchiladas, extra beans and rice 😋

    I also got Steroids before the Enhertu so DH is super excited. Means maybe I’ll clean later or fix a sink 😛. Probably will just be up late staring at the phone. Got my disability paperwork in as well.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    I got the results of the MRI, I called and asked they phone me due to breakfast sitting like a stone in my gut. I think it was the dry beans I ground and thought I could use for seasoning so I did not want to walk. Got better this afternoon.

    MRI shows that the spots in my surgical site have not changed, still stable. There is still enhancement around but not in my brain all over that is unexplained but my RO said it could also have been caused by the contrast dye they used. There is NO swelling in the brain and nothing that would cause me issues. We will still scan in 3 months to be sure, the enhancement has already been around and nothing as of yet signals a progression in or around my brain. I will take stable for the win.

    I have decided I really need to research what I am trying to make before jumping in foodwise. I will soak the dry beans overnight before cooking the next day that should avoid any issues. Once fried or boiled, they will be the right consistency and taste good. I assumed I could consume the dried beans if chopped to a powder but unless being used for a recipe, is really just gross.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    glad it even worked. Lol

    Mara~ I'd like to get try some of these creations of yours. Creative

    Stable works !!

  • denny10
    denny10 Member Posts: 421

    mara , doing a happy dance for your results , I would take stable as a win too.

    kikomoon, I have had steroids with Trodlevy today. I will be awake in the middle of the night wondering what I could do, then not doing it.

  • Kikomoon
    Kikomoon Member Posts: 358

    Mara - stable woo hoo! 😄🥳🎉

    Take it and run

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,167

    Mara- Stable is good.

    Kikomoon- Well your first dose of Enhertu is done--- good. I have only had steroids when I had the IV chemo---A/C chemo when we thought it was Stage 2. It was AWFUL!!! I had a headache that felt like my head was going to explode. They think it was the steroids. If I go to IV chemo again in the future, I will have to tell them of how I felt back then and see what they can give me in replacement.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    kikomoon, big lol on the steroids cleaning and fixing stuff!

    Arrived at a hotel in Houston last night, lumbar puncture this morning went well, just a little sore. Results will hopefully be completed tomorrow. First Enhertu for me on Thursday.

  • dodgersgirl
    dodgersgirl Member Posts: 1,902

    sending well wishes to all recently getting IV treatments and steroids.

    Apologize for not listening specific names. Between issues with BCO and chemo brain, I struggle remembering names. Really sorry.

    Results from Bone Scan shows all is pretty steady. XGEVA is doing its job. Nuclear bone scan shows progression in a handful of lymph nodes. So getting a lymph node biopsy next week to be sent off to see if there are any mutations that can be targeted. If not, MO will talk about a new treatment. Looks like Verzenio ran its course

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    In everyone's pockets who need me for treatments and such.

    Thank you for your good wishes about brain stability, I am happy and will take it as a win.

    Mel, some of them may taste decent but I don't cook pretty meals, that is for sure. I bought some small pasta noodles so thinking I will season the water with some garlic and whatever else wish that they cook in so they absorb some seasoning. Small amounts suit me so I could add beans or beefless ground as the protein and go from there. I just like to add dimension to otherwise similar foods. Went crazy with my Walmart delivery order earlier today. I still may look into some recipes where I could make a bean flour with a sifter to only include fine stuff but I have not figured that out. Otherwise, will soak the beans overnight and cook them the next day.

    I am impressed with how much walking you can actually get done in Costco. I did 4000 and was only able to do Costco due to time constraints with DB. He was surprised how fast I could walk in the store, he was on one side, I went to the dairy section, grabbed milk and zoomed back to the cart. I am starting to think I should give this mall walking thing a chance, even a few times a week. My stride just gets so much longer when I can step confidently.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    at least you cook. I just couldn’t be bothered DH is way better at it than I am. He does a lot of things well.
    mae~ glad you’re only a little sore. Thinking of you.

    Hello dodgers!

  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,166

    Mara - yay for stable!

    Mae - I'm glad you're not too sore. Hanging out in your pocket waiting for results.

    Kikomoon- too funny that your hubby is excited about your steroids.

    Scans today - everything went well enough. I'm not sure when I'll see results. Doc said they'd be loaded to the portal, so...tomorrow, maybe?? I'm really not sure. They'll call if anything needs action. My next appointment isn't until late June if everything stays good.

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 723

    Mara - woo-hoo for stable💃🏻👏🏻🎉

    Mae fingers crossed for good news.

    Hi to all - happy Friday!!

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,167

    Mae- Glad to read the lumbar puncture went ok. Thinking of you as you start a new treatment next week.

    Dodgers- Pocket duty for next weeks biopsy. How long were you on Verzenio? These profiles are frustrating as I cannot see what everyone's current treatment is. My profile is all messed up.

    I have scans (CT and MRI) on Monday. I am getting nervous. 9 months on Lynparza, and scan #3 on this treatment. Hoping all is still ok. But I know that at a point it will stop working. Today I see ortho doc for follow up on the hip injection. It really didn't work, so I don't know what else she will suggest.

  • dodgersgirl
    dodgersgirl Member Posts: 1,902

    Candy— in your pocket for Monday’s scans.

    I just started my 17th month of Verzenio. Not sure if/when treatment will actually change.

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196

    Mae and Kiko,

    I am hoping that Enhertu is the ticket to successful treatment for both of you.

    Candy, I am going to be following what’s happening with you too because my right hip is a mess. I need to see an orthopedic, but haven’t had the courage to make an appt. yet. I see my MO next week, so I’ll discuss it with her.

    I have been absolutely loving the Spring weather here…so perfect for me. Not sure why I ever thought I could handle the heat in FL. I am not a hot weather person. I don’t exactly love snow either, but overall, I can breathe better here. I’m missing my two Yorkies like crazy, but OH is talking about coming up for a visit (we are still very friendly) and bringing them with him, so I’m looking forward to that. I don’t know if it’s going to make it harder or not, but we’ll see.

    Waving hi to Tanya…

    All, I hope you have a good weekend.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    Candy, in your pocket for your scans.

    Mae, in your pocket as well as you navigate your new treatment.

    It is hot here, glad to have the AC put in. Will keep humidity out which we will have for at least a couple of days. Nothing like summer will be. Staying in today. Just doing my Paul Eugene workout, standing of course. I count that as 1000 steps each since it is 10 mins and a good pace as well. Like to mix up regular walking with the marching on the spot stuff. Starting to think of ways to add weight to my legs for more strength training as well.

    Breakfast was a normal 1/2 cup pinto, 1/2 cup beefless ground. Put a teaspoon of garlic spread. It was on a plate with a lid and microwaved for 60 seconds. Seasonings were a little more garlic along with taco seasoning, italian and maple bacon seasoning, just a bit. Added sprinkle of bran, 1 tablespoon queso, 1 teaspoon may and mixed it up after I sprayed with a bit of olive oil. It was not pretty but it did taste good.

    The grinder I bought will likely be used if I want to sprinkle nuts on something. Will keep buying different dry beans and lentils to jeuje up meals. We will see.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    Candy~ I’m Sorry your injection didn’t work. That’s really lousy. In your pocket. For scans. Try to relax. I know how hard that is. Wrapping you in hugs!

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    dodgers~may that treatment always work!!!