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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    Happy Bithday Sondra, enjoy the trip!

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196


    It sounds like heaven where you are. Happy Birthday. I hope you make lots of memories on your trip.

    My memory is getting so bad. I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve gone into a room to get something and can’t remember what I was after. I hate chemo brain. I used to be able to a form a sentence; now I get help to finish my thought. Glad my sister is a bit older and is not as sharp as she used to be. Misery loves company.

    Happy Tuesday everyone.

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196


    I, too, am sorry about your granddaughter’s illness. I hate Covid almost as much as cancer. Prayers for her speedy recovery.

    I’m also glad that you posted. We are here for you

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 723

    Mae - so sorry for the side effect of your new med. Hope it is better by now and can find a combo of meds to fight the vomiting.

    Sondra - a very happy birthday! Enjoy a fabulous day.

    Starting my 3rd week of PT. Fingers crossed to be able to drive next week bur I’d rather err on the side of caution since it is my right hip.

    Be well friends, hugs

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,167

    Sorella- I just logged back on and read your post. I don't see you on here much. I hope you see this reply. Oh My Gosh Me Too!! Another poster that understands!! Yes, I too never had jealous issues until the cancer. Now I look at other people and am jealous and envious. I hope you keep posting here. And PM me anytime.

    Sondra- Happy Birthday!!!!\

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Happy birthday Sondra 🎉

    We’ll, I kept down crackers and peanut butter for about 6 hours yesterday and hoped I had reached a turning point. Unfortunately, I woke up to vomiting and diarrhea (vomiting first), so I ran downstairs to the toilet, set my puke bucket on a step later (cabin is still a heavy construction area), turned to sit down and knocked my puke bucket all over my robe and on and in my slippers.

    Things can only go up from here, right?

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Sondra- Happy Birthday 🎂 Enjoy your wonderful get away. It sounds heavenly (except for the mosquitoes)

    Mae- oh how awful it is for you! You are right things can only get better 😌

  • mocogram
    mocogram Member Posts: 94

    Mae, so sorry you're having such a tough time. But, you have such a good attitude, sometimes you just need to laugh so you won't cry. Hugs and prayers that things start improving.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    Mae, is there nothing they can give for preventing the vomiting, or digestive enzymes to ease digestion or both? Forgive me if you mentioned those already.

  • mocogram
    mocogram Member Posts: 94

    Kikomoon, I get the GI/butt issues. I've been on Xeloda, Tukysa and Kanjinti (biosimilar to Herceptin) since December and have had GI problems, mainly diarrhea and occasionally, constipation. I can control the diarrhea with immodium. But, Preparation H doesn't do much to help the butt burn, irritation. Hadn't heard of the Dr. Butler's ointment, so I'm going to try it. Hope things improve for you soon.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Mara, I have the anti nausea meds but they’re not working well enough or at all really. Nothing else has been suggested yet but I did message my MO for help, just waiting on a reply now.

  • chicagoan
    chicagoan Member Posts: 1,042

    Happy Birthday, Sondra! Enjoy!

  • dodgersgirl
    dodgersgirl Member Posts: 1,902

    Sondra— happy birthday!!! Sounds like you are spending your birthday like I So want to—- at the beach. Take it all in and please share more of your experiences.

    Mae— arggggg. Sure. hope your issues get resolved as soon as possible. I realize you do, too. Just out of the words to try to provide support without providing any real physical suggestions.

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    happy birthday sondra!

    Mae, oh no, hope the nausea gets super managed by your oncology team. There should be lots of different meds to help you - hope you get them fast

    Thank you everyone for all the support here & good PM comments. I had an awful weekend due to physical pain in my liver...was flat in bed in pain & I'm all yellow from jaundice. finally yesterday we started a new med which seems to be covering it & spoke with my MO. I'm going for blood work today & we'll see how bad things are... I'm scheduled for new chemo on Thursday. Not sure if we're cancelling our trip in Monday...

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    How did I miss three pages of comments. I'm writing my comments on a Word document so that I can scroll down without losing anything.

    Happy birthday, Sondra. It sounds like you are having a lovely birthday (apart from the mosquitos!)

    Booboo, ain't that the truth? Thank God for older sisters, right?

    Goldens, I hope your PT goes well. I tried some new exercises and really tweaked something in my right leg. It's better today, but I have no idea what I did. I'm blaming it on the stupid cancer.

    Sorella, I can't find your original post right now, but I'm glad you're here. I'm usually not a jealous person, but there are definitely times when I'd give "anything" to be able to do things that "normal" people can do. I'll go back and find your post after I submit this one.

    Oh, mae! Seriously??? Things had better go up from here! Congrats on keeping the peanut butter and crackers down for six hours yesterday. Damn on all the other stuff, though. Are your slippers machine washable? I'm so, so sorry.

    Dear moth, to quote a friend of mine, "Well, F^@K!" I'm so sorry you're feeling so yuck. I hope your new med has you feeling at least a little bit better.

    (((hugs))) to everyone

  • denny10
    denny10 Member Posts: 421

    Happy birthday Sondra, it sounds lovely . me, jealous, yea quite a bit, but you can keep the mosquitoes!

    mae, euck, keep trying different anti emetics until you find one that works,' cos kicking the bucket isn't!

    moth, it looks as if you are at last getting the help you need . Fingers crossed you get on your trip on Monday

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    Well, hopefully they can give you a better drug for the nausea and in the meantime, if you are not doing it, a digestive enzyme could ease symptoms. I know they healed my digestive issues after the prolonged steroids. I could not tolerate most nuts, peanut butter and gradually more foods caused nausea and vomiting. When I started taking those, the issues went away.

  • dodgersgirl
    dodgersgirl Member Posts: 1,902

    I had a supraclavical node biopsy last week. MO is sending off to search for mutations that we should be targeting as there was slight progression with a handful of lymph nodes on Verzenio. Bone mets are stable. I think XGEVA is handling them.

    During biopsy, I believe the IR briefly hit a nerve as I felt like I was just hit with lightning that ran down my left side from my face to my lower female parts. Zap. I am in some pain. Was told to use ice packs a Tylenol. So I am taking Tylenol every 6 hours. The pain is mostly at biopsy site and left ear. Chewing is painful so I really have no desire to eat. Been eating Chili and soft ice cream for days now. Tried a grill steak sandwich for Memorial Day but it was too hard to chew. Ended up eating corn and baked beans mostly.

    I do think pain is improving slightly each day but not as quickly as I want.

    Not sure what’s next. Awaiting testing results and then meeting with MO.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    Oh, I am so sorry about the pain when eating and the shooting pain all the way down Dodgers girl. Hoping the tylenol is helping. Can you basically blend all the food, even traditional hard to eat ones like steak or something like that so they don't require a great deal of chewing. I had to do that when my jaw nerves were triggered after whole brain radiation until it went away. I was hungry but also could not chew.

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    mae: Poor dear soul. I am so sorry that the Enhertu is causing you such misery. Herceptin seems so easy and I thought they were pretty much related. But I had heard it had more SE's

    moth: I hope you rally and feel well enough to travel. Hope the bloodwork is okay and that Thursday goes well.

    Sondra: I am sure you are having a great time in spite of mosquitoes. It is already really hot and humid there?

    dodgersgirl: Can you eat mashed potatoes? Maybe stir in some ground parm to boost the flavour and add proteins?

  • dodgersgirl
    dodgersgirl Member Posts: 1,902

    Mara— probably could use a blender to pre-chew foods. May have to resort to something like that. Hoped the pain wouldn’t last this long!

    Elderberry— I have thought about making baked potatoes or sweet potatoes. Easy to chew and tasty, too !! Thanks.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    Dodgers girl, although I don't need to, I am quite fond of chopping up crispy baked beans myself. Weird habit for me but that is the way I go sometimes. I also have chopped up cooked english muffins and mixed a tablespoon of peanut butter and a teaspoon of butter, microwaved and combined for an inside out english muffin, again weird but I find it enjoyable.

    If you do blend foods, do them separately so you know what you are eating. If you are having steak and salad, blend up the steak, dish it out separate and if croutons are an issue, chop them up for the salad as I don't imagine they would be an issue. Chop up other veggies too. I have ruined things by putting them together in the chopper.

  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,166

    moth - I'm so sorry you were feeling so bad this weekend. I hope the new meds work on the pain quickly and the chemo is easy to tolerate, so you can go on your trip. I also hope you find some...peace... talking with a therapist.

    Mae - oh what an awful time you're having. I hope you MO come up with the right meds to calm things down for you.

    Dodgers girl - also thinking of you and hoping you find some satisfying meals while you heal up from the biopsy.

    Sondra - Happy Birthday! Your trip sounds very relaxing. Enjoy!

    Hugs to everyone else I didn't mention by name.

    We had a busy and fun weekend with family. Here's a fun pick I took of my grandson. He was picking up sticks off the shoreline for a bonfire, and my daughter's dog thought every stick was just right for her. It was comical to watch.


  • dodgersgirl
    dodgersgirl Member Posts: 1,902

    Mara—- thanks for the ideas. This is going to sound silly— in a salad, the lettuce is hard to chew. Go figure

    I think I want to make a big bowl of tuna salad to munch on. Maybe serve it in a tomato???

    Thanks again for sha

  • dodgersgirl
    dodgersgirl Member Posts: 1,902

    seeq—-love the water picture with your grandson.

    I so want to visit water but diarrhea from meds makes any trips DiFFICUL

  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,166

    Dodgergirl - I hear you. The Verzenio is harder for some than others. It was much worse for me before a dose reduction, but I could manage longer trips (flying/driving) with Metamucil and Immodium. There was still NO WAY I was going on a 3-hour sightseeing boat ride when we were on vacation. It's not as bad now, but of course, it reared it's ugly head on Saturday when we made a trip into town for the girls to shop at some of our local stores. The water in the picture is my backyard, so I only have to worry when we take our boat out. I have an 'in' with the "captain", so he'll come back to the house if I really need him to. Lol

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    I love the pictures from the trip. They look like a wonderful weekend indeed.

    Dodgers girl, I hear you about lettuce. I have to chop up my spinach because I cannot stand it whole but also cannot be bothered cutting the stem off. I will say, talking about salad makes me want baby spinach, croutons and ranch dressing right now.

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Dodgers Girl- tuna salad sounds perfect if you can't chew right now. Any soft foods that is also good for you. Hopefully this passes soon!

    Seeq- beautiful picture! Yes on a boat when the runs hit is not a good situation 😕

    Moth- do hope the meds kick in for the pain. What a terrible weekend. Sending good vibes for the week ahead so you can go on your trip

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    love the picture. !!!!

    Hate what everyone is going through. So difficult and can't even take it sometimes.

    Mae~ you're something else my friend. I hope they get you fixed with thenausea. And. Vomiting. I hope you can get comfortable.

  • Rosie24
    Rosie24 Member Posts: 1,026

    Moth, sending you healing vibes and thoughts of comfort. I’m sorry you’re in pain. I hope your med change is the one to get your liver back to normal.

    Mae, The vomiting sounds miserable. I hope it passes soon. Sending you healing vibes too.

    Sorella, You bring up some interesting points about having jealous feelings toward healthy people. Although I still look pretty “normal”, I know I’m not. I rate myself as “fair” on health surveys. I find myself looking at friends and family who are healthy, and sometimes wondering why them and not me. I feel guilty for thinking it. But now I often wonder how much time I have left, something I never used to think much about. I hope your granddaughter gets well soon, so you can be back with her soon.

    Sondra, I had to look up your vacation location. Thailand sounds fabulous and the pics I saw in my search were gorgeous. I hope you have a great time and you enjoy the pampering. Happy Birthday 🌻

    Kikomoon, I hope your tummy troubles get better soon.

    Seeq, Great pic of the wood gathering fun. You must have a beautiful setting on the lake. (Or is it the ocean?)

    Mara, Candy, Tanya, Mel, Booboo, Hello to you!!