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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,167

    Mel- Happy Birthday!!! Sounds like you had a good day.

    Mae- Woohoo for marking off the lepto possibility. Now on to the new treatment. Wow, the hospital food sounds great. Our local hospital used to have good food (not as good as you describe) but they changed the contract of the Nutrition staff and company and the food is awful now. Bland, small portions, not much variety or selection.

    Kikomoon- How is it going by now?

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,950

    Mel, happy birthday. I hope it’s been great.

    Mae, I’m so happy it’s not lepto. Now to heal the soreness and pain. I hope you don’t get another lepto scare anytime soon.

    Kikomoon, so sorry you were still stuck in ER

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Mel- Happy Birthday 🎂 🥳 You will have many many more!

    Kikomoon- hope by now you would have gotten the MRI.

    Mae- Happy for the spinal results. Here's hoping the new treatment will result in no major side effects. Lol about the hospital food. I've never heard of someone who actually wanted to stay for the meals!

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Kikomoon, that sucks! No food (even vending machine) and no water or Gatorade? What are they thinking? I'm glad you got go into the nurses' area to get something. Sounds like a totally awesome, fun day in the ER. Sheesh!

    Mel, happy belated birthday. Mine was the 23rd. I had my favorite birthday meal of spaghetti and artichokes. DH bought strawberries for desert (I'm not much of a cake person.) Apparently, I ate some bad potato salad for lunch and ended up with food poisoning. I had food poisoning years ago. Same symptoms, same end result. Up most of the night with horrible stomach cramps, then the inevitable puking. Yuck. Slept a bit, then up early with more puking. Double yuck! Didn't eat anything yesterday. My throat feels like there's a golf ball stuck in there. Fortunately, no one else (especially my 89-year-old dad) got sick. I woke up praying that my birthday meal hadn't made him sick!

    Am feeling better today. Still having trouble swallowing, and stomach is a bit touchy. There's no real nausea, but the cramping is still there. Am taking it easy on the tummy today. Went to bed early and actually slept through the night.

    This would be TMI for anyone else, but I knew you fine ladies (and gents) would understand.

    Here's to a better day.


  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    Kikomoon, hope progress has been made toward getting the MRI.

    Mel, happy belated birthday, certainly hope for many more to come.

    Well, soaked my dry beans and chickpeas in water for 24 hours. They are still disgusting and I will be getting rid of them. Not happy but you live and learn I guess.

    I also feel foolish. I was doing an interac etransfer from savings to another bank's checking account. Firstly, the email never came though until I checked trash. Somehow that email gets routed to trash. Then I noticed my checking account did not have the deposit. Pulled up chat for the first bank and complained about the situation. I was quite insistent they other bank did not get it. I did close the chat and call my other bank. Apparently, the money did not route into savings, went into my line of credit. I did not think it was there but it paid off a small balance on the line of credit so when checking all accounts, they all said 0. I only checked into my checking account to see if the credit I transferred was there. Geez Louise, need to get my head checked and need to check all accounts I guess. Really annoying. At least I did not treat the poor customer service guy badly in the first chat. I would have felt worse.

  • Kikomoon
    Kikomoon Member Posts: 358

    gosh Sunshine that’s terrible to get food poisoning and on your birthday too! Hope you just continue feeling much better.

    I left the ER at 2am.They told me I have lots of tiny Mets and one is probably causing the double vision. Yah I know! No swelling or other weird stuff. Now going to see my local MO to see what can be done about this leg pain. Hopefully something.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    I am sorry to hear about the little brain mets findings causing the double vision. Hope MO can solve the leg pain issue for you.

    Sunshine, so sorry you got food poisoning on your birthday, that really does suck, hope you are feeling better now.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    today is my birthday. So you’re not too late. Lol no belated necessary! It’s been nice so far.

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196

    Happy Birthday, Mel. You WILL have many more! I also wanted to say that I thought your painting was fantastic! I really, really like it. You must find a good wall to display it. Is it from a kit? Or are you able to paint like that without help? Either way, I’m impressed.

    Well, I went to see my MO yesterday, and between her and her PA, they convinced me to get the Faslodex shots. So I guess I’m technically back on treatment. MO said I can stop the cancer progression and hopefully avoid many broken bones. She said I should also see pain relief. So we’ll see. The thought of broken bones kind of freaked me out, so yes…I folded like a cheap suit. But maybe Faslodex will do all that she thinks it will.

    Kiko, I’m so sorry about your recent crappy experience in the ER. That is no fun. I’m glad you are at home now, and I hope they can get to the bottom of your vision issues…it affects everything.

    Carol, I’m also sorry about your food poisoning episode. I’ve had it too, and I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. Glad to hear you are on the mend.

  • chicagoan
    chicagoan Member Posts: 1,042

    Happy Birthday, Micmel!

    Happy belated Birthday Sunshine-sorry about the food poisoning-ugh!

    Mara-Did you cook your beans after soaking them? I find that I still need to boil them a few hours even after soaking for 24 hours.

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Booboo- so happy to hear you've made a decision on the Faslodex shots.

    Sunshine- Happy Belated Birthday even though the food poisoning took hold of you! Hope you feel better now.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    Happy belated sunshine!! 💐🍨 hope it was a good birthday.

    I got some birthday flowers. imageimageI love them so much.

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Beautiful flowers Mel!!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    Laurie, may the Faslodex do everything you are hoping it to do my friend.

    Chicagoan, perhaps I will try that next time. I have not thrown them out as of yet. I will look into it. I do see that even if soaked, they needed to be cooked for an extra hour or so after the initial rinse of the beans. I think I will try out the quicker version where you put the dried beans under a couple of inches of water in a pot, bring to rolling boil and then place a lid on the pot. Then apparently you can rinse off these beans and if using them in a recipe, put them back on the stove to simmer for 1 to 2 hours to soften them up more. I will try this tomorrow I think. I did not think I needed to do anything with them after soaking and that may have led to the bitter tasting stuff I had today. I just cooked my soaked overnight beans, chopped them and fried them in a pan. Will try a bit at a time and see what happens.

    Well, second day with the new friendly caller checkin call as it is called. She seems like a nice lady, is able to talk about her day quickly and ask about mine, she laughed that I love laundry when I mentioned being at home today, she joked she could pay me 10.00 per load. It is nice have a quick conversation without getting to deep in our own lives, she is quite enthusiastic about this new volunteer thing she is doing. Whole convo was maybe 3 to 4 mins which I think is plenty.

  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,166

    Ok, I'm waay behind...

    Mel - Happy Birthday! Beautiful flowers - two bouquets! And beautiful painting, too!

    Mae - hip hip hurray for no lepto!! Glad you're out of the hospital, too

    Moth - boo for progression; that just sucks. Hopefully your next treatment will be the "silver bullet" that beats the cancer back.

    Booboo - I hope the Faslodex(?) is an easy to tolerate treatment that slows things down. Folding like a cheap suit is okay - you can always say no later, if you want. Let's hope you don't feel like you want to.

    Sunshine- for poisoning is the pits and so unfair on your birthday! The worst food poisoning I ever had was after a celebratory dinner when I found out I was pregnant the first time. I didn't eat fried shrimp for years!

    Kikomoon- it sucks you had to wait all that time - in less than satisfactory conditions - to be told what you already know. In guess it was good to rule out something worse. I hope they can help your leg pain.

    Mara - be sure to season your beans when you cook them. I usually add salt pork (cheap) or a ham bone to pinto or navy beans, but I know there are vegan options, if you prefer. Simmer them until they're the softness you want - which could be a couple hours - be sure to check your water level as they're cooking, because they soak up a lot (even after pre-soaking). One of our favorite meals is beans, fried potatoes, sliced tomatoes, and cornbread. Ok, now I'm hungry. Lol

    So sorry. I'm sure I've missed people.

    I've been busy getting ready for kids visiting this weekend. I'm excited, but tired. Lol. I got preliminary result on my scan which was "stable - no change required". Not to look a gift horse in the mouth, but I think that's an odd way to put it, since I've been NED for a year. I won't see the report until next week, maybe. AND, my MO's office finally submitted the request for prior authorization for the liquid biopsy. Holy sh!t! It took me two weeks to get the 'right people' to tell them I was right!

    We're going to be busy here. I'll be reading along, but may not be able to post much. I'll be thinking of you all and hanging around various pockets, as needed.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,167

    Sunshine- Sorry about the food poisoning,, on your Birthday no less. Yuck.

    Kikomoon- Sorry to read of your "tiny mets". I was thinking this was a new progression in the brain. But then I saw your Profile with brain mets/HER2+/Herceptin. So these are new mets that are causing a new blurry vision? Do they think the current treatment will help?

    Booboo- I am glad you "chose" to do Faslodex. But you are in charge, so if you want to stop it at any time, that is ok.

    Mel- Love the flowers!!!! My bouquet lasted 4 or 5 days, not long enough.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    Mel, beautiful flowers indeed. My cats would destroy any plants or flowers. I have thought of artificial just to liven this place up.

    Laurie, I am happy you are feeling good about Faslodex.

    Kikomoon, I am curious as well whether the new mets causing the vision issue are considered more brain mets. I am sure you will let us know once it is more clear to you.

    I am a stubborn woman. I cannot bear to throw away food. I did the quick soak method on some dried black beans. Boiled for couple of minutes and let them sit in the hot water for an hour. I drained the bean juice into a bowl and kept it. I am currently reusing the bean juice and added some seasonings and am simmering them, probably will do it a couple of hours. I can squish the bean which is more progress than I have had before. We will see how they turn out. I have read that I was doing it completely wrong and that just soaking did not mean no cooking in a pot. I will still used canned as well but may combine the cooked dry beans with other beans. Let you know how it turns out. Breakfast for now will just be eggs and pinto beans fried in the pan which I really like, will make a small amount of pasta and eggs or beans this afternoon, always spinach and still have some canned mushroom. Sticking with canned stuff since I have no freezer space at the moment. I am also debating not buying english muffins anymore as I really don't enjoy the bread. Thinking if I want something with carbs, the pasta or rice on occasion would suit me. Use peanut butter as a snack, take a teaspoon here and there.

  • sf-cakes
    sf-cakes Member Posts: 609

    Happy belated birthday to Mel! Gorgeous flowers.

  • Kikomoon
    Kikomoon Member Posts: 358

    candy and Mara,

    I really don’t know if they are new or grown. Th ER wouldn’t know either so I have sent the scans to MDA and local. We found the brain Mets about 14 months ago at which point we did WBR and switched to Tukysa. I had brain progression earlier this year and we switched me to Enhertu just last Thursday. A month ago the RO at MDA said there are a lot of tiny Mets but nothing to be immediately concerned about.

    I saw the Local NPs yesterday to talk about myleg pain. They said it was good it’s in BOTH legs and prescribed Tramadol. I took one yesterday and it helped a great deal. I did not take any overnight as I can sleep through the pain pretty well. They both seemed hopeful the Enhertu just needed more time to work. I am hopeful as well.

    I will say that yesterday around 5, after a nap, the double vision was gone. This morning it doesn’t seem to be there. I wouldn’t celebrate, I’m very cautious. But I will take whatever reprieve I get from the double vision and the leg pain.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,167

    Kikomoon- HugsHug

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Kikomoon, hopefully the vision issues were unrelated and resolved. Tiny mets often don’t cause any symptoms, especially if there’s no swelling either. I did read that leg pain could be an SE from Enhertu, glad you can manage it with meds.

    I’m currently waiting to be called for my first infusion now, I’ll take any good luck you all send my way. I’m not expecting problems but they’ll be watching me closely due to my previous adverse reactions to polysorbate 80, which is in the Enhertu in a very small dose, fingers crossed.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,167

    Mae- Pocket duty. ThumbsUp

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Mae- Good luck and in your pocket with fingers crossed and yummy Portuguese custard tarts!

    Kikomoon- glad the double vision has gone away and the medication eased your pain

    Worked outside today making up 6 flower containers for porch area. Also made up smaller flower pots. I finally hobbled in the house from back and knee pain and head for a cooling shower. Have a heating pad on my back now. The thing is once I start to do something I take it to the limit! Now I'm paying for it! Ouch!

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196


    Sent prayers up for an easy time with this new drug. I truly hope it works well with few side effects. Hugs.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    hugs and support for Mae and Kikomoon!

  • emac877
    emac877 Member Posts: 688

    Mae, in your pocket with all the prayers and good luck wishes.

    I've missed so much. I had about 10 pages to scroll through. Moth and Kikomoon, my heart is with both of you. I hate it when I hear of any of us struggling with progressions and new treatments. Hugs to everyone else and a happy belated birthday to Mel.

    In the cancer realm things are steady. I have labs, a CT and a bone scan coming up on June 2nd with a follow up with my MO on June 9th. No major complaints except for the 5 pounds I seem to have gained. I'm a stress eater and it seems the rest of life went a little pear shaped on me.

    My brother is still being a putz. He's at least talking with my parents now but not to me and per reports he's been civil when he does contact them. On his last visit he was sober and not high so that's something. My mom has been dealing with a lot of vertigo the last 6 months and we are still in the process of multiple appointments figuring that out. We think now it's her eyes and possibly a complication of cataract surgery messing up the signal to the brain. She fell hard going down my front steps the other day. Fortunately no major injury, just some minor skinned knees (she had jeans on fortunately). With her limited mobility and my dad's cognitive struggles I'm just starting to feel the gravity of our situations. He's still okay to drive her places and she is sharp enough to keep his mind focused so right now it works but as his driving gets worse that may change. I've known as they get older their care is going to be on me and I'm just trying to prepare for that. They are wonderful parents and I am grateful to be able to give back some of the care they've given me but at the same time I'm not sure how to balance all of our medical things. It will be a learning curve.

    I'm at the end of a long month taking several extra shifts and that blew up on me. My back has been really painful and I have a very deep ache in my right hip again similar to when my MBC was first diagnosed. I'm hoping it's just from overdoing things in the yard and at work. I've had a lot of pain in my neck, particularly when I turn my head side to side and that tends to be causing minor headaches. I'm still in the "overuse" mindset but I do have some mild anxiousness about my scans coming up. I've had a good run of 2.5 years on Verzenio/Faslodex and I'm hoping to keep it going so we'll see. I don't like to put too much mental energy into "what if" so I'll just not think about it for now and cross any bridges as they arrive.

    Got my first rose of the season. It's a scrawny little bare root I got at Walmart last year that has really come to life this spring. It's a hybrid Tea called 'Love'. It smells amazing!


  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    I'm catching up, too. Emac, glad to see you here - sorry about your brother still being a putz, your mom having issues, and your leg, etc., acting up.

    Mae and Kikomoon, I'm thinking of you.

    Thank you for the birthday wishes. Tummy is still a bit unsettled (mostly crampy, but no nausea.)

    I called to make my appointments for my nuc med and CT scans. Nuc med scheduled with no problem but was told about the shortage of contrast for the CT scan, so they can't schedule that before July. I told the scheduler that I had heard about that and that I hoped patients were being kind to her. She said some are and some aren't. She said she appreciated kind words.

    I went to pick up my Ibrance yesterday at my local pharmacy. It was delivered there from the specialty pharmacy on Friday of last week. They couldn't find it and told me it wasn't there. I said it was and that I had UPS confirmation of it being delivered. They still couldn't find it. So, I called the specialty pharmacy and they confirmed it had been delivered. While I was waiting, she called the local pharmacy and I sat there for 20 minutes listening to the "Three pharmacy calls waiting" coming over the speakers. The poor woman from the specialty pharmacy kept coming back and apologizing about the wait. Eventually gave up and we decided to try again today.

    So, today I called, and they said, "Oh, it's here. It was in the "Specialty Bin." Really??? I'll know for next time. This happened the last time when they couldn't find it, until I told them who signed for it and what time. Sheesh people. Get it together!


  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196


    I read your post, and oddly enough, I also have pain in my right hip. I really believe it’s from the rod surgery we had to stabilize the right femur. Not sure what you think about that. I have a knot at the top of my hip, and I’m not sure if it’s cancer or bone from the surgery.

    I also wanted to mention that most areas have support for those like you who find themselves in a position of care-giving for older parents. I’m not sure what agencies or community-care is in your area, but I think it’s covered by Medicare. Do a few Google searches and see what you can find in your state. I don’t want you to feel all alone with caring for your parents. Best of luck.

  • Kikomoon
    Kikomoon Member Posts: 358

    sunshine- oh I hate it when specialty meds go “missing”! Had that happen to me for very stressful day when on Tukysa (which is a very expensive med for insurance. I won’t say how expensive or you’ll all faint) Glad they found it!

    Emac- I’m sorry about your parents struggling. I’m glad they have such a nice daughter though! Beautiful rose! I have a black thumb and envy all you gardeners.

    Mae- you should be about done by now. Hoping it went well without any problems!

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    Catching up!

    kikomoon: I hope the double vision is gone, stays gone and all is well.

    mae: I cannot believe there is a hospital that makes GOOD food. I am okay with barely acceptable ---- I don't expect hospitals to be restaurants. Lucky you!

    mel: happy birthday, belated

    sunshine: belated birthday wishes to you too. Awful about the food poisoning. Just the worst. Last time it happened (ages ago) I had eaten clams and I just knew which clam caused it. It was the one that tasted "metalic" and I should have spit it out into a napkin.

    emac: that is a lovely rose. It looks like velvet

    seeq: I hope your NED status hasn't changed. Keep us posted.

    moth: all I can say is "F**k!" I hope the new treatment line does a good job.

    My apologies for missing anyone.

    My 49th wedding anniversary today., We haven't attempted to kill each other yet. Can't say it might have been contemplated. Ha ha

    I am going to try to check in more frequently. This thread moves so fast.