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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • Kikomoon
    Kikomoon Member Posts: 358

    aye aye aye, I forgot that pain meds are constipating! Oye, oye, oye! My dear mother who is 74 came over to clean- mopped, vacuumed, made some pasta, and did so much. Goodness I’m supposed to do these things for her! It was much needed and she even went to the grocery store for suppositories, enemas, and fiber when I realized how bad it was today.

    So much we have to keep track of- nausea, no eating except constipating foods to get some calories, pain medication causing constipation, achy legs preventing exercise to relieve constipation/ get things moving. This is a full time job! I’ve been taking the pains meds one every 24 hours. Phooey! I don’t know what’s worse butt pain or leg pain, one is constant and one is agonizingly painful for a bit (well my butt is still sore hours later!) Legs haven’t given me much trouble today as long as I’m sitting for most of the time. They are probably too scared

  • emac877
    emac877 Member Posts: 688

    Kikomoon - I empathize. I have to really pay attention to fiber and fluid intake. Our mother's are the same age. Mine comes over to clean and my dad drives her around right now. They are both older and fairly independent but having their own medical stuff too. I should be taking care of them but honestly, they have helped me so much. Hope you get some relief soon.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    I am thinking of each and everyone of you going through side effects , progression, depression (raises her hand) anxiety, I know how hard it is. I know you are all amazing ladies. I'm

    So angry at cancer it's just over powering when I get to thinking about it , Moth. You're in my. Mind. Kikomoon you are as well. Each and everyone of you I hope today will be at least ok. Or even maybe a good day a little even. Sending hugs to all.

    What's for breakfast Mara? Lol

    Kikomoon ~ I also totally understand, I just went through the gastrointestinal issues. And still do frequently. It’s more than annoying. I do hope you’re feeling better.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,167

    Kikomoon- I get it. I have issues with constipation anyways. I think I have IBS with constipation. Not diagnosed but have the symptoms. And have other autoimmune issues, so it is not a far out idea. Then, the doctors (ortho, palliative care, PCP) all say to use pain meds for the arthritic issue. And they label me as a "difficult patient" for not following their orders. Duh, I don't want to be bowel obstructed. Nothing can be easy.

    Pocket duty list for the week of May 29---

    Emac--- Scans Thursday

    Anyone else?

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Don't you just love how in addition to cancer, we get to obsess over our bowel habits. Sheesh!

    Thinking of mel, kikomoon, Candy, mara, emac, and everyone on the previous page.

    I'm not a screamer, but I wouldn't mind throwing something from time to time. Mel, do you allow that in your living room? I don't want to make a mess, but it would sure feel good!

    (((hugs))) and chocolate to all!


    Edited to add: Speaking of throwing things, my DH showed me this last night. Too funny! If the link doesn't work, trying Googling "Just For Laughs - Throwing cop's phone"!&&p=c3eea61f1dbcc906843b9572dc0b2b4afda5a1c4b3fef4bdcd2b94521ba6908cJmltdHM9MTY1MzgzNzYwNSZpZ3VpZD0wNGE3NWZiYS0wM2RkLTQ5MTEtYTJhMC05ZjI0OWY2NjBiNjcmaW5zaWQ9NTExOQ&ptn=3&fclid=d0e59cc9-df62-11ec-9a0b-10a2e03a9cdf&u=a1L3ZpZGVvcy9zZWFyY2g_cT1qdXN0K2ZvcitsYXVnaHMrdGhyb3dpbmcrY29wJTI3cytwaG9uZSZxcHZ0PWp1c3QrZm9yK2xhdWdocyt0aHJvd2luZytjb3AlMjdzK3Bob25lJkZPUk09VkRSRQ&ntb=1

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    Kikomoon and Moth as well as Candy and everyone, I am still thinking of you all. Digestive issues most definitely suck no matter which way you go, clogged faucet or constantly running faucet so to speak. Cancer does give shitty presents to a lot of undeserving people as does other diseases, though obviously cancer is what we are here about.

    For myself, reading all the posts of struggles and triumphs of some of us really informs me that when I get whiny about my own life, whether it is boredom, wanting more activity or whatever it may be. I have been lucky overall even with some stuff I find to be a pain in the butt and I am able to turn off self pity feelings. I am stable, not kicked out yet and generally able to get around. I am lucky for my dx and I do know that.

    Mel, you asked about breakfast, it was just a plain one. Finished up the dried beans. 1/2 cup of those in frypan, added garlic and some of that seasoned bean juice from cooking and soaking previously. Microwaved 1/2 cup of beefless ground. Has a lot of B vitamins I do not normally get. Added queso, a bit of barbecue seasoning and salt. It was good but basic. Might go for a hashbrown type lunch with an egg maybe, we will see. Today is about emptying garbage that desperately needs to be put out. The rubbermaid tote I keep it in is full. Laundry of course and I think I want to grate up some laundry soap bars to add to my laundry detergent powder. Really does stretch my laundry powder supply.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    I am also thinking of getting a wee freezer. I know do not have a ton of room but would like to be able to have some frozen desserts stored away. I cannot just use the freezer I have. My thought is to flip a couple of existing shelves on their side and putting in a supporting piece of wood in order to make the shelf a bit wider. A 1.1 cu ft freezer could work if put on top as it would not weigh much more than 30 lbs. Just mulling those ideas over. Cat tree and toys are forced to live in front of the shelving. Second option could be to use the front closet, I would certainly be in there but don't have coats and things in the closet. I have an over the door hangers on the outside. We will see, be a while before I have the money anyway.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    Well, got to stop saying I am tired or cannot do things. I carried a 35 lb broken portable washer that was eating up space in the front closet from my place, down some stairs and over to the garbage area outside. I thought it would be too heavy and that I would need to kind of kick it down the stairs but just put it sideways in front of me and went down a stair at a time. It was never going to make me trip as it was in front of me and I was holding the railing as I went down, carried it over and walked around to the front to let myself in. The closet is where I will keep my recycling to clear up some floor space.

    I was considering a freezzer but decided against it. I will eat up the food in my current freezer and buy less frozen items to make room for desserts like ice cream etc which is what I would have stored, stick with more canned food since I have room to store that than frozen items.

    I am also accepting the fact that I do not need to do everything all at once, I should pick one thing and do it everyday. The closet area is clear. Two more boxes to break down near the treadmill and I need to reorganize the front shelf to only hold shoes. I put some vests that are two sizes too small out back. If anyone takes them great, if not they will be donated. I have two knapsacks, a thermal one and a regular one. Will use a hook on the closet door and latch plastic zip ties so it will allow me to close the closet door. Getting closer to having more space in the front area.

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,537

    Mara way to beast mode on that broken washer.

    I caught a cold from somewhere probably grand kids oh well. Schools 🏫 over so hopefully we can cut down on the germs.

    Candy you’re not a difficult patient you’re smart bc these meds have all kinds of SE’s and they don’t cure anything.

    Waving hello to all.


  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Ugh, I’m here but vomiting for days, Enhertu is going to take some adjustment. Not much else to say, just reading along.

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,950

    Mara, wow, good for you. I lug my 33-pound grandson around, but I make him out his head to the side and wrap his legs. Lol

    Tanya, I’m sorry you’ve caught a cold. I hope it’s a quick one.

    Mae, I can’t even imagine what you’ve been going through. I hope the throwing up stops soon. I’m sending you hugs.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    Mae, I am so sorry you are so sick from the Enhertu, that is just miserable to deal with. Can they reduce the dose or do they say if it just takes adjusting to as a new drug? I hope they can get ahold of your distressing symptoms and you can get back to being the adventurous sort of person you are.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    A dose reduction is certainly possible but Thursday was only my first dose and since my brain is the big target here, I’m going to allow some time for better management first. It sucks but it’s so much harder because I’ve already had a really exhausting couple of weeks and ever since the paralyzed vocal cord, I get triggered to puke by almost anything, a big cough, a sip that goes down wrong and chokes me and yesterday, it was the thought of a hamburger and smells, look out!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    Sunshine, I love just for laughs gags. They are also on youtube and are a staple here in Canada. They are filmed in Montreal. No audio per se because sometimes people were speaking French though sometimes also in English so just the sound effects instead. Always funny.

    Off to bed earlier, I stayed up far too late last night binge watching Stranger Things 4. The episodes are at least an hour, one of which an hour and forty minutes but very good show. Between that and the Kenobi show, I had some good TV to watch.

  • dodgersgirl
    dodgersgirl Member Posts: 1,902

    Mae—- omg. I am so sorry you have to endure this while figuring it out. SUCKS.

    I sure hope you find a method to lessen the SE while being able to give the new treatment time to kill cancer.

  • Kikomoon
    Kikomoon Member Posts: 358

    Mae, that sucks! I am right there with you though letting this drug hopefully go to the brain to slow things .

    Don’t read any further I’m going to talk about my butt real quick.

    It still hurts! I have ordered Dr. Butler’s ointment will be here in the morning. May have to see the Dr. If it doesn’t get better. Hope not! She’s already had to look at it once 😂.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    Kikomoon, hope you can resolve the butt issues, they are definitely uncomfortable. If you are waiting on cream, one thing you can do if you have it is make a paste of baking soda and water and apply there. It will not hurt and would shrink them until you get the cream assuming you have some.

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196


    I went through the vomiting thing when I tried Piqray. It's miserable. I use something called Aloe Juice. You can usually find it in the drugstore. It doesn't taste great, but it restores the balance in the gut. I keep a bottle in my refrigerator. It's made from the aloe plant which has all kinds of healing properties.

    Take care, my friend…rest, and I hope you feel better soon.


  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    Thinking of you Mae. Moth and all you other ladies. Enjoy what you can. Love to all…

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    Mae, hope today is better for you.

    I feel sorry for a couple of ladies painting the apartments and the building. The jokers shut off the water again. At least the 4th time I have counted, they always cite a leak as the reason. I don't believe them at all but the first lady did not speak english and the second one was nice enough to go downstairs and check. She came back up and said they told her that the toilet was leaking. Again, after 4 times, please. Going to send a letter to the city again after I check if there are any plumbing permits. I did thank her and asked her to thank the first lady, they are painting the building. If they have permits, they still require 24 hours. I cannot afford to move anywhere. If I could, I do believe I would. Housing costs more than my disability provides. Thankfully I keep many bottles of water in the refrigerator but that really would have sucked if I was showering.

    Edited to add, gotta love that the water is turned back on after I complained. They say its a leak so they can get around the 24 hours of notice. Again, not believing it for a second as it is always leaking and NO ONE who previous lived there had such a problem. Any how, glad it is back on for me.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    Well sweet, a long time ago, I filled out a form I was sent for a class action lawsuit for a prepaid card. No proof had to be sent but I did use the card in question so I filled it out. Today I got 45.00 which is very helpful toward bills. I e deposited the check. This will go toward bills which I am happy about. When something is a pain, something else can come along to make it better.

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Mae- I am so sorry for what you have gone through these past few weeks. I do hope the side effects will ease and you feel better soon. Thinking of you.

    Moth- you're in my heartfelt thoughts

    Mara- leak my a.. but why would they constantly turn the water off? I didn't think they could just turn it off without notice for any given time or reason. Maybe they should find a new plumber! Yes for the 45.00 . It will come in handy.

    Waving hello to everyone,

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,950

    Mae, thinking of you still. I’m so sorry.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    KBL, already used it for a big Walmart delivery that just arrived, only paid 6.84 of my own money which is good. I will still shop with older DB if he offers, gives me a drive and a chance to see him. Actually did get Hagen Daz chocolate almond dip with caramel ice cream and a lot of beans and eggs as well. So many meals I can make and it was almost free. Cannot complain about that.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Oh, mae, I'm SO sorry!

    Kikomoon, what a pain in the butt! (sorry!) This may be TMI, but I had a UTI a while back. Haven't had one in years! Turns out it was an e-coli strain. I had been having some diarrhea, and I wasn't wiping carefully enough. Yuck. I'm better but am focusing on how I wipe now. Sorry if this is TMI. I haven't told anyone else except my husband.

    Mara, WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE??? Can we pray for BIG karma to land on these bozos? Congrats on the $45.00. What a nice surprise. I forgot to say that I never got my DQ Blizzard. I ended up with food poisoning the day before we drove home and went past the DQ. Maybe next time. I'm torn between the mint Oreo and the Heath Bar (or whatever it is.) I'll let you know what I end up getting.

    I hope everyone has a good day with minimal or minimized SEs – especially mae!

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,167

    Mae- I am sorry that you are feeling so bad. I hate this for you.

  • emac877
    emac877 Member Posts: 688

    Mae - That sounds miserable. I hope things settle down soon and you can get a break.

    Mara - Yay for surprise money! Sounds like you are making progress on the space and set up well for meals. Someone else was telling me Stranger Things 4 was really good. I will have to check that out.

    It was an unusual day at work with more staff than we needed. I had picked up the shift as an extra so I elected to go home at noon. I'm tempted to take a nap but I haven't slept well the last few nights so I may hold out and do some cleaning so I can set myself up to sleep well tonight.

  • sorella
    sorella Member Posts: 54

    Candy-678, I have different circumstances here but so much of what you say, I so relate to. I am also stable for now and just want to have a little fun but that seems near impossible. All my friends are out and about and I am so jealous. Everyone gets jealous I know but this has never been a strong thing for me until cancer. And with trying to avoid covid because "you are immunocompromised", it is just getting worse. For awhile I thought I might get back to some things and then everyone I know seemed to be getting covid. For awhile, I said just as long as I can see my daughter and my granddaughter, I can take it. So you can guess what happened. My daughter got it and her 2 year old daughter. I waited 10 days and finally went to see them with a mask. The next day my granddaughter spiked a fever and was diagnosed still positive for covid and she tested with flu. I feel like it is a matter of time before I get it but so far no. But now I have another chunk of time away from them. So on top of everything, I got cellulitis in my finger. I have a small garden which has been my life line. For now I can't even do that. My husband is my best friend but I think we may resort to murder if we don't see someone besides each other soon! I feel like we are in solitary confinement. OK thanks for letting me vent. I know I am fortunate to be stable right now and perhaps that should be enough. I am just sick of trying to be positive when I feel so lonely and isolated!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    Sorella, I am so sorry your granddaughter is sick, hope she feels better soon. I can empathize with the isolated feeling, I hope you can at least get out, even if it is on the porch.

  • sondraf
    sondraf Member Posts: 1,679

    Celebrating my 45th birthday today on beautiful Koh Samui. Had breakfast on the beach with the sunrise, a lovely passionfruit cake was delivered and happy birthday sung by the resort staff (partner knows not to do that so they got the date off my passport when we checked in), did the pool and beach and off for massage and skin treatments shortly. A really nice way to spend a bit of a milestone and make up for the last 6 months of treatment and two pandemic impacted birthdays.

    The mosquitoes are a bit brutal though, I got bit four times on the leg just going to the bathroom the other night!