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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • sondraf
    sondraf Member Posts: 1,679

    Tanya - what a fun trip with your family! I can imagine you were ready to get home though, thats a long time gone and some fairly disparate cultures.

    NineTwelve - I was just thinking of you earlier today - hows your treatment going?

    Heat warnings up here again as we are in the low 90s again for a few days, but the suns trajectory has lowered in the last few weeks so Im thinking it wont be quite AS bad. Boy cat has taken to sleeping on top of boxes in the hallway, I guess its the coolest place in the flat as it gets almost no sunlight. We grilled a bunch last night and made a pasta salad so no cooking necessary for a few days. I had sweat running down my neck and face from chopping up a pepper, cucumber, and some dill!

  • ninetwelve
    ninetwelve Member Posts: 328

    Hi sondra! Thanks, treatment is easy, and I was just thinking that, psychologically, it has been good for me to be getting treatment daily. It feels like every day I am fighting to get these tumors under control.

    My cat ate a bug for me, and that's real love. Heart

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,454

    NineTwelve, glad your treatment is going well. Yes, cats eating bugs is a sign of real love.

    Sondra, perhaps at some point if you are staying in your place awhile, you may want to install AC. I get that the UK typically is not a hot place but it seems many places are hotter than they used to be and AC is going to be needed in most places. Better to have and not have to use it or boil half to death. Stay as cool as you can.

    I went to bed late, another night of falling asleep suddenly in the evening and going to bed around 3, woke up once at 7am and then fell back asleep and then it was 11 am. Really throwing my normal routine and the cats routine off. Not planning to do or eat anything too fancy I don't think, not hot here so if I manage to wake early enough, will bus over to my regular discount grocery store, The bus cuts of a fair bit of walking outdoors, maybe 10 min to the bus, catch it again and another 10 ish minutes home from the bus. Easier than an hour.

    OMG, while I am happy Tigger is peeing like a racehorse since I started adding water to his dental kibble every feeding, todays litter scooping was very hard to do and left the scoops covered in cement. Had to soak scoop in oxyclean and dishsoap with water in a container, get rid of another and will have to use a mix of the expensive slide litter that clumps but easier to scoop with the regular stuff, but also scoop more than twice a day. I will also preemptively wipe the scoop everytime it is used. On the plus side, everything looks great now and easily cleaned the mess. I agree with above, oh how we love and care for cats.

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 722

    Tanya - fabulous trip and photos! Good thing you had your heavy duty mask on your flight home!

    Have a good weekend everyone! It’s a busy one for us. Cedarburg has a free concert series in the park each summer and tonite is Here Come the Mummies. This is our first time hearing them. People started putting out seats and blankets yesterday🤣🤣. Tomorrow is a Chinooks game (minor league feeder teams) and then Sunday is the Wisconson State Fair. Weather is near perfect this weekend low 70s. And everything is outside (I will still wear my mask).

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,167

    Today we are placing Dad in the Nursing Home. I don't know how that is going to go. Monday I have scans- CT, MRI- and see MO for results, along with labs, Lupron, and Xgeva. I wanted to post now because I don't know how my weekend will be. I hope to have some downtime to check in here, but will see how things go. Thanks for all your "pocket duty".

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    Goldens have a blast and be safe. Perfect weather is always the key. Hugs to you.

    Candy~ pocket duty for sure. I’ll be thinking of you and your family. Sweet friend. Hugs and strength…

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,949

    Candy, I’m here with my dark Dove chocolates. I’m sorry you have to place your dad. I remember placing my mom. It’s not easy but best when they need help. Hugs.

  • 50sgirl
    50sgirl Member Posts: 2,071

    Candy, I know this is a difficult time for you. Just remember that your father will be well taken care of. He will have round-the-clock care that would be impossible for him to have at home. You are doing what is best for him. I will be in your pocket on Monday. What a busy (and exhausting) day! I will send you good vibes for positive results.


  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,454

    Candy, I am here for you for the pocket duty as well, best of luck with your busy day of appointments and getting your Dad settled as well.

    Ordered another Walmart grocery delivery, lots of corn medley and this time, hamburgers and buns. I crave burgers but too expensive to have so figured it is better to make them at home. Can do a lot with the buns. Other than that, will go to the post office to check mail. Such a hassle, I am really irritated with the stupid property managers. No handle on back door, emailed already, and they should make mail a priority. I do think they will wait until new people are here to fix the mail. I only go out to the mail depot every 2 weeks as I do not get much more than flyers, appointments at cancer center.

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196

    Candy, it is hard to put your Dad in a nursing home, but there should be peace of mind for you, knowing that he is being cared for around the clock. I hope all goes well, and you know that your MBC sisters here are thinking of you. Big hugs.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    my sister got her biopsy results back. They were benign!!!! It’s some type of growth and they are still running tests. But as long as it’s not cancer. Get it out!!! Just in case is my vote. She’s very uncomfortable. At least as of now she won’t have to have to have chemo. So awesome. I was heart broken thinking of her going through that.

  • 50sgirl
    50sgirl Member Posts: 2,071

    Mel, PHEW! That is wonderful news. I hope your sister’s treatment for the benign condition is quick and painless. Relax and enjoy your weekend

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Mel- wonderful news for your sister! Now all can take a deep breath.

    Candy- it is very difficult to have to put your father in a nursing home but 24 hour care is the best place for him. Definitely in your pocket for Monday!

    Mae- I know I am a little behind but congratulations on stable!

    Tanya- beautiful pictures from a great trip but it's always good to be home

    At our house we are going through a difficult time. Yesterday we made the decision to put our beautiful, loving dog Abby to sleep (or down). She was blind, 17 years old but she was my best friend, companion and a big part of our family. She was always there right beside me when Ron has to go to work at night. Last night I was lost. I am still lost. I know she was an animal but she was a big part of me. I was right there with her laying on the floor beside her and holding her. I know she is now running again and seeing everything she hasn't seen in a long time!

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    Mae~congrats congrats!!! Awesome summer ending news.. have a blast in your cabin. How are the pups!???

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    So much going on, but I'm glad to see the updates!

    Mel, I'm so glad to hear about your sister. I hope she continues to heal and her pain gets better.

    Candy, I'm sorry about your dad, but I hope you can find a bit of peace knowing that he'll have 24-hour care. I hope your scans go "well."

    Livingivlife, I'm so sorry about your beloved Abby. It's heartbreaking.

    Tanya, it looks like you had a wonderful trip. Thank you for sharing the photos.

    Goldens – what fun! I hope you enjoy every minute of it!

    Mara – any news with the locks on your doors. I can't imagine how someone could be so inept to do that! Could you report it, even to your local fire department? That sounds like a major code violation. Stay safe, my friend!

    I'm sorry if I missed anyone. My head is groggy.

    Hi to mae, ninetwelve, sondraf, trishyla, kittykat, kbl, 50sgirl, booboo1, and all the rest. Thinking of our dear moth today! EDITED TO ADD sf-cakes! ;)


  • sf-cakes
    sf-cakes Member Posts: 609

    Pocket duty for you, Candy. Hoping your father will be receiving excellent care.

    Mel, what a massive relief about your sister, and may she get relief from whatever it is that's going on for her.

    Tanya, love your photos! What a glorious trip.

    Living, I'm so sorry about your beloved dog.

    Mara, thank you for your kind words about my working-during-a-possible-strike dilemma. Everyone that I work with knows my diagnosis, and is very supportive. Even my union steward is supportive! We'll see if it actually happens.

    The photo of the three golden retrievers made my day, those faces! Thank you!

    Off to get a shot of lupron in my bum. Then home to watch the next episode of The Sandman. Love to all here ❤️

  • cookie54
    cookie54 Member Posts: 828

    Mel thats great news for your family!So happy for everyone.

    Candy Sending you strength to get through this tough time. Hoping for peace of mind for your family knowing he is getting well cared for.Hugs

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,454

    Mel, I am so happy to hear this for you all. May the treatment be quick to get rid of them.

    Carol, no news either on the putting a handle on the back door or getting mail delivery fixed. I just got back from checking the mail, of which there is very little but I do find it unfair that even though they would prefer the residents paying cheaper rent to go, no eviction notices as they cannot boot us out for student housing but they really should put a doorknob on the back. I still am not in the best shape for walking though I did bus part way and walk the rest there and back from mail depot, 9000 steps in an hour and eighteen minutes. I know I should keep up with it. This time, though I felt quite warm and my face gets very red, I don't sweat until I stop, the weather was pleasant and I was prepared to stop at Mcdonalds for a drink before heading home. I was going to go to the grocery store but not even interested in walking to the bus stop. We will see how I feel maybe after supper, only need mustard for the burgers and buns I had delivered. On the plus side, although I felt pretty warm, only stopped for quick hits of shade here and there and was breathing harder, I was not sounding super short of breath. Perhaps I will incorporate a walk in the mornings to get back in better shape. Face will always be red due to the effort, I am like that even at home on the treadmill.

    Edited to add that someone left a spray bottle of method spray in the apartment hallway yesterday. No one claimed it so I took it into my house, I can get a lot of use out of it.

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196

    Deb (Living):

    I am truly sorry about the passing of your dear furry friend Abby. There is nothing in my life that was harder than letting go when the time came for each of my beloved dogs. You will need time to grieve, just like you would a person, so take the time to reflect on the wonderful years you were together. You may even hear her bark or other things will happen that specifically remind you of her. It’s all good. I think it’s the mind’s way of dealing with your loss.

    Remember how lucky you were to have each other, and know that you gave her the best life a dog could have. I’m sending up prayers to sustain you over the coming months.

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196


    So nice to hear good news. I am hopeful that your sister is going to be fine, and grateful that you don’t have to go through this either.

    Hugs to you, my friend.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,454

    Living, I am so sorry about the loss of Abby, I agree with above, treasure the times you had together and how much joy she brought you and your family.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    living ~ I’m so sorry about your precious dog. I miss mine so very much and it’s been over a year. I’m so sorry for your family

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,949

    Mel, I can’t imagine the relief knowing it was benign for your sister. The ups and downs of finding out results of testing can be unbearable.

    Hi, Sunshine. Thank you for thinking of me.

    LivingIVLife, I’m so very sorry about your Abby. What kind of dog was she? I’d love to see a picture when you feel up to it. Rest In Peace, sweet Abby.

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 722

    Mel - you must be so relieved about your sister’s good news. Happy dance for sure.

    Candy - pocket duty with chocolate covered cherries. Between the emotional time of having to place your father in a nursing home and then the stress of a day of cancer crapola, you will need some time to just decompress. Take care of you! Hugs to you.

    Livinglife - RIP dear Abby. I often think pet loss is harder than people loss because our pets are with us 24/7 for all their lives. And 17 was a very long life. And even worse is having to make the decision that it is time to go. We never had any of our dogs pass in their sleep. It always required intervention. And while you know you’re doing the best for your pet, it is the worst thing for us.
    “And if there are no dogs in heaven, then when I die I want to go where the dogs are.” Will Rogers

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    imageThis is a picture of Abby. She was cross of German shepherd and Husky we think. Neighbors brought us food and flowers. They cried and said they will miss her. Yes there is a doggy heaven ! She waits for food she thinks our son might drop!


  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Someone gave me a book when our first Airedale died. It was called something like, "Will My Pet Be in Heaven?" I think the consensus was "yes." I also remember reading long ago that if you want something in heaven, you'll have it. One more thought, although it makes me choke up, is this thought I have of arriving in heaven. I'm there, and in the distance, I hear a dog barking. It's Theo, our first Airedale. He comes running up to me for a glorious reunion. I wonder if dogs and animals will talk in heaven, like in Narnia. Thank you for sharing the photos, living. I remember how empty the house felt after losing each of our precious (sometimes a PITA) dogs!

    Heartfelt hugs,


  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,949

    LivingIVLife, she’s beautiful. I had a husky/schnauzer mix. Did she talk to you like most huskies do?

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,454

    Living, your dog was definitely a beautiful family member who will be missed by all of you. I am sure she had a wonderful life with all of you and I am sure she was happy as a dog could be. Once the initial pain starts receding, you will be able to remember the good times while still missing her.

    As far as seeing people/pets in Heaven, I like to imagine seeing my Mom and Dad healthy and whole and all people I miss, pets that I miss as well would be nice to think about.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    Abby was beautiful and fluffy. A. Loving unconditional family member that will forever hold a place in your family’s heart. My only hope is that I will see my Deeohgee and Tag when I pass. I want to hear those barks and see my beautiful babies again. I want nothing more than a place like that. Because sometimes being here is living a hard life. I want to be free of constant issues and pain. I’m also tired of worrying about everyone i loves safety and wellness It’s exhausting. I’m a worrier!!!! hugs to all!

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    imageThis is like my 7th one done. I love to paint. I’m so glad this has helped my mind. Relaxing to me.